The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1928: Delicious chicken butt

"Even you caught his breath?" Cthulhu's expression became quite embarrassed. He is very clear about the Tibetan Mastiff's ability, his nose is very sensitive, can catch any smell in the air.

Previously, it was he who smelled the burning wood from far away, and followed the smell to search for it, and finally found the Gande Taoist who was roasting pheasants over there.

"Yes." The Tibetan mastiff urn said again. He had chased him as fast as he could, but he lost the trace of the other party all at once, and even the other party didn't even leave any smell.

"Oh, damn, Fuck, how is this possible, Fuck!" The Cthulhu had a vicious face and kicked over the big rock aside, only to hear a muffled "Boom!" The big rock was torn apart.

It is impossible for the Tibetan Mastiff and Hellhound to be bought by Erha, so this matter is true, and there is indeed such a terrible master.

In other words, Cthulhu doesn’t really care if the Taoist Taoist is dead. What he really cares about is that he doesn’t know where such a master came from, and that master can easily escape the three dogs he raised. Pursuing and hunting, this is really quite crazy.

The Cthulhu once thought he was the strongest person in the world, but he didn't expect someone to jump out and slap him in the face.

"What should I do now?" Liuli asked with a solemn expression.

If the master of unknown origin comes to make trouble when entering the Wuming Cave, naturally they are not afraid of him. After all, there are five people on their side, and they are not afraid of how powerful the opponent is. But after all, some uncertainty has been added. For example, if his target is Taoist Universe, and he desperately kills him, then things will undoubtedly become quite troublesome.

"Oh, **** it, only soldiers can come to cover the water and soil." Cthulhu said while looking at Liuli.

Speaking and stretched out his feet, Taoist Qiankun hurriedly squatted on the ground, and started to lick the Cthulhu's leather shoes.

"Oh, **** it, Tibetan Mastiffs and Hellhounds. From now on, you are not allowed to be more than three meters away from Erha." The Cthulhu ordered, and he naturally worried that the target of the **** guy who didn't know where came out It is a Taoist of Qiankun, so such an arrangement was made.

No matter if Taoist Qiankun was killed by him or taken away by him, then things would naturally become quite troublesome.

"Do you think it will be that kid?" Liuli asked again, "or who of the four elephants?"

Cthulhu simply denied Liuli's view: "Oh, this is impossible, because they simply don't have that kind of strength."

"But, who are you? I can't wait to see you and tear you up with my own hands." Cthulhu said with a grimace.


"So, the reason why you are here is to wait for the kid with the aura of heaven to appear, so that you can find the right time to trick him into the nameless cave together, and reach the other plane you mentioned through the conveyor belt inside?"

Wang Zi looked at the Taoist Conqueror and asked, "But what you didn't expect is that you are waiting for the former No. 1 master Cthulhu who has been missing for more than a thousand years and your senior brother. Even your senior brother has become a Cthulhu. As for the dog you raised, your senior sister became his woman?"

Taoist Conde nodded and said with a wry smile: "That's it."

Although the facts are already in front of them, the Taoists of Gan De still can't believe it is true.

Although Cthulhu possesses quite terrifying strength, it is not enough to make Taoist Qiankun feel fear and willingly become his dog.

As for capturing the sister's heart... a woman's mind is hard to guess, who knows what she thinks? Maybe it was because he hated the brother so much that he gave him such a green hat, or because he was too empty and too lonely, who knows?

Therefore, the Daoist of Gan De was relieved about the fact that the elder sister became a woman of the evil god, and did not have the kind of horror when he first saw it.

However, Taoist Qiankun became the dog of the evil god, and he couldn't relax anything he said about this matter.

He involuntarily licked the corners of his mouth. Although he had eaten the **** of the chicken, he actually had a feeling that he was still unfulfilled. He had never eaten such a delicious **** before, never! Only then did he know what it means to be outside and there are outsiders and there are heavens. He has always thought that the roast chicken he made is unique in the world, and no one can match it, but now he is completely defeated and convinced.

Wang Zi nodded, his brows were already frowned: "In addition, you just said that the secret of the Wumingdong, the guardian of your Heavenly Mystery Gate...then who leaked this secret?"

Taoist Gan De shook his head, and said with great incomprehension: "I am at a loss for this matter now. After all, there are only three people who know this secret. They are my master, my brother Qiankun Taoist, and also With me, when the news about Wumingdong was spread out, my master was already dead, and my brother himself wouldn’t be foolish to spread the news. I didn’t do that thing, so who is it? ?"

"Really not you?"

Wang Zi replied: "You have such motives and suspicions. After all, you have not cultivated the aura of the heavenly secret. Besides, you killed your master and became a traitor to the heavenly secret gate. Your brother chased you down for more than 30 years... you In any case, I didn’t want to see him so smoothly through the conveyor belt of the nameless cave to reach another plane. You want to give him a stumbling block, and you want to see if he can fish in troubled waters. It would be better if he could be killed by those masters. Isn't it the case?"

Daoist Conde said with a wry smile: "If it is really me, I don't need to hide anything at all now, but I really didn't leak the secret."

"Besides, I just said that I was injured by mistake. How could I kill the mentor whom I regard as my father? I have no reason to kill him. I just discussed martial arts with the master and his elders, and I also He didn't use his full strength. After all, although the master and his elders had three strong people who returned to the basics, he himself only touched the threshold of the basics..."

Taoist Gan De was already full of pain and incomprehension: "I never thought that the sword I pierced through the chest of Master and his old man... Master could have easily opened my sword. , But he didn't avoid it... I felt like he had deliberately slammed into my sword as if there was something he couldn't think about, so he deliberately hit my sword... I know that no one would believe it, but it is true. ."

"After that, did your senior show up?" Wang Zi asked.

Daoist Conde nodded: "When I pierced Master’s chest with a sword, I was dumbfounded. I wanted to check Master’s injuries quickly. Who would think that the brother appeared suddenly, and he didn’t listen to my explanation. All of a sudden, I said I was rebellious to assassinate the mentor, and then, lifting the sword, he cut at me..."

"I am not an opponent of Senior Brother at all, and I know I can't explain this matter. After all, Master was indeed pierced in the chest by a sword, so I can only escape from the secret door. A few days later, I received it. As for the news of Master’s death, the senior brother even notified all the martial arts factions that I killed Master and was a traitor to the Tianjimen. After I got the news, I cried a lot, and then began to hide in Tibet."

"As for those who said that I assassinated my master because I couldn't understand the air of heaven, this is even more nonsense. I can't understand the air of heaven, so what? Brother, can he have the air of heaven? Brother one, so if he really wants to go to Wuming Mountain, he won't take me with him?"

Wang Zi nodded and said, "It makes sense for you to say that. Since you didn't reveal the secret of Wumingdong, it was not your master either. After all, he was already dead at that time, plus this matter is the only three of you. I personally know, then there is only one possibility left, and that is that the unnamed secret is basically revealed by your senior brother Qiankun Taoist."

"I also thought about this possibility, but... he has no reason to do this kind of thing, right?" Taoist Gan De shook his head and denied this speculation.

This question has troubled him for more than a thousand years, and he is still quite confused now, who had leaked the secret about the guardian of the Heavenly Secret Gate.

"There is a reason, it's just that the reason is not known." Wang Zi smiled and said, "In my opinion, things should be like this...Of course, what I want to say is my reasoning. , I don’t know."

Daoist Connaught nodded and signaled Wang Zi to continue. He was also quite curious, what did this peerless powerhouse who could simply save himself from the hands of Daoist Universe and others want to say.

In addition, how did he know that he could get the answers to the questions he wanted from himself?

"That's how I think, Taoist Qiankun is better than you, so your master plans to pass on the position of the master of the door to him, and let him command the door of heaven..."

The Taoist Condemned his mouth and felt that he was too much to say this, but that is a fact, you don't have to say it, it makes people feel embarrassed.

"Later, your brother refused on the grounds that he wanted to wander around the world with your sister to become an enviable couple of gods and goddesses. After all, you said before that he yearned for freedom, the kind of chivalry who traveled all over the country. In life, he is not interested in the position of the head, but after the matter is settled, you missed and killed your master...Have you ever thought about whether it was a miss or your master?"

"What do you want to say?" Taoist Gan De did not quite understand.

Wang Zi waved his hand and said, "You also said that your master could have avoided your sword, but he didn't avoid it. Why? There are two answers, he can't avoid it or he doesn't know what. The reason was that he wanted to die so he didn't want to avoid it... But even if he wanted to die, he shouldn't let his apprentice bear the charge of master killing, right? So this reason can basically be eliminated."

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