Zhao Duoer naturally understood what this kid was thinking, and didn't bother to take him such words that violated his conscience. Not to mention that the sweet-scented osmanthus cake made by the sun can be said to be the best in the world, and even if the taste is not so good, she will not say that it is not good, as long as it is made by him, she likes it.

"It's her." Zhao Duoer looked at Li Zedao and nodded seriously, "In my opinion, she should be going to give you a fatal blow."

Li Zedao sneered coldly, and mocked: "Let's not say that my uncle Taishi is not interested in the nameless hole at all... At least in my opinion she has no meaning in this respect, otherwise she will show her identity and express that I want to To reach another plane through you, my teacher-nephew would naturally not fail, would it? On the contrary, it is your four elephants...hehe..."

"Besides, she is still my uncle, or my lover, how could she put a heavy hand on a junior like me?"

Li Zedao felt only care and love from the extinction teacher. Not only was she willing to treat the heart disease in Antarctica with great care, but when she left she also gave herself a box of money worthy of suffering... That box of tea is better than Sun Lao The two boxes of pastries are much more expensive.

Faced with Li Zedao’s cynicism, Zhao Duoer still looked serious and said: “I’ve just said that. We are monitoring every move of extinction in secret, and it is naturally clear that the reason why you went to Ganluan in the first place was to find someone named Antarctica. The girl went..."

She naturally knew what happened between Li Zedao and the girl named Antarctica that such **** things could be arranged in a movie.

Of course, she has no extra thoughts about this kind of thing. She has never wanted to comment on other people's things. At most, she feels that emotional matters are so complicated. She also thinks that this kid is too beastly, and she provokes too many women. .

"So what?" Li Zedao asked coldly, "What are you trying to say?"

"We got the news that the extinction killed the Antarctic and occupied her body." Zhao Duoer looked at Li Ze and said word by word.

"..." Li Zedao's pupils suddenly became round, and the muscles on his face stiffened. The whole person was motionless, like a sculpture.

In the next second, a very terrifying violent aura was released from him at once.

A master as strong as Zhao Duoer, after facing such a terrifying breath, his nerves suddenly became tense, the pressure was quite high, and he didn't dare to be careless.

She couldn't guarantee that this guy would act on herself suddenly without controlling her emotions.

Although he had already said in advance that he shouldn't do it to himself, but with the shamelessness of this kid, he probably said it like farting.

"What you said is true?" Li Zedao looked at Zhao Duo'er, and an extremely terrible aura appeared in the blood-red eyes, and the voice was cold and gloomy but harsh, making Zhao Duo'er's ears. Uncomfortable.

"I don't need or dare to make jokes about this kind of thing." Zhao Duoer said, "In addition, we only got the news yesterday, but it was a few days ago that the flesh of the Antarctic was extinct and occupied. It was the day you rescued Shaoyang from the dog’s mouth in the Yanjing community..."

Li Zedao suddenly got up, even because he stood up too much and too rough, so he simply knocked the chair under his **** into flight, and his abdomen simply hit the edge of the table.

I only heard a series of muffled sounds of "Kang...", this delicate glass tabletop was hit by Li Zedao's abdomen like this, and it turned into a bunch of fragments.

Zhao Duoer's eyes were quick and her hands were quick, her left hand caught the few sips of coffee, and her right hand caught a small plate of delicate and delicious pastries.

As for other things, they simply fell on the ground, the plates shattered, and the food inside was spilled all over the floor, making the box this box feel very embarrassed.

Li Zedao's blood-red eyes stared at Zhao Duo'er, revealing an extremely terrifying murderous air.

"I said, I'm not afraid of you, but I don't want to fight a pointless fight." Zhao Duoer said lightly, "And you shouldn't be a person who doesn't believe in words?"

Li Zedao suddenly turned around and strode towards the door of the box.

He didn't stretch his hand to open the door, but simply kicked it over.

He now hates anything blocking him, including people and doors.

"Hey!" He simply kicked the box door into the air, and then he strode out and disappeared into Zhao Duoer's sight.

Looking at the box that has become so messy, Zhao Duoer's small face is full of wry smiles: "I know that he will be in such a state after he gets the news."

It is also because of knowing that what Li Zedao asked Dashao Zhao just now was that Zhao Duoer was in a bad mood and ate food. If he didn't eat, the food on the table would be wasted.

Then, she put the cup of coffee and the small dish of pastries on one of the chairs, took out the phone and gave Taiyin a call: "After he got the news, he has now rushed to Ganluan."

I stretched my hand over, picked up a piece of pastry, stuffed it into my mouth, and chewed it. Regarding the taste, I couldn't beat the sweet-scented osmanthus cake made by the sun. Of course, Sun is not only making sweet-scented osmanthus cakes, he also makes all kinds of cakes.

"I know, I'll rush over, naturally I won't let your little lover suffer." Taiyin laughed and teased.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Duoer heard Shaoyang's rather uncomfortable voice coming: "Taiyin, if you dare to talk nonsense, I will be anxious with you."

"Bored." Zhao Duoer said lightly, and hung up the phone.

He took a sip of the coffee and exclaimed, "Well, but the coffee tastes quite good, quite authentic."

"Miss Zhao, this..." The waiter who seemed so uneasy appeared at the door of the box, not only because the door of the box was kicked and became so messy that she was uneasy, but also because of the little who left by that stride. The handsome guy was shocked.

He kicked the box door flying, his expression was so terrifying, as if he was going to kill.

Zhao Duoer stood up and said with a smile: "You have asked someone to come over and count the losses, and I will compensate at the price... Besides, I am preparing a box for me. I have given away a copy of everything I ordered just now. I haven't eaten it yet It's full."


Half an hour later, in front of the dilapidated Ganluan gate.

Li Zedao stood there with a terrifying **** breath exuding his whole body, his blood-red beast-like eyes staring at the broken door.

This time, he was not the same as before. He was polite and patient and knocked gently on the door... If he tried too hard, he was afraid to shoot the broken door to pieces.

He simply kicked over.

"Boom!" With a huge muffled sound, the wooden door with a history of a hundred years was simply disintegrated, and sawdust splashed everywhere.

After hearing the huge movement, the nuns inside showed up one after another, and then they saw Li Zedao walking in step by step. In the next second, he was even more affected by the terrifying look in his eyes and the expression released from him. The fierce murderous spirit was shocked.

Forgetting frowned, and there was already a very bad feeling in his heart. This kid dared to break in like this and still be so murderous, I am afraid there is only one explanation, and that is what he already knows.

"Amitabha, Master, help..." Forgotten wailed in his heart.

At the moment she tried to stay calm and bit her scalp forward, and said coldly: "Amitabha, what does Li Shizhu mean?"

As soon as the voice fell, Forgetting felt that a rather terrifying aura immediately enveloped herself completely, making her breathing extremely difficult all of a sudden.

In the next second, she discovered that this kid said nothing, his hand suddenly grabbed her neck, she tried to avoid or even counterattack, but how could she be the same level of extinction as her master? The opponent of the master?

Not to mention, Li Zedao is still in a state of anger at this time, and he won't talk nonsense with you at all.

"Ka!" Her neck simply fell into Li Zedao's hands, and her body was directly lifted by Li Zedao.

Forgotten's face quickly turned purple, his legs dangling in the air, like a corpse hanging from a tree branch.

When the nuns saw this, none of their expressions changed drastically. They were really worried that Li Zedao would break Forgotten's neck all at once.

"Amitabha, what can I do?"

"Amitabha, bless the Buddha, bless the Buddha..."

"Sister Li, please let go of our Forgotten Sister..."

"Donor Li, don't be impulsive, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha."


There were even two nuns who planned to rush to Li Zedao to give a fierce attack to save Wang'ai from him, but when she thought of the gap between her and Wang'ai, she saw that Wang'ai didn't have the slightest ability to resist...so The original pace that was about to rush forward changed back.

"What is the proper way for a monk to be too close to a man?" They muttered in their hearts. Then, he took a step back.

Li Zedao acted rather rudely and brought the body larger than himself to him, and asked in an unusually cold tone: "I ask you, is Antarctica dead?"

"Well..." Wang'ai struggled desperately, but couldn't say a word.

The faces of her nuns who knew about it suddenly became difficult to look at, while those who didn't know had their eyes widened, and they were puzzled. Antarctica...Little Miss Wangchen is dead? When did this happen? Why don't you know at all?

Li Zedao's hands were too heavy, making her breathing extremely difficult, let alone speaking, so naturally there was no way to answer Li Zedao's questions.

You may also know that you are about to choke the person to death. Li Zedao loosened his hand and fell to the ground altogether. Naturally, no one dared to step forward to help him. Almost all of them were released by Li Zedao. Almost suffocating murderous fright.

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