The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1958: Anonymous hole opens

"Dear Miss Liuli, you said that after the nameless cave is opened, will the **** guy who rescued the Taoist goddess appear before?" The Cthulhu asked again, that face was already full of hideousness.

The more the other party did not show up, the more he doubted whether the other party was engaging in conspiracy and trickery, and only waited for the time to show his fangs to give him a fatal knife.

This is a fishbone stuck tightly in the Cthulhu's throat, which really makes the Cthulhu feel very uncomfortable, and it can even be said that he has trouble sleeping and eating.

When Li Zedao heard the words, his heart was a little stunned. Has his other great master uncle Gan De Taoist also come to this Wuming Mountain?

Even when he was about to be killed by the evil gods and others, someone appeared to save him?

Someone can actually rescue people from the evil gods to such an extent? Who is that person?

Suddenly, in Li Zedao's mind appeared the eyes that he saw when he was sleeping on the big tree outside because he carried forward the spirit of Lei Feng the other night.

When those eyes disappeared into the darkness, he chased him but found nothing and saw no one. In the end, he pinched his thigh to confirm that he had no more dreams.

So, is it really him? But how is it possible? He was already dead, even though he tried his best, but in the end he could not be resurrected.

Furthermore, even if he is not dead, he is not a back-to-nature master, how could he be able to rescue people from this terrifying guy?

Even if the Cthulhu and the Taoist people join forces, there is no way for them to leave from the hands of these five people.

"Maybe, maybe not, who knows?" Liuli was also not sure, and she didn't want to understand the real purpose of the guy hiding in the dark.

Why did that guy save the Taoist goddess? Could it be because saving one's life is better than making Qicheng Buddha? Are you kidding me?

"However, we don't need to fear him either." Liuli said again. A guy who knows how to hide, even if he is great, he can't go anywhere.

"Oh, yes, if he dares to show up, this nameless mountain here is his grave." The Cthulhu said, his face full of ferociousness.

A few minutes later, the earth shuddered violently, as if there was a major earthquake.

"Oh, that's it, it's this feeling, it's this unforgettable feeling." The Cthulhu opened his hands and stared at the mountain wall in front of him with bright eyes, his voice full of ecstasy.

I have waited for more than a thousand years, and I have only waited until today, but the evil **** is not excited.

Li Zedao felt the shock like a major earthquake, and his heart trembled.

He had heard from Old Sun before that before the Wuming Cave was opened, there would be such a violent earthquake first, so the entrance of the Wuming Cave was about to be opened, and he quickly set his eyes on the mountain wall in front of him.

In less than a minute, the earth stopped shaking.

Then, an unimaginable scene appeared. I saw an extremely dazzling colorful light burst out of the mountain wall in front of me, just like the rainbow after the rain, but it was brighter than the rainbow, it seemed so. Shaking eyes can not be looked at.

"Oh, God, this is divine power. Only God can do this kind of thing." Cthulhu exclaimed.

Li Zedao's eyes were wide, and he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Although he was unwilling, Li Zedao had to agree with what the evil **** said. This kind of wonder is indeed beyond the scope of human beings.

Of course, except for the 50-mao special effects in the movie.

Sure enough, God does exist, but God does not live in this plane, but God can easily leave such a jaw-dropping and unimaginable thing on that plane.

Immediately afterwards, the light gradually dimmed, and then a hole more than three meters high and more than two meters wide appeared out of thin air, and there was colorful light projected from the hole, just as there is a peerless treasure in the cave that shines. Bright.

"Oh, well, let's go in." The Cthulhu looked at the entrance of the cave with greed in his eyes.

The Perfect Gene Superman is now at the forefront, Cthulhu and Liuli follow behind, Taoist Qiankun follows Cthulhu and Liuli, and the Tibetan Mastiff lifts Li Zedao up and follows the team as if holding a little chicken. At the end, a group of people walked toward the entrance of the cave.

After entering the cave, Li Zedao only felt that his vision suddenly became clear, and he was shocked by the scene before him.

As Sun Lao described before, this is a huge cave, a huge cave with dazzling light. The outside is bright and dark, but the inside of the cave is like daylight.

The mask of this cave is very big, indeed as big as the small military base of FC.

Li Zedao looked up, and what he saw turned out to be a starry sky, a starry sky, as if this cave was not closed at all, and there was no roof at all.

Soon, Li Zedao was attracted by the strange scene that appeared in the middle of the cave. In the middle of the cave, there was a colorful cylindrical beam of light rising into the sky. I don’t know where to lead. The colorful beam was very thick, surrounded by four or five people. But come.

Li Zedao was completely shocked, and he didn't know what words to use to describe his mood at this moment.

"Oh, God, this is too spectacular, this is really too spectacular." Cthulhu exclaimed. Even though he had seen such a spectacle once a thousand years ago, seeing it again now still made him feel turbulent and unable to calm down for a long time.

Cthulhu looked back at the Tibetan Mastiff: "Damn Tibetan Mastiff, do you smell any special smell?"

Since the nameless hole has been opened, the evil **** has reason to believe that those people hiding in the dark, such as the **** guy who rescued Taoist Gande, should appear soon...if his ultimate goal is also this nameless hole.

"No." The Tibetan mastiff urn said angrily.

"Hellhound, you go and guard that door, no matter who shows up, oh, just kill him." Cthulhu nodded and ordered the Perfect Gene Superman.

In an instant, the Perfect Gene Superman had disappeared in place, and then his tall figure full of decay and death aura appeared at the entrance of the cave, guarding there like a door god, quite a bit of an aura.

Cthulhu was very satisfied. With this perfect genetic superman standing there, even if the opponent's strength was comparable to his own, he would definitely not be able to break through the defensive line of Hellhound for a while.

"Okay, my dear Erha, it's up to you next." Cthulhu turned his head and looked at Taoist Qiankun and said with a smile, he couldn't wait to go to another plane through that rainbow.

After waiting for another plane, he is a god.

"Yes, Master." Taoist Qiankun nodded and laughed, then turned around and looked at the colorful beam of light, his eyes flashing with inexplicable gloom.

In the next second, the momentum on his body changed drastically.

He was just flattering, like a dog, but now, his skinny body is standing there, his complexion looks so serious, and his hands are drawn from his waist. The whole person looks like Just like the martial arts master full of force.

The Cthulhu was slightly stunned, what the **** was this huh doing? Do you have to fight with someone before entering the conveyor belt, such as playing a level-breaking game?

Or is there something hidden around?

For a while, the Cthulhu's heart was already full of vigilance.

"Before entering this conveyor belt, I still have to do a few things." Taoist Qiankun said in a calm tone, and there was no such flattery as before.

"Oh, **** two, let go if you have a fart." Cthulhu frowned and scolded quite dissatisfied. If he hadn't entered the conveyor belt, he would have chopped off this **** dog's head and peeled it off. Chop the stew and drink it.

"For example, killing you." Taoist Qiankun turned around to look at the evil **** and said. The voice is very plain and unremarkable, as if to say that tofu costs one or two yuan, and the greens costs one yuan each, just such a trivial matter.

And his eyes have changed. It is no longer the old flattery and respectful, but calm, or the kind of laziness that doesn’t put everything around him in his eyes, as if he is the master of this world. Like, he wanted anyone who died to die, there would be no accidents at all.

The Cthulhu was stunned, and then as if he heard the funniest joke in the world, he burst into laughter, and then his voice was full of gloomy, looking at Taoist Qian Kun as if he was looking at a dead person. "Oh, **** diha, do you know what you are talking about?"

Liuli on the side was also full of mockery. You must know that Li Zedao, who had thrown himself into the net, also cultivated the aura of heaven. He could also take them to another plane through the conveyor belt, so they could kill the Taoist Universe.

They didn't think about it, but in the end they didn't do it, because Taoist Qiankun was worse than ants in their eyes, and there was no threat at all.

And it would be nice to have such a dog at your feet to help you lick your leather shoes. After all, now that prices are rising, it costs five yuan to wipe your leather shoes. This is a lot of money over the years.

Li Zedao saw such a big reversal in the plot, and he was dumbfounded.

I thought that his grand master would not choose to work against the evil **** just to save him? If so, Li Zedao felt that he would be moved to death.

"I know, kill you." Taoist Qiankun said again.

Cthulhu smiled again, he was amused by the silly dog ​​he raised.

Taoist Qiankun’s gaze fell on Liuli, his eyes were extremely indifferent, without hatred, and no love at all, but what he said was creepy: "There are you."

Liuli sneered. She felt Taoist Qiankun was sick.

Taoist Qiankun continued to point to the Tibetan Mastiff and the **** dog guarding at the door: "You two dogs."


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