The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1818: Dog's mouth

Encore couldn't help but hugged Li Zedao's neck tightly. He smiled in his ear and said, "Zhou Yan, I know you are not a cold-blooded animal."

"Zhou Yan is a cold-blooded animal, I am not." Li Zedao helpless.

"What do you mean?" Encore was taken aback.

"Meaning, my name is actually not Zhou Yan, Zhou Yan is my buddy's name." Li Ze said a little embarrassed because he lied.

"Ah? Why did you lie to me? You are too much!" Encore's eyes widened and accused, his expression was as if Li Zedao had done something beastly to her.

"Mom said, you should pay more attention to safety when you are outside, and you should be alert when you encounter strangers. You can't tell the other person about your situation if you are stupid." Li Zedao said.

Encore twitched his mouth, and wanted to open his mouth and bit a big piece of meat on the bastard’s neck. He asked fiercely: "Then what is your name? If you are taking your buddy's name If you come to fool me, I...huh!"

I wanted to say "bite you", but I didn't feel embarrassed.

"Li Zedao."

"Li Zedao?" Enkeke said the name silently, and asked some disbelief: "Real name? Didn't you lie to me? Why do I think this name is worse than Zhou Yan."

"..." Li Zedao felt that this woman's taste was really not flattering.

Seeing someone approaching, the stray dog ​​raised his head and said "Woo..." a few times. The cold and hungry made it weak, but there was a fierce light in his eyes, which seemed to warn Li Zedao. , But if you leave, be careful I bit you.

"It turned out to be a little husky, I should have separated from the owner? It's so pitiful, don't be afraid, I will take care of you in the future." Enke said, looking at the little stray dog.

As if he understood Encore's words, the stray dog ​​whimpered twice and his head dropped again.

"Take it, don't drop it." Li Zedao handed the Xuanyuan Xia Yu sword in his hand to Encore. He had to spare his hand to hug this poor little fellow. As for his other hand, he naturally had to support Ann. Coco's little butt.

"What is it? It's quite heavy." Encore took it and almost couldn't hold it firmly.

"Good sword." Li Zedao said casually.

"...You are cheap." An Ke Ke said depressed, she thought that Li Zedao was saying that she adopted this stray dog ​​is very cheap.

"I am caring, okay? It's like you, a cold-blooded animal!"

"I mean, what I gave you is a good sword, an ancient sword. It is a cultural relic. It is very expensive. Don't drop it!" Li Zedao rolled his eyes and said angrily. The room for resistance was showered, and he hugged it directly in his arms without dismissing it as dirty and wet.

"Ah...Who didn't let you say clearly?" Encore muttered a little embarrassed.

Li Zedao was too lazy to respond.

"Hey, do we want to send it to the pet hospital?" Encore asked. Seeing that Li Zedao didn't dislike it and put it in his arms, Encore was inexplicably moved.

"No, it's hungry and tired. It can be alive and kicking after eating and sleeping." Li Ze said.

"How do you know? Don't tell you that you are a vet."

"I have cured your leg."

"..." An Da star is very depressed and wants to bite again. Is this guy saying that she is a dog?

While talking, Li Zedao, who was holding a puppy in front of him and carrying an Encore on his back, walked into the unit, got on the elevator, and finally came to the rented house on the 11th floor.

After putting the Encoco down, Taoist Li Ze took out a paperclip from his pocket and began to unlock it.

Encore stared at his eyes and pointed to Li Ze and said, "You, you, you..."

"What's the fuss? Forgot to bring the key." Li Zedao was speechless, this woman really has long hair and short knowledge, didn't she just use a paper clip to open the lock? What's this?

"..." Encore was even more speechless. But can a small paper clip unlock the lock?

"Crack!" The lock was opened, Li Zedao opened the door, and then took the rather heavy sword in Encore's hand. Then he entered the house and turned on the lights in the house.

As for Encoco, her face was sluggish and she hadn't reacted yet. She couldn't believe what she saw. It turned out that a small paperclip can really open the door lock easily, which is better than a key.

This bastard, really an agent? Aren't all the agents in the movie master unlockers?

Right now, Encore was even more curious about everything about this Li Zedao, his heart felt like being scratched by a cat's paw, and it was really uncomfortable.

Because of the pain in his left foot, Encore jumped into the room with a limping leg, and looked at it with curiosity. The small area is small but the decoration is quite cozy.

She was actually wondering in her heart whether this house was not the **** at all, but the **** knew that the house was temporarily unoccupied, so this **** came to occupy the magpie's nest?

Forget it, no matter what, even if something goes wrong, he will stand up to it. Anyway, he is innocent. Encore kept himself clean in his heart.

"You will live in that room tonight. If you are okay, go to bed early. I will feed the puppy." Li Ze pointed to the small room and said, "If you want to take a bath, the bathroom is there, but you can only shower. There is no bathtub for you to take a bath. Of course, your feet are inconvenient. It is recommended not to wash. If you slip, I don’t care."

"Asshole, how do I think you are telling the truth and want me to take a bath? Humph, I won't let your pervert succeed!" Encore gave Li Ze a look and secretly slandered in his mind.

When he sat down on the sofa with a limping leg, Li Zedao walked into the bathroom with the puppy in his arms. When he walked out again, he had already wrapped the puppy with a bath towel and wiped its wet little one. The body, then opened the refrigerator, and quickly took out a few ham sausages from the inside, tore one, and handed it to the puppy's mouth.

The little husky smelled the scent of ham, and was shocked instantly, his mouth opened, and he bit the ham.

Seeing this scene, Encoco's heart seemed to have a string that was gently swayed, a little touched, this **** is still very loving, and not as cold-blooded as he thought, so bastard.

Then, her stomach groaned, watching the ham intestines swallowing saliva, and she had an inexplicable urge to grab food from the dog's mouth.

In fact, as early as when she was in the car, she found that she was hungry, but the reaction was not that big. Now that she saw the ham, the hunger pangs had been magnified several times.

In order to avoid some troubles and to protect the throat, Encore hasn't eaten much or drank much water since the afternoon.

After that, I sang and danced on the stage for more than two hours, then fell heavily, got caught in the rain, was frightened, and almost exhausted my energy.

Of course there will be a small cocktail party after the concert, and then you can eat with confidence, but after the concert, she sneaked out and didn’t eat anything, so Encore feels like she’s all right now. Almost hungry.

"Well, do you have ham? I'm hungry." Enkeke looked at Li Zedao in a pitiful and embarrassing manner. He was afraid that Li Zedao would think he was eating goods, so he quickly explained, "I didn't eat dinner and had a concert. It's very tiring."

Li Zedao looked at the poor woman and said helplessly: "The ham sausage is still there, but it is raw. If you eat it, it will ruin your stomach. Feed the puppy and I will cook it for you. "

"You can cook?" Enkeke's eyes widened slightly, saying, does the special agent in the movie cook?

She actually wanted to say if there is any bread or milk. There is no such thing. A few ham sausages are all right. If the **** finds it out of conscience, help herself to order an outside or go downstairs to buy it. .

But I didn't expect this **** to say to help me cook something...Can I eat it? Could it be some dark food?

"The world-recognized **** of cooking, Shabert Beckham, is my apprentice, what do you think?" Li Zedao was very dissatisfied with Encore's suspicion. He threw the puppy and ham wrapped in a bath towel to her, and then Go to the kitchen.

"Uh..." Encore thought for a while, God of Cooking Shabert Beckham? Who? Have not heard. Looking at his back, pursing his lips and smiling, this **** is quite narcissistic.

Smelling the scent, Encore couldn't help swallowing again, and then tried very hard to force himself not to grab the ham from the dog.

"Forget it. Seeing that he is willing to cook for himself after doing such a big favor, he has to swallow it hard even if it tastes awful for a while, and then violates his conscience and expresses that it tastes good..."

Although it is really difficult to say such words that go against your conscience, but for the sake of helping yourself so much, just work hard once.

While making up his mind, Encore gently put the puppy on the sofa, tore a piece of ham and threw it to him, touched his little head, turned his head, and looked around with interest. Li Zedao was looking for ingredients in the refrigerator.

Because Li Zedao explained beforehand, there are already a lot of fresh ingredients in the refrigerator, so I am not afraid that there is nothing to make.

His gaze fell on the green peppers, thought for a while, simmered some rice, and let’s have a pot of fried pork with green peppers.

After making up his mind, Li Zedao took out a piece of meat and a few green peppers. Then he found the rice cooker and rice, and got bored with the rice. Then he began to wash the green peppers and meat.

Encore can see that he is so familiar with everything in the kitchen, and he no longer suspects that this guy has come to occupy the magpie's nest, and this is really where he lives.

There is no mechanism hidden in any wall. When the mechanism is touched, a secret door appears immediately. When I walk in, there are all kinds of guns in it*?

Li Zedao certainly didn't know that Enkeke's mind at this time was playing her imaginative imagination that day. At this time, he had washed the green peppers and meat, and then grabbed the kitchen knife on the side, "Kakaka..." Cut it up.

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