The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1927: Just passing by

"Wang Zi." The man said with a smile without concealing it.

"Prince?" So which country's prince was this once?

"Wang Zi, Mu Xinzi." The man probably knew that Taoist Qian De had misunderstood, so he said more now.

Daoist Conduit understood that this person was obviously unwilling to reveal his identity, so he used such a fake name that seemed so awesome.

"It turned out to be Mr. Wang." Taoist Conde nodded politely.

Then he remembered the scene he had seen, and he still had a feeling of hundreds of strange poisons in his body.

It has only been more than a thousand years. Taoist Qiankun has become a dog of the evil god, and the senior sister has become a woman of the evil god... Taoist Gande feels that his worldview, life and values ​​have completely collapsed, and he has been completely destroyed by this world. Abandoned, how else can you not understand the world at all?

The most important thing is that now that Taoist Qiankun has become a dog of the Heretic God, when the nameless cave is opened a few days later, the Heretic God can naturally enter the conveyor belt to another plane smoothly.

At that time, even if that kid came, even if he was still following other old immortals such as the **** four elephants, it was already too late, after all, they were amazing, and they were definitely not the opponents of Cthulhu.

The only good thing is that he is still alive... although his life is not long anymore.

Although the lifespan of a returning master can reach about 1,500 years, he is not far from the end of his life. After all, mortals cannot live like gods, living the same life as heaven and earth.

"Because you are a back-to-nature master, you have a strong fighting ability. Also, because you met me, coincidentally I know how to do medical skills, so you are not in danger of life." Wang Zi said with a smile, and then he held the few in his hand. Throwing a piece of wood into the fire made the fire a little more vigorous.

"Of course, the more important thing is that you have a big life, and you are besieged by three back-to-nature masters who are not below you, but you can escape desperately. I have to say that you are amazing." Wang Zi smiled and said.

"You are hiding around?" Taoist Conde narrowed his eyes, but hiding around him can hide the perverted perception of Cthulhu. It seems that this guy is also very perverted, and may even be perverted than Cthulhu.

How can such a pervert be an unknown person?

"Just passing by." Wang Zi smiled.

"Then you should see, there is only one person who really took the shot, otherwise I would have been chopped into mashed meat a long time ago, and the other two are just to prevent me from escaping." Taoist Conde shook his head and said.

"Although I finally broke free from the encirclement of the other two people, I know the severity of my injuries and I can't escape too far."

He vaguely remembered that when he ran forward desperately, he only felt that his vision was getting blurred, and then suddenly it went dark in front of him and he didn't know anything.

"So... Mr. Wang also clashed with them? Bring me to this place after repelling them?" Taoist Gan De asked tentatively, but he couldn't help his face full of movement.

It is necessary to know that Daoist Qiankun, the former second master in the world, and the savage whose strength is probably not under the Taoist Qiankun, and the corpse whose dynamic strength is also not under the Taoist Qiankun, if these three people are together against the evil **** Shot, then Cthulhu must also be defeated in a powerful way, let alone himself.

Fortunately, the savage and the moving corpse just made two gestures over there, and did not really participate in this battle. Only Qiankun Taoist really took action, otherwise I am afraid that he will be thorough soon. Of shreds.

But even so, in the end, he couldn't resist the utterly fatal offensive of Taoist Universe. He suffered several swords on his body, and even his left arm was cut off by a single sword.

But this person has a way to save him from their hands, so he can't help being a moralist. After all, the difficulty of saving a person far exceeds the difficulty of attacking.

Wang Zi smiled and said, "I'm not their opponent in real fights, but I run faster than them."

"...It's already very powerful to escape safely. No one can resist the joint attack of those three people." Taoist Conde said. He felt that this guy was too pretending to be forced. When he said this, he simply said it. His face is full of pride, and it feels like he can beat the three of them by himself...what's the joke?

Wang Zi smiled a little embarrassed: "It's true. In order to save you, I have taken a great risk, so should you give me some compensation?"

"...This is natural, but according to the instructions, as long as the poor Dao can do things, I will definitely do it for you." Daoist Gande tugged violently, and said with a grin.

He thought he had met Lei Feng, but he didn't expect that he had just escaped from the wolf pack, but in a blink of an eye he fell into the tiger's mouth again.

"You must be able to do it. I have been troubled by some questions recently, so I want to get answers to the questions from you." Wang Zi yawned and smiled lazily.

"It turns out that it's like this, you ask, you know everything you need to know." Taoist Gande still did not relax his vigilance. The answer that such a master wants to get is naturally not a general answer.

"What the **** is the so-called Wuming Mountain Wuming Cave?" Wang Zi sat down in front of Taoist Gan De and asked casually.

He picked up a wooden stick on the side, carefully fiddled with the big earth ball from the fire, and then lightly slammed the stick on the big earth ball that was already red.

Only heard the muffled sound of "bang!", the earth ball was already smashed by a stick, revealing the white chicken inside, and the whole cave was filled with a strong smell of roast chicken.

The Daoist Condemned for a moment: "You don't know?"

"Perhaps, he is not a thousand-year old demon. He did not participate in the war that year. He has only become a back-to-nature master in the past 100 years?" Taoist Gan De muttered in his heart.

But if so, where did he learn about Wuming Mountain and Wuming Cave?

Or, what does this guy have to do with that kid?

Smelling the scent, I thought that the roast chicken made by this guy seemed to match his own. Of course, it was better to make it yourself.

"Gudong!" He couldn't help swallowing. It took a long time to catch a pheasant. The Cthulhu that hadn't eaten a few bites brought people over and killed him. He had fought with Taoist Qiankun for a long time, and suffered such severe injuries, so he was starving.

"I should know?" Wang Zi asked with a smile, and stretched out his hand to tear off the roast chicken leg.

Taoist Conde swallowed again: "I'm really sorry..."

Wang Zi bit off a large piece of meat from the chicken leg in his hand, chewed the tender meat, looked at the Taoist Conde, and said, "What did you say?"

Taoist Gan De swallowed, and said, "I...I said this chicken thigh tastes good, right?"

"Normally, it shouldn't be as delicious as you did." Wang Zi tore a piece of chicken from the chicken leg again, and said as he looked at the Taoist Conduit.

Daoist Conduit was shocked, so when he was grilling the pheasant, he had already been by the side instead of arriving later?

What is even more terrifying is that Cthulhu did not even find him?

Immeasurable Tianzun, how terrifying is this guy's strength? Could it be that he has broken through the realm of returning to nature and entering the realm of god-man? How could this be possible, if he had entered the realm of gods, how could he not be transmitted to another plane by the mysterious power between heaven and earth?

"You haven't answered my question yet." Wang Zi gnawed away the chicken leg in twos and threes, spoke vaguely, and threw the bone into the fire.

"In addition, I want to know who you are and who those people were just now. Of course, the more detailed the better." Wang Zi tore off another chicken leg again, and continued to bite beautifully.

"This... let's talk..." Taoist Conde thought that this guy was too much, and he didn't know how to treat guests.

"Oh, it's okay, you can speak slowly. Anyway, I have time." Wang Zi said with a smile, "Surely you are fine, right?"

"..." Taoist Gan De wanted to say that I was injured and I need to rest.

Wang Zi bit the chicken leg in his mouth, stretched out his hand and tore off the chicken **** and sent it to Taoist Gande: "You eat too, you are welcome."

Daoist Conde looked at the chicken butt, and only felt that there were ten million horses running wild in his heart. He felt that he was hurt so badly. Why else was his body trembling so badly?


At the same time, in front of the cave where the Taoist Conduit stayed before, the old face of the Cthulhu was incredible: "Oh, **** two ha, you mean, you let your **** brother escape?"

"Yes, Master." Taoist Qiankun lowered his head and said, "It could have been killed, but suddenly someone appeared. He picked up the Taoist Conduit and ran away. The three of us... The three dogs failed to catch up and were run away by him. After that, we searched separately and couldn't find him."

The Cthulhu’s eyes opened wider, and he said silently, "Oh, **** Erha, do you know what you are talking about? How can someone run away in front of you? I can't do that kind of thing."

Cthulhu wants to be crazy, can others do things he can't do? That is impossible! So he seriously suspected that Erha was very dishonest, and he must have hidden something.

Liuli, who stood in front of the Cthulhu, also had an incredible face, and couldn't believe what she had heard.

As Cthulhu said, even he can't escape the pursuit of the Taoist people, not to mention the explosive power of the Tibetan mastiff and the indefatigable Hellhound guarding there, but someone rescued him. Conquer the Daoist and escape smoothly. I'm afraid that only a true **** can do it, right?

"Oh, **** it, Tibetan Mastiff, do you think the situation is as Erha said." The evil **** looked at the Tibetan Mastiff and asked loudly.

"Yes." The Tibetan mastiff urn said in an annoying voice.

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