Li Zedao's eyes widened, and that face already had a slightly moving look...Although he had known similar things from Extinction Teacher Tai a long time ago, he still thinks that his acting level can already get an Oscar. The little golden man, no, the shocked expression was well expressed by him.

"There is indeed another space." Looking at Li Zedao, Lao Sun nodded with certainty, and immediately asked: "Have you heard of Chaos?"

"Chaos?" Without acting this time, Li Zedao's brain was completely muddled, very confused. It was the first time he had heard of such a subject.

"Everything, everything is chaotic." After a while of silence, Old Sun said. His expression is solemn, his eyes are clear, his body is like a tiger and a dragon, and a breath of peerless mastery naturally exudes.

"This old man's compulsion is probably only a little lower than the master." Li Zedao thought in his heart.

Sun Lao looked at Li Zedao, and said in the tone of the teacher explaining the question to the students: "The myth of Pangu that we are familiar with has the meaning of'the world is in chaos'."

Seeing that Li Zedao’s expression was a little confused, he obviously didn’t understand him well, so he explained again: “The general explanation is that if the evolution of a system is very sensitive to the initial state, people call it a chaotic system. Research on this chaotic system is It is called chaos. The chaos found that the strange phenomenon of chaotic motion is caused by nonlinear factors inside the system."

Li Zedao nodded his head half-knowingly. He probably understood it. For example, the butterfly effect should be a concept in chaos theory, right?

"The reason why you mentioned chaos to Shao Li is of course not to discuss this subject with you, but to let Shao Li understand that after Pangu woke up in the past, the space you were in was chaos. Then Pangu went down with an axe. Just like the butterfly effect, it produced a great result. That is to say, when his axe was opened up, not only one space was opened up, but many spaces were opened up. We can also call it a position. Face, what we live in now is just one of its planes."

Li Zedao's eyes widened, and he continued to play, he had to let Sun Lao know that this was the first time he heard such...unbelievable and unimaginable remarks.

Of course, compared with the explanation of Master Exterminator, Lao Sun's explanation is undoubtedly more vivid and more understandable.

If both were university lecturers, Lao Sun would undoubtedly be more popular, especially by those girls.

"After that, the plane we lived in collapsed, so Nu Wa quickly refined the colorful stones to repair it." Lao Sun continued to say after pouring tea into the empty cup in front of Li Zedao.

"...That's the case." Li Zedao took a sip. It is indeed extremely lucky to be able to drink such tea.

Even if the old man said all nonsense, it was worthwhile. Moreover, what he said might not be all nonsense. Li Zedao still got a lot of useful information from him.

"Each plane has intricate connections. Except for a few connection points, each plane is actually an independent space with its own laws of nature, lifestyle, and its own historical process. ."

Lao Sun continued to introduce: "And I think that plane is also divided into three, six or nine. The plane we are in now is just a relatively low-level plane."

This is not difficult for Li Zedao to understand. After all, the places where gods and mortals live cannot be the same. If gods live in a place with a very bad environment, naturally no one wants to be a god.

"So, the so-called eyes in the nameless cave are not the connection points leading to another more advanced plane, right?" Li Zedao swallowed, and said "difficultly".

It seems to have to be verified, rather than get another answer.

Then, he was moved by his performance. Sure enough, Oscar owed himself a golden figure, and the change in his expression on his face was a textbook-level performance.

Old Sun nodded and said: "It is true. Through the connection point of the plane of the Wuming Cave, you can lead to another higher plane, that is, another dimension, another completely different world."

"So, Sun Lao, have you ever been to another plane through that connection point?" Li Zedao continued to ask another question with difficulty, "What does that plane look like? There are no cars on that plane? People go out. Are they all flying around in the sky? Flying with swords? All plants and trees are soldiers?"

That day, Li Zedao also raised a similar question to the Exterminator too, which was also a question that Li Zedao was quite curious and cared about.

Old Sun shook his head lightly and smiled bitterly: "I have only been to the nameless cave, and never been to another plane, so I don't know what a scene the other plane is like."

"It turns out." Li Zedao nodded gently.

He remembered the last thing the exterminator said before Tairuding that day, and that was that a great war broke out in that nameless cave. What was going on?

"I only know that the state of returning to innocence and truth, in the past, we called it the state of gods and humans." Old Sun looked at Li Zedao and said, awe in his eyes that suddenly became hot.

"God-Man Realm?" Li Zedao's eyes widened suddenly, and even his heartbeat started to speed up uncontrollably. It turned out that the realm of returning to the original is called God-Man realm.

The realm of returning to nature is also called the realm of demigod, so breaking through the realm of god-man is naturally a real god-man?

"The so-called god-human state is what we call breaking through the shackles of the human body and becoming immortal." Sun Lao said again.

Li Zedao swallowed, and quickly picked up the cup of fragrant tea in front of him and drank a few sips, only then did he feel that his restless heart was a little calmer.

"It is said that once you enter the realm of gods and humans, you will be transferred to another higher plane by a certain mysterious power between heaven and earth, and you will become a true **** from then on, living the same life as heaven and earth." Sun Lao said, his piercing spirit His eyes are even hotter.

Therefore, Li Zedao also clearly felt his desire for that level.

Also, who wouldn't want to be a godlike existence and live with the heavens and the earth? Now Lao Sun is already a master at returning to the basics, so naturally he wants to go one step further.

People are ambitious. For example, Huang Wen before, dreamed of entering the state of returning to the original and returning to the real, and he did a lot of desperate things for this.

For another example, if you make a company the largest in the country, your next idea is to continue to make it the largest in the world, instead of thinking that it is enough and stopping your own struggle.

Li Zedao thought for a while, would he be willing to go to another plane and become a **** with the same life as heaven and earth?

If Sister Bei and they all go with them and live with them forever, Li Zedao would of course be quite willing, but if they just leave them behind and go to another plane...

The softest part of Li Zedao's heart was immediately stung.

How could he leave them behind?

What he asks is not to go to another plane to become a god, what he asks is to spend every day with his women happily.

"It's just that it is already quite difficult to break through the realm of ghosts and innocents. One out of 10,000 cultivators is already considered good. Most people will not even touch the threshold in their lifetime, let alone It is said to be a breakthrough in the realm of gods and humans."

As he said, Old Sun was already full of enthusiasm, and even his voice was trembling slightly, and his breathing was a little quick: "But, the connection point of the Wuming Cave is an opportunity. You don't need to break through. Return to the realm of innocence and return to the realm and enter the realm of gods and humans to reach another plane of opportunity to become gods."

"It turns out." Li Zedao's breathing was also short, and he really didn't know what words to use to describe his feelings after hearing this.

The existence of the connection point of the nameless hole is equivalent to giving you a chance to climb the sky in one step.

It’s just the same. If it wasn’t for the **** violent spirit in his body that would kill him at any time, Li Zedao didn’t even want to go to another plane to become a god, he just wanted to be happy and happy. Together with Sister Bei and the others, they lead a simple, peaceful and fragrant life.

If it really goes to another plane, the violent aura in the body is gone, but it can't come back... what should I do?

Then, Li Zedao couldn't help being amused by his so-called worry. If it was so easy to go to the other plane through the connection point of the nameless cave, the old grandson sitting in front of him would have gone long ago. Now, still looking forward to it here?

If you want to transfer to another interface through that, you must have some special conditions. If you can go casually, Sun Lao would not sit here and make tea with himself.

In addition, Li Zedao felt that he had guessed what the legendary leader of the Four Elephants had found out about what he called it. It should have something to do with Wumingdong.

"In fact, the heads of your Tianjimen in the past are the guardians and inheritors of Wumingdong." Old Sun said, looking at Li Zedao with burning eyes.

"What?" Li Zedao exclaimed, with just the right color of astonishment on his face. The expression seemed to be completely blown up by the words of Old Sun.

Old Sun nodded affirmatively: "Did the disciple Qingxuzi of Taoist Qiankun tell you?"

Immediately, Old Sun shook his head slightly and sighed and muttered to himself: "It's no wonder that Qing Xuzi didn't know about these things. After all, Taoist Qian Kun didn't even think about saying that he was there and couldn't go back to see his apprentice. In addition to the emergency, naturally many things have not had time to explain clearly to their apprentices."

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