The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1922: Conduit and Cthulhu

Li Zedao felt that the most important thing he should do now is to get along with the Four Elephants.

He picked up the cup of tea in front of him, took a sip and looked at Lao Sun and said, "As arranged before, let's set off the day after tomorrow."

Old Sun nodded: "Then the day after tomorrow."

"Oh, yes, there is a piece of news that you should be interested in." Sun Lao changed the subject and said, "You have been dealing with the Skull General of the Skeleton Organization before, right? For this Skeleton I also attach great importance to the head organization, so I let people investigate secretly, and news came back the day before yesterday."

"What's the situation?" Li Zedao asked. Recently, I have completely left the cancer of General Skull and Crossbones behind, and I don't know if his perfect genetic superman has been successfully developed.

Old Sun’s expression has become quite solemn: “My people found the so-called Skull Island and sneaked into it, but they accidentally discovered that there were dead bodies on the island, and all the instruments and equipment on the island. It is destroyed."

Li Zedao's eyes widened: "Because of what? Earthquake? Volcanic eruption? Tsunami?"

"Artificially, without exception, the two or three hundred corpses were severely chopped off their throats with heavy hands. As for the instruments and equipment, they were also artificially damaged." Sun Lao said, "After the U.S. warship arrived on the trail, I The people also evacuated secretly, too late to conduct a detailed investigation."

"Who did it?" Li Zedao's expression moved. Who was so awesome that was able to kill the Skull Island, and even killed all the people on the island like chopping melons and vegetables.

"Where is the general Skull?" Li Zedao asked again.

I don't know why, he always feels that something is wrong.

That is General Skull, the sly and cunning General Skull, how could someone kill his lair and slaughter his men?

"We don’t know the details. After all, the U.S. military has already taken over the island. We can’t do it even if we want to investigate, but this is a good thing for China after all. In fact, the island was secretly built by the U.S. side. Yes, it’s just that the United States does not recognize it."

Li Zedao nodded, did not continue to struggle with this matter.

"Don't worry, I have explained everything clearly. At least in China, no one dares to do anything wrong with your family." Old Sun looked at Li Zedao and said.

Li Zedao nodded, saying nothing.


In the west of Rong City, I crossed Erlang Mountain and looked at Gongga Mountain, the king of Shu Mountain, and entered the highest plateau in the world... Sichuan-Tibet Plateau.

On the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau, you can't see Baili Pingchuan, you can see countless stretches of lofty mountains.

Gongga Mountain, Queer Mountain, Gorse Mountain, Damara Mountain, East Dala Mountain, Mira Mountain, Gangdise Mountain... If you have all kinds of mountains by your side, eventually Connected to the roof of the world... the Himalayas.

Of course, there are also mountains that have not been named infrequently among them, including the nameless mountain that is quite special and has no greenery.

At this time, on the side of another mountain that is thousands of meters away from the nameless mountain, in front of a natural cave that is naturally formed enough to accommodate four or five people, an old man looked at the fire in front of him eagerly and sniffed hard. Sniffing the scent in the air, there was a trace of viscous saliva at the corner of his mouth.

"Blessed Tianzun, this is the best roasted chicken I have burned in the past thousand years." The old man muttered to himself as he looked at the fire in front of him, his eyes showed a strong desire, the corners of his mouth There was a thick liquid everywhere, as if a pervert was facing a naked beauty.

A few minutes later, the old man picked up a piece of wood and flew up and down, and he simply fiddled with the red firewood to one side. Under the fire, there was a big red earth ball lying.

While swallowing, the old man slammed a stick on the big earth ball.

Only heard a muffled sound of "bang!", the earth ball was already smashed by a stick, revealing the white chicken inside, and the smell of roast chicken in the air instantly became even more fragrant.

Chicken is a pheasant in this mountain. It grows purely naturally and does not contain any hormones. Compared with chickens raised on the kind of feed on the market, the fragrance is naturally countless times richer, so there is more liquid in the corner of the old man’s mouth. Up.

At the moment, the old man didn't care about his hot hands. He grabbed the chicken, pulled off the drumstick, and feasted on it.

"Tsk tsk... delicious... too delicious for his Immeasurable Tianzun..." The old man was crying while eating, and he was moved by his ability to make such a superb roast chicken.

There was a sound of footsteps behind him, and a tall figure slowly walked over.

The old head didn't know that someone was approaching, still gnawing the chicken leg in his hand, as if he hadn't eaten for several days.

To be more precise, the old man didn't pay attention to this close person at all. His steps were extremely heavy and his breath was chaotic. It was conceivable that it was the so-called adventurous travel companions.

Of course, to break into this place, it proves that this guy is not far from death. Not everyone is qualified to come to this area, and the only end of the ants who break in by mistake is death.

In the eyes of the old man, do these so-called travel buddies all feel so idle? How nice it is to be honest at home, why have to come and die?

At this moment, the old man's heart slammed, and a rather unpleasant feeling already surged.


The feeling of the figure approaching him suddenly changed. It was no longer the heavy steps and chaotic breath, but the sound of footsteps disappeared suddenly, and even the chaotic breath was suddenly affected. Replaced by the breath of stock if there is no.

"It turns out to be an expert." The old man said with a cold smile, turning around abruptly, and an extremely terrifying breath burst out of his body.

After seeing the foreigner who appeared in front of him clearly, especially seeing the other person’s eyes, and feeling the overbearing and evil aura released from him, his complexion was instantly moved, and a huge wave was set off in his heart. I can believe what I see.

He knew that the one who came here was a back-to-nature master, maybe his purpose was the same as himself, or even an old friend more than a thousand years ago, but he said nothing that he would have been.

How could it be him? How could it be him? Shouldn't he be dead?

Who would have thought that such a tall foreign man would be the evil **** of the past?

"Cthulhu!" The old man squeezed out these two words with a voice that he felt strange.

"Oh, long time no see, dear Mr. Gan De Taoist." Cthulhu said with a smile.

Daoist Connaught did not speak, his eyes were full of vigilance, and he made up his mind not to slip first, or else he would fall asleep here.

As the second way in the world, the person who made him jealous was nothing more than two and a half, and Cthulhu was one of those two halves.

"I think the sentence you just said was wrong. You said that you are a master... Oh, no, not one, but two masters and three very powerful dogs." Cthulhu corrected with a hot smile on his face. The fault in the words of the Taoist priests came.

Dao Conde did not understand what this insidious guy was talking about, and he didn't intend to understand. He just wanted to run away now, to get away.

Therefore, he planned to give the half roast chicken left in his hand to the evil god, and then ran away.

He definitely won't be able to hit him, but he won't be able to escape. He may not be able to catch up with him, and he may not be able to follow his **** with the idle time.

It's just that if you leave like this...the Taoist goddess hates it!

This has been more than a thousand years, he finally met the kid with the aura of heaven, and he also guided him to say that if you want to eliminate the violent aura in the body, you will get the nameless cave of the Wuming Mountain.

At that time in the restaurant, the Taoist Conduit did not clearly state the specific situation of Wuming Mountain and Wuming Cave, because he was 100% convinced that since the person with the heavenly breath reappeared, then there must be someone who is thinking about him, and there will naturally be someone at that time. Take the initiative to send him to this unknown mountain.

Even if no one sends him over, it's about the kid's life, that kid will naturally come to this place obediently.

After all, that kid has comprehended the celestial secret map scroll. Such a person must have a great relationship with the celestial secret gate. Even at that time, his expression was so confused that he didn't know anything, but Taoist Gan De clearly saw it. , This kid is not honest at all, he is acting at all.

Well, if Li Zedao once again knew that his self-recognized textbook-level performance was full of loopholes in the eyes of these old monsters, he would probably want to buy a piece of tofu and knock him to death.

Therefore, the Daoist of Gande simply gave up the career of the hopeless thief and ran to the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau early to live a life of idle clouds and wild cranes, hungry for all kinds of rare mountain treasures in the market, and thirsty for the sweet springs. , Life is so uncomfortable.

And as the Double Ninth Festival approached, he was gradually approaching Wuming Mountain, quietly waiting for the arrival of the innocent kid and other old friends.

Although it has been more than a thousand years, many old friends must have gone to hell, but there are still people alive, such as the four elephants who must be there on time every three hundred years.

But what made the Daoist of Gan De never expected was that he was not waiting for Li Zedao, nor the Four Elephants, but the evil god.

At the same time his thoughts were surging, Taoist Conde slammed the half roasted chicken in his hand at the evil god.

He certainly didn't expect this roast chicken to hurt the evil god, but stop him a little bit, even for a second, that would be good.

"Wow!" The half-roasted chicken was like a cannonball, slamming it at the face of Cthulhu!

At the same time, the Taoist condescending body retreated quickly!

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