"Oh, a few days later, a terrible accident occurred. I actually encountered a typhoon. Oh, my goddess, have you ever seen a typhoon? If you have never seen a typhoon, you will never imagine it. It's scary." There was already a trace of horror in the eyes of the evil god.

Strong as the Heretic God, when faced with the power of nature, he feels extremely powerless in his heart. In his opinion, the saying that man will conquer the sky is simply nonsense.

There are more typhoons or strong earthquakes and tsunamis. No matter if you are a master of returning to the basics, no matter if you hold the launch button of the most powerful nuclear weapon in the world, you have to hang up.

Therefore, although more than a thousand years have passed, the terrifying scene is still firmly in his mind.

Liuli didn't respond. It can be said that she was too lazy to respond. After all, Phoenix City is close to the sea and has to be baptized by typhoons almost every year. How could she have never seen a typhoon? Even once, all the tiles of Ganluan were blown away by the wind.

Of course, it can also be said that she has no time to respond, she is very busy now.

"After that, the fishing boat I was in was ruthlessly broken up by the wind and rain, and the Niubi and I fell into the sea very unluckily and turned into a chicken... Oh, dear Miss Liuli, my goddess, you Do you know?" The Cthulhu looked down at this woman who was very serious, affectionate, and lewd-serving herself, "At the moment I fell into the water, my mind was full of you. So I can't die. If I die, you should be so sad..."

Cthulhu was a little helpless, because this woman is very busy now, and she has no mind to understand her affection, which gives him the feeling of punching the cotton.

Had it not been for his beloved woman, he would have slapped it to death.

Now I continued: "So I struggled desperately, and finally I firmly hugged a large piece of wood. As for my other hand, I always carried the **** bull nose Taoist priest. If I am not dead, I will naturally not Let him go to see God so easily. After that, we drifted on the vast sea for three days and three nights, oh, God, the sea is bitterly cold, and there is no fresh water and nothing, then the situation is really bad. It can’t be worse. Oh, do you know? My goddess, you supported me, otherwise I’m afraid I’ll be unable to hold it long and let myself sink to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish.”

Liuli still had no time to respond to the Cthulhu's affection.

Cthulhu got used to it, and continued: "Finally, when the sun came out on the fourth day, I saw a huge ice floe ahead, so I quickly swam with the Taoist Taoist priest on the ice. Afterwards , We just stayed on the floating ice, as the wind floated forward with the waves, I didn’t know where it would lead. Fortunately, I could always catch some fish or fish that I had never seen before. It’s some sea creatures that are not small in size."

"After that, I don’t know how many nights we have gone through. We were sent by the ice floes to a desolate, pitch-black island in the vast ocean, where the sky is not visible all year round. Then I lived on that island. Come down..."

The General Skull and Crossbones talked about what happened to him, and he was full of comfort and enjoyment. The next second, his big hand was pressed on Liuli's head, pressing firmly.

After a while, he exhaled a long breath, letting go of Liuli's head and praised: "Oh, dear Miss Liuli, you are amazing."

Liuli got up, stretched out her hand and gently stroked the completely changed face of the evil god, gently licked the transparent liquid on her lips, and said affectionately: "You like it."

"Oh, of course I like it. There is nothing that makes me feel more enjoyable than this kind of thing." The evil **** took the woman in his arms.

"You go on, I still want to hear." Liuli's head curled up on his chest, feeling his powerful heartbeat. She listened to the evil **** talking about what happened to him, and she also remembered the scenes that had happened.

More than a thousand years ago, after being kicked by the ruthless Qiankun Daochang, she left the Heavenly Mystery Gate in a fit of anger, and cut herself off three thousand green silks, and converted to my Buddha. It was a complete affair with the Daoism. She hated all the Taoist priests in the world, so in those years, she also massacred many innocent Taoists.

On a dark and windy night one night, she met the evil god, and fell in love altogether since then, really wanting to stop.

For Cthulhu, he had been desperate for a long, long time.

I don’t know how long it took to be on that ice floe, and then I was sent to this small island with no sunlight. I was already far away from the land. I’m afraid I don’t want to go back in my life.

Therefore, he is desperate and depressed. His heart is gray and full of violence, just like on this small island, there is no sunshine.

So, he tortured the **** Niubi Taoist desperately, he punched and kicked him, he peeed on him, and he let him eat shit... If it wasn't for this **** Niubi Taoist, or if he wasn't so uncooperative, what would he do? Maybe it's on this island where birds don't shit?

What made him really want to be crazy was that no matter how he tortured him, the Niubi Taoist priest remained silent, as if he was not the one who was humiliated.

Cthulhu once wanted to chop up this **** guy more than once, but on the one hand, he had to pass him to get into the conveyor belt to reach another plane and become a god... Although it seems that he can’t go back, there is still hope Isn't it?

On the other hand, if you kill him, then you will be alone on this desolate island. How lonely?

After that, about five to six hundred years have passed. In these long years, no one has reached this trail, and occasionally broken pieces of wood will be washed to the shore by the waves, and it is conceivable that there will be another boat accident.

One morning after that, when the Cthulhu was very boring and howling ghosts and wolves on the beach, he saw a dark shadow being washed by the waves to the shore.

That's a person! Even Cthulhu clearly heard his breathing...Although it was very weak, it proved that he was still alive! So, this is a living person, not a corpse!

Can you imagine how excited the Cthulhu was when he saw someone again? He once wished to kill everyone in the world completely, but now he saw a living person, he smiled like a madman, and then he started to get excited, his whole body was so excited Shaking, he was so excited that tears fell, and he cried like a child.

He hurriedly went over to check the man's injuries, and he secretly swore that no matter how badly he was injured, he would definitely save him.

Soon the Cthulhu was very surprised to find that this person looked a little different.

His body looks so strong, there are a lot of black and hard hairs all over his body, his face is so rough, his slightly opened eyes are still green, with an extremely cruel expression. come out.

Of course, Cthulhu doesn't care if he is handsome or not, he only wants him to live!

So he spared no effort to save him.

Since then, there has been a man with a full coat of hair on the island. This man usually doesn't speak much... Mainly, the Cthulhu that he said is not understandable at all, and what the Cthulhu said is also a bird. The language of the two is difficult, and communication is very difficult.

Moreover, this hairy man is not a talkative person. More often, he sits there silently, looking at the dark sky, and his big green eyes reveal bursts of brutality.

However, he respected the Cthulhu, the savior. To him, the savior was his second parent, and he treated the Cthulhu as his father.

In addition, he is a very powerful predator, he can dive into the sea for a short time to catch all kinds of fish and turtles, probably because of this, he did not drown.

What surprised Cthulhu even more was that in terms of combat effectiveness, this guy's strength was as good as his own, and his strength was at least at the level of the old man Yingshan.

And every time the night of the full moon came, this guy would jump to the highest point of this trail, and made a boring cry like a wolf.

Later Cthulhu learned that this guy was originally a werewolf in the biography, he was still the leader of the werewolf clan, and his name was Sock.

Cthulhu thought this name was not good, and helped him choose another name, called Tibetan Mastiff.

Cthulhu also knew that the werewolves and the vampires were natural enemies. The Tibetan mastiff led the werewolves and the vampires into a fierce conflict, and both tried to destroy each other. As a result, both sides were almost completely annihilated.

Hundreds of years later, when American warships inadvertently arrived at this small island that was not even marked on the map, and planned to build a secret military base on this island. General Skull had just looked at it. At dawn, I saw the dawn of going back.

First, he secretly studied and observed for a full year. With his skill, how could these American soldiers find him?

Then, he gradually understood where he was now, and gradually realized that the world had undergone earth-shaking changes.

After that, he found an opportunity to simply kill the general skeleton head and occupy his body, and then transformed himself into a general skeleton head.

He also learned from the Tibetan Mastiff the exact location of the Queen of Vampire Elena, who had stopped breathing long ago, and asked someone to find her corpse that would not rot at all, and then tried to resurrect her.

"Unexpectedly, you would have such an experience." Liuli touched this face lightly with her hand, her face was full of distress, and then her eyes became cold again, and the murderous aura filled him, "So, you didn't kill him?"

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