The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1893: Go back door

"Although the back-to-virtual masters have a very long lifespan under the condition of disease-free and disaster-free conditions, there will eventually be an end to their lifespan! But becoming a **** is different, and gods will live the same life as the heavens and the earth. The masters who usually hide and rarely see the previous side are moved by the wind, and everyone is looking for the whereabouts of Dao Qian Kun."

With that said, there was already an inexplicable emotion in Sun Lao's eyes.

Li Zedao frowned and didn't understand it. He asked, "Since the Taoist Conduit has leaked the news about the Wuming Cave, shouldn't those masters gather in the Wuming Cave? Why are they looking for the Taoist Master Qiankun? Whereabouts?"

"That's because the key to open the nameless hole is in the hands of Dao Master Qiankun." Old Sun looked at Li Zedao and gave the answer.

"The key?" Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly. Let me just say, how easy is it to go to the Wuming Cave? It seems that the nameless hole that I had accidentally broke into is not the legendary nameless hole at all.

It seems that just as he thought in his heart, his uncle Taishi really wanted to take advantage of the suspicion of reaping the fishermen’s profits. He knew that he could not get the key to the nameless hole from the Taishifu, and even if he dared to appear at the Taifu arbitrarily In front of him, he might still be killed. After all, the strength of his master known as the "Second Way in the World" is not as strong as that of his big brother known as the "First Way in the World".

So he spread this secret directly, and for a while, his big brother would naturally become the target of the public, and he was also good at fishing in troubled waters.

"Do you know what the key to open the nameless hole is?" Sun Lao asked again, the look in Li Zedao's eyes was already quite... special.

It gave people the feeling that this was an old man greedily looking at a...peerlessly beautiful young man, like a thirsty vulture facing a pile of fresh corpse meat.

Being stared by the old man with such eyes, Li Zedao only felt his body tighten, and goose bumps formed on his skin. He almost smashed his face with the tea tray on the table without holding back!

"Lao Sun's eyes are...excessive, right?" Li Zedao's expression on his face was reduced, and his tone was a little unhappy.

It's fine to be stared at by a big beauty with such eyes, but this is an old man, an old monster who has lived for more than a thousand years...

"Spicy next door!" Li Zedao cursed inwardly.

"Uh...oh, Shao Li, I'm really sorry, I'm impolite." Sun Lao said with a slightly embarrassed and apologetic smile, and he realized that his eyes were indeed a bit too much and it was too easy to make people think.

Li Zedao snorted lightly, his expression still gloomy, and took the tea to drink.

Sun Lao smiled a little bit awkwardly again, no longer showing off, and quickly gave the answer. After all, he had to let Li Zedao, who had obviously misunderstood, know that the reason why he looked at him with that kind of eyes was not what he thought. That's so... creepy.

This kid is good at everything, just likes to think of others as wretched as him.

"In fact, the key is the secret scroll."

"..." Li Zedao simply squirted out a large sip of tea from his mouth, his eyes widened and his mouth widened. He couldn't believe what he heard.

Secret map volume? The so-called key to opening the nameless hole turned out to be the secret scroll?

For a time, Li Zedao even figured out a lot of things.

He probably understood what the old thief was trying to do with him, understood the purpose of Lao Sun looking for him, and even understood why he had just stared at him with such eyes.

"I still don't quite understand." Li Zedao took a deep breath and asked. So, that tattered "Paradise of Heaven" is the key? This is really incredible, how can a book be the key? Or is it said that the content of the book that makes people's heads go to paste at first sight is actually a spell like "Open Sesame"?

To the door of the Wumingdong reciting these spells silently Will the door of the Wumingdong be opened?

"To be more precise, the key is actually the qi of heaven after practicing "The Scroll of Secrets". After all, it is an old monster who has lived for more than a thousand years, so Lao Sun naturally understands where Li Zedao's doubts are.

"Still don't understand." Li Zedao was even more at a loss.

"To put it simply, after the conveyor belt in the Wuming Cave was opened on the Double Ninth Festival, the powerful aura it released will severely repel those who try to approach it, even if you are a master of returning to the basics, once you get close , Will be knocked out by that unimaginable aura all at once, and will be severely injured or killed. There is no room for luck at all."

Li Zedao's eyes widened, and he understood at once, he asked with difficulty, "So, what Sun Lao meant is that that mysterious power...will not reject the aura of heaven?"

"It's true." Old Sun nodded and said in a shocking voice, "In fact, that powerful breath is the aura of heaven!"

Li Zedao was dumbfounded: "The air of heaven?"

"Yes, the aura of heaven. Of course, that is an extremely majestic aura of heaven, and the aura of heaven in your body, Shao Li, is quite weak. For example, if you compare the aura of heaven to the ocean, And the aura of that day in Shao Li's body is a small tributary of that vast ocean."

Hearing this explanation, Li Zedao suddenly became enlightened, and at the same time he didn't know what words to use to describe his mood at this moment. I didn't expect that there would be such a thing, which is completely different from what he had just thought. , This is the so-called repulsion of similar species, right?

"The Scroll of Heavenly Mystery" is the treasure of the Tianjimen, and the Wuming Cave is said to have been transformed by the return of a crane one day after True Man Xuanhuang became an immortal, and the secret of the Wuming Cave is passed down from generation to generation by the Tianjimen... So in my opinion, the rumors should be true. The conveyor belt in Wumingdong should have been left by the mysterious real man. He opened a back door for the disciples of the Heavenly Mystery Gate he created by his own hands, and left " The first volume of "Tianji Scroll" makes it convenient for his disciples and grandchildren to enter another world through that back door and become godlike beings."

"..." Li Zedao thinks this old man's explanation is really wonderful. It seems that "going through the back door" is a human instinct. As early as thousands of years ago, our ancestors had already used the "back door". Road has flourished.

"It's just..." Li Zedao frowned and raised his own question, "My Taishishu, Daoist Master, also became the head of the Heavenly Mystery Sect after all. It's impossible that he hasn't practiced "The Scroll of Heavenly Mystery"?"

"This principle is like that everyone can sit under the Bodhi tree and enlighten the Tao, but only Sakyamuni Buddha becomes Buddha."

Sun Lao said: "The Taoist of Gan De has naturally seen "The Scroll of Secrets of Heaven", but he has not cultivated the aura of the secrets of heaven. As far as I know, if you want to cultivate the aura of the secrets of heaven, you must have roots of wisdom and great wisdom. , And also received the blessing of a mysterious power... Therefore, Shao Li, like you, Master Qiankun Taoist, is a person with great wisdom and great wisdom, so you are comprehending " After "The Scroll of Heavenly Mystery", the body of Heavenly Mystery aura developed in the body, and in the eyes of others, it was nothing more than a celestial book whose content was messy and incomprehensible."

"..." Li Zedao didn't expect this old man to have such a profound knowledge in the skill of flattering, he would almost catch up with his tea art.

This flatterer knows he is flattering, but he can't help but think that he is serious about stating a fact.

Li Zedao laughed in his heart, he really is a genius.

In this rather long period of over a thousand years, the only one in front of him was Master Tai who had cultivated the aura of heaven, and it was not clear whether there would be someone in the back... But now, Master Tai did not know where to go. Now, maybe he is dead, so he is the only one who possesses the aura of heaven.

How coquettish is this? How lonely, can you feel it?

Li Zedao missed a poem: I didn't see the ancients before, and I didn't see the people behind. Reading the leisure of the world, but sullenly.

Li Zedao felt that at this moment how he could understand the loneliness and loneliness of Dugu's seeking defeat.

"Li Shao...Li Shao..." Seeing this kid's silly look was obviously narcissism, Old Sun was a little funny. Although he is a strong person who has returned to the basics, he is a young man after all.

Isn't the most popular thing young people do is narcissism? The tail that is just two boasts is up to the sky.

Li Zedao reacted and quickly picked up the cup and took a sip of tea to clear his throat, intentionally let the old man continue to praise himself... No, it was to be honest, but not embarrassed.

"So, what Sun Lao meant was that the conveyor belt in the unnamed cave not only does not exclude people with the aura of heaven, but also absorbs them, and other people only need to follow those who have the aura of heaven, and they can enter the place with them. Conveyor belt?"

"It is true. It is said that a person with a heavenly atmosphere can take four people into the conveyor belt together." Old Sun looked at Li Zedao and couldn't help but change again.

Just like just now, it was like an old color old man greedily looking at a peerless young man, like a thirsty vulture facing a bunch of fresh corpses.

This time, Li Zedao's reaction was not so great, after all, he already fully understood what the old man wanted to do.

"So, back then, there weren't many people trying to find my master to give gifts to his old man? Elder Sun also went there? And because of the relationship between your four elephants and my master, you can't get the moon by approaching the water tower?" Li Ze said Naturally, I will not take the initiative to say that I am willing to take you to the Wuming Cave together, but continue to ask about the things that year.

I probably understand what the extinction teacher said was the cause of the battle that broke out in the nameless cave that year. I must be fighting for that place, right?

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