The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1929: Lip print

"Then there is only one reason left, and that is that he can't avoid it at all. Why can't he avoid it? There is nothing more than one answer, and that is that he might have been tragically attacked at that time, which hindered his actions and was unable to avoid it. Open your sword. It is your senior brother Qiankun Taoist who sneaked at him!" Wang Zi looked at Taoist Qiande and said his own opinion.

Daoist Condé's eyes widened suddenly, and the skin on his face twitched slightly, and he couldn't believe what he heard.

"'s impossible." Taoist Gan De spoke subconsciously.

Yeah, how is this possible? Brothers have always respected Master the most. Among the three disciples, the one that Master likes the most is also Senior Brother. Why did he kill Master? He has no reason to do such a thing.

Can't it just simply want to frame yourself?

But even if you want to frame yourself, it is impossible to frame yourself by killing Master.

The Conduit Taoist was simply messed up.

"Can't it?"

Wang Zi smiled and continued to talk about his own inference: "Think about it carefully. After you pierced your master's chest with a sword, your brother appeared. He would not listen to your explanation at all. Take your charge and draw your sword to each other... Is it too coincidental? The moment you stabbed your master, he appeared?"

The heart of the Daoist is even more messy, yeah, is it too coincidental?

"And if he is really the kind of sensible person you said, why don't you listen to your excuse? The more important thing is that in that situation, the more important thing should be to save your master? But he is Choose to start with you... why?"

Daoist Condé opened his mouth long, but he couldn't say anything. His face became pale and ugly, his mind roared violently, and a huge wave went up in his heart.

It took him a while to react and said with difficulty, "I still find it hard to accept your opinion. He has no motive to kill Master."

"I've already said it. This is just my speculation." Wang Zi waved his hand and said, "As for the truth, I am not quite sure."

"If it's him... why would he do this? What good will it do for him?" Taoist Gan De said with great difficulty. He desperately tried to find out the reasons for the killing of the master by various brothers, but he found that either , Then the reason is so far-fetched.

For more than a thousand years, whenever he thought of Master being killed by himself, an invisible hand would suddenly pinch his heart, making him restless and sleepless at night, and his soul was tortured.

It was also guilty, so in the days when he was hunted down by the Taoist Qiankun more than a thousand years ago, every time he was found by the Taoist Qiankun, he dared not fight against his senior, and said first.

Then, he felt more and more that what this person with unknown origin but terrifying strength said seemed very reasonable. Otherwise, why didn't the old brothers give him any opportunity to explain directly?

"Perhaps... what kind of plan is he doing? Even now that he has become a dog of the Cthulhu, it is only part of his plan." Wang Zi tutted, his expression was a bit solemn.

If this is the case, then this Taoist Universe is really too terrifying, right?

He knows that the Heavenly Mystery Gate is proficient in the art of spying on the secrets of heaven. Through this technique, we can spy out some fragments of what will happen in the future. Did this Daoist of Heaven and Earth spy something?

"What kind of plan do you think that is?" Wang Zi asked, looking at Taoist Condemnation.

Daoist Conde did not answer, how could he know this kind of thing?

"The last thing, are you interested in becoming my little brother?" Wang Zi looked at Taoist Gan De with a smile.

The Taoist Condemned was stunned, and quickly said, "Big Brother."

The thighs were taken to the front for you to hug, if you don't hug them tightly, you would be really stupid.


"Beauty, goodbye." Li Zedao, who carried a backpack with him, looked at Yingying and Yanyan standing in front of him with a relaxed smile.

"Kiss-thief, come back early." Li Mengchen said with a faint smile, and then walked over and printed a bite on his face.

Li Mengchen's expression was relaxed, full of gentle and ambiguous smiles, as if his wife sent her husband to work, and the husband could go home in the evening.

Then there were He Xiaoyu, Bai Libing, Nintendo... and Encore who finally lived in this villa. These women stepped forward one by one and gave him a fragrant kiss, saying goodbye.

"I'll be back soon."

Li Zedao looked at these women with sore noses, grinned, waved, turned around and walked out of the villa easily. At this time, there was already a black off-road vehicle waiting at the door.

He didn't dare to look back at the villa, he couldn't bear to see their tearful faces.

Then, I heard Li Mengchen's voice.

"Sisters, I want to go shopping for a while, who wants to go?"

"I'm with you, I want to make a hair." He Xiaoyu echoed.

"Hey, my old lady is going too... I'm going to a spa, my old lady's body is almost falling apart these days." Nintendo said with a grin.

"Let's, this lady has to go to make up her sleep first, she's so sleepy..." Susan said.

"That's it, the big idiot is too much to not let you sleep, you have to play some ambiguous games, just play and not let this genius girl whip him, it's too much..." Shadow was very depressed.

"Oh, that's too much..."


Li Zedao almost fell to the ground with a soft leg, tears streaming down his face, he suddenly felt that he was right to leave, um, right!

Didn’t you plow the land several times? Is this wrong? Have it?

He didn't look back, so he didn't see it, they said this in tears.

They can't help him, so the only thing they can do is to reassure him and let him know that they are good, really good.

Li Zedao opened the door of the back seat and got in, sat down beside Zhao Duoer, then looked at the lunar in the driving position and said, "You can go now."

Taiyin turned his head and glared at Li Zedao fiercely, apparently still remembering Li Zedao for venting this matter with her when he was at Ganluan.

Although it turned out that no one took advantage, and both of them vomited blood, for a woman, it would be a disadvantage to not take advantage.

Not to mention that she was forced to fight back, and with the perverted self-healing ability of this kid's body, the injury he suffered had naturally healed long ago, but his chest was still aching, so the mood was naturally quite bad.

After a cold snort, he also started the car.

The three-year-old boy sitting in the co-pilot position, Shaoyang, gave Li Zedao a look back and snorted without saying a word. Because of Zhao Duo'er, he looked at Li Zedao also quite uncomfortable, and really wanted to go with Taiyin. At once, together they gave this kid a bitter lesson.

"We will go to Chengdu first, and then drive to the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau. We have found a route that a car can pass through, and we can drive directly to Wuming Mountain." Said Lao Sun, sitting on the other side of Zhao Duoer.

"I know." Li Zedao said. After all, Lao Sun is the helm of fx. He holds great power and controls this extremely huge resource. In addition to the other three in the Sixiang, they are all masters of returning to innocence, so to find such a car that can go directly to the Wuming Mountain. That is a very easy thing.

"In addition, Director Yang has already called you?" Sun Lao asked again.

"Yes, thank old Sun." Li Zedao said.

Last night, Li Zedao received a call from Director Yang. Director Yang’s information about Qian Yugang on the phone has been investigated. Qian Yugang was indeed framed back then, and the person who framed Qian Yugang has been brought under control. They will also immediately go to the small island of the island country to take Qian Yugang back home.

This is why Li Zedao expressed gratitude to Sun Lao. It was because of his intervention that Qian Yugang's grievances were smoothly washed away.

Early this morning, Li Zedao also received a call.

After Li Zedao picked up the phone, the person on the other end of the phone did not speak for a long time, but Li Zedao clearly felt that his breathing was extremely heavy. As you can imagine, his mood fluctuated greatly.

For a while, Qian Yu just said, "Boy, thanks."

Li Zedao responded with a rather wretched smile: "When you return to China, don't forget to bring back the discs you treasured. Director Yang is very interested in that stuff. Then you can have a good communication."

"Get out!" Qian Yugang scolded with a smile.

"Don't be polite to me, this is what I should do." Old Sun said with a smile.

"Here." Zhao Duoer handed a tissue to Li Zedao, pointed at his face and smiled, "wiping your face is all lipstick."

"...It's okay, this is a mark of love." Li Ze said stiffly, but he took the tissue and wiped his face. Although it was a mark of love, he didn't expect to be treated as a mark at the airport. Neuropathy.

After half an hour, the car arrived at Phoenix International Airport.

Sun Lao, such as plane tickets, had already been prepared. Li Zedao, Zhao Duoer and Sun Lao were in the VIP cabin. As for Shaoyang and Taiyin, the mother and daughter were in the ordinary cabin, they were not all together.

Of course, it wasn't because the images of Shaoyang and Taiyin were really ill-packed, not worthy of the high-end VIP cabin, but because of absolutely foolproof safety considerations.

After all, no one knows if anyone is still staring at Li Zedao. Shaoyang and Taiyin stay in the ordinary cabin to keep a close eye on whether there is a thousand-year-old demon coming on the plane.

As soon as he sat down, Li Zedao plugged his headphones and closed his eyes. He didn't mean to communicate with Lao Sun and Zhao Duo'er. He began to comprehend the Scroll of Heaven's Mystery, and soon fell asleep.

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