The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1861: Jade bracelet

Wei Yaoming's head was buried deep, and his tangled hair was blocking his cheeks. No one knows what expression he has on his face at this time, let alone what he is thinking at this time.

But Li Zedao could guess what kind of emotions he had in his eyes at this time. He was extremely sensitive and could clearly feel the monstrous hatred released from Wei Yaoming.

This is a mad dog, give him a little chance, he will bite your mad dog.

"Remember, don't show up in front of me in the future, otherwise I will hit you once if I see you once!" Li Zedao squatted slightly, looking at Wei Yaoming condescendingly and smiling.

Wei Yaoming made no response, but his body was trembling slightly.

"You can keep rolling." Li Zedao took his foot away from him. Of course, he had already moved his hands and feet on Wei Yaoming at this time.

In the next period of time, Wei Yaoming’s sexual desire will become very strong, and then he will keep entangled with women, and keep releasing his energy. At most half a month, he will completely put his own The body was completely overdrawn, and then went to hell.

With Li Zedao's current research on the human body and his mastery of medical skills, he can still do such things.

Wei Yaoming's body continued to roll, rolling, rolling, and finally rolling to the top of the stairs. He got up very hard, then grabbed the handrail, shaking violently and went downstairs without looking back. .

"You didn't say anything bad about me?" Li Zedao asked with a smile looking at these trembling young masters.

"No, no..." These people who were scared to pee quickly shook their heads, their voices trembled. They didn't want to be like Wei Yaoming, slashing their faces and rolling away.

"Should you all know how to do it in the future?" Li Zedao asked again.

These people nodded wildly.

How could they not know? In the future, they will naturally have to completely disassociate themselves from Wei Yaoming and the Wei family. After all, they witnessed Wei Yaoming pulling his face and rolling away from this scene. They even stretched out their cute little hands to applaud. Who knows if Wei Yaoming will find Are they troublesome? Moreover, they have witnessed the strength of Li Zedao and the weakness of Wei Yaoming with their own eyes. Later, they will be far away from Wei Yaoming, lest they be affected.

"If that's the case, let's all go." Li Zedao didn't even want to find these things, just knowing that it is troublesome to pretend to be forced. Although he is not afraid, it is not a good thing to build too many enemies for himself.

Moreover, his true goal was achieved. After that, these people and the forces behind them would definitely gradually move away from the Wei family. After that, the Wei family would not be far away from the collapse of the house.

"Oh, don't forget to take these two women away." Li Ze pointed at the two women and said. One turned into a pig head and completely fainted, and the other was simply scared as if there was a mental illness, with a dull face.

As a result, these people, as if they were granted a pardon, quickly crawled and walked clean.

Li Zedao looked back at Wu Ming. The latter's face was simply green and even his two extremely trembling legs couldn't support his body. He sat on the ground all over.

"Li... Li Shao... I... I..." Wu Ming's voice trembled extremely violently, his expression almost crying. If he knew that he was Li Zedao, he would have been a grandson, how could he have the courage to scream in front of him?

Thinking of his few idiot subordinates actually trying to lie to him, even he personally came forward to find the place, Wu Ming really had the urge to dig a hole and bury himself.

"Okay, get up, I want to see the jade bracelet and recommend a few for me." Li Zedao waved his hand and said.

"Uh..." Wu Ming was dumbfounded. Shao Li is... not being held accountable?

"What? Can't understand me?"

Wu Ming quickly got up from the ground, swallowed his saliva, and said, "Yes, Li Shao, sit down for a while, I...I will go and fetch the bracelet you want for you to choose."

"Xiao Tao, hurry up and fetch the best tea leaves to help Li Shao make a pot of good tea." Wu Ming turned around and shouted at the cheongsam beauty who was so scared that she was not calm at all.

"No, I'm not thirsty." Li Zedao waved his hand and said, he didn't think this guy had any good tea here, and he also drank a lot when he was in the Imperial City Teahouse. Then he sat down on the leather sofa, took out a cigarette and a lighter, and lit one.

"Then...then you sit for a while, I'll take all the jade bracelets and let you choose." Wu Ming nodded and said, turning around to take the jade bracelet.

Li Zedao hadn't finished smoking a cigarette, Wu Ming had already crawled back with an antique-looking wooden box.

Wu Ming put the box in front of Li Zedao and opened it, pointing to the four jade bracelets lying quietly inside, and said: "Li Shao, these are the four best jade bracelets in my shop. They are all from the Kang-Qian period in the Qing Dynasty. Things in the palace, take a look."

Li Zedao nodded and glanced at the four jade bracelets, and finally picked up two of them and played with them in his hand.

Wu Ming on the side was secretly speechless. It seemed that this Shao Li was a good person, otherwise how could he pick up the two bracelets with the best quality and the most expensive at once?

"How much are these two bracelets worth?" Li Zedao raised his head and glanced at Wu Ming.

"This... Li Shao, if you like it, just take it away." Wu Ming hurriedly laughed, although the two bracelets are worth more than two million in total, if they are frying and packaging, for example, give this bracelet a more beautiful story. , What Qianlong gave to Xia Yuhe's token of love, the price may double.

But how dare he ask Li Zedao for money? If this violent anger can be calmed, let alone two jade bracelets, there are ten, Wu Ming's eyes won't blink.

"Do you think I am Wei Yaoming? When you see someone you like, just take it away?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

"...Of course you are not Wei Yaoming, Shao Li, but Wei Yaoming...the fool is not worthy of giving you shoes to Shao Li." Wu Ming wants to cry, can't you give it to you for nothing? Isn't this a bitch?

"Do you think I am the one who specializes in cutting off children and grandchildren?" Li Zedao said again, "You dare to pit people's life-saving money?"

"..." Wu Ming didn't know how to answer this. He could damage Wei Yaoming to death in front of Li Zedao, because Wei Yaoming was indeed such a person, plus he couldn't hear him anyway, so he didn't feel any pressure at all, and opened his mouth.

But he really didn't know how to hurt himself... He felt that Li Shao had a deep and deep misunderstanding of himself.

"I don't cheat you, don't cheat me, so it's okay to give you two million, right?" Based on Li Zedao's understanding of the market, adding the materials and ages of the two bracelets plus the fine carvings , It is indeed worth the price, even after packing it well, forcibly adding a poignant story to this bracelet, the price will be even higher.

But as far as the bracelet is concerned, it is worth the price.

" problem, no problem." Wu Ming said quickly. In my heart, Shao Li didn't admire the fact that it was fake. Not only did he understand the goods, but he could also judge its true value at once. Unlike Wei Yaoming, even if you give him a fake, he can talk about it as if he knew how much he knew. That scene... embarrassing.

Of course, Wu Ming didn't have the guts to send the fake to Wei Yaoming.

Apart from admiration, I was also puzzled to the extreme. This Shao Li didn't look like a stupid person with a lot of money. Why did he do such a stupid thing? Is it because the money is so disdainful to take advantage of yourself?

As for not making trouble for yourself, is that because he is a small person in his eyes? He is lazy even to step on to death... Wu Ming feels that he is thinking too much. This **** doesn't look like that kind of person. Just now, he didn't let the two women go, and just let them roll on the ground. , And caused one of them to be nearly killed by Wei Yaoming.

"Find two better boxes and wrap them separately, and give me the bank account number." Li Zedao gently put the two bracelets back into the wooden box.

I originally wanted to give the hosta to Encore, and I was helping Mia choose a bracelet. Now both of them can send the bracelet. A bowl of water is flat, right? As for the hosta... it seems useless to keep it?

Li Zedao took out the hairpin in his pocket and looked at Wu Ming and said, "Is it okay for the hairpin to be worth 120,000?"

"Uh... no problem, no problem." Wu Ming was stunned, and quickly nodded, his heart naturally messed up, as if a large herd of alpacas were running by.

Soon, Wu Ming found two extremely exquisite boxes and installed the two bracelets separately. Li Zedao left the hosta and transferred 1.88 million to the account Wu Ming provided. Then Picking up the two boxes, under Wu Ming's flattering eyes, he left Baibaozhai.

After sending the plague **** away, Wu Ming returned to the store and slumped on the sofa. He wiped his forehead while panting heavily. In a cold sweat.

Not only did he sweat on his forehead, but he felt his back soaked.

"Xiao Tao, quickly help me make a pot of Tieguanyin." Wu Ming said to the beautiful waiter, he felt that his voice was about to smoke.

After drinking a cup of peach fragrant tea, he felt a little calmer.

"Boss, who is he?" Xiao Tao said cautiously. He thought that Shao Li was so handsome, so handsome and flawless, so handsome that people would never forget.

"Who is he? What does it matter to you? You think I don't know the cautious thinking in your heart?" Wu Ming glanced at Xiao Tao, his face gloomy.

"Boss, I don't have one." Xiaotao was startled, and she almost cried when she was wronged.

"If you dare to cry, I don't mind throwing you in the trash can downstairs! Make your tea well." Because Li Zedao said to Wei Yaoming this was too popular, so Wu Ming simply learned it. .

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