The reason why Taiyin came to Ganluan was to help this kid in the conflict with Extinction, but he didn't expect that the immortal of Extinction had already left, and he was injured by this kid. This is true. It made her quite want to vomit blood, so when she left, she didn't forget to glance at the **** kid with a bad look to show that the old lady had written you down.

Li Zedao's still blood-red eyes glanced around, and then walked forward in strides, and came to Forgotten Haunt, who was lying there immobile.

As for the other nuns, she didn't know where to hide.

This caused Wangan to be extremely injured. It’s not impossible for you to escape, but at any rate, take my master sister. Besides, before the master left, I was appointed as the head of the Ganlumen, in charge of this Ganluan, you are like this, this Didn’t you force me to disregard your fellowship and expel you from the division?

"No... don't kill me..." Forgetting looked at the devil, with horror in his eyes, then opened his mouth and vomited another mouthful of blood.

As if it would be contagious, Li Zedao's throat was sweet again, and blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.

Using the dirty sleeves to wipe away the trace of blood at the corners of his mouth, Li Zedao sat down in front of Wangan, raised his hands, and touched Wangan's chest.

Forgetting, his pupils are round, his scalp is numb, and his body is simply taut. I only feel that my worldview, life, and values ​​have all collapsed at this moment.

Did this beast see that he looks good and plan to strip off his clothes and humiliate himself severely?

"Amitabha, if I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell..." Forgotten said in his heart. Since you can't escape, you can only enjoy it.

Besides, the master who was in the backyard yesterday afternoon yelled so loudly, so exaggeratedly, so ecstatically, even she even yelled that she was going to die...Forgetting to think about it, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with dying like this and going to hell. .

Of course, Li Zedao didn't know that this old nun had such insulting thoughts in her heart, otherwise she would probably choke her neck directly, right?

He stretched his hand to Forgotten's chest, then picked up the string of red coral beads hanging on her chest, and asked coldly: "This beads was given to you by your master?"

He clearly remembered that before Extinction had held this string of Buddhist beads in his hand and counted them one by one. Now she has handed the Buddhist beads into Wang'ao's hands. It is conceivable that she has given up on being a nun. When this Ganluan hosted.

With a slight pull with his hand, the string on the prayer beads broke instantly, and the expensive prayer beads rolled to the ground.

Before forgetting to say anything, Li Zedao asked again: "So, the reason why your master took in the six impure Antarctica before is because...At that time, she had the idea of ​​occupying her body?"

I stretched my hand over, picked up a Buddhist bead, squeezed it slightly, and it was a pile of crumbs.

Forgotten was taken aback and nodded quickly and said: "Yes...that's it..."

I thought that he stretched his hand to his chest so that he was not trying to undress himself... For a while, the heart of Forgotten was feeling extremely strong regret. It was so hard for me to summon the courage to plan to go to hell, but he was like this... It was too much to play with himself.

"Why is she?" Li Zedao asked. The chest suffocated again.

"But... Maybe it's because the master thinks... she looks good." Forgotten's voice trembled and gave such a reason, which was the only reason she could think of.

Which woman doesn't want to have a beautiful figure and face? Even if it was an old monster who had lived for more than a thousand years, even if she was still a monk.

"Where is your master?"

"Leaving yesterday evening..."

"Where did you go?" Li Zedao once again picked up a Buddhist bead and squeezed it again, turning it into a pile of debris.

"Master left Gan Lu'an to me. She said she was going to Wuming Mountain, and she would never come back again." This time, Forgetfulness didn't dare to hide anything, her voice trembled. She was really afraid that the devil would crush her bones, just like crushing the prayer beads.

"The nameless hole..." Li Zedao narrowed his eyes slightly, but he didn't understand what she wanted to do. After all, even if she arrives at Wumingdong without her "key", she can't do anything, right?

In Li Zedao's view, even if the extinction originally planned to take the Antarctic body as his own, he should give up that idea after encountering himself.

But how did she simply occupy the Antarctic body? And now he went to Wuming Mountain by himself?

"Master...she went with a man..." Wang An said again.


"The Taoist Universe."

"..." Li Zedao turned round in an instant, and couldn't believe what he had heard.


Xiangju, the most famous teahouse in Phoenix City.

This small building used to be built by a large entrepreneur with huge sums of money to madly plan smuggling and win over the place that corrupted those officials. After that large entrepreneur was arrested, this place was also taken away, and was later given to by a mysterious person. I bought it and built it into the most famous teahouse in Phoenix, Xiangju!

That mysterious figure is Li Zedao's master Wang Zi.

Afterwards, Wang Zi also had an accident, and he was heavily labelled as a "treason". This Xiangju naturally changed hands again. The owner is now a wealthy tea merchant.

Of course, after the tea merchant took over Xiangju, he didn't make any changes to the decoration layout inside. In his opinion, the decoration and layout are quite perfect, and there is no need to make any changes at all.

After Sun Lao Yi came to Phoenix City, he asked Li Zedao to come to this Xiangju to make tea.

The box is located in a very exquisitely decorated box on the third floor. Looking out the window, you can still see the rough sea.

After the beautiful waiter in the shop was sent away, Sun Lao made tea, and Li Zedao blankly watched Sun Lao performing tea art, but his heart was full of violence.

He did not kill Wang'an, nor did he kill any nun. He didn't believe what Wang's said to enter the search or set a fire to ignite the nun's nunnery and force the extinction, let alone the boring body of Wu Jiang’s extinction. Dig it out and whip her body...

After asking a few questions about Wang'an, he walked out of Ganlu'an like a corpse. He has always had this expression for the whole afternoon and now when he receives a call from Sun Lao.

After a series of complicated but necessary actions, veteran Sun sent a cup of tea to Li Zedao, smiled bitterly and said, "I already know about your little girlfriend..."

"She is not my little girlfriend." Li Zedao said. The voice is cold, without any human temperature.

She is indeed not his woman. The reason why she approaches him is because she is a spy. She can sell her body and soul for a man... How could she be her little girlfriend?

Li Zedao wanted to pour the cup of tea in front of him on the old man's old face, can he speak? No, just shut up.

"It's not your little girlfriend, it's me who made a mistake." Old Sun smiled bitterly again, it was such a mess between men and women, but this kid was like this... it's a pity.

Since ancient times, passion has been difficult to achieve hegemony. This kid doesn't want to serve the motherland and benefit mankind all the time, knowing that he is running wild among the flowers, but it is a serious waste of that magic pill.

Of course, this kid is not useless, for example, he realized the aura of heaven...

"We only got the news yesterday that we learned that the extinction killed the girl and occupied her body..."

"Really?" Li Zedao grinned and grinned. The skin on his face was completely separated, but the smile was so sullen and cold, like a toad suddenly grinning at you, just as scary as it is. How scary.

Even Sun Lao saw the smile on his face, his scalp inevitably went numb.

"Are you four elephants very happy to learn that this happened? They were completely relieved?" Li Ze said.

Because of this, Li Zedao completely had an affair with this uncle, and it would be nice if he didn't do anything about it when he met, and naturally he would not take her into the conveyor belt with him.

Therefore, Li Zedao knew very clearly that Sixiang had deliberately revealed this to himself.

The appearance of Taoist Qiankun greatly exceeded their expectations, so they wanted him to completely stand on the opposite side of Taoist Qiankun.

Knowing that this kid is in a bad mood, Lao Sun doesn't bother to care about him... Besides, even if he wants to care about it, how can this kid be right.

He picked up the teacup and drank a sip of tea and said, "What I didn't expect was that the Daoist Master Qiankun, who had disappeared for more than 1,200 years, would appear again, and at this time he had already converged with extinction and headed to Wuming Mountain. In 2017, the two have been in secret communication, which really surprised me."

"You know, the conveyor belt can only be transmitted once, that is to say, if they are allowed to board first, then we will completely lose that opportunity."

Old Sun's eyes met Li Zedao's indifferent eyes: "So, I think we should also set out...Of course, if you want to seek revenge from extinction, of course our four elephants are on your side."

"Isn't Taoist Qiankun your friend?" Li Zedao asked coldly.

"It's true, but we can't just watch him protect the murderer over there." Sun Lao said righteously.

"..." Li Zedao felt that this old man was a bit more hypocritical than he had imagined.

Of course, he really doesn't have a better choice now. The Wuming Cave must be gone, and the extinction must be killed... He can't help her untie the knot, then help her get revenge.

At the same time, there was even such a speculation in his mind that since the Taoist Qiankun appeared, does that mean that Xuanyuan Xia Yu sword was actually stolen by him? After all, he used to be the head of the Heavenly Secret Gate, and he was also the one who trapped Duanmu Weizhuang's soul for more than a thousand years. The safety buckles were also from his hands, so he was naturally quite familiar with that sword.

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