Li Zedao stretched his feet and stepped directly on the chest of Forgotten Humiliation, causing her chest to suffocate. Then she couldn't help it anymore, and a mouthful of suffocating blood spurted out from her throat.

"Antarctica, were you killed by you?" Li Zedao asked in a cold tone, looking at the nun condescendingly.

At the same time, the blood-red eyes swept the surrounding circle even more, and did not see the Antarctic figure, nor the figure of the extinct old nun, and then the heart began to sink bit by bit.

It is very possible that something happened in the Antarctic, otherwise she would make such a big disturbance, she could not have appeared... As for the extinction did not appear, is she afraid that she will fight her hard?

"Say!" Li Zedao roared, like an angry beast, "Otherwise I will throw you into jail and let the men inside entertain you."

Forgetting scared the pockmarks on that face were all white. She didn't doubt what the kid said. She didn't dare to hide it and said with great difficulty: "Master...Master did kill Senior Sister Wangchen. Occupy her...her body..."

Anyway, the master has left, and I am afraid that she will not return in the future, so there is basically no need to worry about killing herself after she returns.

More importantly, if she doesn't say it now, her fate may be worse than death.

Li Zedao's heart simply sank to the bottom, he didn't know what words to use to describe his mood at this moment.

Naturally, he didn't want to say that Antarctica could return to his side. At most, he hoped that she could get rid of her happy knot, and don't want to use a knife on himself as soon as they meet.

But now, she was killed by extinction, killed by the uncle Taishi who she trusted so much before and occupied her body...

Li Zedao's heart was full of regrets, why didn't she forcibly take her away that day?

"What about extinction?" Li Zedao roared in a low voice. He looked like the injured beast, and could tear the nun under his feet to pieces at any time.

"Master... Master, she left yesterday evening, and I don't know where she went..." Forgotten said with difficulty after coughing out a mouthful of blood.

"It seems that you want to die." Li Zedao said, and then his feet on the chest of Forgotten began to exert force.

I suddenly forgot and felt that my chest seemed to be severely pressed by a heavy rock, my chest was suffocated suddenly, my throat began to sweeten again, and I clearly felt the bones in my chest starting It is bent bit by bit and may break at any time.

"No, no, the monks don't slander...I didn't lie, the master has really left...If you don't believe me, ask them..." Forgotten shouted, his eyes showing fear.

She didn't want to become a cold body at all.

Li Zedao raised his head and glanced at the nuns, and the nuns simply stepped back in shock.

"Senior Sister Wangan didn't lie, Master...Master did leave Ganlu'an yesterday evening..." One of the nuns had to speak quietly when seeing Li Zedao's eyes resting on him.

"Boy, Extinction has indeed left, she is not here." A voice that seemed so arrogant immediately sounded behind Li Zedao.

Li Zedao looked back and saw that the Tai Yin in the Four Elephants appeared behind him. She was still dressed as a rural aunt. That dark pie face looked so vicissitudes and full of vicissitudes. All traces of time.

It is really hard for you to imagine that such a poor rural aunt would be a peerless master.

"Extinction left Ganlu'an yesterday evening, and...what do you want to do?" Seeing the boy's blood-red eyes staring at him so unkindly, Taiyin's heart also filled with something unpleasant. Feeling like this, isn't this kid trying to do something to himself

Li Zedao didn't make any response, his feet moved away from Forgotten's chest, his figure flashed, and he appeared in front of Taiyin as fast as lightning, and then slammed a fist against her face.

"Boy, are you really fighting?"

Taiyin jumped in shock, his figure flashed quickly to the extreme and backed away, and he escaped Li Zedao's sudden punch quite threateningly.

She didn't want to do anything with Li Zedao, who was obviously in a state of anger.

"Hey, you're crazy..." Taiyin's complexion cursed with a gloomy face, feeling that the old face was so fiercely painful because of the fierce fist storm.

Li Zedao looked at her blankly, raised his fist again, and slammed it into the lunar yin.

He is not crazy, but he needs to vent! The four elephants are undoubtedly a good way to vent each other!

On the one hand, they are strong enough to let him vent fiercely, and the more important reason is that they owe it!

"Boy, do you think the old lady is afraid of you?" Seeing Li Zedao rushed towards him again, Tai Yin's expression became cold, and an extremely terrifying aura was suddenly released from his body.

Then spare no effort to meet Li Zedao's fist.

In the next second, the muffled sound of "Bang!" was endless, and before the two fists had time to touch, the energetic engulfing around the fists clashed fiercely.

They are like little soldiers before the war, and like pioneers who opened the way, they must win the first battle and overwhelm the opponent in momentum.

The next second, lightning flashes and thunder, and the world changes color...Of course, the vision in the sky has nothing to do with Li Zedao and the others, and there is no essential connection. It is not that Li Zedao and Taiyin are the two. The super master banged his fists and then began to rain and thunder.

As long as the weather was not so good today, when they punched it, they were just in time for such a thundering opportunity, so with the help of God, such a battle scene seemed so awesome.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound, and the fists of the two were already smashed together. There was no perfunctory or luck. It was whoever was better.

Then there was a louder sound of "Boom!", as if those two fists burst open, and the huge and fierce air current released shook the entire Ganluan hum.

Those nuns were even more affected by such a terrifying air current, even though their skills were not too bad, but now they are all yelling and being pushed away.

After the big bang, the ground was in a mess.

Swept away by the strong air current like light waves, the dust and weeds in the small front yard of Gan Lu'an were swept away, looking clean and bright.

At this time, Li Zedao had disappeared, and Tai Yin had also lost its traces, and the entire courtyard was empty, as if nothing had happened.

However, there was a big hole on each side of the yard.

At the same time, the sky began to rustle with rain. The rain was not heavy, but it added a lot of chill.

"Damn boy, it's really ruthless to start!" A very unhappy voice sounded, and immediately the awkward figure of Taiyin appeared in the big hole in the left wall.

Her mouth was bleeding, her face turned pale, and she seemed to be seriously injured.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zedao also appeared in the big hole in the right wall. His hair was scattered and his clothes were broken, looking so embarrassed.

The strength of this woman was more terrifying than he had imagined. There was still a gap between him and her, or the Sixiang.

After all, he is not a real master of returning to the basics, his strength is forcibly enhanced by the ghost pill refined by Duanmu Weizhuang.

Of course, the gap is very small.

Moreover, his body has been completely remodeled by Shinmaru, and his fighting ability and endurance have completely defeated them, so when it comes to the fight to the death, it is not known who will die.

"Boy, are you still fighting?" Taiyin said with a cold expression. If it weren’t for this kid to be too important to the Four Elephants, and the Sun also valued him quite a bit... To be more precise, the old fellow Sun was too hypocritical and always wanted to make himself a hero. Character, otherwise she wants to **** him first and then kill...

Fuck such a good-looking and powerful man under his body. Lunar is still quite willing, and this handsome man has already conquered so many women. Maybe he knows his strength report... Lunar is even more looking forward to it. The day when he raped and then killed.

"Stop fighting." Li Zedao said coldly. Don’t think that I didn’t know that your son was also here. If you continue to fight, you must be both shameless.

"Hmph, count you acquainted!" A cold Heng sound rang out, and then a four or five-year-old child appeared in front of Li Zedao, but stared at Li Zedao in a violent manner.

"You were hurt by that ugly woman, there is nothing great about you," Shaoyang said with a cold smile.

Because of Shaoyin, he felt uncomfortable with how this kid looked.

Li Zedao took a few deep breaths without responding.

After such venting, his whole person was already quite calm. It's just that his heart was pumping at this time, and the pain was extremely severe, as if he was being stabbed one by one by an invisible knife.

"Child Shaoyang, it seems that my old lady hasn't taught you for a few days, you have forgotten how many catties you have." Taiyin wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth with his sleeve and sneered.

Shaoyang curled his lips, and didn't bother to have general knowledge of this very injured woman... The main reason was that if this woman suggested to join the **** boy to beat herself up, it would be bad then.

Only then did he look up at Li Zedao and said, "Our boss, Sun, has already arrived in advance. He can arrive in Phoenix City in the evening. Ask him if you have anything to do."

After finishing talking about his figure, he disappeared in front of Li Zedao.

Taiyin glared at Li Zedao with a rather unkind look, curled his lips, said nothing, turned and left.

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