The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1820: Become a dog's nose

"How is it possible? How could this be?" Enkeke rubbed his somewhat dizzy head with a little bit of pain. Although she was not blackened by the big dye tank in the entertainment industry, she was not like that for a long time. The little girl who doesn't understand, so naturally, she knows what it means to appear in this state of mind.

It means that she has a good impression of that bastard! And it's not an ordinary favor, so I like it.

But how is it possible? I’ve only known each other for less than two hours, OK?

"Forget it, go to bed, you can forget him once you sleep." Enkeke comforted himself.

Falling on the bed, clothes...Of course you can't take it off. Mom said, you must learn to protect yourself outside! Thinking of Li Zedao's words like "mother said", there was an inexplicable urge to rush to bite him. That **** was actually defending himself. This kind of defensive thing should be done by himself, right?

I pulled the quilt and covered it, didn't want to turn off the light, I didn't feel safe after turning off the light, and then closed my eyes. I didn't know how long the confusion was in my mind before I fell asleep in a daze.

I don’t know how long I slept, Enkeke woke up from the cold, couldn’t help but curled up, and at the same time, he tried to reach out and grab the quilt that she had kicked aside on him, but found his head The dizziness was terrible, his hands were soft, as if all his strength had been taken away, and his throat was extremely thirsty, like a fire.

It was very difficult to open her eyes and land on the bottle of water she put on the bedside table. She rolled over and tried to reach out and take a sip of the bottle of water, but Encore ignored one thing, that was her at this time. Sleeping on the edge of the bed, so this effort to turn over, coupled with the lack of physical strength, so she fell directly from the bed, and then her body simply came into close contact with the cold floor and made a sound Muffled.


"Ah..." Encore screamed.

pain! Knee pain, arm pain, and even more pain is the face, especially the nose... She clearly felt a stream of heat coming out of her nostrils, so... Disfigured?

"Li Zedao, save me... Li Zedao..." Enkeke was scared and cried, his hoarse and trembling voice was full of helplessness, "Li Zedao, bastard...oooo..."

"Crack!" With a soft sound, the lock on the door of the room was unlocked. Li Zedao, who heard the movement, pushed the door open and walked in. When he saw Encoco lying there with two pillars of blood in his nostrils, he simply Was taken aback, and quickly walked towards her.

"I'm so hurt, I'm so uncomfortable, I'm disfigured...uuu..." Encore's face was aggrieved and helpless and panicked.

"It's okay, I'm here." Li Zedao said, copying her hand, and hugged her trembling body.


Dark and spooky skull castle.

The violent gasps like the irritated beasts and the screaming screams from women are intertwined and reverberating in the small cell, making the scalp utter involuntary. Maxia.

At least the General Skull and Crossbones standing at the door of the cell listened to this sound, his scalp was also tingling, he never thought about saying that a person could be such a beast, nor did he think about the scream of a woman The sound can naturally be so tearing away from the lungs, it really makes the scalp numb and it is difficult to calm down.

"Oh, **** bull nose, how can he be so cruel? How can he treat beautiful ladies like this? He can't be gentle? He is not afraid of going to hell? Sex-love is such a wonderful thing, how can it be? He is like killing a pig? Oh, isn't he still a virgin?" General Skull and Crossbones muttered, but the corner of his mouth was slightly raised with a very strange range, and his face was full of strange smiles.

Then he took out the cigar and started smoking it with enjoyment.

In the dark corner behind him, there was a black shadow curled up there, making all kinds of weird sounds.

He is eating.

His big furry hands were holding a **** hand, and he was gnawing on that hand, gnawing big mouthfuls, as if it were the most delicious food in the world.

"Oh, damn, you can eat it without making that disgusting noise?" General Skull and Crossbones turned his head and looked at the black shadow cursed.

Sombra didn't respond, still gnawing at that hand.

"Oh, damn, I wish the bone got stuck in your throat and choked you alive!" General Skull cursed. Then he turned his head, looked at the iron gate, and slowly spit out a puff of smoke, with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

A few hours ago, when General Skull and Crossbones came here with Ryu Hyuga, who was full of longing for the future, although things seemed different from what she had imagined, this place was not what she thought. In the so-called magnificent palace, the air was so bad that the stomach was twisted and vomiting, and the person who was chained there looked pitiful and scary.

But when General Skull ordered her to dance a provocative dance at that person, Ryu Hyuga didn't think much about it, and obediently did it.

After all, let alone let her make some actions to "seduce" that person, even to make her and the terrible and poor person up and down, she has to obediently do it, even with a dog, she has to behave very well. It is joy.

Because she has no room for resistance, the only thing she can do is to obey.

At the moment, she tried her best, and in front of that person, she began to make all kinds of provocative actions to make a **** sound.

Then, as General Skull and Crossbones expected, the last line of defense of the Taoist Taoist Niubi was quickly and completely blown to pieces.

Facing Ryo Hyuga's teasing, Taoist Niubi flushed with red ears, panting, his eyes began to congestion, and his lower body was suddenly optimistic. He struggled desperately, trying to break free of the iron chain, trying to pounce on the **** woman, but no matter how he struggled, it was in vain.

Finally, Niubi Taoist began to beg for mercy like General Skull and Crossbones. He said that the poor Dao gave up and let the poor Dao go faster. As long as you let the poor Dao meet the poor Dao, you will become a dog of evil after the poor Dao. Do whatever you want to do, you can bite whoever you want to bite...

He even screamed "barking..." as if he had really become a dog.

At that moment, General Skull and Crossbones pointed at Niubi Taoist and laughed very proudly, his stomach hurts and tears came out of his smile.

After that, General Skull and Crossbones did something, and simply tore off the two iron chains that passed through the shoulders of the cow nose. The moment the cow nose was free, Asahi Mu Ryu immediately rushed over. She pressed her under her body and was madly ravaged.

He is venting, venting crazy!

The harsher the screams of this woman under his body, the more excited he found himself!

The human heart is dark, but this darkness is usually washed away by more sunlight, but when the sunlight completely disappears, this darkness will simply burst out.

Niubi Taoist priest has been imprisoned in this dark place for a long, long time, and the darkness has become more dense.

There was only a sense of justice in his heart, so the darkness in his heart was temporarily suppressed.

But now, the righteousness in his heart was simply crushed by General Skull’s "old man cart". Therefore, his violent aura that had been suppressed for thousands of years broke out completely, just like breaking a bank. The flood is normal and out of control.

Therefore, after an hour and a half, Riya Hyuga was tossed to death by him alive, and turned into a cold and terrible corpse. She was bleeding from seven holes, her eyes widened, and there was still horror and numbness in her.

There was almost no whole piece of skin on her body.

At the same time, General Skull and Crosses sent the second woman into this cell. This time, it was a big Yanma with a fierce body.

Then, the rough gasp and the screaming scream from the woman continued to sound in the cell.

Until now, the Niubi Taoist priest seemed to be tired. He had tortured six women alive without a break. The deaths of these six women were extremely terrifying, with blood all over their bodies, especially their lower body and chrysanthemum. -Flowers, without exception, have extremely serious or even exaggerated tears, bloody, and horrible. Yes, even the corners of the mouth are cracked.

And now, he is torturing the seventh woman, maybe there will be an eighth, ninth, or even tenth!

"The Immeasurable Tianzun, such evil ways have won my heart." General Skull and Crossbones exhaled a mouthful of smoke with a weird smile.


"I... am I disfigured?" Enkeke's voice was weak, hoarse still trembling, and the eyes looking at Li Zedao seemed so panicked, his eyes rolling.

This kind of disfigurement happens to any woman who is good-looking or not good-looking, it is an extremely terrifying voice, let alone her big star.

"No, it's just that the nose hit the floor and shed a bit of nosebleeds, and there is no injury elsewhere." Li Zedao said, somewhat helpless. In fact, when he went upstairs with Encoco on his back, he already knew that this woman was starting to have a fever because of the rain, but he didn't think much about it.

It’s just a fever. It’s nothing, just a good night’s sleep, but I didn’t expect to be more ill than I thought. Now I feel hot to touch her forehead, probably forty degrees.

Even more unexpectedly, this woman would roll off the bed when she fell asleep. Fortunately, the bed was not high. Although her face was on the ground, she was only bleeding from the nose, which was far from disfigurement.

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