The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1792: Madam Kill-all

Li Zedao looked at the old nun, his mind was violently rippling, of course, there was no change in her expression, her expression was as calm as water, as if nothing had happened.

Now he can be completely indifferent to his emotions and anger. If he deliberately hides it, others will have no way of knowing what he is thinking.

"Master, there is a reason for the matter, please forgive me." After all, Yan Huang bowed his hands apologetically.

Then he pointed to Li Zedao and explained the reason: "This is a well-known psychologist, presumably the teacher already knows that my daughter has a very serious heart disease, so I invited him to let him He helped Wangchen take a look. In order to test how much Wangchen's mental illness was, he had to sneak in secretly. Please forgive me."

"Amitabha Buddha." The old nun nodded towards Yanhuang, her muddy old eyes fell on Li Zedao, and said, "Young man, put Wangchen down. Even if you are a smart psychologist, you still can't cure the poor. This apprentice is sick."

Li Zedao just nodded slightly, did not say anything to refute, and there was no special expression on his face, he was very calm, but he was naturally making waves in his heart.

Sure enough, that sentence is correct, the master is in the folk!

Although this old nun didn’t have any aura fluctuations on her body, just like an old woman who was too ordinary to be in an ordinary, but the moment her eyes narrowed, the pressure on him was so huge, in other words In other words, this old nun hiding in this broken nun's nunnery is almost always an old monster whose inner strength has already broken through and returned to the realm of innocence, and I don't know how long he has lived!

Li Zedao now knows that once the internal strength cultivation base breaks through and returns to the realm of innocence, it is easier and more enjoyable to live casually for more than a thousand years without encountering any huge disasters.

For example, didn't the senior ice and snow who gave his body to Sister Bei stayed in the Demon Cave Forest for more than a thousand years?

"Amitabha, it's best for her to let her stay here. After that, the poor nun will help her enlighten her. After all, she will fully understand and completely let go of all the grudges and grievances of the past." The old nun looked at Li Zedao and said, "What do the donors think?"

"It's too much to have a teacher." Li Zedao nodded slightly.

The old nun looked back at the middle-aged nun who was standing behind her, "Forget the sorrow, take Wangchen to rest, and help her cook a bowl of soothing decoction. After that, be sure to take good care of her and pray to the Buddha every morning and evening. Let her leave Ganluan one step."

"Yes, Master." The middle-aged nun said, and then walked to Li Zedao, her eyes were not so friendly, her tone was not so polite and said, "Donor, please give me Miss Wangchen."

The middle-aged nun was so angry that she didn't believe that the other psychiatrist was. Seeing that this little white face looked like a thief? He went to the nun's nunnery to pick flowers? Really damn... if you dare to go to my room, see if I won't kill you!

Of course, Lao Tzu is not a good thing. He even brought her own daughter with him? Watch out for thunderstorms!

Li Zedao smiled politely, did not say anything, and handed the Antarctic in his hand to the middle-aged nun with a bit of reluctance. It is undeniable that it is very comfortable to hold her like this, and even Li Zedao wants to hold her for a lifetime.

Since ancient times, passion has always been ruthlessly annoyed, so to completely let go of this woman is self-deception.

"This..." Yan Huang saw that Li Zedao was so obedient, he was naturally full of surprises, but after all he didn't say anything. Based on his understanding of Li Zedao, he naturally knew that he had plans.

"The two benefactors, the place of Buddhism, have always been quiet and inconvenient to receive male guests, so please come back." The old nun glanced at Li Zedao, then set his eyes on Yan Huang and simply issued an order to evict the guests. "Also, forget. Chen has already converted to my Buddhism, and everything in the world has nothing to do with her. She also asked the donor not to disturb her in the future, so as not to have the grievances that remind her of the world."

"I see, Master, I'm really sorry." Yan Huang said with a soft sigh. He also felt that it would be better not to appear in front of the Antarctic in the future.

For the present Antarctica, it is best for her to forget everything in the past.

"Amitabha Buddha, forget your anger, and see off the guests." The old nun twitched Li Zedao and Yan Huang Zuo, then turned and left with a group of nuns.

Li Zedao looked at the old nun's back, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Two donors, please here." The middle-aged nun whose nickname is Forgotten looked at them with unfriendly eyes and said.

Under the leadership of the unfriendly nun, the two quickly walked out of the Ganlu Temple through the back door of the temple, instead of jumping over the wall like when they entered.

"Hey..." After the two walked out, the middle-aged nun simply closed the door, as if sending a plague god.

Yanhuang smiled bitterly. It was the first time he was defensive and disgusted as a thief. For the first time, it was this kid who suggested something to sneak in. Originally, Yanhuang planned to knock at the front door and then explained his intention to enter.

Looking at Li Zedao, he asked with a look of incomprehension: "Unexpectedly, you would have left the Antarctic so obediently. I thought you would forcibly take it away."

In Yanhuang's view, Li Zedao is not like this kind of person who can easily compromise, except of course, with the exception of his women.

If Li Zedao forcibly took him away and sent him to a psychiatric hospital in the end, Yan Huang would not interfere more. In his opinion, Li Zedao would definitely take good care of Antarctica, and there is a way to make Antarctica completely out of hatred. , I am afraid only Li Zedao.

But unexpectedly, Li Zedao compromised so easily and left Gan Lu'an obediently.

He was worried that the Buddha would condemn him, so he didn't want to disturb the quietness of Buddhism, and he didn't want to act on the monks? Or is he planning to sneak in and take her away secretly in the middle of the night?

"It's basically impossible to take it away by force." Li Zedao shook his head and said.

Yanhuang was taken aback: "What do you mean?" I thought you would never tell me that you don't want to do anything against the nun, you are not like that.

"Meaning, even if I do, I am not necessarily the opponent of that old nun." Li Zedao said with a serious face looking at the broken door that might be blown away by the wind.

"...What are you talking about?" Yan Huang was shocked, and his face was full of emotions immediately.

"If my feeling is right, that old nun is a master of returning to innocence." Li Ze said eloquently, "In other words, you are secretly lurking in this nun's nunnery these days, and the old nun knows everything. ...Fortunately you didn't peek at which nun took a shower, otherwise you might not even know how to die."

Yanhuang is alive and well, so Li Zedao is now willing to believe that Yanhuang must be very honest and did not peek at the nuns taking a bath.


Yanhuang had a feeling of being insulted to death by me. If he were not 100% sure that he could not beat this kid, he would want to do it.

This kid is good at everything, just likes to think of everyone like him.

Besides, even if you want to take a peek, you can't come to this nun's house, right? Look at the nuns inside. What are they all except Antarctica? Either they have a big waist and a round waist, or they are as thin as toothpicks without any beauty. Looking at their faces, it is really horrible. Isn't it ruining your own eyes to peek at them in the bath?

Yanhuang was indignant, but my requirements for beauty are actually very high, OK?

"Wait, you said that Teacher Extinction is too... a master of returning to innocence? You didn't feel wrong?" Yan Huang's face was moved again, and he couldn't believe his ears.

"Exterminate teacher too?" Li Zedao was taken aback.

"The old nun's call is extinction." Yan Huang nodded.

"...Does this still need to be said? Just hearing her name tells that she is a peerless master, that is to say, this Ganluan hides a peerless sword and a heavenly sword? Is there still a dragon-slaying knife?" Li Zedao's eyes were slightly It opened wide, and almost knelt down to worship. At the moment, I only felt that the old nun's idiom was too awesome.

So, Antarctica is Zhou Zhiruo in this nun's nunnery? Then I am... Zhang Wuji?

Well, I have to say, Li Zedao always likes to think more.

"Go away." Yanhuang's old face turned dark, but he didn't have any doubts anymore. After all, Li Zedao couldn't make fun of this kind of thing.

"Unexpectedly, it is incredible that such a terrible master would hide in such a small nun's house." Yanhuang only felt that his back was a little chilly. These days, he often visits Ganluan at night, the old man. If the nun wanted to be held accountable, he would have become a corpse long ago.

Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and said, "What's weird about this? It's not that everyone is obsessed with power, chasing fame, fortune and money. After living for a long time, I see a lot of things. In addition, there is no opponent, and I can't beat the cold at high places. The silence has gone down, and you have become desperate, don't you like the kind of life that doesn't ask the world?"

Li Zedao believes that somewhere in China, where the vast land and resources are abundant, there must also be hiding similar people, such as the four elephants that seem so mysterious and powerful, such as the old nun in Ganlu Temple, or the previous trapped in the forest of the devil's cave. The millennium-old Qing Xuzi’s little junior, such as General Skull and Crossbones, the origin of this old guy with unknown origin is probably not so simple, such as Li Zedao...

Someday you go shopping in the street and you accidentally run into a handsome guy who is just a little more handsome and sunny on the outside. Maybe, he is a master.

The sanitation worker who came out to sweep the streets you met, maybe he is a peerless master, if you dare to throw rubbish, he can shoot you to death by just raising his hand.

Therefore, it is not right to look at people with colored glasses. It is even more undesirable to look at people honestly and want to bully, because most of the time what you see is only the surface of things.

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