That's the perfect genetic superman! His body is harder than iron!

Li Zedao always thought that only the lost Xuanyuan Xia Yu sword could cause damage to it, but now counting the fist on the ground, it would be equivalent to being chopped into three sections.

The other two are the two masters who were ranked first and third in the past!

What is even more frightening is that these two masters together with the perfect genetic superman shot together!

What's more terrifying is that Li Zedao never saw the Taoist Qiankun throw a sword, and then the genetic superman became a good three-stage, and then the neck of Cthulhu and Extinction was wiped.

Therefore, Taoist Qiankun is actually... a god?

Taoist Qiankun received his sword and his eyes fell on Li Zedao.

"Gudong!" Li Zedao swallowed, he just felt dry and dry. The werewolf only fed human flesh but not water to drink. He was really thirsty now.

In addition, he was really worried that this peerless master who was so terrifying that he could not imagine suddenly said this to himself...and you, and then there was a red line around his neck, and blood sprayed like a fountain. Out.

Even like Old Sun and the werewolf, his head was separated from his body.

Once, after taking the ghost pill that Duanmu Weizhuang refined more than a thousand years ago, he broke through the shackles and became a master of returning to nature. Li Zedao felt quite lonely, thinking that even if he was not the best in the world, he was almost the same. .

I thought that no one in this world could kill oneself, even if the other party was a master of returning to basics. If you want to escape, no one can catch up with you.

Even when he held the Xuanyuan Xia Yu sword in his hand, he himself was number one in the world. That kind of perfect genetic superman would cut one by one, and cut a pair by two, without breathing.

But now, Li Zedao only thinks his old face is hot, he deeply feels how naive and ridiculous his thoughts are, and he has a deep understanding of what it means to be outside, there are outsiders and there are outsiders.

Of course, Li Zedao was not afraid of death. He was already ready to die when his hands and feet were snatched by the Taoists. But if he could survive for a few more days, who would die?

"You don't want to kill me too, do you?" Li Zedao asked after swallowing saliva.

There are even more questions in his heart, and he hopes to get answers from this grand master.

For example, why did he choose to be a dog of the evil **** when he is so powerful? Wouldn't it be enough to kill him early? In addition, why did Uncle Taishi become a woman of the evil **** after extinction? This is all a mess of relationships.

"No." Taoist Qiankun glanced at Li Zedao and said.

Li Zedao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Not for the time being." Taoist Qiankun said after thinking about it.

"...Spicy next door." Li Zedao could only curse his mother in his heart. You will die if you don't pant when you speak.

"So, I'm useful to you?" Li Zedao asked, "Or, because I am your apprentice Qingxuzi's apprentice, you didn't want to embarrass me?"

Li Zedao decisively established the relationship, as if the drowning man was clutching the straw.

Taoist Qiankun glanced at Li Zedao, pointed to Liuli on the ground and said, "She used to be my wife."

It means that she used to be my wife, and I can cut off her throat without blinking, let alone your so-called disciple.

"..." Li Zedao could only continue to scold his mother in his heart, but he also got the answer he wanted. It seemed that he had some use for him, otherwise his head and body would be separated.

Taoist Qiankun was not paying attention to Li Zedao. He looked at the entrance of the cave and said loudly, "Since your Excellency has already come, why not show up and talk?"

Li Zedao's heart trembled, so there are still people?

Have been hiding at the entrance of the cave watching the excitement? who is it? The one who rescued the Taoist goddess? Or the owner of those eyes who appeared in the dark most of the night?

Li Zedao's thoughts were surging and he quickly set his eyes on the hole.

In the next second, Li Zedao only felt his eyes sway, and a figure appeared in front of him.

Then, Li Zedao's eyes became bigger little by little, and his eyes were about to roll out of his eye sockets.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes were reddening little by little, becoming damp little by little, and his body was shaking slightly.

He tried hard to speak, but found that his throat seemed to be pinched tightly by a pair of invisible hands, causing the words to be so inaudible and trembling.


At this moment, who was the master who had already changed the flesh of the antique merchant Wu Ming that appeared before him? Although the outside has completely changed, the lazy and noble temperament has not changed, and the bright eyes like the stars in the sky have not changed.

Li Zedao couldn't find any words to describe his mood at this moment.

"Boy, I haven't seen you for such a long time, you still like crying so much." Wang Zi waved his hand and smiled at Li Zedao.

"...So, actually I succeeded? I succeeded in getting you out of the white safety clasp, and succeeding in resurrecting you through Wu Ming's body?" Li Zedao struggled to squeeze out these words.

"You successfully buried me alive." Wang Zi shrugged.


Li Zedao understood that the Master had actually come alive that day, but he chose to pretend to be dead for some unknown reason. The key point is that he still pretended to be so like that he didn't even notice any deliberateness.

Then, Li Zedao only felt that his twitching old face was really hot, and he often praised that he had textbook-level acting skills. Only now I know that compared with Master, his acting skills are really only for worship. When playing a corpse, he looks more like a dead person than a dead person.

Li Zedao felt that if Master played a dead body in a movie,

"What are you doing?" Wang Zi asked with a smile.

"..." Li Zedao felt that the master was too unconscionable. The apprentice had spent so much effort to resurrect him. He also showed up to say thank you.

"More importantly, now you are a pig's feet. Master's aura is too strong. If you stop at you, it will directly take away your pig's feet aura. Then the eyes of those beautiful women will be attracted by me. Now, you should resent Master."

"..." Li Zedao looked at Wang Zi's eyes with contempt. The master is the master, he is still so shameless, and he doesn't know where his confidence came from to say such unrealistic things.

If it were the previous body, Li Zedao had to admit that he did have that kind of strength.

But now this body... its appearance is too far from his own. How could the eyes of those beautiful women fall on him?

At this moment, Li Zedao felt that he was too prescient, and he even knew to help Master find such a sentence.

"...So, you actually took the things in my car?" Li Zedao asked again.

Wang Zi was a little embarrassed: "I'm addicted to cigarettes, and I don't have money to buy cigarettes, so..."

Li Zedao only felt that the whole person was not good, and he didn't know what to say. Of course, who would believe in such a stupid thing, if you are addicted to cigarettes, what did you do with the Xuanyuan Xia Yu sword?

Taoist Qiankun looked at Wang Zi, but his eyes were a bit solemn. It was no longer the plain two-dollar tofu before, and his hand slightly clenched the Qiushui in his hand.

This person is very strong, really strong, and even if his strength is not as good as himself, he is not much different.

"Boy, if you want to be awkward, wait until the master is done."

Feeling that the aura on Taoist Qiankun's body has changed, Wang Zi also reduced the laughter on his face, staring at Taoist Qiankun with a serious expression, and put his hand into his coat and took the Xuanyuan Xia Yu sword hidden inside. Came out, then * in his hand.

"Xuanyuan Xia Yujian." Taoist Qiankun narrowed his eyes.

"Dao Qiankun has good eyesight." Wang Zi said.

Li Zedao on the side couldn't help but want to complain. Taoist Qiankun was once the owner of that sword, okay? In Li Zedao's view, the reason why Taoist Qiankun didn't take the sword was because on the one hand, he wanted to leave it behind, the big apprentice Duanmu Weizhuang who killed him, and on the other hand, the sword was for him with his strength. It's just icing on the cake.

"Famous sword Qiushui!" Wang Zi's eyes narrowed.

"Your Excellency has good eyesight." Taoist Qiankun said.

So the muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched wildly, and he only felt that his whole person was not good. Why did the two men flatter each other? Do you still fight?

"Rumors say that Xuanyuan Xia Yujian can break the world, but is it true?" Wang Zi asked.

"The rumors are a bit exaggerated, at least it can't break the autumn water in my hands." Taoist Qiankun shook his head and said.

"The Qiu Shui in Dao Master's hand can easily cut off the body of the Perfect Gene Superman, which is visible and extraordinary." Wang Zi swept the perfect gene Superman who had been cut into three pieces on the ground and said.

"It's true." Taoist Qiankun didn't hide it, "Qiu Shui and Xuanyuan Xia Yujian come from the same place."

"Dare to ask Dao Master, what is that place?"

"Holy area."

"Holy area?"

Li Zedao yawned and was almost falling asleep. The words of these two people are really too much.

Taoist Qiankun stopped talking, and a terrible aura emerged little by little.

Wang Zi was the same, staring at the Taoist Qiankun unblinking eyes, and the hand holding the Xianyuan Xia Yujian was even more bruised. One can imagine how hard he was.

The two of them stared at each other silently, whoever took the lead to shoot at whom, but the air in the cave seemed to solidify all of a sudden, it seemed so depressed, even Li Zedao felt that his breathing was a little different. It went smoothly.

At the same time, Li Zedao's heart has set off a huge wave. Didn't Master even return to the original master before? Why is his strength now so terrifying that he can make the Daoist Heaven and Earth, who is easier to kill the evil gods than to kill a chicken, suddenly become so solemn.

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