The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1923: Do it as a career

In the next second, the Cthulhu looked like he didn't know that the roast chicken was about to hit his face fiercely. He still had a rather playful smile on his face, and the expression was like a cat looking at a mouse that has been panicked.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly jumped out from the side, and suddenly appeared in front of the evil god.

Then he opened his mouth.


The half of the roast chicken hit his face heavily...No, it should be more accurate to be bitten by him!

At the same time, the Daoist Conde, who was retreating rapidly, his whole body stood still abruptly, and he didn't continue to sweep backwards, because he had already felt it very clearly. A terrible breath appeared behind him to stop him. Retreat.

If he continues to retreat sharply, the opponent will definitely attack the back immediately.

Looking up, there is a man standing quietly on the big rock, although you can't feel any breath fluctuations from him, not even breathing, as if it were a dead body without any life. Yes, but he gave people a terrible breath of death.

Therefore, he is considered to be making dumplings.

Daoist Conduit's face has become quite ugly.

Of course, Taoist Condé really changed his complexion not because his retreat was cut off, not because he appeared in front of him who looked so dark and vicious. What made his scalp numb is that he I also took a bite and bit the half of the roast chicken that I smashed towards the evil god’s face... You must know the strength of the Taoist priest, plucking leaves and flowers can also hurt people, let alone half a roast chicken. If it hits a person, it is enough to break its bones.

But this guy who came out suddenly took it with his teeth.

It's not because a terrible guy appeared on the big rock above his head. Although he didn't have any breath fluctuations, he didn't even breathe, and he was just a corpse, but it gave people the feeling of death.

It was that the breath behind him was so familiar, so familiar that he couldn't believe it was true, and he really felt a dreaming feeling.

"Puff..." The Tibetan Mastiff spit out the half of the roast chicken in one bite, wiped the corners of his mouth with his dark hairy hand, and said disgustingly: "It's unpalatable, it's better to use human fingers. eat."

The Daoists of Gan De had a feeling of being severely insulted while their hearts trembled. Insult your own roast chicken? I dare not say anything else, but when it comes to roasting chicken, I say second, and no one dares to say first.

"Oh, **** Tibetan Mastiff, how can you waste food so much? Didn't your teacher teach you a poem like'Who knows Chinese food, every grain is hard'? Oh, forget it, you are not a Chinese...but Even if you don't like to eat it, you can't throw it away. Don't you know how to cherish the food? Even if you don't know that you throw it on flowers, flowers, and grass like this, it's not good." The evil **** rebuked it with an awe-inspiring expression.

Then a rather playful smile appeared on his face: "Oh, my dear Erha, this half roasted chicken has rewarded you, come and eat it clean."

Cthulhu will not let go of any opportunity to humiliate the Taoists, although he himself feels that such a move can be said to be quite boring, but he never gets tired of it.

"Yes, Master." A rather cheerful voice sounded behind Taoist Gan De.

When Taoist Qiankun heard this familiar voice, his heart trembled again, and it was indeed him... Senior Brother Taoist Qiankun!

But how is this possible?

How could he get involved with the evil god? Even... he has become a subordinate of the evil god?

Immediately, Taoist Condé clearly felt a person passing by him quickly, and then fell down on all fours, leaning forward like a dog's head, and began to chew the roast chicken on the ground.

Seeing that familiar face, seeing him lying on the ground like a dog and chewing chicken, seeing the expression on his face that seemed so happy...

Daoist Condé almost rolled down from his eye sockets, and his body trembled violently. He thought he had been condemned by the heavens, otherwise, how could he feel like a thunderous sensation?

His good brother, the world's first Taoist Taoist, he did not become a subordinate of the evil god, he just became his...a dog?

"Pop!" Daoist Conde gave himself a slap in the face, intending to wake him up, he seriously suspected that he had been illusioned by the evil spirit's illusion.

But after a slap in the face, Taoist Qiankun was still lying there like a dog with his mouth open and gnawing half of the roasted chicken, and he just remembered that Cthulhu doesn't know anything about illusion, and a strong man like him disdains. What illusion technique to use.

The Taoist Condemned was very depressed, and this slap was a waste of time.

"Junior, long time no see." A girl's voice came over.

Daoist Condé looked at the young woman who appeared in front of him, and watched her being held around the waist by the Cthulhu, his originally wide-eyed eyes widened, his mind roared, and his heart throbbed. Before, there were huge waves tens of thousands of times stronger.

"Master... Senior Sister?"

Senior sister has become a woman of the evil god?

The Taoist Condemned that this world is too crazy, he stopped playing, he wanted to go home.

At the same time, he understood what the Cthulhu said just now. There are indeed two masters plus three dogs... Cthulhu and Senior Sister are masters, and the other three people, including Taoist Qiankun, belong to him. dog!

Unexpectedly, I haven't seen it for more than a thousand years, and the Cthulhu has become such a tyrant, he can even afford to raise such a dog, and he raises three.

Daoists of Conduit are full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

There are two and a half people who can make Taoist Condense jealous. Now these two halves appear in front of him, and there are two other guys who are of unknown origin but are quite terrible, so the heart of Taoist Condense is simply Sank to the bottom, it seems that today is his death day.

He wanted to kneel in front of the evil **** and say, or should I be your dog?


"Leave tomorrow?" North asked.

"Tomorrow." Li Zedao grinned. Before, he was quite reluctant and irritable, but at this moment, he had completely calmed down.

But do everything in your life, and each one's fate. If God is really going to take his life, then he can only admit that he is unlucky. After all, he is awesome and can't really control his life and death.

There was a moment of silence, and he said again: "When I leave, I don't know when I will come back, even..."

"You have said similar things several times, so there is no need to repeat them." Bei interrupted Li Zedao. "You just need to understand that they will wait for you to come back. Even if you never come back, they will always Living together."

Before Li Zedao "died" in the island country, a group of girls left the villa. Bei believed that no more girls would leave this time.

After the last farce of leaving, they are now reunited even more. They completely regard this as their home, and treat the sister as their closest relatives, and they no longer have the kind of careful thinking they used to.

"They... do not include you?" Li Zedao asked.

"The Sichuan-Tibet Plateau is a good place." Bei looked at Li Zedao's eyes and said, "The most important thing is that it is closer to you."

So Li Zedao was so moved that his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were pumping, and he hugged the body tightly and said, "Do it again?"

" should get up and prepare for breakfast, I'll take a rest." Bei yawned and kicked Li Zedao out of bed. This bastard, it's too much to let others sleep without sleeping.


Although Li Zedao is leaving tomorrow, the atmosphere of the villa is the same as usual, ambiguous and warm, and there is no miserable and miserable relationship that is about to experience life and death.

On the one hand, these women only act as Li Zedao and go out to perform a certain task, just like before, at most they have not been home for a long time... Anyway, they are used to it.

On the other hand, even if they guess something, they still have great confidence in Li Zedao. No matter what the big problem is, this little man will definitely handle it. They just need to be happy, and they should go to work. Go to school and go shopping.

Therefore, after finishing the breakfast prepared by Li Zedao, these women left to work on their own affairs one after another, and no one stayed to accompany Li Zedao...Of course, there is another important reason that they have been frightened by him these days. , The bones in his body will probably fall apart if he continues to stay with him.

Li Zedao seemed to treat that kind of thing as a career, which really made them laugh and cry...Of course, if it wasn't for the body to bear it, then the life would naturally be like a god, and it would be quite beautiful.

Li Zedao looked at the empty villa, smelled the different but very good scents in the air, and his eyes were full of dismay.

After thinking about it, I walked out of the villa, got into the car parked there, and drove out of the community on the main road.

Twenty minutes later, he slowly stopped the car on the side of the road, then pushed the door to get out of the car.

He took out a cigarette and lit a lighter. He set his gaze on the bridge not far away. The smoke-shrouded eyes were full of memories.

He clearly remembered that he, who could be said to be desperate that day, was kneeling on the bridge for help that day, but was tricked by the **** old man to act as a human experiment.

Of course, he knew now that even if he hadn't been cheated away by that **** old man, the divine pill that had already been refined would enter his stomach in another way.

Two minutes later, Li Zedao walked onto the overpass, and he already saw that he was kneeling at the place where he was kneeling. He was kneeling in a simple-dressed teenager. The teenager's head was low and there was no special expression on his face.

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