The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1819: God of Cooking

Encore watched, his eyes almost rolled down. It turned out that he could cut vegetables so fast. What's more shocking was that he didn't chop randomly at all. The slices of pork that were cut off were all the same size. In other words, don't care if the rice he cooks can be eaten or not, at least his knife skills are extremely amazing!

This bastard, is he not a chef? Is he really the master of God of Cooking?

After cutting the meat and green peppers, Li Zedao poured oil on the light and stir-fried them. Ten minutes later, a plate of green pepper fried shredded pork was fresh out of the oven. At the same time, the rice was already boring.

Smelling the fragrance of the food floating in the air, Enkeke's beautiful eyes widened, and his eyes lit up and turned back and forth on Li Zedao's body and the pot of shredded pork with green pepper and grass. He swallowed. The belly screams more happily.

It seems that not only is it not a dark dish, but it looks so delicious.

If it wasn't for her own identity, if it wasn't for a little more restraint, she wanted to rush in, then reached out and grabbed the green pepper fried pork shreds and poured it into her mouth.

Even the little Husky, who was chewing on ham in his mouth, looked up at the kitchen with a strange light in his eyes.

"You are not allowed to grab food with me, you have ham sausages." Enkeke was so angry with this little stray dog ​​that he patted its right head. I didn't grab the ham sausage with you just now. .

"Well, for the sake of your gluttony, how about your name greedy cat in the future?" Enkeke suddenly remembered that he hadn't named the puppy yet.


"Okay, now that you agree, then it's settled, greedy cat, greedy cat, come, I'm giving you a ham sausage. The ham sausage is delicious. It's better than fried pork with green pepper. What do you think? Well, if you don’t speak, you prove that I’m right..."


"Prepare to eat." Li Zedao turned his head and looked at Enkeke who was flicking the puppy. Because of the amazing ear power, I naturally listened to the words that Encoco murmured to the puppies, and felt amused inexplicably. This woman is very interesting.

Then I found the bowls and chopsticks, turned on the rice cooker, and picked up the rice.

Encore swallowed again, and hurriedly jumped to the table and sat down. She didn't even know how "terrible" her eyes were, as if a wolf who had been hungry for several days suddenly saw it. Meaty.

"Woo..." With three ham sausages under his stomach, the little Husky, who had recovered a bit of strength, also got up and shook his hair, then jumped off the sofa with a ham in his mouth, trot to the table and raised his head. Wagging his tail, looking at Li Zedao eagerly.

When Li Zedao put a bowl of fragrant rice and the pot of fried pork with green pepper in front of Encoco, Encoco swallowed more frequently.

"Eat." Li Zedao handed her chopsticks. Seeing her like this, I feel funny inexplicably. I want to take pictures of such Encocos and post them on the Internet. Maybe it will surprise a lot of people's attention, right?

Where is the queen with full of personality? This is simply a little greedy cat.

He put another small bowl of green pepper fried shredded pork in front of the little Husky, touched its head and smiled: "Naturally, you have your share."

"Wangwang..." The greedy cat wagged its tail at Li Zedao, sticking his tongue out.

Encore smiled brightly at Li Zedao, raised his chopsticks and couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks and green pepper fried pork, put it into her **** little mouth, and chewed...

Then, her eyes widened suddenly and her face was dull.

At that moment, her heart shook suddenly, she was a little moved, her nose was sour and sore, and her tears were about to fall anytime.

Yes, it is moved! Inexplicably moved, moved to tears.

The smell seemed to be full of magic, and a series of chemical reactions had already occurred in her heart, reminding her of the scenes that had happened, either happy, unhappy, or extremely excited. Or depressed...

Then, crystal tears appeared on her eyelashes, and she cried.

He raised his head, looked over with teary eyes, and saw that figure walked into the bathroom. The bathroom door was closed. Soon, the sound of water flow came out.

"Asshole, why do you cook so delicious? After eating your meal, where can I eat the meal that others have cooked in the future?" She muttered, wiped away the tears from the corner of her eye with her sleeve, and then gulped. It's ready to eat.

"Woo..." The little Husky made a strange noise as if crying too.

When Li Zedao came out from the shower, Encore had already wiped out the bowl of rice and the green pepper fried pork shreds. At this moment, she was sitting there gently rubbing her own bulging. Her belly, even, seeing how clean the plate was, she seemed to lick the plate again.

As for the little husky, he had already licked his plate clean, and he was lying there with a very enjoyable look. In addition, its hair was basically dry, and it gradually became fluffy, just like the pitiful look before. , It's just like two dogs.

Seeing Li Zedao coming out, Encore smiled awkwardly at him, and whispered: "Um...I'm too hungry to leave you food."

As for the little Husky, he trot with his calf to the foot of Li Zedao, wagging his tail and sticking his tongue out at him.

"It's okay. I made it for you. I'm not hungry." Li Zedao hugged the puppy, then took out two bottles of mineral water from the refrigerator and handed one of them to Encore.

"Thank you... the food you cooked is delicious... What kind of master are you really?" Encore reached out and took the water, unscrewed it and took a few sips.

At the same time, he became more and more curious about this mysterious man.

He can cure diseases, fight super fiercely, and use paper clips to unlock locks. The dishes made seem to be magical, and she simply moved and cried, even in the end, she even did the act of licking the plate... What's more exaggerated is that the dog was moved and cried. Just now, Encore clearly saw that the eyes of the greedy cat were also moist.

Encore knew very clearly that he would never forget that taste in his entire life, let alone all that happened tonight.

She ran out of the gymnasium because of her anger, her brain was hot, she did not expect to meet a mysterious and powerful man, inexplicably, she still seemed to have a strange feeling for him...

It's so **** and incredible. No matter how awesome the screenwriter is, he's not embarrassed to write such a shameless plot. Why did the dignified star go home with a strange man? After that, you still have a good impression?

But by the way, this really happened.

"Go to bed early." Li Zedao put the puppy on the sofa, then picked up the dishes on the table and the plates on the floor.

"Oh." Encore can see that this bastard's attitude is still not hot or cold, and there is no meaning to want to talk to her more. Naturally, he is very depressed, but he doesn't care about his cooking so delicious. Up.

"Then...I went to bed, good night." She stood up and looked at Li Zedao.

After his stomach was satisfied, his physical strength recovered a little, but his spirit became tired. Encore felt that his head was a little dizzy and his face was a little hot. It seemed that he had caught a cold because of the rain.

Of course, she didn't worry about this minor illness. Since she entered the industry for many years, she didn't know how many times she had been sick. She got used to it early and just got a good sleep.

However, Encore is not so sure whether she can sleep or not. She doesn't recognize the bed too much. The key is that there is a man who has only known him for less than two hours...Should I be wary of it?

"Good night." Li Zedao said.

"Oh, by the way, it's called Gluttonous Cat, the name I gave it, is that okay?" Enkeke pointed to the little Husky and asked.

Li Zedao nodded and said nothing, anyway, you will have to raise the dog in the future. It is your own business to name it.

"Woo..." Husky made a pitiful noise at Encore, seeming to be protesting. Of course, its protest was ignored by Encore.

"Then I'm going to bed, I'm going to sleep in the room... Then where do you sleep?" After asking this question, Encore has already found himself asking this question really inexplicable and easy to think about.

"Sofa... Actually, you can discuss it if you want to sleep on the sofa." Li Zedao looked at the woman and smiled.

"Ah...good night." Encoco twitched the muscles on his face, took the bottle of fruit and entered the room, shut the door and locked it.

"Asshole!" She cursed very depressed.

In fact, she didn't like this answer, and she didn't expect Li Zedao to give such an answer. She thought he would say that I slept in the room too, and then she scolded him to run away as a pervert. In fact, the deepest part of her heart is sweet. Of course he had to sleep on the floor and then fell asleep. She rolled out of bed or he rolled to bed. Of course it was pure sleep and nothing happened...

"The plot should be like this, this bastard." Encore was crying and doubting his charm extremely seriously. Then I looked at this room. The room is not big, but the bed is not small. It is a standard double bed, and the decor is warm and comfortable, in pink tones. So, that **** and a girl used to live here?

Encore felt uncomfortable inexplicably.

She walked to the desk and opened the drawer curiously. Of course, she didn't want to steal something, she was just curious, curious about what's in the drawer, and see if you can't get through the thing in the drawer to get to know the **** outside.

However, apart from a crystal headdress used by a woman to tie her hair, there was nothing left in the drawer.

With a thought, he stretched out his hand and picked up the crystal headdress, and found that there were still basically slender hair strands left on it. So, my guess is correct? There used to be a woman in this room? His... girlfriend?

Enkeke felt even more uncomfortable, a little bit sorrowful and depressed, and then he was shocked by his reaction.

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