The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1791: Heart disease

Before his strength, he wanted revenge, basically hopeless, but now, there is only despair.

For a while, Antarctica was deeply depressed, and it could even be said to be extremely desperate and uncomfortable.

"Fortunately, you are a monk, don't you know that Buddhism can't fight and kill?" Li Ze said helplessly. Does this woman put the Buddha in her eyes? Isn't she chanting and cursing her mother? If she doesn't have any professionalism, she is not afraid that the Buddha will blame it?

"You don't have any reservations about this kick. It seems that you really hate me and really want me to die." Li Zedao looked down at the footprints of his clothes and smiled bitterly.

The reason why there is no evasion and counterattack is that she is still alive and still holding a trace of illusion. Maybe, this woman doesn't hate herself so much, she won't kill her.

However, it turned out to be like a large basin of ice water splashing on Li Zedao's head, leaving his brain blank for a short time.

"Not only do I want you to die, but I also want to eat your meat, drink your blood, and gnaw your bones!" Antarctica's voice was gloomy, and his face was distorted with hatred.

Where is that handsome little nun Wangchen, this is a bloodthirsty ghost at all.

"I'm afraid this will disappoint you. You have been practicing for a thousand years, and you can't kill me." Li Zedao said, feeling wronged and uncomfortable. "And I don't think I owe you anything, even it looks like I am talented. Is it a victim?"

"You deceived my feelings, and you made me happy for nothing. I thought I was a father. Whoever thought it was a green hat on my head. The person you loved wanted to kill me, so I just defended myself. , The child in your stomach is gone...Is this to blame?"

"You shut up, shut up!" Antarctic hissed and screamed while covering his ears. The pale white face was even more distorted, and the whole person became agitated, "You are the murderer, you killed them, You ruined my life, my hope, my happiness, and you made me live in the shadows and pain all my life, I will kill you, I will."

Li Zedao looked at this hysterical woman, smiled bitterly, took out a cigarette and a lighter, lit one, slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, and said, "Actually, I didn't want to see you before, and I didn't want to disturb your peace. Life, but I received a call from your foster father, so I had to come over to see how sick you are, and then think about how to treat you."

"I'm not sick!" Antarctic roared.

People who are sick hate people who say they are sick, let alone those who are not sick.

"When you came to this nun's nunnery to be a nun, your adoptive father was uneasy, so he sneaked in." Li Zedao slowly spit out a puff of smoke, and immediately such a rather dirty thought came out in his heart for no reason. That is, the old fellow Yanhuang didn't peek at which nun took a bath, right?

Immediately, Li Zedao hurriedly defended the old man. He wouldn't. The old man seemed so upright that he couldn't do such a thing... Li Zedao was inexplicably lacking in confidence, who knows? Maybe that old man really has this hobby.

"So, your adoptive father found out that you don’t need to sleep in the middle of the night. You actually curled up in that corner, cursing me silently, cursing me with all kinds of vicious words, and saying you want to kill all my women. Let me feel the pain of losing my lover..." Li Zedao looked at this woman with mixed emotions, thinking that this kind of pain had been given to you long ago, and I have already experienced it deeply.

"Even, you scold God for being unfair. Why do your children die before they come out of the womb and see this prosperous world, but the children in the belly of pregnant women are good? You said you want them The children in the stomach are all strangled in the stomach..."

Speaking of Li Zedao's complexion, he was really shocked by the terrifying thought in Antarctica's heart. Therefore, with the passage of time, the hatred in her heart has not diminished, but has multiplied, almost making her lose her original nature.

Now this woman hates not only herself, but also all good things. As this continues, her nature will be lost sooner or later. At that time, she will completely become a demon. Then, what she has done will be It will be terrible.

Therefore, after Li Zedao got the call from Yanhuang, he also clearly felt the thorny issue, so he had to rush to the nun's nunnery immediately.

After all, Antarctica has become like this. Even if he is also a victim, he still has an unshirkable responsibility. Moreover, this woman threatens to kill all his women, and it is even more impossible for Li Zedao to let it go.

Just now, Li Zedao asked Antarctica to lie down on the bed. The purpose is to help her get her pulse, check her body, help her acupuncture a few needles, calm her mind, that's all, but looking at the situation, the woman seemed to misunderstand his meaning .

Li Zedao said with emotion, in Buddhism, can't your mind be purer?

Of course there is no need to get the pulse anymore, the situation is already clear at a glance, right? This woman is basically crazy, she has been completely blinded by hatred.

"So, if you stay in the nun's nunnery, you will only pollute this Buddhist pure land. Come with me, the hospital is more suitable for you." Li Zedao slowly exhaled a breath of smoke, and said in a slightly depressed tone.

"Li Zedao, I will kill you..." Antarctica's eyes are already blood red, and the whole person looks no different from Li Gui.

Then, her figure flickered, and she rushed towards Li Zedao.

Li Zedao was faster than her, came from behind, and severely slashed the Antarctic neck with a hand knife.

Li Zedao made heavy moves, and simply sealed some of the acupuncture points in the Antarctic, so after this blow, Antarctica fainted directly.

Li Zedao picked up the body that was about to fall in the Antarctic, and watched her calm and quiet face, which seemed quiet and perfect, and muttered to himself: "Now you are better looking asleep and awake. At that time, it was too scary."

Muttering, Li Zedao held the South Pole and opened the door and walked out.

Outside the door, an old man was already waiting there. He saw Li Zedao walking out holding the South Pole. He hurried forward, looked at the calm face of the South Pole, and smiled bitterly: "Her heart... Is it heavy?"

"It's very heavy." Li Zedao looked at the old man and responded with a wry smile.

Who could have imagined that this old man with a dark complexion, messy hair, and a dirty gray coat turned out to be Yanhuang, who was previously known as the patron saint of China, and was the strongest official organization Shenlong organization on the face of China. The leader of the Ming group? At least Li Zedao couldn't think of it.

He has been in frequent contact with Yanhuang for a long time, so he knows that this old man now lives in the small stone house where his master lived at the foot of Pingtung Mountain, guarding a three-acre land and raising chickens and ducks. , Teasing the puppy, and occasionally going up the mountain to pick up an empty bottle, of course not to sell money, but to protect the green mountains and rivers, he leads an extremely chic and comfortable pastoral life.

Of course, if the situation in Antarctica hadn't gotten worse and worried, he would have been a little more unrestrained.

"How do you plan to treat? Heart disease is still a good medicine, I'm afraid it's not that simple." Yanhuang had an abnormal headache.

"Heart medicine... I can't stand still and let her take me off, right?" Li Ze said helplessly.

Yanhuang smiled and said, "Naturally not, so I said her disease is extremely difficult."

"Let's find a more authoritative psychiatric hospital first." Li Zedao pondered and said.

"...She is not a mentally ill patient." Yanhuang wanted to hit someone.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly: "There is basically no difference. People with normal spirits will not have such terrible thoughts in their hearts."

Yan Huang couldn't refute it. Although he was extremely uncomfortable in his heart, I was afraid that it could only be done for the first time. After all, if you let it go, something big will happen one day.

At this moment, an old voice came from behind him.

"Amitabha Buddha, the two benefactors sneaked into my Ganlu Temple without saying hello, and tried to take away the poor nun's disciple Wangchen, maybe something is wrong?"

Immediately, a slightly messy footstep came, and a group of nuns walked quickly towards the backyard, headed by an old nun with a peaceful face.

The old nun's face was wrinkled and her eyebrows were white, but judging from the way she walks, she has a steady pace, as one can imagine, her body is extremely healthy.

Earlier, the terrifying screams of Antarctica were heard and heard by these nuns. Therefore, the old nun hurriedly brought this group of nuns and young nuns over to see what happened. When they saw that there was an old one, one young and two in the backyard. A strange man, even one of them was still holding her newly-acquired lover Wangchen, and the old nun's muddy old eyes narrowed instantly.

"Master doesn't recognize me? I am Wangchen's father. I accompanied Wangchen to accept the shaved that day." Yanhuang quickly arched his hand towards the old nun and said politely.

Yanhuang didn't want to be mistaken for a thief, and he was the kind of stealing jade and incense.

The old nun's pair of old Yan slightly opened his eyes and nodded slightly and said, "It turns out that it is the donor. Please forgive me that the poor nun has dim eyes. I didn't recognize the donor for a while... The donor sneaked in, this was going to be taken away. Wangchen? What happened to Wangchen?"

Even if Yanhuang was recognized, the old nun's tone still had the meaning of blame. Obviously, he was extremely concerned about Yanhuang and Li Zedao's sneak in.

It's no wonder that someone sneaks into your house without saying hello to you, and whoever it is will make you feel uncomfortable, right?

After looking at the South Pole held by Li Zedao, those old eyes fell on Li Zedao's face, and the muddy old eyes became sharper in an instant.

"Huh? This young man..." The old nun's heart from Gu Jing Wubo waved slightly, but the expression on the old face did not change.

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