The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1794: Old deceased

The old nun didn't say anything on the tea, and then said: "Presumably the donor is also wondering why the poor nun asked the donor to come over, right?"

The old nun knew that if she didn't take the initiative, this slippery kid could sit here and drink tea for a day.

"Naturally, I didn't make a special trip to let me come and taste this ‘worry and joy’?" Li Zedao said politely with a slight smile, "So, please also ask the teacher to make it clear."

"Amitabha Buddha, the monks don't slander. I'm looking for the donor. One is the little apprentice of the poor nun. The other is that the poor nun sees the shadow of the old deceased in the donor's body." The teacher said truthfully.

Li Zedao thought: "Please also ask the teacher to make it clear."

"The poor nun can see that the donor is a good medicine to cure Wangchen's heart disease." The old nun said, "The reason why Wangchen is so hostile is all because of you, the donor. You are the obstacle of Wangchen."

Li Zedao smiled bitterly and had to admire the viciousness of the extinction master, who was so old-eyed that he could see it all at once.

"So, the teacher wanted to kill me with a single sword?" Li Zedao asked. Since he is a good medicine, Li Zedao has to express his concern.

If the old nun really got into trouble, it wouldn't be so easy to get out.

"Amitabha Buddha, good and good. Of course the poor nun will not kill you with a single sword. Of course, the poor nun may not kill the donor." The old nun said, "But after asking the donor, don’t be in front of Wangchen. Appearing will only aggravate her illness and aggravate her hostility. As for her murderous aura, the poor can resolve it by themselves."

The tea maker on the side forgot to hear the words, watching Li Zedao's eyes changed slightly, she didn't expect anything, the master would say "the poor nun may not kill you", so this disciple Turned out to be a master of returning to the basics? Amitabha, the Buddha was sometimes blind.

"I see, Master, I am rude." Li Ze said apologetically.

"Amitabha, as for the figure of the deceased..." the old nun looked at Li Zedao with her muddy eyes, "donor, judging by the fluctuating aura of your body, your internal strength cultivation has already reached the state of returning to the original and true... But you are It can’t be regarded as a real master of returning to the basics. Although the breath is extremely powerful, it does not really belong to you. Is that right?"

"Yes, Master." Li Zedao honestly admitted that in front of such a master, he wanted to hide something is undoubtedly a very stupid behavior.

Besides, Li Zedao was also looking forward to it, because the old nun might have a way to resolve the hostility.

"Moreover, this cold and violent aura is extremely cold and violent, and it envelops your soul. If it breaks out, you may not be able to withstand the donor, and it is very likely that you will be dissipated." The old nun said again, with regret in her tone.

Li Zedao smiled wryly.

"It seems that the donor is very clear about his physical condition." Seeing that Li Zedao only smiled bitterly, there was no huge reaction, but Lao Ni said immediately.

"Yes, Master." Li Zedao answered truthfully. Including this old nun, three people have already said similar things to him.

The first is naturally the inexplicable Master Qingxuzi, the second is the old man who thinks how to think and feel mysterious and empty, and the third is the old man who is already half-done from the outside. Nun...Of course, among the three, this old nun should be the strongest, and that old thief is undoubtedly the most mysterious.

Thinking about it now, Li Zedao felt that the old thief didn't seem to be a good person, and he seemed to be playing his own idea.

"I wonder if the teacher has a way to save?" Li Zedao asked, arching his hands, expecting in his eyes. If this...the **** nun can resolve this violent aura in his body, then it would be better.

"Didn't the donor have been saved?" the old nun asked back.

Li Zedao's expression was slightly confused, and he shook his head and said, very sincerely: "Please also ask the teacher to be too clear." Of course he would not stupidly say all he knows. He wants to know whether this old nun knows. Something.

"From the perspective of the fluctuating aura on the donor, it must be said that the Taoist treasure "The Scroll of Heaven's Mystery" is now in the hands of the donor, and it has been a while for the donor to understand the mystery, right?" the old nun said.

Li Zedao's pupils widened slightly: "Master knows "The Scroll of Heavenly Mysteries"?"

What makes Li Zedao care more about is that this old nun not only knows, but she also knows that she has been comprehending the "Tianji Scroll" for some time. This can be seen from the fluctuating breath of her body?

Li Zedao suddenly thought, if this is the case, did the old thief who met in Yanjing in the past also see that he is already comprehending "The Scroll of Secrets"?

For a while, Li Zedao felt that the old thief was even more suspicious. What was he thinking of himself?

"The poor nun naturally knows." The old nun said, "The heavenly secret scroll is the treasure of Taoism. As for who created it, it is not known. I only know that once the enlightenment is realized, the soul will be reborn and the soul will evolve. The violent atmosphere is naturally solvable...Of course, it is easier said than done to use manpower to detect and penetrate the secrets of heaven? Therefore, the donor may have a long, long way to go, and it is even possible that the donor has not been able to penetrate it in his lifetime."

Li Zedao's heart sank slightly, that is to say, in a short period of time, it is impossible for him to fully understand and really see what secrets.

"As far as poor nuns know, for thousands of years, only two people have successfully comprehended "The Scroll of Secrets", broke through the shackles of the human body, and became immortals." The old nun said again.

Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly: "Master, who are those two people?

"Lao Tzu, one of the three Qing dynasties, and one of his apprentices, that is, the person who opened the sect of Tianjimen, True Person Xuanhuang." said the old nun.

Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, and his expression moved slightly. Both of them were familiar to him.

"It seems that you know the benefactor Xuanhuang, and you also know the secret door." The old nun looked at the expression on Li Zedao's face.

Of course it is nothing to know Lao Tzu, after all, the current Lao Tzu has been completely mythological and has become the ancestor of Taoism, but the true person Xuanhuang is rarely known, let alone the secret gate.

Tianjimen is an extremely inconspicuous and little-known sect of Taoism, but it has a strong foundation and mission.

Of course, this sect has disappeared for thousands of years.

Unexpectedly, we can still see the secret disciples now, and they are still the secret disciples who have comprehended "The Scroll of Heaven's Mystery", so the old nun was not moved.

"Therefore, the donor must be a disciple of the heavenly secret. In this way, you can comprehend the "Tianji Scroll", which can be explained."

Li Zedao didn't conceal it either, nodded and said, "Yes, Master, I am indeed a member of the Heavenly Mystery Gate, and my Master is Qingxu Son."

"Qing Xuzi..." The old nun muttered to herself, as if she was in a memory, shook her head for a long time and said, "The poor nun has never heard of this name. I must be a disciple and grandson of Taoist Qiankun, right?"

Li Zedao's eyes widened again, and he said with some difficulty: "My master Qingxuzi's master is the Taoist Qiankun."

In the old days, in the Tianjin bone marrow bun shop, when Qingxuzi and Li Zedao recalled the complicated "love triangle" that happened thousands of years ago, they mentioned his master's name, that is, Qiankun Daochang.

As for what the Dao Qiankun did, Qing Xuzi didn’t know. He just calculated a hexagram afterwards. The hexagram showed that his master could not come back when he was there, so the matter of clearing the door fell on him. It took more than a thousand years to clear it!

Li Zedao couldn't sigh, Master's work efficiency is really terribly low.

So, this old nun has lived...more than a thousand years? And seeing her like that, is she an old acquaintance with Master Qiankun Taoist?

It might even be an old lover... Li Zedao was frightened by such impure thoughts, so he quickly recited Amitabha Buddha's goodness and goodness.

"So that's it." The old nun nodded gently and said, "In the past, Taoist Qiankun and I were...friends..."

When talking about the word friend, Master Exterminator paused, and Li Ze understood in a second. Sure enough, things were not as pure as he had imagined.

All of a sudden, Li Zedao's heart of gossip was burning.

"The Taoist Qiankun also understood the celestial mystery picture scroll. The breath on your body is familiar with him. That's why the poor nun told the donor that the poor nun saw the shadow of the old deceased from the donor." The old nun said, with those muddy old eyes. Falling on the cup of tea on the table, apparently recalling something, not talking.

For a while, the surroundings became quiet, and the occasional bird calls added a bit of solitude.

Li Zedao didn't dare to bother loudly either. He picked up the cup of bitter and sweet tea in front of him, sipped it, and naturally couldn't calm down in his heart.

I just wanted to take the Antarctic away and take her to receive the most systematic psychological treatment, at least to make her forget the past and not to live in inexplicable hatred. Unexpectedly, I met this old nun who has lived for a thousand years. Up.

Li Zedao suddenly remembered the sentence Qing Xuzi had said before he hiccup, which was nothing but **** to himself.

"Poverty means, the donor is still rich and wealthy, so this violent atmosphere may not happen in a lifetime, or the donor can help the noble..."

So now, the nobleman appeared? This old nun who didn't know what kind of **** plot happened with the ancestor master is his own noble person?

Li Zedao did not dare to speculate, but he was undoubtedly looking forward to it.

"Amitabha Buddha." After a while, the old nun recovered and said aloud.

"Then... can the teacher tell, when will the violence in the lower body erupt?" Li Zedao asked quickly. This is an issue that Li Zedao is extremely concerned about.

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