The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1847: Crazy Sister Yun

Sister Yun was rather depressed and gave Li Zedao a glance, all the mistakes were the bastard's fault! I really don't know what kind of fascinating soup he poured into Coco, so fascinated by Coco as if he had changed his person, he even desperately did such an unimaginable thing.

Encore stared at Li Zedao like water, smiled sweetly and said: "It is the greatest luck of my life to be able to meet my husband. I am very happy now."

Sister Yun's mouth twitched violently, she was covered with goose bumps, and she was numb with the crisp flesh.

"Happiness? What happiness? Why can't I feel happy? Cocoa, you are blinded by the so-called love, you are not happiness, this is misfortune, a great misfortune!" Sister Yun hates iron. Gang glared at Li Zedao again.

Seeing Sister Yun looking at him with such scary eyes, Li Zedao politely smiled and said, "In fact, when Sister Yun meets the man she likes, you can experience Coco's happiness."


Li Zedao's words immediately stabbed Sister Yun. She was like a lone wolf struck by a bullet by a rabbit that had only stepped on her foot, a crab whose paw was torn off, and a bullet... She felt that her self-esteem had been extremely severe. hurt.

Come on, my old lady has grown slim like a hibiscus in the water since the third grade, and some people have been pursuing it. Thirty years have passed. Those who have pursued me are like crucian carp, okay? Who has never been in love? The main reason is that the old lady thinks they are stupid and not worthy of the nobleness of the old lady, so the old lady refused, okay? Son of a bitch!

Seeing that Sister Yun was trembling and she rolled up her sleeves, she had to have a live pk with Li Zedao. Encore quickly grabbed Sister Yun... Mainly, she didn't think that Sister Yun could beat Li Zedao, let alone that Li Zedao would not be against Yun. Sister do it.

This is a guy who judges people by appearance, and he will not show mercy to a woman like Sister Yun.

"So Sister Yun, I want to leave this circle. From now on, I'm no longer an Encore, the little queen of r&b, and I am a little woman next to my husband." Encore said with a happy face.

" you know what you're talking about?" Sister Yun was almost crazy, and as expected, the women who fell in love had zero IQ.

"You thought you left when you said you left. Don't forget. You signed a long-term contract with Guanghui Entertainment for 20 years. You still have many endorsement contracts. If you are now self-willed and arrogant, they are You can sue you. Do you know how much liquidated damages you have to pay others? Does your so-called husband know? Let me estimate for you. For Guanghui Entertainment alone, you will have to pay others at least 1.5 billion. You know Do you think one hundred and five!"

"Boy, did you hear that?" Sister Yun gave Li Zedao a fierce look, and said unceremoniously: "You have the ability to help Coco repay the astronomical liquidated damages of over a billion? I tell you, if you really are For Cocoa's sake, you should stay far away...Of course, before leaving, go and kneel in front of Dong Shao to apologize. You said you didn't want to die without pulling us Cocoa!"

Bastard, dare to say that my old lady has never been in love... Sister Yun is inexplicably sad, because she really has never experienced the taste of love after coming back, alas, I blame myself for being a strong woman, all in my career. As for the delay.

Li Zedao smiled and didn't say anything. He didn't want to bother with this aunt who was obviously irregular but was really concerned about Encore. As for the billions...many?

Li Zedao knew that if he was willing, it would be easy to earn 100 million a day... Oh, it's still US dollars. All you need to do is to enter those large casinos and take a stroll. With your own gambling skills, the money in the casino is as if it were in your pocket.

Li Zedao's gentleness and calmness, Sister Yun was really depressed, she wanted to spray a few mouthfuls of old blood on his face, and most hated this kind of **** who was not capable but deliberately pretended to be deep.

"Sister Yun, don't worry, my husband will take care of it." Encore smiled while holding Sister Yun's hand.

Sister Yun wanted to vomit blood again, so he managed to get a fart...Uh, what was wrong, this meant that Coco was a fart! If Coco is a shit, what kind of agent is she? Anyway, Sister Yun really had the urge to beat this **** fellow severely.

"In short, Sister Yun, you don't need to worry about it, there really is nothing." Enkeke said to Sister Yun, "I will be very happy and happy."

"You... forget it, I don't care, this time I really really don't care about you." Sister Yun angrily threw Encore's hand away and turned around, really not wanting to deal with the stupidity whose IQ has fallen to zero. woman.

Encore pursed her mouth and smiled, and didn't say anything. After all, she didn't know Li Zedao's true identity, so it was normal to have such worries and misunderstandings.

"Asshole, wait for me, I'll pack things." Encore put the greedy cat in Li Zedao's arms and turned to pack her luggage.

The makeup artist Xiao Meng looked at Li Zedao with great interest, and said with a smile: "Handsome guy, you are worthy of Sister Coco only by appearance."

After Sister Yun came back as if she was dead, she probably talked about what happened at the scene. Only then did Xiao Meng know that Encore already had a boyfriend. She was even at the dinner party. She had done such an event that could be called earth-shattering, so she was still very interested in this fierce man.

She is not as pessimistic as Sister Yun. After all, based on her understanding of Encore, Encore is not like the kind of impulsive person. She must rely on something to dare to do so, and the kind that radiates from this handsome guy. From the temperament point of view, his background is probably not small, at least the super predator Dong Jun in the regulator circle has no problems at all.

"...Thank you." Li Zedao said with a smile.

"Xiaomeng, don't talk to him." Sister Yun shouted, who was taking a bottle of water and drinking it.

"Oh." Xiao Meng's head shrank, and he stuck out his tongue at Li Zedao and smiled apologetically, then turned and went to work on his own.

Ten minutes later, Encoco finished packing. She didn’t have many things, just a small suitcase. As a popular Asian R&B king, her quality of life was horribly low compared to other stars. .

Her travels have always been low-key, and there is no ostentation. Her clothes are either provided by sponsors or some ordinary brands, but international brands with tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands. She has no luxury cars or luxury residences.

After all, she was sold to Guanghui Entertainment. Therefore, she signed an unequal treaty. Even though she had made a lot of money in the past few years, she didn’t even get one-twentieth of what came to her in the end. In addition, I also participated in a lot of charity activities, so I have less money in my pocket.

Of course, fans will not think so. Iron fans will think that it is low-key to say Encore; black fans will simply attack and say Encore. This is deliberately hypocritical, scheming, and doing enough superficial skills, do not believe you She took off her clothes to reveal the underwear inside. It is estimated that the underwear is studded with diamonds...

"Coco, you really are so... confused to the end?" Sister Yun was disappointed and distressed, trying to make the last stay.

Encore smiled happily, nodded without hesitation, and said, "Sister Yun, you will be promoted and raised in a few days to enter the company's management."

"..." The skin on Sister Yun's face was furious, and her heart was trampled crazily by a large group of Cao Nima. She felt that Encore's IQ was no longer zero, but a negative number. Otherwise, how could she say this so unrealistic? What about?

"What about me, what about me?" Xiaomeng looked at Encore with a blank eye. This little clever woman is very good at seizing every opportunity, "Coco, don't forget me."

An Ke said with a smile: "Naturally I won't forget you."

"Sister Ke Ke, thank you. After I get a promotion and raise my salary, I will invite you to dinner." Xiao Meng said with a smile.

"Xiao Meng, you really believe it." Sister Yun was about to be **** off by this traitor.

Xiao Meng Xiaoxiao did not refute, anyway, she believed, she wouldn't lose anything, but what if it was true?

"Then let's go first, bye." An Ke laughed ridiculously, and waved at the two of them. The **** Sister Yun simply turned her back and became angry, as if she hadn't seen it.

After half an hour, Li Zedao and Enkeke drove back to the Shengli Garden community.

Just after entering the house and closing the door, Encore pressed Li Zedao to the door panel.

Li Zedao squinted his eyes and laughed, and asked, "When you were in the car, didn't you say you were hungry?"

"Yeah, so, I want to eat you." Enkeke said with a spring face, his eyes were like water, and his voice was hoarse and charming, and then he bit Li Zedao's neck fiercely.

"Woo..." Gluttonous cat ran to the sofa wittily, curled up there, not embarrassed to peek at the man and woman who had already kissed.


Today is still a good weather, not at all the rainy weather of the previous few days. The bright light leaked from the gaps in the curtains and shone on the ancient wood-colored bed, casting mottled light and shadow on the plain blue quilt.

Encore's eyes narrowed for a while, adapting to the light and brightness, and then slowly opened.

What caught my eyes was the unfamiliar environment, sleeping on the unfamiliar big bed, and the drastic change last night... From a girl to a woman, her mood was sweet with a little complexity.

Any woman who has been guarding her preciousness for more than 20 years will make her mood a little more complicated. Of course, many women have only been guarding it for more than ten years and can't wait to give it away.

Lifting the quilt, she glanced at her naked body for a few moments. After receiving the unsuitable feeling that was different from the past, she smiled nervously. At that moment, the newly married woman was full of happiness and beauty.

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