The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1879: Sword stolen

However, when I saw the portrait clearly, the expression on the woman's face instantly solidified, and her body was as if struck by lightning, she simply stayed there, motionless. He couldn't move his eyes anymore, staring at the portrait in a daze, and there was a rather complicated look in his eyes.

After a long time, she was relieved, took a deep breath, and worked hard to calm her emotions.

However, she failed, and her heart was extremely agitated.

As she had expected, she couldn't let go of him, saying that she let it go, that was just deceiving herself.

Looking away with difficulty, she looked at the girl who was still staring at the portrait, and said, "Hello, excuse me."

The girl reacted, and came back to her feelings and smiled at the woman embarrassedly. She quickly stood up, pointed at the small stool in front of her and smiled: "Hello, do you want to draw a portrait too? Please sit down."

"Thank you." The woman nodded and sat down on the chair.

"You are a girl from an island country, right?" the woman asked.

"Yes, you are from Huaxia?" The girl smiled, took out a piece of white drawing paper and laid it on the drawing board, ready to start painting, "I like the great country of China very much. If there is a chance in the future, I I still want to settle in China."

The woman smiled, her eyes fell on the portrait again, and she asked aloud: "I would like to ask, who is this boy in the painting? He should be a Chinese boy, right?"

The girl is a little strange, why everyone is asking the same question, the boy asked this question just now, and now this beautiful Chinese woman is also asking.

Of course, strangely strange, she still answered the woman's question proudly: "He is my brother."

"Brother?" The woman can clearly feel the girl's love for the boys in China, and the look in her eyes is less like looking at her brother.

"Of course not my brother. As you said, this is a Chinese boy. But he is very good to me. When I was at home, he took care of me like a big brother. I was able to get there smoothly. When I went to school in London, I also got his help and encouragement." The girl smiled sweetly and simply said, and she was full of longing, "He should be in China now?"

"He is indeed in China now." The woman muttered as she looked at the portrait, with extremely complex emotions in her eyes, "I also know that his name is Li Zedao, right?"

The girl's eyes widened suddenly, and she looked at the woman in amazement, "Do you know Brother Zedao?"

"It's... the most familiar stranger." The woman gave such an answer.


After all this strolling around 1pm, Li Zedao already had a few more handbags in his hand. The second girl stopped her pace with unfinished talent, went to a western restaurant to have lunch, and took a rest to add something. physical strength.

After eating, Encoco proposed to go to a movie, Mia naturally had no objection. Both of them love Hollywood blockbusters, so they both want to watch the secret agent spy blockbuster "Mission Impossible", which was released only before yesterday.

At the moment, the three people put back the things they bought in the morning in the car, and then walked towards the big shopping mall not far away. On the fourth floor of the big shopping mall, there is a cinema.

What Li Zedao didn't know was that when he took Mia and Encore into the big shopping mall, a figure quietly appeared in front of the car that Li Zedao was parked in the parking space on the side of the road.

His unusually bright eyes fell on the big shopping mall, and the corners of his mouth were slightly lifted with a slightly strange warping mark.

After watching the spy warfare blockbuster "Mission: Impossible" in the movie theater, it was already two and a half hours later. The three of them wandered in this big mall for a while before leaving the mall to return to the Victory Garden community.

Encore is now completely obsessed with the taste of the meals made by Li Zedao, so I didn't want to eat dinner outside, and wanted Li Zedao to cook it.

However, when the three of them returned to the car parked in the parking space on the side of the road, Li Zedao's face suddenly became quite ugly.

"Oh, dear boss, what's the matter with you?" Mia's perception is so keen, she caught the faint murderous aura that suddenly burst out of Li Zedao.

"Asshole, what happened?" Enkeke didn't catch the murderous intent, but she saw Li Zedao's ugly and solemn face that had become completely different from the past.

"While we were watching a movie, someone got into this car and stole something." Li Zedao's eyes fell on the co-pilot's position, his voice was even colder, and at the same time, his mind turned sharply. .

Just in case, Li Zedao always took the Xuanyuan Xia Yu sword wherever he went after arriving in Yanjing, so that even if he encountered the most perfect genetic superman, he could easily cut it in half. Besides, leaving the sword in the room Li Zedao was actually not so relieved.

It was no exception when I was shopping with my second daughter today, so I took that sword with me naturally.

But shopping with such a big sword is naturally quite inconvenient, so Li Zedao put it in the car.

Before watching the movie, Li Zedao sent the clothes and other things he bought back to the car. At that time, Xuanyuan Xia Yujian was still lying quietly in the position of the co-pilot, but now the position of the co-pilot is empty. Things!

Xuanyuan Xia Yujian was stolen!

What made Li Zedao want to scold his mother even more was that in addition to stealing Xuanyuan Xia Yujian, the other party also took away the special cigarettes that he had extorted from Qin Shaofeng and the expensive lighter that Nintendo gave him.

Damn, is that an old smoker who saw Hao Yan couldn't help taking it away? Or is it just for disgusting yourself?

Mia and Enkeke were also slightly stunned, only to realize that the ancient sword that Liu Zedao always carried and was still in the co-pilot position was gone.

Of course, they don’t know the true value of that ancient sword. They only think that it is a worthy cultural relic, and it should have special meaning to Li Zedao, otherwise Li Zedao will not go anywhere these days. Take it with you.

"Get out of the car first, I'll make a call." Li Zedao pushed the door and jumped out of the car. First, he lit a cigarette and calmed down his heart that was already full of violence before he took out his phone. Make a call to go out.

Soon, the call was answered, and Director Yang's voice came over: "You kid, don't tell me you can't come tomorrow..."

"My things were stolen, did you let someone steal them?" Li Zedao simply planned Director Yang's words.

"What? What did you say?" Director Yang was a little dazed by Li Zedao's sudden questioning, and he didn't understand what happened.

"I put a very important thing in the car. When I came back from watching the movie, that thing had been stolen. The car I drove was the specially modified off-road vehicle you sent. During this period, the car did not issue any alarms and showed no signs of damage." Li Zedao took a deep breath and said.

But Li Zedao didn't doubt that this matter had something to do with Director Yang, fc, and even the old grandson. After all, the car was specially modified, so the safety performance and security and anti-theft aspects need not be mentioned.

Don’t say that you intend to use abnormal means to try to open the door or window, or even if someone reaches out and gently strokes the car, the car will immediately sound an alarm and immediately feed back to Li Zedao’s mobile phone, Li Zedao can pass immediately Check who touched your car with your mobile phone.

And because of the special modification, even if you use a hammer to hit, you don't want to break the bulletproof glass that can't be penetrated by bullets.

But now, the windows of the car have not been smashed, the sirens have not sounded, and everything in the car has not been damaged, that is to say, the alarm device installed in the car has not been damaged!

So, it feels like someone just likes entering his car, pulling the door and taking away Xuanyuan Xia Yujian who was in the passenger position... He just got into his car and took out his things. He is not stealing other people's things from other people's cars.

Those thieves simply can't do this kind of thing! Even if they can do it, it will take a long time. Where can the thief have the courage to stay in front of the car and unlock it silently? Is he not afraid to come out and destroy them?

Basically only those fc elites know how to open the door at the fastest speed and prevent the car from issuing an alarm. After all, this car was originally modified by them, and the security anti-theft system is also opened and installed by them.

Director Yang reacted immediately this time and quickly said, "I can assure you that I don’t know anything about this. At least I didn’t give any orders. Besides, I don’t think you except you. There is something on my body that is worthy of my mind."

Li Zedao thought, if you knew the value of Xuanyuan Xia Yujian, I'm afraid you wouldn't have said this.

Of course, with Director Yang’s skill, even if this sword falls into his hands, it will basically be useless, and it will not be able to function as a tiger. When encountering an opponent of his level, he will still be killed in seconds. of!

It's not that you have the Dragon Slaying Sword in your hand, you are the supreme martial arts, you are the number one in the world, after all, you have to speak on your own strength.

"Where are you now? I'll take someone over." Director Yang also knows that fc can't get rid of the suspicion. After all, the car is modified by them, and they do have a way to block the alarm installed on the car while using the most Open the car door quickly. So they are indeed obliged to investigate the matter clearly and give Li Zedao an explanation.

Li Zedao told Director Yang where he was currently.

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