Now that something has happened, it is superfluous to say anything more. Whoever stole the sword, even if it can't be investigated now, there will always be a clear picture.

Therefore, after Li Zedao finished the phone call with Director Yang, he took Encore and Mia to a nearby restaurant and had a simple meal. Of course, because they were in a bad mood, the atmosphere was not very good.

"Oh, dear boss, I'm sorry, if it weren't for my suggestion to go to the movies, the sword would not have been stolen." Mia looked at Li Ze with apologetic expression.

"It was me who was wrong. After eating lunch in that restaurant, Sister Mia said she would go back first, but I said she wanted to watch the movie... asshole, I'm sorry." Encore's face was full of guilt, and that expression almost cried. .

Li Zedao looked at the two girls who were eager to admit their mistakes, stretched out their hands and grabbed the hands of the two women, and said dumbfoundedly: "What do you blame? How can you blame you? Besides, it's a sword. I lost it. I lost it, it's okay."

"But, that sword is very important to you, isn't it?" Seeing Li Zedao said so easily, Encore blamed itself even more.

"Who said that the sword is important to me? For me, it's a weapon to use. If you lose it, you are looking for one. The most important thing is your emotions. "Li Zedao said, "So if you are unhappy like this, I'm going to be asshole."


"Oh, dear boss..." This kind of indulgence caused Mia to be confused and moved. Of course she knew that Li Zedao made it so easy to not let them blame themselves. You know, if something similar happens while in the Skull and Crossbones organization, then she is not far from death, and General Skull and Crossbones will not let her go.

Then I couldn't help it anymore, her attractive red lips leaned over, and Li Zedao made a heavy smear on the corner of her mouth.

Li Zedao smashed his lower lip, looked at Encore and said laughably, "Should you kiss me too?"

"Asshole..." Enkeco did not act as boldly as Mia. He twisted and finally kissed Li Zedao on the lips.

"If you show me a striptease in the evening, I'll be happier." Li Zedao said in a low voice with embarrassed expression.

"Ah, get out..."

Although Li Zedao teased the second girl with a relaxed expression, he had an unpleasant feeling in his heart.

As Mia thought, Li Zedao did deliberately speak so easily.

If the Xuanyuan Xia Yu sword is a sword with a history of thousands of years, it is a very precious and rare cultural relic, and its value is no less than the original "Lanting Collection Preface" brought into Zhaoling by Wu Zetian, then lost it will be lost. , Li Zedao's brows won't be frowned at all.

However, this is not an ordinary precious ancient sword. It is a very special precious ancient sword. This sword is the treasure of the Heavenly Mystery Gate. This sword is omnipotent and can be easily used with it. Any mortal force, fire, or smash, can't destroy its even bit of colorful stone into five pieces, it can easily smash the soul of Duanmuweizhuang!

If the Xuanyuan Xia Yu sword was stolen by ordinary thieves, and the reason they stole it was because they regarded it as an ancient sword and thought it was valuable and planned to sell it, then the situation is better.

But if it is stolen by those with ulterior motives, that person still knows exactly what kind of sword the Xuanyuan Xia Yu sword is, and that person is still his own enemy, such as General Skull and Crossbones, then things are in trouble. After meeting the perfect genetic superman, I am afraid that I will be quite passive.

When the Gene Superman was holding the Xuanyuan Xia Yujian and slashed at him, Li Zedao felt that he had no choice but to flee from the wind, otherwise an accidental part of his body or even his life would have to say goodbye to him.

But if it is true, where did the other party know the true value of this Xuanyuan Xia Yu sword? How do you know that the sword is in your hands? Now how does the other party know that he put Xuanyuan Xia Yujian in the car? How did he know that he would not appear in the process of stealing?

A terrible thought suddenly popped out of Li Zedao's mind: So, I was being followed?

Silently following oneself without letting oneself find out...what a terrifying person is this? What is his real purpose? Just to help yourself find a handy weapon?

After dinner, he returned to the car and not too long before, Director Yang hurriedly arrived with a few of his men, followed by a few uniformed criminal police officers who arrived at the same time.

After a few words with Li Zedao, Director Yang immediately asked his subordinates to bring the police to check the surveillance cameras installed in the surrounding shops. If the police are there, those shops will naturally cooperate well. Investigation. This is why Director Yang asked the police to come.

Li Zedao drew out a cigarette and handed it to Director Yang. Fortunately, there is still a pack of cigarettes on his body, otherwise this pack will definitely be passed along.

Li Zedao couldn't help but scold his mother in his heart. That bastard, you can just steal the sword. What are you doing with a few packs of cigarettes? And that lighter, which was given to me by my wife...your sister!

"I have quit smoking." Director Yang did not take the cigarette that Li Zedao handed over, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

Before he smoked a few sips of the cigarette that this kid handed over. It immediately turned into a beast and almost exploded his subordinate's chrysanthemum. Now he has a shadow on the cigarette, so he just quit smoking, not smoking one... at least The cigarette that this kid handed over didn't smoke.

Even if it wasn't for this kid to be his grandson-in-law, Director Yang felt that he would definitely continue to hate this kid, and he would find a suitable opportunity to kill him.

Li Zedao smiled without reluctance, put the cigarette into his mouth and lit it, can't tell him that the cigarette has not been manipulated, right? Didn't that indirectly admit that the cigarette was manipulated by himself before?

"It's good not to smoke. Smoking is harmful to your health." Li Zedao said. After feeling for a while, this so-called special cigarette is just like that, it seems that it is not as smooth as a pack of five yuan.

Then I couldn't help but started scolding my mother again, that **** thief, there were two packs of five-yuan cigarettes in the car, why didn't you steal it? Your sister!

Director Yang looked at this **** who could eat rat poison, his eyes were contemptuous and contemptuous.

"What are you missing?" Director Yang asked curiously. Judging from the tone of the boy when he called, the boy naturally lost something important to him.

"A few packs of special cigarettes, just this stuff." Li* shook the pack of cigarettes in front of Director Yang.

"..." Director Yang tugged violently at the corner of his mouth, and said angrily: "You can be more serious."

"I'm serious." Li Zedao smiled bitterly. "That **** stole five packs of cigarettes and a lighter."

"..." Director Yang opened his eyes wide, unable to believe what he heard.

"Of course, there is also a sword." After exhaling a smoke ring, Li Zedao said again.

"Sword?" Director Yang frowned slightly, it seemed that this sword was the point.

"Ancient sword, a very valuable ancient sword." Li Zedao briefly introduced, "If I want to auction it, I will sell one 800 million yuan, which is quite easy."

Director Yang frowned and nodded. He probably knows that this kid must have something to hide. That sword can't be just as simple as the value of money. Otherwise, this kid wouldn't have such a serious expression, he looked like he was worried. After all, the money is right. For him, it was just a string of numbers, and he wouldn't have a serious expression because he lost a billion, and he would even have no reaction at all.

One billion is not much different from ten dollars for him.

But he didn't ask too much. This kid didn't want to say it himself. Now help fc clarify again: "This matter has nothing to do with fc."

Li Zedao smiled bitterly: "This time I hope it's related." If someone from fc stole it, it would be a big deal to get it back.

But it has nothing to do with fc, it means that the person who steals the sword is a terrifying person. He is ignorant of following himself behind him. He knows the horror of Xuanyuan Xia Yujian, and he can easily shield it from falling off the car. The alarm easily opens the door and enters the car.

As for the surrounding surveillance... Li Zedao felt that if he were that person, he would have destroyed them all in advance.

Director Yang also followed with a wry smile and said, "It's okay."

This pan fc does not carry, nor does it move.

Sure enough, in less than half an hour, these fc members and the few policemen returned without success. As Li Zedao had expected, the monitors placed there didn’t even know when they all failed, so they simply failed. It was not photographed who was approaching the car and stole the contents.

Director Yang looked at Li Zedao, who was puffing out smoke with a solemn expression, did he want to persuade his granddaughter? Leave this kid as soon as possible, otherwise the possibility of becoming a widow is quite high.

This kid is a pervert himself. What a cautious person, but now someone dares to make ideas on him. The most terrifying thing is that the person succeeded. Doesn't that mean that person is more perverted?

"Grandpa, take someone back first. I'll take care of this myself." Li Zedao said while rubbing his temples with a headache while looking at Director Yang.

"...Your kid... Anyway, your life is the most important thing. I don't want to see my precious granddaughter become a widow, crying for you." This "Grandpa" made Director Yang's heart The softest place was touched all at once, and he stretched out his hand, sighing heavily and patted his shoulder lightly.

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