Not only Liuli felt that Taoist Qiankun was sick, but even Li Zedao felt that his too master was really sick.

However, Li Zedao decided to move a bit before talking about it, because this grand master didn't point to himself and said that he still had you, so he seemed to really intend to save himself.

"Oh, dear Erha, since you want to die so much, as the master of the wise and martial arts, I will naturally fulfill you." Cthulhu said with a smile, and the smile on his face simply solidified.

"Oh, God, how could this be? It's impossible." He stared at Taoist Qiankun with wide eyes, with an incredible expression in his eyes.

"What's impossible?" Liuli's expression also changed. If the Cthulhu, who has always been calm and incomparable, can react so intensely, then what happened must be extremely unusual, so unusual that it is beyond his control.

"You should be dead, because your soul has been imprinted by me. If I want you to die, you have to die." Cthulhu roared, "But why are you still alive? Why do I feel it now What is your humility, your flattery, your loyalty?"

Liuli's discoloration changed again after hearing this, and she couldn't believe her ears.

"Soul seal? What is it?" A huge question mark that was enlarged and bold appeared in Li Zedao's mind.

"The mere soul mark, just want to control my soul?" Taoist Qiankun glanced at the evil **** and gave a faint response, giving people a feeling of disdain.

"Tibetan Mastiff, kill him!" Cthulhu's already scarlet eyes stared at the Taoist Qiankun and whispered.

He didn't take the shot himself, naturally, he wanted Erha to try the true depth of this Taoist Taoist who seemed to have played with him for a long time.

The Cthulhu once thought that he had completely controlled this millennia-old second child who should not be underestimated, but now he realized that he was wrong and he had not controlled him at all. He has been forbearing, has been hiding, has been acting. .

The Cthulhu was very angry, because he was fooled by the wise Shenwu who didn't put the people of the world in his eyes. What's even more angry was that he didn't know what this **** Taoist Taoist was doing.

The Tibetan Mastiff simply threw aside Li Zedao in his hand as if tossing trash, and then his huge body had disappeared, and he appeared behind Taoist Qiankun in an instant, and slammed his fist on the back of Taoist Qiankun's head.

Facing the attack of the Tibetan Mastiff, Taoist Qiankun was extremely calm. His expression was calm and his movements were calm.

Then he swung his sword, a very simple sword.

He held the Qiushui and slanted behind him quite casually, and didn't move his feet for half a step from beginning to end.

Then, the Tibetan Mastiff's body has become still, he stood there quietly, his body still kept the movement of punching, his fist was less than half a meter away from the back of the head of the Taoist Qiankun, but no matter what his The fist is unable to move forward.

His aquamarine eyes, the size of a teacup, no longer showed fierce bursts, but incredible and unimaginable.

"Oh, **** Tibetan mastiff, what are you doing? Kill him!" Seeing that the huge body of the Tibetan mastiff stopped there without moving, Cthulhu's face became gloomy again, thinking that the **** dog, the Tibetan mastiff Will be instigated by Erha?

As soon as the Cthulhu's words fell, a jaw-dropping scene appeared, and the Tibetan Mastiff's dog head suddenly fell from his neck and fell to the ground, followed by his body that kept bleeding and smelling blood. He also fell heavily on the ground, and after a few strokes, he fell into calm immediately.

"That's it... solved?" Li Zedao widened his eyes and his mind roared violently. He couldn't believe what he saw with his eyes, and couldn't find any words to describe his mood at this moment.

He thought it would be an earth-shattering fight next, but he didn't expect it to be solved with a single sword!

The werewolf who had beaten himself half to death was cut off his head by his master!

Sword to the west? Flying out of the sky?

Looking at the Taoist Qiankun standing there like an okay person, these eight bronzing and bold characters popped up in Li Zedao's mind for no reason!

The huge waves that Cthulhu and Liuli raised in their hearts are ten thousand times stronger than Li Zedao, especially Cthulhu, after all, he understands how powerful the Tibetan mastiff is, and the time to hold a stick of incense when confronting him is not a problem! He even thinks he knows the Taoist of the universe very well. After all, he has been imprisoned for more than a thousand years and has humiliated him for more than a thousand years. He also imprinted the soul mark on his soul, and he turned him into a dog. ...

But now, Taoist Qiankun easily cut off the head of the Tibetan Mastiff with a single sword!

Cthulhu looked at Taoist Qiankun, his eyes turned scarlet, revealing an extremely terrifying fierce light.

"Oh, god... damn, damn... Liuli, hellhound, let's go together, kill him, kill him..." He roared in a low voice, like a beast in a violent state.

The perfect genetic superman who received the order of the Cthulhu had a flash, and he had already appeared in front of Taoist Qiankun, and took the lead in hitting Taoist Qiankun with a punch.

At the same time, Cthulhu and Liuli also moved, killing Xiang Qiankun Taoist without any reservations.

Liuli's weapon is also a sword, whose name is "Hanguang", and its reputation is not under the "Autumn Water" of the Taoist.

As for the Cthulhu, his hands are already wearing a pair of black-looking gloves. They are the weapons of the Cthulhu. They are made of millennium silk. They are said to be capable of resisting any weapon of the gods in the world. There is a good hook hidden on this glove.

Back then, when Cthulhu crossed the world, I don't know how many good hands died under his gloves.

The speed of these three masters is fast to the extreme, turning into afterimages, and even Li Zedao will hardly be able to capture them.

"This is... the play of the Three British Fighting Lu Bu?" Li Zedao didn't even want to blink his eyes, and inexplicably felt that his blood was about to boil.

"Master, come on." He shouted in his heart.

Being besieged by the three masters, Taoist Qiankun still looks calm, as if nothing can arouse his interest.

Then, he slashed out at random, followed by another sword, and then another sword.

From beginning to end, he still stood there, his feet not moving at all.

From beginning to end, he made three swords and drew in different directions.

All of this is a long story, but in fact it happened between the electric light and flint. In other words, the Taoist Universe made swords very fast, so fast that even a master like Li Zedao could not see whether he made a sword.

Then after two seconds... it may be even shorter.

The picture became static, and the Cthulhu was standing behind Taoist Qiankun, his black gloved right hand was about to be firmly grasped on the back of Taoist Qiankun's head less than ten centimeters away.

Liuli was standing on the left side of Taoist Qiankun. She raised the cold light in her hands, and the sharp sword light was also less than ten centimeters away, and it was about to pierce Taoist Qiankun's neck.

As for the perfect genetic superman, he stood in front of Taoist Qiankun, his casserole-sized fist was also less than ten centimeters away, and he was about to smash the face of Taoist Qiankun fiercely.

But they were all still, motionless, as if they were still at that moment in time, and it was like the air was frozen all at once, and then they all became ice sculptures.

"This is... what's wrong?" Li Zedao, who was watching the excitement, couldn't help swallowing, wondering what was going on.

He only saw the perfect gene superman, the Taoist Qiankun and Liuli rushed towards the Taoist Qiankun almost at the same time, but the Taoist Qiankun seemed to be hindsight, still motionless...Yes, because of the speed of the sword It was too fast, so even Li Zedao couldn't see it clearly.

Then, these people suddenly stopped moving.

"Hey!!" A strange sound rang, and the fist of the perfect gene superman who was less than ten centimeters away from the front of the forehead of the Taoist Qiankun was separated from the arm of the perfect gene superman and fell to the ground, followed by his body even more. On the shoulder of the right arm, it was split in half diagonally.

"Hey!" There was another muffled sound, and the two halves of the body fell heavily to the ground, and there was a weird green liquid sprayed out of the corpse.

At the same time, Liuli's smooth and **** neck had a tiny blood stain, and the blood stain became bigger and bigger.

"Puff..." The hot blood spurted out all at once.

Liuli's eyes widened and looked at Taoist Universe who was still calm, with an extremely strong expression in his eyes that could not believe it. As soon as he loosened his hand, the cold light in his hand had fallen to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, her hand subconsciously covered her neck, her body staggered back and fell heavily to the ground. After a few strokes, she was already calm, but her eyes were still wide open and she couldn't stand her eyes.

At the same time, Cthulhu's eyes widened, and an expression of extreme fear appeared in his eyes! Yes, it is fear! The Cthulhu, who thinks he is the number one in the world, is afraid!

His throat was squirming, and he wanted to say a word, but he couldn't say a word.

Because there was also a blood-red filament in his throat. The filament grew bigger and bigger, and then blood spurted out like a fountain.

Like Liuli, he staggered backwards a few steps, then collapsed heavily on the ground, and after a few violent twitches, he was already motionless.

His eyes were also wide, and he couldn't squint.

The three masters suddenly turned from static to dead, Gene Superman was chopped into three pieces with a single sword, and Cthulhu and Liuli both had their necks wiped...

So Li Zedao, the only spectator on the side, turned into an idiot. This shock was more shocking than the legend that Ruhua Sister became the first lady of the United States.

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