"The matter is urgent? What happened to the Taoist Master Qiankun?" Li Zedao asked extremely curiously.

"I'll talk about this in a while." Old Sun said.

"..." Li Ze twitched at the corner of his mouth. I thought it would be a waste of talent for this old man not to go to be a storyteller in any teahouse. While the cycle is gradual, he has not forgotten to throw a fierce material to make your heart really itchy and uncomfortable.

Old Sun looked up at Li Zedao and continued: "In short, the secret about the connection point of the Wuming Cave is a secret that only the head of the Tianjimen can know, but the secret was leaked out thousands of years ago."

Li Zedao frowned and nodded. Although he was quite curious, he didn't ask anything.

He probably knew that if he asked, the answer from the old man would be...I will talk about this question in a moment.

The veteran Sun put down his teacup and looked at Li Zedao and continued: "That is to say, since then, many super masters have known that there is such a place as the nameless cave. Another plane has become a true god!"

"They also know that the nameless hole will be opened every six Jiazi, that is, 300 years... Now, it's the 300th year." Old Sun's eyes became hot again when he looked at Li Zedao.

Li Zedao widened his eyes, and said with great difficulty: "Lao Sun means that this year is exactly the 300th year? On which day the nameless hole will be opened for the rest of this year?"

Li Zedao once again confirmed that his guess was basically correct, and Sun Lao approached him, it must have something to do with Wumingdong! He wants to ask himself to go with him? Is this because of your own strength or other things in your body?

Li Zedao again remembered the old liar he saw that day. There was a suspicion of encouraging him to go to Wumingdong between his words... He was just like Sun Lao, what did he like about him?

Old Sun shook his head and said: "It's not a day, but the Chongyang Festival on the ninth day of September. That is the day when the Wuming Cave was opened by a mysterious force."

"The Double Ninth Festival?" Li Zedao swallowed and stretched out his fingers to count the time. Isn't there a few days left?

"Double Ninth Festival." Old Sun nodded affirmatively, "Do you know who leaked this secret in the past?"

This time, without waiting for Li Zedao's question, Mr. Sun gave the answer directly: "It's a Daoist of Gan De."

"Tao Ren?" Li Ze dumbfounded and then shook his head slightly. To him, this was a rather strange name.

"For this person, you are naturally unfamiliar, but in terms of seniority, he is your uncle too." Sun Laoyu is not surprising and endless.

"Uh..." Li Zedao violently twitched the corners of his mouth a few times, so this Daoist Connaught is the junior of Daoist Qiankun?

"The Daoist of Qiande is just the brother of the Daoist of Qiankun. In those days, he was also a well-known super master, known as the second Dao in the world. The first Dao in the world is naturally his senior Daoist." Sun Lao said, " As for their sister-in-law’s extermination of Daogu, they are called the number one Daogu in the world..."

"Uh... Extinction... Dao?" Li Zedao felt that he hadn't picked up the cup to drink tea right now, otherwise he would have to spray out all that mouthful of tea.

He really couldn't believe what he heard, shouldn't it be the Exterminator Tai? Or is it not the same person?

"At that time, the Heavenly Jigsaw Gate produced three back-to-nature masters in a row, so it was naturally the most prosperous period of the Heaven’s Jigsaw Gate. Except for our four elephants, other forces could not compete with them."

"..." This old man has really high language skills. On the surface, you are complimenting others, but you are actually complimenting yourself.

"Even the former evil god, who was known as the number one master in the world, didn't dare to provoke the heavenly door easily."

When the name "Cthulhu" was mentioned, Lao Sun's tone was obviously cold, and it was obvious that the two sides had formed a lot of strength.

Li Zedao muttered in his heart, the fiercely famous Cthulhu, known as the world's number one master? It seems that Mr. Cthulhu was the number one villain that year. The reason why Taoist Qiankun didn't come back after leaving Taoist Temple was that he was destroyed by these Mr. Cthulhu?

Old Sun sighed and shook his head. His eyes were far away, and he was obviously caught in some memories. He said, "Speaking of the past, Tianjimen was one of the best martial arts, because the Taoist Qiankun had no intention of taking over the position of teaching, so he only wanted to exterminate the Taoist priest with his junior sister. Happy life, so their master Wuchen Daoist can only pass on the position of instructor to his third disciple, Daoist Daoist."

"After that, Dao Qian De did not know the reason. He actually injured his master and defected from the Heavenly Gate not long after he took over the position of teaching. Therefore, Dao Qian Kun had to take over the position of teaching. According to the rules of the Tianjimen, the head of the gate is not allowed to marry a wife and have children, so he had to cut off the roots of love with his junior sister and exterminate the Taoist aunt. When his junior sister exterminated the Taoist aunt, she also betrayed the Tianjimen and vowed to kill the Taoist Master from then on. , Even cut his hair into a nun and became a nun. This incident caused a huge sensation back then."

Old Sun shook his head, his face full of sorrow.

"Uh..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched fiercely, and he really felt like he had been smashed tens of thousands of times by thunder, and he was almost choking to death by Mr. Sun's words. .

So, the extinct teacher I met was once a Taoist aunt? Is it his own uncle too? From love to hate, simply cut hair to nun? This is too capricious, right? After all, monks and Taoist priests, they can be said to be enemies since ancient times. It can be seen how resentful the brother who killed himself is.

Li Zedao suddenly thought that the extinct Taoist had changed from love and hate to extinction, and Antarctica had also changed from love and hate to a handsome little nun... Li Zedao was full of sadness, and she did not love herself.

After the grief, he felt more eager to urinate. After drinking tea for almost an hour, the bladder naturally couldn't stand it.

"It didn't take long for the master of the Taoist Master Qiankun to erupt quickly because of his severe injuries. Since then, Tianjimen has also fallen, and there is no other scenery. The Taoist temple of Tianjimen was originally located in Qingcheng Mountain. I moved from Mount Qingcheng to Mount Tai. While silently guarding the small Taoist temple, I was also silently looking for the whereabouts of the Taoist Taoist of Gande, planning to clear the door to avenge his master." Old Sun said after pouring tea into Li Zedao's cup again.

Li Zedao picked up the cup of tea and drank it all and then stood up and said embarrassingly: "Lao Sun, wait for me to put some water first, and then you will continue."

"..." Old Sun felt that he had to put some water first, and the tea leaves were gone, and the water in the copper pot had almost bottomed out.

"I will also get the tea and water." Old Sun asked, "Should I prepare some refreshments?"

"That couldn't be better," Li Zedao said. I thought that if Director Yang and the people in fx learned that they and Mr. Sun were drinking tea and making tea here, they would probably be shaken off?

At the moment, Li Zedao didn't bother to enter the small building to find the toilet. Instead, he walked to the side wall and directly opened the zipper to release the water. There was no one around and the camera was turned off, so I was not afraid of others seeing it.

The effort to release the water naturally made his mind surging extremely fiercely, and it was a bit difficult to digest the words of Old Sun.

Li Zedao knew that in a while, he would be able to learn the specific location and more detailed information about Wuming Cave from Lao Sun, without going to Ganluan again, and then risking his life to light up Ganluan. Forcing the extinction of the teacher is too definite.

After filling the water, Li Zedao returned to his seat and sat down again. Not long after he had waited, he had already seen a copper pot filled with water in his left hand and a box of pastries in his right hand. Old Sun was walking from the small building. Came out.

Li Zedao quickly got up and greeted him, and took the copper pot and cakes from him.

After putting down the copper pot and the cake, Lao Sun pointed at the cake and smiled: "This is me making sweet-scented osmanthus cake. You can try it."

The elderly are basically very talkative, so now that such a young man accompanies him to make tea and chat, and talk about the past thousands of years ago, Mr. Sun is quite happy.

"Lao Sun made this? Then I have to taste it." Li Zedao was surprised.

I thought that this old guy was really idle. Who would have thought that such a powerful figure, even the No. 1 chief, would make cakes by himself? The most important thing is that there is something like that, just smelling the faint fragrance will make people move their index fingers.

After picking up the delicate pastry and taking a bite, Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, and he nodded, full of praise.

It's not that this old man is flattering, but there is really no way to say that this cake is not delicious without conscience.

With this old man's skill, it is more than enough to be the master of the so-called pastry chef, of course, there is still a gap compared with his own cooking skills.

Li Zedao is confident to do better than him.

After a few pieces of cakes, cups of fragrant tea, and a few flattering notes, Lao Sun continued the topic just now: "The Chief of Virtue naturally knew that Chief Qiankun planned to find him to clear the door, and he naturally hid. Since then, there has been no news from the bird. He had been hiding for more than 30 years before he showed up again. When he showed up, it was when the Wuming Cave was about to be opened, and he directly revealed the secret guarded by the secret gate. After all, he He also became the head teacher of Tianjimen, so he naturally knew the secret."

Li Zedao frowned. What he didn't want to understand was that since that Taoist Taoist knew the secret of the nameless cave, why didn't he go to the nameless cave by himself, but revealed the secret?

Or does it take multiple masters to unite to open the nameless hole? He alone can't enter the nameless cave? And the reason why he didn't secretly join a few masters to go there was because he wanted to reap the benefits of the fisherman?

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