The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1894: Skull Island

Sun Lao smiled bitterly and said: "In fact, no one is going to give gifts to the Taoists of the Universe as you said. After all, they are all masters of returning to the basics, and they are all quite proud people. How can they go to ask for help? At that time, the Daoist Heaven and Earth was the key to them, the key to the conveyor belt, so they only need to lose the ability to resist, there is no need to flatter him."

Li Zedao's face changed drastically, yes, why didn't he think of this? Isn't it enough to beat you half to death and drag you over? Or it is a good way to catch the person you care about most and threaten others...

At the moment, Li Zedao looked at Sun Lao's eyes with alertness, and an extremely terrifying aura was released all over his body. For a while, the air seemed to be freezing, and it was full of murder.

Lao Sun was not at all infected by this atmosphere, and said with a calm smile on his face, "Don't worry, Shao Li, if our four elephants want to do something to you, I won't invite you here. The place is here to taste tea, let alone tell you so many things."

Sure enough, this kid is just as he knows, everything is good, but he always likes to think of people like him.

Li Ze dumbfounded, thinking about it, if the old man wants to do something, he doesn’t need to invite himself to this place at all, and he doesn’t need to reveal his identity. They just need to find a dark and windy night. People appear in front of him together, indicating that you want your woman to survive or obediently cooperate with us... He must obediently cooperate by then.

I hurriedly reduced the murderous spirit on my body, I smiled embarrassedly, picked up a piece of cake and put it in my mouth, and a flattering went over: "Old Sun, this sweet-scented osmanthus cake is so delicious, I wonder if I can take some with me when I go back. ?"

"Naturally." Old Sun smiled gently, "I'll send someone to Li Shao when I look back."

"Thank you Sun Lao." Li Zedao nodded and asked after turning around, "So, my master became the target of public criticism back then?"

"It's true. At that time, although there were not many masters of returning to the basics, they were actually quite a few. There were hundreds of them."

"Hundreds?" Li Zedao swallowed, and his scalp became numb inexplicably. It seems that this era was an era when there were so many masters as dogs. Just pull one out. Maybe you can take masters like Director Yang. It's half dead.

Old Sun’s expression was dignified, “The masters who usually don’t know where they are hiding to practice and have no trace of them all moved after hearing the wind, forming groups, trying to find the whereabouts of Dao Qian Kun, and at that time, Dao Qian Kun took the initiative to find Our four elephants are here."

"My wife took the initiative to look for you?" Li Zedao nodded, thinking about what you said.

Li Zedao naturally didn't believe it. When Sixiang heard the news, he was not a little excited. If he had no interest in this kind of thing, why did he find himself now? Why would he stare at himself with such a malicious look?

Old Sun naturally knows that he always likes it. The kid who thinks people are as bad as him is always slandering himself in his heart, and he doesn't care so much. After pouring tea soup into the empty cup in front of him, he continued and said: "Back then After hearing the news, to be honest, the four of us had no idea that it was fake."

Li Zedao smiled and nodded, thinking that this old man was calm, not as hypocritical as he had imagined.

"For the little soldier, his ultimate goal is to become a general. For the leader of the insurrection army, his ultimate ideal is naturally to overthrow the existing imperial power and establish a new dynasty; for our cultivators , After all, the goal is naturally to become a god-like existence, so when we heard the news back then, the four of us naturally had a heartbeat."

Old Sun shook his head and said: "It's just that the four of us finally held back and were not involved in this battle. After all, the four of us have known Taoist Qiankun a long time ago. We are called brothers, and we have always been sympathetic to each other. , But now I'm looking for him, what's the matter? That really goes against the righteousness in our hearts."

Li Zedao noticed that one was not paying attention, and the old man was boasting himself shamelessly again.

"Of course, we are really worried about the situation of Taoist Qiankun at this time, and we can't wait to appear next to him immediately and help him deal with the talents who are eyeing." Sun's face was full of justice.

Li Zedao violently twitched the corners of his mouth. Seeing that the tea was so rich, the tea was so delicious, after all, he didn't open his mouth to severely despise this hypocritical old man.

After talking for a long time, I still want to find Master Tai, or I hope Master Tai can take them into the conveyor belt to reach another plane and become godlike beings. It's just a change of such a set of rhetoric that seems so affectionate and meaningful. .

At the same time, Li Zedao also understood the real purpose of the Taoist Grand Master, so he was naturally suspected of fishing in troubled waters, but there were so many masters around him that he could not touch anything, so he spread the secret. , The more main purpose is naturally to destroy, disgusting and disgusting his brother.

Naturally, he would not watch his brother teleport through the nameless cave to reach another plane and become a godlike existence.


Skull Island.

This is a hidden island named Skull and Crossbones located in the vast ocean of the Arctic Ocean that is not even found on the map.

A few decades ago, after the United States discovered this small island shrouded in mist for many years, it secretly established a small military base on it. Because the topography of the island resembles a skeleton, it was directly named Skull Island.

After that, the U.S. began to conduct some secret anti-human research on this island, such as research on genetic superhumans, as well as various biochemical weapons.

In addition, the U.S. side also plans to build a secret but powerful army. Of course, this army is a completely independent existence and is not recognized by the U.S. side. This is to achieve a similar ambition of the U.S. side to dominate the world. .

Because I was worried that things would accidentally be revealed someday and become a target of public criticism, the United States would naturally not exist on this small island, but secretly provided a large amount of research funding.

The officer who was dispatched to this island to be responsible for everything is called General Skull.

What the U.S. side never expected was that a peerless master Cthulhu from China and his captive Taoist Taoist were hidden on this small island. They had lived on this deserted island for hundreds of years.

So one day and night, General Skull and Crossbones was simply killed by Cthulhu and his body was taken away by him. From then on, Cthulhu changed into General Skull and Crossbones, managing all affairs on the island.

After all, they were from Huaxia, so some conspiracies that the U.S. side tried to launch against China were simply destroyed by the Cthulhu in the dark, and even the Cthulhu secretly gave the U.S. a lot of money. Times trip.

But now, General Skullhead plans to leave this small island where he has lived for hundreds of years. He plans to return to China and return to the homeland where he has left for more than a thousand years.

At this time, General Skull was standing on the shore, and the sea breeze was strong, blowing away his silver hair.

The uniform he used to wear with various medals on his chest has been replaced by him, replaced by a very fitting tuxedo, with a walking stick in his hand, which looks like a royal nobleman. Like the noble patriarch of his.

Behind him, there are three black shadows standing there, the one on the far left is the Taoist Qiankun, that is, Erha. At this time, his head is slightly lowered, and there is a look of awe and flattery on his face.

There are five shocking scars on his face, which are naturally the scars he scratched before. In order to leave the eye-catching and ugly scars, he even sprinkled some kind of powder on the wound, making The wound deepens.

The result is that even if the wound heals later, it will leave ugly scars.

Standing in the middle is the lifeless corpse, the perfect genetic superhuman hellhound. At this moment, he is motionless, even the sea breeze can't blow a piece of his clothes, so the whole person looks like that sculpture. .

As for the one on the right, it is a man with black and thick hair all over his body. At this moment, his big furry hand is holding a **** hand. He is gnawing on that hand, gnawing loudly, and even more in his mouth. Make all kinds of weird sounds, as if this is the most delicious food in the world. When you look up occasionally, you can find that his eyes are big and round, and they are aquamarine, and there are bursts of ferocious gloomy light.

"Oh, **** Tibetan Mastiff, can you just eat it and don't make such a disgusting sound?" General Skull and Crossbones looked back at the man with fur all over his body, and cursed badly.

Sombra didn't respond, still gnawing at that hand.

"Oh, damn, I wish the bone got stuck in your throat and choked you alive!" General Skull and Crossbones curled his lips and said angrily.

Then stretched out his hand, glanced at the watch on his wrist, and then looked at the three people standing in front of him with inexplicable smiles and said: "Oh, my dear Erha, **** dog and Tibetan mastiff, you are three The dog I carefully trained, now the owner needs you to do something for me."

"Master, please give orders." Erha nodded. He knew that the Hellhound was a dead person, and even if he spoke, the content of the words was set in advance.

As for the Tibetan Mastiff, he was... eating at this time. When he was eating, he would not speak, even if the person talking to him was General Skull.

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