The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1848: Is a bitch

At the moment, Encore stretched slightly and made a cat-like sound, before he picked up the neatly folded clothes on the side and put on them.

"This **** is really careful. The clothes are ready for you." An Keke has an unusual sense of satisfaction and happiness in his heart. This feeling of being pampered is really good. She seemed to be back to the time before stepping into this circle.

At that time, she was a little princess in the family, and her parents spoiled her very much.

After getting dressed, Encore opened the door and walked over.

"Wantwang..." As soon as the greedy cat saw Encore, she threw her feet away and ran over, sticking her tongue and wagging her tail, looking very happy.

"Glutinous cat, early." An Ke laughed ridiculously, and reached out and hugged him.

When I looked up, I saw Li Zedao standing on the balcony, talking on the phone with someone while smoking a cigarette, and watching his handsome figure quietly at the moment, his face full of satisfaction and happiness.

Feeling a hot gaze looking at him behind him, Li Zedao recovered, looked at Encore with a grin, and said a few words into the microphone. This ended the call, then he squeezed the cigarette out and threw it away. Go into the trash can aside.

"The Mia I mentioned to you last night will be there in ten minutes." Li Zedao walked over and smiled, and took the greedy cat in her arms.

Yesterday, after the two had finished their passion, they hugged each other and said most of the night.

Although Encore's experience with Mia is completely different, the current state of mind is probably acquaintance. Both of them are like birds that have just broken free from the birdcage, eagerly yearning for the freedom of the blue sky.

Mia wants to go shopping, shop, eat all kinds of delicious food, and appreciate the beauty of Yanjing. She also wants to sleep peacefully in the arms of a handsome and powerful man. Encoco has similar ideas. .

Therefore, Li Zedao decided to let Mia come over, and the two of them will be a company. In this way, Mia will not be so lonely and lonely, and the safety of Encore will be guaranteed.

In Li Zedao's view, Dong Jun and his son are mad dogs. For mad dogs, as long as they have not died, they will always try to bite a piece of meat on you. With Mia following by Encore, Li Zedao will also Completely relieved.

And his move is also sending a signal to Mia, that is, I have completely trusted you.

"Well, then I have to be a bit faster, and I want to take a shower." Encore pursed his lips and smiled happily, and then walked into the bathroom after he tiptoed up and kissed Li Zedao on the face. .

Mia's arrival speed was much faster than Li Zedao expected. As soon as Encore walked into the bathroom to take a shower, the door of the back foot room was knocked gently.

Li Zedao went over and opened the door to take a look. He saw Mia wearing a casual dress and carrying a small backpack on his back. At the same time, there was a suitcase at her feet.

At this moment, she was still holding the mask in her hand. It is conceivable that she took off the mask before knocking on the door, and she planned to show her best in front of Li Zedao.

Looking at Li Zedao, Mia's eyes were already aggrieved: "Oh, dear boss, I haven't seen you for a day, like it seems to be three winters... or spring?"

"...Accurately, one day is like three autumns." Li Zedao said dumbfoundedly.

"Oh, yes, boss, that's what I meant, Mia missed you." Mia immediately said pitifully, and then hugged Li Zedao's neck and sent her own fragrant kiss.

Strongly kissed again! Li Zedao felt helpless at the same time, felt that this woman's kiss technique was much better than Encoco's, and even kissed a trick.

After a fierce kiss, the two entered the house.

"Want Wang..." Gluttonous cat trot over, shaking his head and sticking out his tongue at Mia, as if he had seen the owner returning home, without any hostility.

Li Zedao on the side was very speechless. This was just a **** dog. Seeing that Mia was good-looking and decisive, he got close. It doesn't matter if you are a stranger or not. Look, when Sister Yun came yesterday, it was barking teeth. , Can't wait to bite a few bites on her dry face.

"Oh, what a cute little Husky, the boss said you are called a greedy cat?" Mia saw the Husky, her eyes lit up, and she hugged him up.

Gluttonous cat's head drilled into Miana's plump chest and made a very comfortable sound, so Li Zedao became speechless and almost threw it from the eleventh floor without restraint.

After teasing the puppy for a while, Mia sat down beside Li Zedao, then took out a small file bag from her small backpack and said, "Dear boss, this is the place where Dong Jun lived from what you said. What you found in the safe in the study room of the villa should be what you want."

Li Zedao's eyes lit up slightly, and he opened the file bag and took out the files and a few small notebooks in it. After scanning briefly, his face was slightly ugly and said, "It is indeed what I want. Thing, with this thing, that **** bastard, let alone sit through the prison, it is enough to shoot him ten times."

The reason why Li Zedao asked Mia to go to the villa where Dong Jun lived to steal this thing was naturally to catch some of Dong Jun's handles, but what Li Zedao did not expect was that this Dong Jun did something worse than he thought. Much more, it can be said to be murder and arson.

"Dear boss, based on what I know about you, you surely don't want him to be shot like this?" Mia said with a charming smile, stretched out her hand and gently stroked Li Zedao's slightly frowning brow. After getting along for such a period of time, Mia probably knows that although the boss looks harmless to humans and animals, but when he wants to punish him, that person must end badly.

Li Zedao's mouth was slightly tilted up with an inexplicable range, and he gave Mia a look that you can understand, and then said, "Thank you."

"Oh, dear boss, you still have a conscience. It's really hard work. People are all worried, for fear of being discovered by those security personnel in the villa." Mia looked terrified, and she was terrified. , As if she encountered much danger in Dong Jun's villa.

Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry. Naturally, he didn't even believe the punctuation marks about Mia's words. With Mia's strength, entering the villa was like returning to his own home.

"Oh, dear boss, you don't even know that the bodyguards in the villa didn't find me, but the big wolfhounds in the villa found me... it's amazing!"

"..." Li Zedao had reason to believe that if Dong Jun heard Mia's words, he would blow up his lungs and fire up all the security personnel in the villa, and then raise a few more. dog.

"Oh, dear boss, that **** dog chased me for a long time. If I hadn't had a natural love for dogs, I would have kicked them with one foot, and it must be a **** who was chasing me. "Mia said affirmatively.

"Uh...why must it be a bitch?" Li Zedao couldn't help asking in a daze. Did Mia discover that Dong Jun has any bad hobbies, such bitches?

"Oh, dear boss, do you think the male dog is willing to make a beautiful woman like me so embarrassed?" Mia said with a playful smile.

"..." Li Zedao seriously thought about it. He once made her extremely embarrassed, so he was also... a bitch?

Li Zedao slapped it and slapped it directly on Mia’s butt, and said with a smile: "I'm a bitch?"

Feeling the slightly hot irritation on the hips, Mia's pretty face turned red, and she stood up and tilted her hips in front of Li Zedao, and said in a charming voice, "Oh, boss, it's so comfortable. once."


Encoco walked out of the bathroom after taking a shower, his eyes widened slightly.

She already saw that there was already a woman in this small room, a woman with beautiful long blond hair like her. Of course, her long blond hair was born with her, and she was dyed.

At the same time, the woman was still sitting on Li Zedao's lap, with her arms around his neck, smiling and giggling.

The heart cannot be jealous. After all, she knew all her emotions and the body she had guarded for more than 20 years to this man overnight, she knew that he still had other women. , I probably understand what kind of environment I will live in in the future.

Encore originally wanted to say that it is acceptable to meet once a month as a dark underground lover. After all, she knows very clearly that even if she is struggling and reluctant, she will definitely not be able to escape Dong Shaoqing in the end. In the palm of his hand, it is better to be Li Zedao's lover than that. At least, she is moved by him, and she likes him.

So now such a result naturally made her extremely satisfied.

"Oh, dear Miss Coco, good morning." Mia stood up, looked at Encoco with a smile on her face, and said in not too standard Chinese, "I am Mia, a loyal servant of the boss."

Mia is in a very comfortable mood now, so comfortable that she wants to eat the boss or was eaten by the boss, because the boss completely trusts herself, otherwise she would not be able to let herself come to this place, and let her One of the women who protected him by herself...Of course, she would have eaten him if it weren't for the encore in the house.

"Sister Mia, hello, I am Encore. I am glad to meet you... Just call me Coco. We are sisters, aren't we?" Encore nodded and smiled. Yesterday the **** said that this woman is quite skilled, and she has no pressure to hit dozens of bodyguards like Dong Jun. This really scared Enkeke. It seems that the women around the **** Each is excellent.

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