The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1936: The situation is wrong

"Whoo!" A large rock burst into the air.

The speed is almost the same as the speed at which the cannonball hits, so when the rock flew in front of one of the men in black in the air, the man in black did not react at all, he didn't even know. Death has already come.

"Bang!" The stone slammed heavily on the black-clothed man. The man screamed, his head tilted, and he could not die anymore.

The special body armor he wore was punched with a big hole in his chest, the bones in his chest cavity were all shattered, and the stone remained directly in his body.

The bazooka fell from his hand and began to do a free fall motion, and his body was carried by the aircraft in the sky, like a kite with a broken wire.

At the same time, more than a dozen rocks broke through the air almost at the same time, and smashed at the remaining four flying men.

"Bang!" One of the men's head was exploded by a stone, and blood splashed everywhere.

The other one was even more unlucky. His weapon arsenal was hit by a stone, and he heard a muffled sound of "Boom!" His body burst open in the air, and countless flesh and blood limbs were flying in the sky.

The remaining two people were also hit by multiple stones, and died instantly so that they could not die again.

In less than ten seconds, the five pilots armed with rocket launchers were all annihilated. I am afraid that they did not even think about saying that they were not here to kill, but they actually came to die.

They are not poor in ability, their equipment is not advanced enough, and their vitality is not fierce enough, they just met a group of perverts.

The sky was calm again, as if nothing happened.

The ground was messy. Within a radius of 100 meters, there was a large pit after another on the left. Some places were still burning, and pungent smoke was everywhere.

The only good thing is that the surroundings are relatively desolate and there are no small woods, so there is no risk of forest fires.

Until this time, the five people originally located in the two cars crawled out from various places.

Li Zedao is fine.

Old Sun is fine, Zhao Duoer is fine, Shaoyang is fine, Taiyin... is fine.

One of the woman's arms was dripping with blood, and even bones were visible in some places. In addition, her face was full of blood, and her hair was basically burned out, and the whole person looked quite embarrassed.

What's more terrifying is that the entire palm of her other arm was blown up, and blood continuously spurted from her broken arm, like a red fountain.

Her reaction ability is naturally excellent. She jumped out of the car at the first moment when she caught the danger, but her luck was obviously not so good. Of course, it can also be said that her character is not good.

At the moment she jumped off the car, two shells exploded in front of her. If she hadn't been there, it would not be as simple as the palm of her hand being blown out, but she would have been blown into corpses, even That is the carcass will be cooked instantly.

But even though the injury was so severe, this woman didn't even hum, but her eyes were so terrifying, and there was a cold light in it that she chose to eat.

This makes Li Zedao somewhat regretful. Why don't those shells have eyes? If it could kill one or two of them, that would be an interesting thing.

Especially why didn't that little kid be killed?

What makes Li Zedao even more depressed is that although he, Zhao Duoer, and Lao Sun did not suffer such severe injuries as Lunar, but they were also quite embarrassed. For example, this handsome face of his was dark, and his left calf. A blood stain was also scratched by shrapnel.

Sun Lao's handsome and elegant beard burned away, and Zhao Duoer's white face also showed some blood stains, and the knees were also torn.

But this **** little kid might have a small goal because of his small body, and he became the most energetic of them.

His face was not black, and there were no scars on his body. At most, there was dust on the clothes.

As for the stone like a cannonball, they naturally threw it on.

Li Zedao threw a stone and killed one of them neatly. So Lao Sun and the others immediately understood that they were looking for the stone to make an angry shot.

This kind of hatred is naturally immortal.

And they didn't have any idea of ​​staying alive, because they didn't need to know who the enemy was, just the soldiers came to cover the water.

"Are you all okay?" Old Sun asked, that face blackened by gunpowder was naturally quite ugly, and there was an angry mood in his eyes.

It was the first time he had been so embarrassed after living so long. It made him quite angry. If the body hadn't been torn apart or taken away by the flying suit, he would whip their bodies.

Being attacked has long been regarded as a highly probable event by Mr. Sun, which is why he dared not care about it this way, and he dared not blink his eyelids more when driving.

But what he never expected was that someone wearing such an advanced flight suit, holding a rocket launcher in his hand, would bomb them.

Shouldn't it be a thousand-year-old demon like them who appeared in front of the car with great enthusiasm, not afraid of being hit to death by the car, saying that he would either leave Li Zedao behind or run over me and wait for the car to hit him. He flew faster than a rabbit, or he came over with a sword and cut the off-road vehicle in half.

Then afterwards, they will break out in a earth-shattering fight, naturally, they will definitely win the four elephants in the end.

But now even using a bazooka? what is this?

Kung fu is the highest in the world.

Kungfu is their dignity, their pride, and a restricted area where they and the heat-weapon are incompatible.

But, you **** use a rocket launcher... This kind of behavior is cheating, it's illegal, and it's despised.

Elder Sun decided that after the expert who planned the attack showed up, he would first despise him severely.

"It's okay." Although he felt that the old man's question was quite redundant, Li Zedao still responded. You don't want to see it for yourself.

Looking up at the cloudless sky, Li Zedao's brows wrinkled slightly. The attack came suddenly, and even more inexplicably, completely different from what was expected.

"It's okay..."

Taiyin, Shaoyang and Zhao Duo'er also spoke separately, and of course they could hear their voices full of extremely strong anger. Such a shell attack really made them feel quite humiliated, and they really wanted to spit out a few mouthfuls of old blood.

There is a kind of open fight, so what's the matter? Shameless?

Especially Taiyin, this old woman is suppressing the anger in her body at this time. If Li Zedao dares to provoke her at this time, she will definitely attack him desperately.

"It's okay." Old Sun nodded and said, although Taiyin's arm was bloody, and even one of his palms was blown away, but this kind of injury is not a big deal for a master like them, it's a big deal. Just change to a physical body.

In addition, there is Shaoyang, so she can apply medicine and bandage for a while.

"Shaoyang..." Old Sun glanced at Shaoyang.

Shaoyang curled his lips, looked at Taiyin reluctantly and said, "Old lady, if you don't want to be bloodied, just sit down and give you my hand."

Although this kid is so reluctant and his mouth is quite unclean, he is the man he likes after all, so Lunar's heart is somewhat sweet, and the irritable mood still eases a lot.

Right now Yiyan sat down on the ground and stretched out his broken arm in front of Shaoyang. Shaoyang quickly took out a medicine bottle from his body, opened it and poured all the medicine powder inside onto the wound.

This is obviously an extremely precious wound medicine. Her shocking wound stopped the bleeding at once, and Shaoyang pulled it off again, and moved quickly to bandage the wound.

"Thank you." Taiyin said, looking at the little kid.

"Old woman, your brain was blown up?" Shaoyang twitched, and the old woman's tone suddenly became so gentle, which really made him creepy.

"Son, I didn't scold you, you feel uncomfortable, right?" Tai Yin chuckled and cursed.

Shaoyang was too lazy to respond, and turned and left with a cold snort.

Old Sun's eyes fell on Li Zedao: "The situation is not right."

The reason why he can become the leader of the Four Elephants is not only because he is the strongest among these four people, his personality is the most attractive, he looks the most handsome, and he is the Dinghai Shenzhen of this group. , Even more because he is the clearest thinking among the four.

Zhao Duoer likes to eat and play. People who like to eat and play are usually more casual and don't like to use their brains. In fact, Zhao Duoer is indeed that kind of person. She usually does what Sun Lao says, without any own opinions. Of course, this has a lot to do with her liking for Sun Lao.

Taiyin seems insidious and can calculate, but some of her actions seem so petty and can't be on the stage. For example, she often provokes how sweet Li Zedao and Zhao Duoer are in front of Shaoyang. This approach makes Sun Lao think quite. naive.

As for Shaoyang, he is a reckless man at all. He always only likes to solve problems with his fists.

Therefore, even if there is anything, Lao Sun rarely consults them, but directly tells them his decision.

And now, Lao Sun decided to talk to Li Zedao. Although this kid was quite shameless and quite under-beaten, he was transformed by Ghost Maru after all, and his insight and analysis capabilities are indeed unmatched.

He must have discovered the problems he could find long ago, and he even found details that he could not find.

Li Zedao glanced at Old Sun and nodded: "Indeed, the situation is not right."

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