The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1937: Because i have a brain

"What's wrong? What's wrong? These **** old guys are getting more and more regressive, and they have done such embarrassing things. Who is it? Get out of the old lady!" Taiyin's sharp eyes swept around. Drink sharply.

"Taoist Qiankun, is it you? There is a kind of get out of my mother!"

She thought that it was the other thousand-year-old demons who did it, maybe even the Taoists of Qiankun and extinction. They didn't immediately go to Wuming Mountain, but kept secretly following them.

Because they were afraid of the strength of the four elephants, they chose to use such a despicable method.

Taiyin has lingering fears. Fortunately, he was not killed by a cannonball, otherwise his fame would be ruined.

She is the lunar yin of the four elephants. Her skill is second among the four elephants. She is a well-known top figure in the world. It was not a problem to enter the top ten back then. As for now, the top three are easy. She is a legend, there are her legends in the arena.

She didn’t want to say that after she died, when she talked about her in the rivers and lakes, she always said: The Taiyin of the four elephants is a hero of the female middle school, and her cultivation is unfathomable... It is a pity that she was killed by a cannonball. .

If such a hat is really clasped on her head, it would be a dead end!

Shaoyang also glanced sharply around the area, releasing a terrifying aura from his body, as if a master was about to appear on the stage at any time, he was ready to do it.

Li Zedao walked over, picked up the rocket launcher with remaining warmth that had fallen there and glanced at it, then looked up at Old Sun and said, "Lao Sun thinks this kind of thing is caused by the Taoist and Extinction?"

"It's unlikely." Old Sun groaned and shook his head. Based on his understanding of Taoists in the universe, he didn't seem to be someone who would do such abusive things.

But people will change. It has been more than a thousand years. Who knows if he has changed? So Lao Sun didn't dare to say something to death.

"I don't think it can be them either." Li Zedao also expressed his opinion.

"How do you know that is not it?" Taiyin said in a vicious voice. She didn't feel embarrassed to frustrate Lao Sun, so she simply frustrated Li Zedao.

She thinks this kid is her disaster, what if he himself can be so embarrassed now? That is impossible.

"Because..." Li Zedao glanced at her and pointed to his head.

"What do you mean?" Taiyin was stunned, this kid was talking about his messy hairstyle? Your sister, do you care about your messy hairstyle?

"Meaning, the reason why I know that is because I have a brain, I can think." Li Zedao said. This woman is indeed a simple-minded representative of underdeveloped limbs... Can her hands be blown away if her limbs are well developed?

It is said that a fox that has lived for thousands of years, a turtle that has lived for thousands of years, everything becomes fine... But this woman has been alive for so long, why is this IQ?

Maybe it was born, maybe because they had no rivals or threats over the past thousand years, their four elephants lived quite comfortably. Over time, their brains also deteriorated.

"..." So, this **** is saying he has no brains?

Sun Lao appeared in front of Taiyin in a flash.

"Boss, get out of the way, my old lady killed this bastard." Taiyin was mad, if it weren't for Old Sun to stop her, Taiyin would want to fight Li Zedao for three hundred rounds before talking, you have no brains, your whole family Brainless.

Old Sun smiled bitterly, can I let it go? If I let you go, you will not only be verbally humiliated, then will the other three of us take action or not?

If you don't make a move, I'm sorry for the kind of friendship that has surpassed brothers and sisters for more than a thousand years. If you make a move, what if you accidentally beat this kid to death?

"We all know that killing requires motives. Even if it is purposeless to stabbing people in the street, there are motives, such as hatred of society... If it is done by Taoist Qiankun, what do you think is his motive?" Li Zedao Asked.

"Nonsense, isn't the motive to prevent you from reaching the Wuming Mountain?" Taiyin felt that the **** who was acting there was an idiot, and he couldn't think of the answer to such an obvious question.

Such a precious pill was wasted like this, heartache!

Li Zedao looked at Lunar in his eyes as if he was looking at an idiot: "If you really don’t want us to reach Wuming Mountain, he can appear in front of me before you. After all, compared to you, I will believe that it is in name. What my too master said?"

"..." Taiyin stunned slightly, thinking that it seemed like that. The four elephants can take Li Zedao to the Wuming Cave, and even the Taoist Qiankun can. As for the extinction, the flesh of the Antarctic is occupied... Is it still a matter for the Taoist Qiankun to conceal this thing from Li Zedao?

Even if the Four Elephants finally used the countermeasures to find Li Zedao and said that the Antarctic was extinct and took over the flesh, Li Zedao would definitely believe in the Taoists of the Universe instead of the Four Elephants, right?

"Who do you think it is?" Seeing this kid like this, Old Sun knew that there was already a skeptical person in his heart.

Li Zedao took out the cigarette, picked up a small section of the dead twigs on the ground, lit the cigarette with the flame on it, and slowly spit out a smoke ring, and said, "What do you think of Sun Lao?"

"Those other forces that are also making your mind?" Old Sun shook his head, it's possible, but... not right.

"It's not like." Li Zedao said his own opinion, "Think about it carefully, if it is really the masters who make my idea, their ultimate goal is to get my'key', but in this way people use a rocket launcher to bombard me. Are you not afraid to blow me up? So it can be seen that the other party is not here to **** people, but to kill people. They either want to kill me, or want to kill you, even whether it's me or you. I want to kill."

Talking about Li Zedao, his eyes flicked across the faces of the four people standing in front of him one by one, and finally stayed on Shaoyang.

"Don't doubt, it must be here to kill you." Seeing this bastard's eyes fell on him, Shaoyang said in a vicious voice, is this kid provoke few people?

As a result, Taiyin's eyes looking at Li Zedao were even more unkind. If it is really because of this kid that she suffered such an innocent disaster, then she does not mind violently beating this kid now, she wants to take his, All the limbs were interrupted, and she wanted to spit on him and smear honey on his wounds, attracting ants to kill him.

Li Zedao smiled, shrugging his shoulders and saying: "It's not impossible that this is possible, but there are a few things I don't understand."

"What's the matter?" Old Sun asked. He knew that this kid was going to say what he suspected.

"The first thing, in my opinion, the other party did not come to this place behind our buttocks, but very clearly knew the route we were going to walk, and set up ambushes in this place early, but I don’t think Understand how he knows the route we are going to take..." Li Zedao expressed his opinion.

"It's impossible." Lao Sun immediately denied Li Zedao's guess, knowing that only the four elephants knew this route.

In fact, the road leading to Wuming Mountain was detected by Taiyin and Shaoyang little by little over the past few years, and then drawn into a map.

How can others know this route and make an ambush in advance?

Li Zedao looked at Old Sun and asked, "Who is behind our **** secretly but we can't find it?"

Old Sun did not answer this question that seemed so idiotic.

Li Zedao gave the answer on his own: "I am a master of returning to nature! Since it will be a master of returning to nature, then according to your understanding, the other party must be directed at me, intending to take me away, since it is to intercept me. , Why use a bazooka for assassination?"

Old Sun opened his mouth and didn't know how to refute it. He understood what Li Zedao meant. He followed them without being discovered by them. Naturally, he was a master of returning to the basics.

Since he is a back-to-nature master, he is bound to be playing Li Zedao's idea, but in the end he used a bazooka, so there is no doubt that the other party is trying to kill them.

So it's not a back-to-nature master, but if it's not a back-to-nature master, it's impossible to follow their ass, otherwise they will definitely find it.

So the only reasonable explanation is that these people knew their route early, so they set up an ambush here and waited for them to be arrested...

But the point is that only the Sixiang knew about this secret route... For a while, Old Sun's expression became ugly and solemn, and he was really taken aback by the speculation that suddenly appeared in his mind. .

"Well, let's talk about the second thing." Li Zedao didn't care when he was simply denied, and continued with a smile, "Lao Sun thinks, among the five of us, who has the strongest perception ability?"

"Naturally it was you. It was because of your reminder that I felt dangerous afterwards." Old Sun frowned and looked at Li Ze and said.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Sun Lao had to admit that this kid was the strongest in this aspect. After all, he was transformed by Ghost Maru. This is equivalent to opening a plug-in. Who can surpass him?

"Do you agree with what Sun Lao said?" Li Zedao's eyes flicked across the faces of Shaoyang, Zhao Duoer and Shaoyin.

The three of them glanced at each other, but had to nod their heads. Even Older Sun admitted that this kid was the strongest in this respect. If they were negative, wouldn't they be hitting the boss in the face?

Besides, it was just like the shamelessness of this kid, it was an iron fact, and they couldn't deny it at all.

Li Zedao smiled, very playfully and awkwardly. He looked at Shaoyang with scorching eyes, which made Shaoyang want to slam his annoying face with a hard punch.

Your uncle, what do you look at? What are you looking forward to? Even if I look quite attractive, it's your shit!

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