The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1824: Sister Yun in a hurry

Encore quickly clicked on the new text message again.

"It's easy to take him down. Just leave him alone. Even if he tries to push you away at first, he still can't refuse a beautiful girl in the end."

Encore thought for a while, trying that **** really wanted to push him away. For example, last night, he mustered up the courage to let out most of the bed, but he didn’t go to bed, so he asked himself to hurry up in the first sentence this morning. Call someone to come and pick you up.

Then another text message came in.

"Although you can't say these two words, you can't go back, but..."

Zhou Xiaolu didn't say what the two words that couldn't be said, but En Keke felt that she had guessed what Zhou Xiaolu wanted to say.

"Where the **** did you come from?" Enkeke looked strangely on his face, stopped texting, put the phone away, walked to the sink, and looked at himself in the mirror.

"So, what should I do?" She looked at her slightly irritable face in the mirror and said softly.


The breakfast Li Zedao prepared was naturally very delicious, but Encore was a little bit awkward. After eating, he felt like he was choked. Then he raised his head and glanced at Li Zedao with such a weird look, and then continued to exert force. Chew, as if treating the food as Li Zedao.

Li Zedao didn't have much reaction to Encore's eyes that looked so strange. He couldn't help but he was used to it.

During the meal, Encore took out his mobile phone even reluctantly and gave the agent Yun a call.

After all, even if this **** is not very beastly to drive her away, she really can't stay. If she stays, she will die in a hurry if she doesn't talk about Sister Yun, and the surnamed Dong will definitely start looking for herself. Who knows if there will be a lot of noise at that time? It is estimated that my dad will call and blame myself again afterwards, and my mother will instill in her ears all kinds of similar principles of the so-called women's three obediences and four virtues... In their eyes, Dong Shaoqing is already their son-in-law.

In addition, tonight I have to attend a charity auction dinner sponsored by Guanghui Entertainment. The natural stars will be shining. Not only the artists signed by Guanghui Entertainment, but also the stars of other entertainment companies will be present.

Recently, a mudslide broke out in a certain area in the northwest, and many people were affected by the disaster. This charity auction dinner was to help raise money for the disaster area.

As for the auctioned items, most of them are not too valuable.

Although Encore doesn't have a lot of money, but he also plans to shoot something, which is a contribution.

"Oh, my aunt, you finally turned it on. You said that you didn't return all night. Don't you want to kill me? Do you know that I drank coffee as water without closing my eyes? Begging this Bodhisattva, that god's begging all night?" After the call was connected, Sister Yun started crying anxiously, and her voice was hoarer than usual. As you can imagine, she was already anxious.

"I'm sorry, Sister Yun." Encore stuck out her tongue, somewhat embarrassed. After all, after getting along for a few years, she knew that Sister Yun really cared about herself from the bottom of her heart, rather than being false.

I had been sick many times, and the only one who accompanied me to bring water and medicine was Sister Yun.

"I'm sorry, do you still need this with me? You are fine, where are you now, I will pick you up, you really can't stay outside." Sister Yun said bitterly, "If you are waiting, Dong Shaoke I'm going to go to you in a big fight."

"Don't pay attention to that fly." Enkeke's mood was directly bad, in her eyes he was a hypocrite, a villain who thought he was handsome and talented.

He involuntarily raised his head and glanced at Li Zedao, comparing the two in his mind, and decisively felt that this was a bastard, but comparing Dong Shaoqing with this **** was an insult to the bastard, and it was still an insult to death. Kind of, one can imagine how trash Dong Shaoqing is.

Sister Yun smiled bitterly, so you dare to treat him as a fly, and everyone else treats him as the sweetest and most delicious honey. Everyone can't wait to strip their clothes off and drill them into his arms.

Sister Yun felt that Enkeke was in the blessing and not knowing the blessings. Anyway, if she had such a fiance, she would definitely die of happiness.

"Sister Yun, wait, I don't know where I am now, I ask for the address, and then you come to pick me up." Enkeke said, she just remembered that she came back with someone somehow, where is it Do not know at all.

Of course, no matter where she is in the future, she will always remember this place, and she will always remember that she slept well in this place very sweet and peacefully.

Then he looked up at Li Ze and said, "Asshole, where is this place?"

She didn't even notice that there was a hint of sweetness and coquetry in this tone.

Li Zedao stunned slightly, his tone was not right. Now he said: "Wanfeng Road, Shengli Garden Community, Unit 1101, Unit 5, Building 5."

On the other end of the phone, Sister Yun with the tip of her ears already heard a man's voice, she was shocked first, and the muscles on her face twitched. So, which man was Coco with last night? And also called the other party... asshole? Cocoa's voice seems a little ambiguous? and so……

"Sister Yun, the address is Shengli Garden Community, Wanfeng Road, Room 1101, Unit 2, Building 5." Enkeke's voice came.

Or in which apartment? Sister Yun listened, she only felt that her blood pressure had risen suddenly, and she was dizzy and might faint at any time.

My little ancestor, can you stop playing with me like this?

She contacted Zhou Xiaolu last night, but Zhou Xiaolu said that Encore did not contact her, so Sister Yun thought that Encore was looking for a hotel to stay in. After all, Encore did not purchase any real estate in Yanjing, except for Zhou Xiaolu. She doesn't have any better friends in Yanjing, except for the hotel, she has no other places to go.

But she didn't expect which apartment she was actually in. There was even a man next to her. The most important thing was that her tone seemed so ambiguous.

For a while, Sister Yun really felt like she was severely smashed by thunder, and her expression almost cried.

Of course, it’s not that she can’t spend the night with a man. Many of the men and women in the circle sleep casually. It’s no secret to fool around with this man tonight and another man’s bed tomorrow night. It’s just that It hasn't been made public.

But the point is that the man must be Dong Shaoqing, and only Dong Shaoqing, otherwise there will be a major event, because although it has not been made public, she is nominally Dong Shaoqing’s fiancée... at least that’s what Dong Shaoqing told her , And Encore did not deny it.

But now Encore is so open to Dong Shaoqing cuckolding, that man with such a big background, so proud, even if his mentality is so good? The man who spent the night with Encoco must not die?

No, Dong Shaoqing must not know about this, otherwise things will definitely develop to the point where they are out of control, and he may even be cleaned up with Encore... Sister Yun couldn’t help but squeeze Encore. A cold sweat.

At the moment, Sister Yun decided to go and pick up Encore first. Although Dong Shaoqing has emphasized that, once contacted Encore, she should report to him can report after you set off.

But at this moment, a voice full of magnetism came from behind: "Sister Yun, Coco called you to pick her up?"

Sister Yun's body trembled abruptly, and that face had already become extremely exciting, and things seemed to be getting bigger now.

After working hard to put a smile on her face, Sister Yun turned and looked at the handsome man in front of her and smiled: "Dong Shao, early. It's Coco's call. I was about to talk to Dong Shao. Unexpectedly, Dong Shao, you have heard, then I will go pick Coco back. Dong Shao, you will take a rest first. After all, you were worried about Coco last night.

Sister Yun has always wondered about such a thing, that is, Dong Shaoqing's conditions are there, why does Enkeke dislike him? He is even his fiancee. Why is his attitude so cold?

Leaving aside family conditions, Dong Shaoqing is good enough.

He has a handsome appearance and exquisite features. He belongs to the kind of beautiful man who can be the captain or the image of an idol group casually thrown into it! In other words, if such a man enters the entertainment industry and develops, even if his acting skills are embarrassing, he will definitely become a hot star.

What's even more rare is that he is not a golden jade, but just an empty frame. He graduated from Harvard and is now a small well-known financial expert who is extremely good at investing. Without relying on his family, his personal assets have reached hundreds of millions.

Not to mention that he has a good dad, the owner of one of the largest domestic entertainment companies, Guanghui Entertainment, and Dong Jun, a super predator in the entertainment industry, is his father.

So although Dong Shaoqing is not an insider, but as Dong Jun’s only son, he naturally attracts attention. He is a popular lover in the circle. I don’t know how many first-tier, second-tier, third-tier or low-profile female celebrities line up to want him. Everyone knows that as long as you get on Dong Shaoqing's bed, you will become a phoenix on the branch.

However, Dong Shaoqing is pure and self-conscious and does not give them any chance... At least there has never been a similar message he posted with a female celebrity.

Of course, even if there is, those entertainment reporters dare not report on Dong Shaoqing's lace news. After all, they can't afford to offend the super predator Dong Jun.

What's more rare is that the background is so big and he is so good, but he is not arrogant or rash, and treats people extremely mildly and elegantly, even to a small security guard, he also behaves amiably.

As long as the people who know him, everyone thinks he is very good. As long as the people who know him will be conquered by his personal charm, they will even think of his own elders, such as Sister Yun, who is twenty years older than him, sometimes Inexplicably, Dong Shao looks like his brother.

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