The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1862: Dead pervert

Xiao Tao was frightened again, and quickly shrank back the tears that were about to roll down. The boss is in a bad mood now, so it's better not to act like a coquettish and be pitiful.

Taking a sip of the fragrant tea that Xiaotao had brought to him, Wu Ming was full of wonder.

He thought he was dead. Even if Wei Yaoming didn't end up tragically, he still had to stay in the hospital for a few months. But I didn't expect Li Zedao to let him go so easily... Yeah, why did he let him go? Even bought those two bracelets at the original price? Oh, he still shamelessly used a broken hairpin for 120,000...Although, that hairpin was indeed worth that price.

Because Shao Li is a very kind person? Because he didn't offend him to death? Or is it another reason?

I really didn't understand what Li Zedao was up to, which made Wu Ming feel quite broken. He said that he didn't believe that Li Zedao would let him go so easily. That **** must have some conspiracy.

At the same time, Wu Ming also knew that his current situation was quite dangerous.

Although he didn't know what the **** was Li Zedao, whose behavior seemed so strange to him, and whether he would continue to trouble him in the future, he knew very well that he had offended Wei Yaoming! Wei Yaoming would definitely think that he brought Li Zedao to him!

Compared to Li Zedao, Wu Ming naturally knew what kind of person Wei Yaoming was.

The gentle gentleman on the surface, the wolf mad dog in the secret. He regards face as life, if anyone offends him, he will live with others endlessly! He couldn't cast his anger on Li Zedao, but he would definitely find himself in trouble.

After thinking about it, Wu Ming felt that he was going to stay abroad. Anyway, the money he earned over the years would be enough for his life. If he continues to stay in the country, he might die on the streets one day.

After making up his mind, Wu Ming looked at the waitress in front of him who he hired at a high price to specialize in tea art and occasionally help him solve his physical needs, Xiaotao, and then pointed to his crotch. He needed to vent to stabilize himself. Emotions.

Xiao Tao hurriedly smiled charmingly, got up and knelt down in front of Wu Ming, gently untied his belt, pulled off his pants, and then lowered her head to live.

While exhaling a few bad breaths very comfortably, Wu Ming's hand simply reached in from the neckline of Xiao Tao's dress, grabbed the soft lump fiercely, and took out the phone with the other hand to make a call. coming. Now that he has to make some arrangements quickly, he wants to leave Huaxia as quickly as possible, even tonight, that's okay.

Half an hour later, Wu Ming, who got vented and made a few calls to arrange the way out, walked out of Baibaozhai. At this time, there was an extra handbag in his hand, which contained several small boxes. Inside are the collections he thinks are the most valuable.

He hurriedly walked out of a street full of antiques, returned to his BMW parked there, opened the door and got into the car.

He planned to return to his mansion in Zizhuyuan first, and quickly pack his things before talking.

At the moment when the car door was closed, Wu Mingqing suddenly heard a soft "click!" behind him. It was the sound of the lighter being lit, followed by the pungent smoke.

So, are there other people in the car?

Wu Ming was taken aback by the sound. His body suddenly became extremely stiff, and his brain was momentarily blank. He did not dare to scream or make extra moves, in case he was in the back seat. The gangster who doesn't know whether to rob money or sex, or both robbing money and sex, give him a knife.

The only thing he can do is to use the corner of his eye to scan the rearview mirror with difficulty. After seeing the other person’s face, the muscles on his face twitched decisively, and there was indeed a thunderous explosion. a feeling of.

Li Zedao! The person smoking a cigarette in the back seat of his car turned out to be Li Zedao!

Wu Ming's mind turned quickly and at the same time he turned his head with difficulty, abruptly squeezed out a smile on his white and ugly face, his voice trembled and couldn't calm down: "So it was... Li Shao, I don't know What is Shao Li's order?"

Wu Ming didn't expect to say anything that Li Zedao would wait for him in his car, as if he knew he would be back in the car soon, which almost scared him to the heart.

He knew that Li Zedao couldn't let him go so easily, just didn't know how he would torture him next, should he jump out of the car and call for help? Or secretly call the police while dealing with him?

"The reason I am waiting for you here is because I want to borrow something that belongs to Boss Wu to use it." Li Zedao vomited a smoke ring and said embarrassingly.

"Uh... Li Shao, you said, as long as I have it, I can send it to Li Shao you immediately." Wu Ming smiled. Li Zedao's embarrassment naturally became unkind in his eyes, which made him weak and small. His little heart was trembling.

The only thing he can do is try to calm himself down. Only when he is calm can he come up with a countermeasure to deal with the other party and escape.

"I want to borrow your body for a use." Li Zedao spit out a smoke ring again.


Wu Ming's body trembled violently, his head appeared blank, and his heart rushed past millions of Cao Nima, which was messy to the extreme.

When a man says something like this to you, there is undoubtedly only one meaning...So, Wu Ming's inexplicable chrysanthemum tightens, and the muscles on his face are almost out of feeling.

He finally understood why the **** let him go so easily, it turned out... he liked himself, he liked him so he couldn't bear to hurt... this dead pervert! How could he be so perverted? How could he have such a bad hobby?

Who could have imagined that Li Shao, who was rumored to have had an affair with many beautiful and excellent women, and formed a huge harem with almost all the heads of his elder brothers, would have a good mouthful. If this spread out, how many people's jaws would be scared? How many chrysanthemums will be tight?

But can you not give it? The answer is no! Even you have to be extremely honored and flattered... Wu Ming wanted to cry, but even his stomach began to twist and vomit.

"Borrow it?" Li Zedao asked.

"This... Since Shao Li wants it, naturally I have to borrow..." Wu Ming tried very hard to show that flattered expression, but there is no doubt that he failed. At this time, his face looks similar to It makes no difference to cry.

He has no other choice at all. If he doesn't have any, then he can "enjoy" the alternative taste that he has never "enjoyed". Maybe it's quite comfortable, and after "enjoying" it will be like Li There are fewer people, and Wei Yaoming will really be a fart in his own eyes! And he doesn't need to flee to a foreign country anymore, he can stay in the country with a "taste".

With such comfort in his heart, Wu Ming's heart would not collapse so much.

"Thank you for your generosity." An inexplicable smile appeared on Li Zedao's face.

"..." Wu Ming wants to cry, I'm generous with your sister! Who wants to ruin his innocence so much if he has a choice?

Li Zedao took out a medicine bottle and handed it over: "Take the medicine in the bottle."

Wu Ming quickly reached out and took it. Looking at the black soybean-sized pill inside, he couldn't help but tugged at the corner of his mouth and asked, "Shao Li, is this?"

In fact, he already has the answer in his heart. This should be the legendary "I love a stick of wood", right? The **** wanted to play with his body, but he still wanted to make himself estrus... Wu Ming's stomach twisted violently again, and he almost vomited.

This dead pervert is really good at playing.

"Poison." Li Zedao said casually after spitting out a smoke ring. "Seeing the poison in the blood throat, what is even more amazing is that after you die, this poison can guarantee that your body will not rot in a week."

"Poison... poison? See the poison in the throat? I love a stick of firewood?" Wu Ming's pupils were round and his body instantly became so stiff, he was almost scared to death by Li Zedao's words.

"Shao Li...Don't be kidding me, I'm timid, he...hehe..." Wu Ming worked very hard to squeeze a smile on his face. If it is really poison, so the real hobby of this **** is actually a corpse? And it's still a male corpse? One act is one week? Can you still be a bit beast? Do you still have a conscience? Do you still have some humanity? Are you afraid of going to hell?

"I'm serious. If you don't believe me, you can just eat it." Li Zedao said seriously.


Seeing that Li Zedao didn't mean to joking with him at all, Wu Ming shook his hand, and when the medicine bottle in his hand slipped from his hand, he wanted to push the car door to escape. He can accept that he has become this perverted plaything, but he can't accept that he has become a corpse.

However, at the moment he was about to push the car door, he only felt that his head was dizzy, and then his entire face fell heavily on the steering wheel, his hands dropped weakly, and there was no movement.

Li Zedao stretched out his hand and violently pulled Wu Ming, who was completely fainted, to the back seat. Then he reached out and picked up the medicine bottle that he had dropped on the seat, opened the bottle cap and poured out the pills inside. , The other hand simply pinched Wu Ming's mouth open and put the pill into his mouth.

In less than five seconds, Wu Ming's eyes suddenly opened wide, his eyes seemed to be experiencing something terrifying, and then his body twitched violently.

In less than a few seconds, his head dropped weakly to one side, and there was no more sniffles coming out, and he was already dead, but his eyes were still wide open, and there was a horror in his eyes that had not faded. reveal.

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