Li Zedao looked at this woman so childish, feeling inexplicably funny, thinking that such an encore is really an encore, right? As for the kind of personality and coldness on the stage, they are basically packaged.

He was leaning on the chair, slowly closing his eyes, intending to comprehend "The Scroll of Heaven's Mystery" and hypnotize it. It is only one o'clock in the morning, and it's still early in the morning. Li Zedao doesn't know what to do if he doesn't sleep.

Enkeke gently removed the quilt from his head, exposing his eyes and looking at Li Zedao, only to find that he had already closed his eyes.

This bastard, is it possible to just sit there all night?

She bit her lip slightly, her small face became hot again, and then her body moved to the inside of the bed little by little, and finally succeeded in vacating most of the bed, and then covered it with the quilt again. Lived his head.

Not long after, the sound of the urn sounded from the quilt: "Hey...Aren't you tired when you sit?"

Let him sit there all night, Encore really feels sorry, let him sleep on the floor... also feels sorry, the floor is quite cold, it will be bad if you catch a cold. So let him go to bed, the bed is quite big anyway.

Encore was deeply moved by his kindness, and of course, his little heart was about to jump out of his throat.

"Not tired." Li Zedao said without opening his eyes.

"...Hmph, fortunately you said that, otherwise I will blast you out!" Enke was stunned, and then said stiffly.

He was so angry that he wanted to get up and beat the **** fiercely, this piece of wood! If you are an ordinary person, you will get into bed soon?

Li Zedao did not answer. The contents of "The Scroll of Heaven's Mystery" appeared in his mind, so his eyelids began to heavier.

Encore gritted his teeth for a while, and couldn't help but excuse him again, at least he is a principled person, he is not that kind of beast, he will not take advantage of others, he can well withstand the beauty brought by Temptation... Forget it, forgive you.

I stretched my head out of the quilt again, and secretly aimed at that handsome face. For a while, I became a little idiot, and he looked really handsome. The eyelashes are so long and the skin is very good. Not even a little peas can be found.

Looking at it, I yawned, really sleepy, beautiful eyes closed slightly and fell asleep.

This night, because I was exhausted physically and mentally, and because there was someone around me who was watching over him, and because I fully believed in Li Zedao, I believed that he would not mess around after he fell asleep...Of course, I actually expected him to be messy. a bit.

In short, Encore slept very comfortably and didn't even dream at all.

By the time Encoco opened his eyes, the sunlight had already crawled across the glass windows and poured over the floor.

It was different from yesterday. Today was a good day. The bright sunshine was shining on her, and the chirping birds from outside reached her ears, making Encore feel so comfortable that she wanted to sing.

Looking up, the chair was still there, but the person was no longer there, and the door to the room was also closed.

Sitting up, I only feel that my body feels abnormally comfortable, my feet no longer hurt, my head is no longer dizzy, and there is no discomfort at all.

Vaguely, Encore also heard the barking of dogs outside, and seemed to smell the scent of rice, so he had already prepared breakfast?

Suddenly, Encoco's heart felt an unprecedented warm sense of fulfillment.

When will my life be as warm and peaceful as it is now?

There is no spotlight, no fans, no hype, no intrigue, no endless announcements, endless concerts, endless commercial activities, and various cocktail parties of all sizes. You don’t need to worry about it. He secretly scolded the other person as a stupid but forced himself to show a hypocritical little face to others.

But there must be a handsome and powerful husband who knows everything, he will spoil himself, he is sick, he is treated, he is hungry, he is ready to eat, he does not want to walk, he walks on his back, When he met a bad guy, he beat him to the ground in threes or twos...

Oh, you have to raise a puppy. In the evening, take the dog and walk hand in hand. The name of that dog is best called gluttonous cat... This is the life Encoco wants most.

But this kind of life seemed so out of reach for her. She didn't think she could get rid of the shadow of the **** surnamed Dong in this life, unless...

Encore shook his head, shook off all the messy thoughts in his mind, kicked off the quilt, jumped out of the bed, stretched, and looked at his face in the mirror. Sure enough, that **** I didn't lie to myself, I didn't disfigured myself, and it was still so beautiful.

He grinned at himself in the mirror, stinking for a while, and looked down at his chest again. It stood firm. Although it was not exaggerated, it was still above the average level. That bastard, there is a problem with his eyes!

When I remembered that he had bought the underwear in it, my heart trembled inexplicably, with a sweet feeling.

I asked him to buy underwear last night. Naturally, I wanted to make fun of him, but I was willing to put on the underwear he bought. Encore naturally understood what it meant.

"It's over, it's love at first sight!" Enkeke muttered while looking at himself in the mirror.

Rubbing his little face, he opened the door of the room and walked out.

"Want Wang..." Enkeke, who rushed out of the little Husky after a full meal and had a good night's sleep, shook his head and ran over, wagging his tail with his tongue out, with a flattering look.

"Morning, greedy cat." An Ke laughed ridiculously, knelt down and touched his head.

Looking up, Li Zedao was standing on the balcony of the living room, smoking a cigarette.

"Morning." Enkeke said hello, with a rare sweet smile on his face. All along, the style of walking and the need of singing, she gave people the feeling of cool, if the smile is too sweet, it is not cool at all.

"Morning." Li Zedao nodded in response. "The toiletries are ready for you. In the bathroom, breakfast is on the table. After eating, let your friend pick you up."

Originally, Encore was still sweet in his heart, but after hearing the last sentence, the expression on his face solidified slightly, and his heart began to get stuck inexplicably.

"You... just want me to leave now?" Encore bit his lip and said, looking at Li Zedao's eyes a little bitter and pitiful, as if Li Zedao had done something with animals and it was even more exaggerated. Still irresponsible.

Li Zedao was helpless: "I have something."

"You mean, if you're okay, I can stay here?" Encore provoked the problem in Li Zedao's words, and there was expectation in his slightly bright eyes.

"Let's call your friend quickly." Li Zedao said.

"Asshole!" Enkeke's eyes were sad, and he walked to the sofa, picked up the small bag he had placed there, and then turned around and walked into the bathroom quickly, even as if he was angry, he put the bathroom quite hard. The door is closed.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly, he knew it would be such a result, any girl would like him after contacting him, and this woman is no exception.

After flicking the cigarette **** away, Li Zedao felt infinitely emotional. A person who is too handsome and too good is not good. It is a mistake. Li Zedao, Li Zedao, your biggest mistake is being too good. No matter where you go, no matter what How hard I tried to block my own light, but in the end it all ended in failure, fascinated by the eyes of one woman after another, and captured the heart of another woman!

It's like now, basically conquering this woman's heart again.

"But... for your own good, let's go quickly..." Li Zedao muttered in his heart, "Of course, if you don't want to leave, I can't force you... a headache."

Li Zedao wanted to sing: You are always too soft, too soft, and you can’t refuse when you meet a beautiful woman...

In the bathroom, Encoco did not wash immediately, but sat down on the toilet seat, took out the phone from the small bag, bit his lip, and turned it on.

As soon as the phone was turned on, the reminder sounded non-stop. There were more than a dozen missed calls and more than two dozen short messages.

Encore ignored these missed calls and text messages, but found a phone number, then edited a short text message and sent it to the other party.

"Xiao Lu, you know Li Zedao, right?"

Less than two minutes after the text message was sent, Zhou Xiaolu's message came in.

"I learned from Sister Yun last night that you ran out, so you met me... brother-in-law? He took him in?"

"Brother-in-law?" Encore's eyes were slightly rounded, and the **** outside was Zhou Xiaolu's...Brother-in-law? Didn't he say that he is Zhou Xiaolu's boyfriend? Okay, this liar.

Just when Encore was very depressed and secretly accused Li Zedao as a big liar, Zhou Xiaolu's text message came in again, and Encore quickly clicked on it.

"So... fell? He does have that kind of magic power. Even though there were already many women around him, I couldn't help but fall in love with him."

Encore's eyes almost rolled down, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

Many women...what does this mean?

"Can... simply tell me about him?" Biting his lip, Encore edited such a text message out.

This time, the phone didn't respond for a long time, until after ten minutes, when Encore suppressed his curiosity and planned to give up brushing his teeth first, Zhou Xiaolu's message came in.

Encore can't wait to take a look.

"Sunshine is handsome and powerful. There are many women, but they are not sentimental... If he can accept that he already has many women, then he is the best person. He will spoil you to heaven, but you have to follow Other women share it, so if you can’t accept it, then leave quickly, otherwise it will only make yourself painful and contradictory..."

Then another text message came in.

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