The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1795: Pass away

"Amitabha Buddha, good is good, this is hard to say, it may be one year, maybe ten years, or even a hundred years, or it may be today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow..." The old nun shook her head and said.

Li Zedao's heart sank again, the old nun's statement was exactly the same as that of Qing Xuzi, and such an uncertain statement was undoubtedly much more terrifying than the year of the thief old man.

"So, it is very difficult to get rid of the breath in your body through comprehension of "The Scroll of Heavenly Mystery", but since you are a disciple of the Prophet of Heaven, your master has handed the Scroll of "Heavenly Mystery Picture" into your hands. Presumably your master has mentioned the nameless cave to you?" the old nun asked.

"Anonymous hole..." Li Zedao's thoughts moved again, and he quickly nodded in response, "I have mentioned it. However, the master and the old man only said that he only needs to find the nameless hole and pass the test of the nameless hole to be reborn. After that, the strength in the body can naturally be solved...The old man died before he had time to talk about other more detailed matters."

"That's it, but your master is right," the old nun said.

"Master, but there really is an unnamed hole? And that unnamed hole really has such a god?" Li Zedao's eyes widened and said with difficulty.

There was an inexplicable gloom in the old nun's cloudy eyes, and said: "The nameless cave does exist, and the poor nun went to it more than a thousand years ago."

"Teacher you have been too?" Li Zedao's eyes widened, and he drank a cup of tea immediately to calm his restless heart.

"Although it's hard to imagine, the nameless cave does exist." The old nun looked at Li Zedao and said, "It is rumored that the nameless cave was the cave house where True Xuanhuang lived before he became an immortal, and was later transformed by True Xuanhuang. An extremely powerful formation eye. Through this formation eye, you will be teleported to an unknown and brand-new space. In that space, as long as you pass the trial, you will break through the shackles that mortals can reach when they practice Qi. You will be eligible to become an immortal."

The old nun said: "However, it is not known whether that nameless cave was transformed by a real human being, but the eyes can indeed send you to a mysterious space... this is indeed true. In fact, the space we live in now is a plane, and there are other planes that we don’t know about. Each plane has intricate connections. Except for a few connection points, each plane The face is actually an independent space with its own laws of nature."

Li Zedao's eyes widened again. He was very clever, but it was difficult for him to digest what the old nun said.

This statement sounds like a very scientific feeling.

"And the formation eye in the nameless cave is actually the connection point between this plane and another plane. Through that connection point, you can go to another plane, which is another dimension, and the other one is completely different. world.

The old nun ignored Li Zedao’s weird and stunned eyes, and after drinking a cup of tea, she said to herself: “Does the donor believe there are gods? Are there ghosts? Actually, they are, but the ghosts of the gods are not like the ones on TV. , Immortals have mana, can turn stones into gold, ghosts can kill people invisible... Amitabha, not so magical, those on TV are deceptive, including the Guanyin priest enshrined in Ganlu Temple, sincerely By worshipping, you can be safe. After all, it is idiotic dreams. What all living beings worship is nothing more than a piece of wood carved into a statue of a Buddha."

"..." Li Zedao's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that such disrespectful words to the Buddha were actually spoken from an old nun.

Immediately afterwards, he almost cried because of the sincerity of the old nun.

"Then... why do you still worship?" Li Zedao couldn't help asking.

"Amitabha, in the opinion of the poor nun, it is because all living beings need faith." The old nun said her own point of view.

"Faith?" Li Zedao chewed these two words in his mouth, and an explanation for this colorful word appeared in his mind.

Belief refers to the belief and admiration of a certain thought or religion and to someone or something, and regard it as one's code of conduct.

Faith has a sensible subjective and emotional experience, especially in religious beliefs, which can even lose reason.

When Li Zedao’s thoughts were surging, the old nun said her understanding of the word: "Faith is not superstition, what is it? It is a kind of spiritual sustenance that gives you strength when you are helpless, and when you succeed A way of thinking that makes you proud when you are at a loss, points you to the direction when you are at a loss, and makes you strong when you are frustrated."

"..." The picture changed drastically. It was no longer the chanting of Amitabha Buddha, but simply sent the soul chicken soup. Li Zedao couldn't help but wonder if this old nun would be a MLM leader. There is really a way of brainwashing. .

After a cup of bitterness and joy came again, the old nun continued to say: "Amitabha, the poor nun also said before that every plane has its own laws, and in the plane we are now in, there is something in the world. A mysterious force."

"Mysterious power?" Li Zedao only felt that his mouth was abnormally dry, so he quickly picked up the cup and drank the tea in the cup.

"Yes, a mysterious power. No one knows what kind of power it is, but it is a real existence. When a person dies and becomes a ghost, this power will connect something Click to open, let the ghost go to another plane through the connection point, because this plane is no longer suitable for ghosts to survive." The old nun said, "That plane is what we usually call the nether."


"However, there are some ways that ghosts can continue to live on this plane, so let's talk about it separately." The old nun said again, "It's just that the ghosts who stay in this plane can't live normally. They can only curl up. Some special place."

Li Zedao nodded with a complicated and weird expression.

Li Zedao thought of Qing Xuzi, because he practiced the method of peeping into the heavens...Of course, Li Zedao didn't know exactly what the method of peeking into the heavens was.

In short, Qingxuzi’s three souls and seven souls can go to another plane, which is the Netherworld, without being controlled by the power of heaven and earth, that is, the mysterious power that the old nun said, but they also have to stay in a special place. So, after a hundred years of tempering, there is a way to find a suitable body again, and then survive in this world again.

"People cultivate the power of heaven and earth and break through the shackles of the human body. That mysterious power will open another connection point and let you go to another more advanced plane. This is what people call becoming a fairy."

As Li Zedao listened, he didn't know what words to use to describe his mood at this moment.

"So, presumably the donor, you also understand that the so-called conveyor belt in the nameless cave is actually one, and it should be the only connection point found to be able to go to another plane." The old nun said.

"So, Master, have you ever been to another plane through that connection point?" Li Zedao asked very hard, "What does that plane look like? There are no cars on that plane, right? People always go out when they go out. Flying around in the sky? Flying with swords? All plants and trees are soldiers?"

The old nun shook her head lightly and said, "Amitabha, the poor nun has only been to the nameless cave and never been to another plane. Therefore, the poor nun really cannot answer the question of the donor."

"It turns out." Li Zedao felt a little regretful.

"In fact, the heads of your Tianjimen for the past generations are the guardians and inheritors of the Wuming Cave. In other words, only your Tianjimen knows the secret of the connection point of the Wuming Cave." The old nun said again, with the muddy old eyes. The inexplicable emotions were in it, obviously recalling something.

"Uh..." The fierce materials one after another made Li Zedao's head really buzzing, and it was almost not enough.

"It's just that the secret guarded by your heavenly secret gate was finally leaked out, and finally a great battle was triggered. The poor nun entered that nameless cave at that time." After a while, the old nun said again, and then There was silence again.

After waiting for a while, the old nun was not talking. Li Zedao couldn't help but raised his head and asked: "Master, who is this... who leaked this out? What kind of battle was that? Master... Master..."

Li Zedao suddenly got up, his face changed wildly, because the old nun didn't know when she closed her eyes, and her body was motionless, even Li Zedao couldn't feel her breath anymore.

So, this old nun... passed away?

"Master... Master..." Li Zedao's head went blank, his mind roared, his face was messy, and he didn't know what words to use to describe his mood at this moment.

How to say it and die? I'm exhausted, and I'm exhausted because of talking too much at a time... What's a joke? Or what disease did she have?

"Don't worry about the benefactor, Master and her elders are now settled." Seeing Li Zedao making such a fuss on the side, Forgetting couldn't help but explain.

This kid turned out to be a master of returning to innocence, or even a man of the heavenly secret door, who comprehended the heavenly secret picture scroll, so the tone of forgetfulness was also a little more polite, not as cold as before.

" said that the teacher is so...into concentration? Isn't...passed out?" Li Zedao asked very hard, and he was relieved immediately. You enter samādhi when you say you enter samādhi, why do you stop breathing? It's too scary.

Entering concentration is meditation, which means sitting in meditation and entering a state of stability and immobility, but Li Zedao never knew that there was such a concentration. There was no sign that he was still talking to you in the last second, and he entered concentration in the next second. , Not even breathing!

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