The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1793: Old nun please

"Since the old nun possesses such terrifying strength, it is impossible for her to not know that Antarctica would not sleep in the middle of the night and get nervous. There must be a way to help her resolve the hatred in her heart, so it is indeed better for Antarctica to follow her. It is also her good fortune. Maybe one day she can really realize her and become a generation of gods and nuns." Li Zedao said while looking at the closed wooden door.

The mood is inevitably depressed. He actually has an illusion that the Antarctic has completely let go of their grievances, and the two have returned to the past. Of course it is impossible, but at least they can say hello face-to-face in a very calm manner. Strangers are also okay, as long as they are not enemies.

But when I look at it now, I really think too much.

"Let's go, go to your place for some tea, and I want to visit Grandpa Wang." Li Zedao said.

Yan Huang nodded lightly and said, "By the way, it would be better to make both lunch and dinner for me." Although this kid has a poor moral character, it is undeniable that the meal he cooked is quite delicious.


Just when the two of them were about to leave, the door behind them could use a little more force to make them fall apart with a "creak!" It was already opened with a muffled sound, and Li Zedao was "sent" the middle-aged nun who they came out before. Wangan appeared there.

"Donor, please wait a moment," she said aloud.

Li Zedao and Yanhuang heard the sound and looked back at this middle-aged nun who looked really unflattering. Then, Li Zedao seemed to understand why this woman would choose to be a nun, because her appearance seemed to be destined, and she had only the way to become a nun. Can go.

"Master Forgotten." Yan Huang nodded lightly and said hello. Now that she knows that her master exterminator is a master of returning to innocence, then this middle-aged nun is naturally not a rookie...Although she looks like an ordinary person, and she looks very ugly, so Yanhuang is not even worse. Dare to be big.

"My master has asked the donor for a comment." The middle-aged nun nodded against Yanhuang and said to Li Ze.

The old monster is looking for me? Li Zedao's eyes narrowed slightly. Could it be that the old monster's hands are itchy, so he wants to learn from him?

"Since the teacher is looking for me too much, naturally I have to come over." Li Zedao pondered and nodded in response. He didn't have any reason not to go over, so he was naturally very curious about what the old nun was looking for.

"Donor, please." The middle-aged nun made an invitation.

"Donor, please stay here later." The middle-aged nun said to Yanhuang again, without any intention to invite Yanhuang in, and asked him to wait at the door.

I have to say that this Ganluan is too ignorant of hospitality, and the nuns here are too proud, no wonder the incense is not strong at all.

Yan Huang nodded and didn't care that much. After all, the other party was a back-to-none powerhouse, a godlike nun. Even if his temper was hot, he had to lie down obediently at this time, and he was not that kind of violent temper.

"Be careful." Yanhuang whispered to Li Zedao, inevitably still a little worried. This strong man who didn't know how long he had lived was not ordinary pressure.

"Don't worry." Li Zedao nodded slightly, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly inexplicably. If you really do it, even if you lose, there are still ways to escape.

Besides, he knew very clearly that it was absolutely impossible for the old monster to come to him to learn from each other.

After Li Zedao walked in, the middle-aged nun shut the door that was about to fall apart.

In Li Zedao's view, such a move is naturally superfluous. The effect of breaking the door or not closing it is actually the same. Not to mention that the wall of Ganluan is not high, any thief can easily turn over.

Of course, no thieves will patronize here and steal money. There is no money here for you to steal, stealing people...There is a risk of being stolen in turn.

After forgetting to close the door, he turned around and said to Li Zedao: "Amitabha, please come with me, the benefactor. My master is waiting at the meditation pavilion behind the temple at this time."

Li Zedao nodded and said politely: "It's too much to have a teacher."

The Jingxin Pavilion is located in the backyard of the temple. It is a wooden pavilion that looks so dilapidated and desolate, but the surrounding area is clean and clean, without a single leaf.

There are stone tables and chairs in the pavilion. On the stone table is a set of tea sets that look old. There is this charcoal stove on the side. There is a copper pot on the stove. I imagined that the water in the copper pot had already boiled.

At this time, the old nun exterminator Taizheng was sitting cross-legged on one of the stone chairs, her eyes closed, her face pious and kind, she moved the rosary beads with her hand, and she was muttering words. What scripture.

The morning sun shone on her thin body, making her body seem to be filled with a ray of Buddha's light. If her believers saw it, they might kneel down and worship, indicating that the Buddha had appeared. Avalokitesvara has appeared.

"Donor, please wait a moment. Master doesn't like being interrupted when reciting the scriptures." The middle-aged nun said in a low voice, obviously afraid of disturbing the old nun.

"Okay." Li Zedao nodded slightly and said it was okay. Although I felt that the old nun seemed to be deliberately suspicious, after all, you asked me to come over, but now I am chanting the scriptures over there again.

But in line with the principle of respecting the old and loving the young, he was also really curious about what the old nun wanted to do with him, so Li Zedao didn't mind waiting a little longer.

And this time, I waited for a full ten minutes before Li Zedao almost fell asleep.

The old nun finally closed her mouth and slowly opened her muddy old eyes. She looked back at Li Zedao and nodded slightly. He pointed to the stone chair in front of her and said, "Amitabha, let the donor wait. The donor please sit down."

"Okay, Master." Li Zedao smiled and sat down on the stone chair opposite the teacher.

"Forget grief, make tea for guests." The old nun said again.

"Yes, Master." The middle-aged nun stepped forward, picked up the copper pot where the water had already boiled, and made tea.

Washing the tea, cleaning the cup, and brewing, the movements are skillful and graceful, just smelling the tea and watching the tea art performance is a beautiful enjoyment...The premise is that you don’t look at her pocky face that can’t bear to bet. Otherwise, that kind of beauty must be greatly reduced, and there is even no beauty at all.

But Li Zedao could see it. This Master Forgetting is a master of tea making. Her understanding of tea art is not much weaker than that of Master. Compared with him, her three axe can not catch up with him.

At the same time, Li Zedao also noticed the extremely primitive-looking wooden box on the side. The tea leaves inside the box were the same.

It’s just that Li Zedao has never seen this kind of tea. It comes in small pieces, and the color is golden yellow. Under the sunlight in the morning, it still shone with dazzling luster, as if it were not a box of tea, but A box of gold leaves.

Finally, a cup of golden tea was sent to Li Zedao.

"Donor, please." The old nun looked at Li Zedao peacefully and said. That tone and expression really smelled of Bodhisattva's compassion.

"Thank you, Mrs." Li Zedao said politely, holding up the cup of tea, and smelling the distinctive fragrance of tea. Of course, he didn't worry that the nun would poison the tea, after all, he was a man who could eat rat poison.

I took a sip at the moment, but it was astringent, not as good as the crushed tea leaves at the roadside stall for five yuan a catty. However, in the next second, Li Zedao felt that the root of his tongue was anesthetized, and he lost consciousness directly.

"Poisonous? And is it the poison that the yellow stone has no effect on it?" Li Zedao's pupils shrank and he was shocked, but at this moment, the mouth was filled with a sudden smell of smell.

"Huh?" Li Zedao's eyes widened, and he took another sip.

The bitter sensation came again, followed by the numbness of the tongue, and after that, the mouth was filled with a burst of scent.

This small fault in the senses really brings an unprecedented wonderful experience to people.

"Donor, how about this tea?" The old nun's old eyes, who looked so peaceful, kept watching Li Zedao tasting tea there. Seeing Li Zedao's face in surprise, she asked with a gentle smile.

"This is not the best tea I have ever drunk, but it is the newest and most intriguing tea I have ever drunk." Li Zedao praised.

"This evaluation is pertinent." The old nun said, "The name of this tea is'bitterness and sweetness'. It is indeed called'novelty', and it can also be called'intriguing'. It is just like life. Give first, endure the wind and rain, and endure the torture before you can enjoy the sweet fruits."

"Bitterness and sweetness?" Li Zedao chewed these words, and found that the name really fits the peculiarity of this tea, first bitter, then sweet.

"Good tea, good name, good meaning." Li Zedaolian said three good words, thinking that if you could let me take the small box from the table, it would be even better.

As if seeing through Li Zedao's mind, the old nun looked up at her apprentice Wangan and confessed: "Forgethou, in a moment you will prepare a box of hardships to come and let the donor take away."

"Yes, Master." Wang An said, naturally feeling very depressed. It is better to throw such good tea into the lotus pond to give such a good tea to this flower picker.

"This...Teacher is too shameful to do nothing without merit?" Li Zedao said embarrassedly.

The old nun smiled and said, "Amitabha, you are not that kind of person."


"Not the kind of person who would be embarrassed," the old nun said.

"..." Li Zedao was willing to swear with Zhou Yan's handsome face that if she were not for an old woman of seven old and eight old women, or a monk, he would definitely roll up his sleeves and do it today.

Why am I not that kind of person? I have a thin skin, okay... Why give one box instead of two? Is this old nun too stingy?

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