The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1912: Soul seal

"Oh, of course, he is the key for us to enter the conveyor belt of the nameless cave to another plane. How can I be willing to kill him?" General Skull said with a smile, "However, I have completely let He has become an obedient dog, and I also helped him choose a name called Erha, oh, I think you will like this name, right?"

"Erha?" Liuli was stunned, she naturally knew what kind of dog Erha was, because it was quite the second, and quite cheap, hence the name.

Immediately frowned, "I don't think he is the kind of person who will compromise and be a dog."

"Oh, my goddess, you can rest assured about this, because his soul has been imprinted by me. If he has any disrespectful thoughts, I can know it all at once and let his soul fly away!" Skull head The general said with a smile.

Liuli's eyeballs widened slightly, and his voice was full of incredible: "You have a way to imprint a'soul mark' on his soul?"

The so-called "soul mark" is an ancient spell that has been passed down from ancient times that directly affects the soul. The life of the person who is cast this kind of curse mark is equal to being completely in the hands of the person who casts the spell.

Not only that, but the person who casts the spell can always know what is going on in the heart of the person being cast.

It’s just that you want to cast this kind of curse on a person, but it’s not a simple thing. The other person has to relax completely and willingly let you cast a spell on him, so that you can cast the spell successfully. In other words, the other person You can't cast a spell successfully without any slightest struggle in's consciousness.

Therefore, the "soul imprint" spell can be said to be quite tasteless, or that this spell is not suitable for use on the enemy at all. Its most suitable place is that the person under his hand shows loyalty to his master.

Who is the Taoist Qiankun? He is the number one in the world! Back then, if he thought he was the second best player in the world, only Cthulhu would dare to say that he was the best player in the world.

How could such a person let the evil **** imprint his soul mark on his soul?

"He took the initiative to ask me to cast his soul seal on him." Cthulhu said with a smile, and then briefly explained his actions.

After Liuli heard what General Skull had said, she opened her eyes wide for a while, then laughed and laughed, as if she had heard the funniest joke in the world. She laughed so fast that she was holding her belly. She couldn't stand up straight, her eyes were red, and tears were about to flow out.

She was so happy, she was so excited, she was so excited.

Only such an exaggerated laughter can show her mood at this time.

More than a thousand years ago, the **** and ruthless Taoist Taoist kicked the woman who silently liked him. After more than a thousand years, he was because some **** women couldn't wait to let the evil **** treat him. After casting the soul seal, he more willingly became a dog of the evil god.

This is too funny and too ironic, what is it if it is not retribution?

"You let him get out, I can't wait to see what he was like when he was a dog." After Liuli stopped smiling, there was an unquenchable resentment in her tone.

She only feels that she has been seriously insulted now. A thousand years ago, Taoist Qiankun did not want her. After a thousand years, Taoist Qiankun was willing to be a dog for other women... So she is far from being a bitch? Isn't this an insult?

"Oh, okay, I will let Erha come out now, let him kneel in front of you and help you lick your shoes clean." Cthulhu said with a smile.

Since Erha, Cthulhu doesn’t have to worry about leather shoes hurting. He found that Erha was born a master at licking leather shoes. Even if it’s the sole, even if the **** is accidentally stepped on the sole, he can lick it cleanly. .

"No, he doesn't even have the qualifications to lick my shoes." Liuli said sullenly.

The Cthulhu looked at Liuli's small face that had become quite cold, and said in his heart, that sentence was the most logical saying.

The three people who can't provoke most when walking in the arena are monks, Taoists and women.

She is a woman, even more terrifying, she is still a Taoist priest, and even more terrifying, she is still a monk... nun!

Oh, God, she is simply the scariest person in this world, there is no one! Compared with him, his fierce name back then is nothing short of a horror.

"Oh, okay, dear Miss Liuli, I will let Erha get in front of you, when you want to kill, beat and humiliate him...Oh, naturally you can't kill him." The evil **** is really worried about Liuli. One couldn't hold back and killed Erha.

"It's okay to kill him, because he is not the only one who produces the aura of heaven when comprehending "The Scroll of Heavenly Mysteries"." Liuli looked at the evil **** and said, "I have found another person with the aura of heaven."

The Cthulhu was stunned, and his face was full of surprise immediately: "Oh, my goddess, have you seen that kid named Li Zedao?"

"Do you know him?" Liuli was also stunned.

"Oh, how could I not know? That **** kid has broken me a lot of good things." Cthulhu smiled grimly.

"So, did you reveal your identity to that kid?" Cthulhu asked.

"Revealed a little." Liuli nodded, and briefly explained what happened to him when she met Li Zedao.

The reason why she occupied the Antarctic body was that when she found this nun in Antarctica and expressed her desire to become a monk, she was already thinking about her young, beautiful and healthy body. After all, her original body was too old. It should have been replaced long ago.

As for meeting Li Zedao, who possessed the aura of heaven, it was completely beyond her expectation, but she also had some plans in mind.

In fact, if the Cthulhu does not appear today, Liuli would like to start implementing her plan, that is, let people find Li Zedao, and then find a chance to sneak attack.

Occupying the body of the Antarctic, it is impossible for the kid to believe that he is the South Pole. After all, although the appearance is the same, the aura in his eyes is completely different. With the strength of that kid, he can definitely see through it all at once. .

She just wanted to confuse her a little bit, and won the opportunity and time to attack him. Once the attack succeeds, she can easily control it and tie it to the Wuming Mountain.

"Oh, my baby, your idea is good, but I don’t think you can succeed in a sneak attack. I have dealt with that kid many times. That’s a cunning old fox. He always likes doing things. Keep one hand, besides, his body is a bit weird, he can't be killed no matter how he hits." Cthulhu shook his head and said.

The thought of that **** kid secretly left a * in the body of the vampire queen Elena, he was quite depressed.

The thought that he had blown up the entire laboratory, the kid is still alive and kicking, without any damage, makes him even more depressed.

That is a perversion, his perversion is beyond the scope of human beings.

"Oh, besides, we are not sure if there are any old immortals who have been eyeing him, such as... the **** four elephants, oh, and your brother Gande Taoist who doesn't know whether they are dead." The evil **** shrugged. Shrugged and said again.

Liuli frowned and nodded. She was able to meet that kid, as well as the other immortal ones, especially the hypocritical Four Elephants. She knew that the Four Elephants would appear on the Double Ninth Festival every 300 years. Wumingshan is naturally impossible to be absent this time.

"What do you mean?" Liuli asked.

"Oh, I mean, in this case, you don't have to worry about whether the kid knows the specific location of the Wumingdong, or whether the kid is being targeted by other old monsters. We just need to be one step ahead. Just go to Wuming Mountain and wait. If they show up... Oh, great, just kill them directly. If they don't show up, it's fine. Anyway, we are about to become gods. We don't need to be familiar with those guys. Even if I don't do anything to him, then the **** kid may not be far from death, right?" Cthulhu said with a smile.

He now has the perfect genetic Superman Hellhound, the terrifying Werewolf Tibetan Mastiff, and the former No. 2 master in the world Erha, plus his own No. 1 master in the world and the No. 1 Tao Gu Liuli in the world. Facing the four elephants, there is no pressure at all to crush them.

Liuli nodded. She understood what the evil **** meant. On the one hand, he had confidence in his own strength. On the other hand, he was unwilling to make extravagances in this situation. After all, this place is the kid’s territory after all. If he fails to completely obliterate it. Let him escape, and it will be quite a headache if he is secretly sabotaging, after all, the most important thing now is to arrive at the nameless cave smoothly through the conveyor belt to another plane.

"I see, you let the Taoist Qiankun...Oh, no, come out Erha, I can't wait to see him, of course, I won't kill him." Liuli said.

"Oh, then I'm relieved." Cthulhu smiled, then put his index finger next to his lips, and then he blew an extremely sharp sound.

In the next second, as if appearing out of thin air, a figure already appeared there. He nodded and said respectfully, "Master."

Naturally, the Taoists of Universe have long been around.

As for the **** dog and the Tibetan mastiff, they are on guard around Ganluan.

This is a good opportunity to humiliate the Taoists of the Universe, and the Cthulhu will naturally not let it go.

He and his former lover are madly mingling here, but it is for him to stay aside. The Cthulhu knows that if he is indifferent, he will definitely collapse in his heart.

Liuli looked at this faint face with only five more shocking scars, her eyes became even colder, and her body trembled slightly. One can imagine how uneasy her mood is at this time. .

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