The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1846: A glance is a lifetime

"Old Dong, you quickly understand the situation, and I won't disturb you." Su Mingqi patted Dong Jun on the shoulder, and then left with a good mood.

As soon as Su Mingqi left his front foot, Dong Jun received a strange call on his back foot.

"Is it Dong Shaoqing's family?"

"I'm Dong Shaoqing's father, are you?" I probably know that something has happened to my son, and it must be Li Zedao secretly. So Dong Jun tried hard to force himself to calm down, otherwise, if someone dared to speak to him in such a bad tone in the past, he would have already started to scold his mother.

"Our two colleagues, a man and a woman, were performing official duties near Lacrosse Villa. We secretly followed a criminal and tried to find evidence of his crime. The result was abducted by your son, causing the criminal to escape and disappear now. The anger is that your son even tried to defile my colleague. If we hadn’t arrived in time, I’m afraid we would let your son succeed!” The other party almost gritted his teeth, as if Dong Shaoqing really did something that is indignant. It seems to come out.

Dong Jun's face has become quite ugly, and he asked with difficulty, "Excuse me, who are you?"

"Chaoyang District Police Station."

"..." Dong Jun's body trembled, and he only felt that he was not well. So his **** son even kidnapped the police officer performing official duties and even thought that one of the policewomen was fucked?

Then Dong Jun was angry and slandered, this is extremely serious slander! What beauty has his son never seen? Even at the charity auction party tonight, he only needs to hook his fingers, and there are several celebrities lined up on his bed. He needs monkeys to tie up a policewoman and intend to defile her. The point?

After hanging up the phone, Dong Jun was about to rush to the police station to find out the situation, but the phone rang again.

Dong Jun exhaled fiercely to remind himself that he must not be messy. Then he picked up the phone, only to find his wife was calling, and immediately picked it up.

Before he could speak, his wife’s voice that seemed so rushed was already heard: "Old Dong, it’s not good, the house has been thief, the safe in your study has been opened, and the contents are gone... …"

"..." As if suffering a heavy blow, Dong Jun was dumbfounded. In the next second, he rolled his eyes and fainted directly.


After swaggering out of the Guanghui Club, Li Zedao tore off the mask and sunglasses, but Encore put the mask on again to avoid being recognized.

After all, even though she thinks she has completely separated from that circle now, she will be the very popular r&b little queen with many fans for a long time in the future. She will be recognized wherever she goes, watched, and Asking for an autographed photo, there is no way to be happy and not to be disturbed like ordinary people, go shopping for dinner and watch a movie with your favorite boy.

Li Zedao's off-road vehicle was parked at Wangfujing, and Encore put his little hand into Li Zedao's hand to indicate that we would press the road.

It has been six years since she was sixteen years old. During these six years, she was like a bird in the cage, and the space for her activities was the palm of her hand, and all she needed to do was to grow old. There is no freedom at all to be honestly watched and amused by others.

She has even forgotten what it's like to go shopping, what it's like to go into one store after another to try on those beautiful clothes, and what it's like to eat all kinds of snacks to support her belly... Tonight, she thought Get back the feeling that seems so beautiful that almost disappears in her memory.

Of course Li Zedao followed her, and even no matter what she wanted to do tonight, even if she made some rather excessive requests, Li Zedao would be satisfied with her...At most, he was driven by his reservedness to make a symbolic struggle.

Encore looked really happy, the smile on her face remained unbroken along the way.

She smiled and said to Li Ze: "Asshole, it's fun to slap stupid slaps, it's more fun to slap with shoes."

She smiled and said to Li Zedao: "Asshole, Dong Shaoqing's idiot tried to rape-*Police, he is going to be in prison in this life, right?"

She smiled and said to Li Ze: "Asshole, that thing looks so delicious, go and buy me a bowl."


She kept talking, kept walking, kept trying various snacks, kept entering shop after shop, trying on a set of beautiful clothes for Li Zedao to help see if it looked good , But Encore didn't buy anything, all she wanted was the feeling of trying on clothes.

Of course, because of wearing a mask and a peaked cap, no one would recognize it. After all, no one would dare to imagine that the Asian R&b Queen Encore would actually go to a clothing store at this price holding hands with a man. , Don’t those celebrities’ clothes all move tens of thousands?

In the end, Enkeke had too much stomach support because she ate too much, so she took Li Zedao and sat down on the chair on the side of the road for pedestrians to rest. With her head resting comfortably on his shoulder, she said comfortably: " Asshole, I think the happiest life is this kind of life. No one cares about you, no one cares about who you are. You can laugh and eat to your heart's content..."

"Do you think I'm hypocritical? After all, so many people smashed their heads to sell their bodies and souls just to enter this circle, but I have almost climbed to the highest point of the pyramid, but I can’t wait. Run away quickly, even if you don't want to stay for even a second."

Li Zedao smiled and said, "It's pretty hypocritical."

"Asshole, dare you say I'm hypocritical?" Encore gave Li Ze a grimace, and punched his chest with his fist.

After the two played around for a while, Encore's stomach was already much more comfortable, and he dragged Li Zedao up from the chair, and continued to join the crowd of Xixi Mama.

Encore looked at the strange faces appearing and disappearing, feeling a little inexplicably. She suddenly felt that she was looking at the lives of these people as a bystander, looking at the expressions on their faces, looking at their hurried steps or their respective lives. In this way, she could see more of what she had not experienced before. Things.

Then, he hugged Li Zedao's arm tightly.

"What's the matter?" Li Zedao asked with a slight smile.

"I just remembered a sentence suddenly. Some people may only have such a fate for a lifetime, such as these pedestrians; but for some people, a glance is a fate for a lifetime, just like you." Encore's eyes look like water filled. To Li Ze said, "So..."

"So..." Li Zedao swallowed, and his heartbeat started to speed up. Isn't this hint already obvious? Tonight the hero will be useful again.

"Ah, it suddenly occurred to me that I have to buy some dog food for the greedy cat. Let's go to the supermarket."

"..." Li Ze tugged at the corner of his mouth, and had an urge to hungry the dog.

The greedy cat was in the hotel room where Encoco was staying, and she was temporarily looked after by Encoco's makeup artist Xiao Meng.

After Li Zedao and Encore bought dog food in the supermarket, they drove directly to the hotel where Encore was staying, planning to pick up the greedy cat. At the same time, Encore also planned to formally follow her, including the agent Yun Jie. , The staff including makeup artist Xiaomeng said goodbye.

As soon as the greedy cat saw Li Zedao and Encore, he screamed twice in excitement, and shook his head and tail at Li Zedao and Encore, very affectionate. This made the little dream on the side think that this dog was really unconscionable. For most of the night, I fed you two sausages, and you grinned at me.

"Gluttonous cat..." Encore smiled, squatted down and hugged him in his arms.

At the same time, Sister Yun had already returned from Junyue Mountain Villa. After seeing Encore, she gave her a stern look.

As for Li Zedao who was following Encore, Sister Yun chose to ignore it, she couldn't scold him to death or even blast him out, right? This kind of bull who dared to humiliate Dong Shaoqing to death in front of so many people, she couldn't afford to provoke, since she could not provoke, she had no choice but to ignore it.

"Coco, put the dog aside first, you come with me, I have something to tell you..." Sister Yun wanted to take Encore aside, and persuade her, at have to think about it. Right?

In Sister Yun’s view, this incident is not entirely impossible. After all, it happened at the charity dinner. Although everyone’s eyes were full of sight, it was a matter of Dong Shaoqing’s face, so no matter who it was, he would not see anything, what I haven't heard it. Therefore, it is impossible for the news media to know. Even if anyone leaks out a little bit, no media dare to report casually.

Therefore, this matter will not be known to everyone, and Dong Shaoqing can naturally save some face. Furthermore, Sister Yun could see that Dong Shaoqing really likes Encoco, so if An Coco tonight can comfort Dong Shaoqing's injured little heart, then things will have room for maneuver.

Of course, Sister Yun also knows that asking Encore to comfort Dong Shaoqing’s injured little heart is basically harder than going to the sky, but she still plans to try. She wants to analyze the stakes with her, she really Can't bear to see Encore just ruined.

Enkeke did not go with her. She looked at this orange-skinned face full of worry and anxiety, felt her secret anxiety and was a little touched, and said, "Sister Yun, listen to me, I have already decided. From now on, quit the entertainment industry..."

"Quit and withdraw... Do you think that you have offended Dong Shaoqing like that, you still have a chance to stand on the stage?" Sister Yun said grimly, "How could Dong Shaoqing upset you by then? Xuezang, you are all say you ...Why are you so confused? For him, are you worth it?"

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