Barren mountains, ancient caves, two great masters stand face to face, eye to eye and nose to nose.

They all clenched the swords in their hands, their expressions were so solemn, they were all looking for opportunities to shoot.

At this moment, Taoist Qiankun suddenly disappeared in place, and at the same time Wang Zi disappeared in place... At least for Li Zedao, these two people had completely disappeared from his sight.

Their speed is so fast that they can't be caught with Li Zedao's sternness.

In the next second, Li Zedao only heard a muffled sound of "Kang!" that made his ears buzz, and then Wang Zi and Taoist Qiankun appeared in front of him again.

The two of them still stood in their original positions, as if they had never moved their positions.

The two of them still held the sharp blades of the magic weapon, facing each other with eyes to eyes, nose to nose, the air was still freezing and killing, and it really made Li Zedao feel that his breathing was not smooth.

"Who won?" Li Zedao's heart was suddenly strained.

Although he hadn't seen them do it at all, the muffled "Kh!" told him that they had already fought each other when they lost their track, and even in that instant, he didn't know how to fight.

"Your Excellency, I am not your opponent." After a long time, Taoist Qiankun shook his head and said.

His voice broke the really suffocating atmosphere of killing all at once.

Li Zedao was shocked, the master was even stronger than he had imagined, and he had the power to make Taoist Qiankun take the initiative to retreat.

"The Taoist leader does not need to be self-effacing, and I am not your opponent either." Wang Zi also shook his head.

Li Zedao's original excitement suddenly cooled for most of the time, so why did the two people flatter each other again?

"Sit down for a cup of tea?" Taoist Qiankun made an inviting gesture.

"It is better to be respectful than fate." Wang Zi smiled and responded politely.

Then the solemn atmosphere that made people breathe hardly disappeared without a trace.

Both of them looked at each other with the most kind smiles, where was the serious and tense confrontation before? It's like a friend who hasn't seen each other for years.

Li Zedao's face was blinded, because he thought he was extremely clever, but he couldn't understand what the two men were doing.

It’s said that women’s friendships usually come in inexplicable ways. I would like to say to each other that your high heels look good on your fingernails and the color of your fingernails is gorgeous. Your dress is so beautiful. Where did you buy it... Then you become a good sister who talks about everything.

Could it be that the basic love between men is the same? You can be full of love by being self-effacing?

"Your Excellency, please wait, I'm going to prepare tea sets and firewood." Taoist Qiankun said, arching his hands.

"Okay, it just so happens that I also want to have a few words with my ineffective apprentice." Wang Zi pointed to Li Zedao who was lying there.

Not a tool? Li Zedao smiled bitterly. Indeed, his skill was not considered a weapon compared to Master and the others.

Facing a master like them, Li Zedao is desperate or desperate, and he has the ability to resist at all.

"Your Excellency is humble, so that the disciple has the current achievements at a young age, and even cultivates the aura of heaven. In time, it is not impossible to break through the shackles of the human body and become a god." Taoist Qiankun looked at Li Zedao and said with a smile.

"Brother Dao, don't praise him, this kid is easy to be proud." Wang Zi said, "Look, you can see, although he tried hard to show that he didn't care about anything, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. "

"..." If possible, Li Zedao would want to beat the master severely, and the corner of his mouth was raised...Well, I did raise the corner of my mouth, but because the wound was so **** painful, I was sucking cold. Are you angry?

Taoist Qiankun smiled and said nothing, his figure flashed out of the cave.

When the Cthulhu and his party came over, they prepared a lot of things, especially Liuli's clothes, they prepared a suitcase... No matter where the beauty is, she will not treat herself badly.

In addition, I also brought the precious set of purple sand tea set and the copper pot for boiling water in Ganlu'an, and a few boxes of "bitterness and sweetness".

These things are now in the suitcase outside the cave.

Wang Zi sat down in front of Li Zedao and took a look at his shocking broken arm, especially his left hand. Although the palm is still there, all the five fingers on it are gone, turning into five **** ones. Blood hole.

However, because Li Zedao's body's self-healing ability is amazing, he can grow out on his own if his hands and feet are broken, so the wounds naturally no longer bleed, and they are healing at a rapid speed.

So Wang Zi didn't worry about it.

He stretched out his hand to help Li Zedao up, and took out an exquisite medicine bottle from his arms.

"The medicine here can speed up the healing of your wound." Wang Zi said, then opened the bottle cap and sprinkled the medicine powder inside Li Zedao's wound.

"Why lie to me? Why didn't you come to save me sooner? Why did you steal my sword?" Li Zedao's eyes were already a bit resentful, and these words truly showed his mood at this moment.

He worked hard to resurrect him through Wu Ming's body, but in the end he played dead in front of him.

His hands and feet were cut off, and his fingers were bitten off one by one, but he did not appear.

He desperately needed that Xuanyuan Xia Yu sword, and needed that sword to bring him an unprecedented sense of security, but in the end he stole the sword without saying a word of greeting.

Li Zedao wanted to say, if you want a sword, you can show up, and you can tell me that the disciple gave me the sword. Will he not give it?

"Which law says that you can't lie to you?" Wang Zi looked at Li Zedao as if he was looking at an idiot.

"..." Li Zedao was very injured.

"Besides, Master, this is to give you a big surprise. Do you think you are very surprised now?"

Li Zedao was full of resentment, he wanted to say that I only have to be scared, OK?

"And you said this is your sword? Your kid is too thick-skinned, right? You can steal this sword from the tomb. Why can't I take it from the broken car?"

"..." Li Zedao almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, but he said so reasonable that he didn't know how to refute it at all.

"More importantly, with your strength, do you think this sword is useful in your hands?" Wang Zi glanced at Li Zedao and smiled, "When you meet a master like Taoist Qiankun, wherever you make the sword In an instant, even if you have ten heads, he will chop you off directly."

Wang Zi pointed to the few corpses on the ground: "Those self-righteous rookies are **** examples."


Seeing Li Zedao's face changed, Wang Zi quickly comforted: "Of course, even if you are also a rookie, you are also my apprentice, and Master will not treat you as a rookie."

"..." Li Zedao felt that this kind of master was not necessary.

"So in the middle of the night two days ago, what I saw was you?" Li Zedao asked.

"What do you mean? Is there anyone whose eyes are brighter and deeper than the master's?" Wang Zi looked at Li Zedao's eyes as if he was looking at an idiot, and was quite dissatisfied with what he said.

Immediately the expression was quite contemptuous and said: "Most of the night, I was sleeping soundly, and suddenly heard the sound of ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhgggggggzgghahah Take a look. The sound of killing pigs in the middle of the night is too uncivilized. If you weren't there to show you some face, I would have wanted to go in and criticize them severely."

Li Zedao wanted to say, do you want to watch a live show?

"You didn't take a peek?" Wang Zi gave a wretched smile.

"...I'm not that kind of person." Li Zedao's heart was full of powerlessness.

"...Why didn't you show up? Why did you watch my hands and feet be cut off, and watch my fingers being bitten off by the werewolf one by one and swallowed into my stomach?" Li Zedao worried that the master would hold onto this fart problem. , I quickly changed the topic, and now I am full of disappointment and grievance.

"And since you can save the Taoist goddess, why don't you save Lao Sun and Zhao Duoer by the way?"

"Why should I save that hypocritical guy? Don't think I didn't know that you were snickering in your heart when his head was cut off. As for that woman...not to be saved, I'm afraid I'll be saved. What should she do if she depends on me?" Wang Zi said with a headache, "You know, your master, my charm is quite big."

"..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched almost without feeling.

"As for you... anyway, your hands and feet can still grow out, so it's the same whether you can save it or not." Wang Zi gave a reason for not saving.

Li Zedao's heart was gloomy, this kind of master, let's change it.

"The most important thing is, Master, I want to know what the **** the Number One in the world is doing." Wang Zi pointed to the entrance of the cave.

"So, you already knew that Taoist Qiankun had a problem? Know that he would do something with the Cthulhu?" Li Zedao asked.

"What do you mean?" Wang Zi was quite dissatisfied, and the boy dared to doubt what the master said.

"Well, let's not talk about it, just say that just now, you have all set your posture just now, why don't you continue to fight?" Li Zedao asked again. He felt that these two people were really annoying, and he was too sorry for his audience.

You know, he held his breath just now, the blood in his whole body was boiling, and his eyelids didn't dare to blink more, but in the end it turned out that the two people met to make tea together.

Their behavior is like a **** woman wearing a set of extremely **** pajamas making all kinds of sultry and provocative actions in front of you, really making your body hot and nosebleed, and your lower body is congested.

Just when you turned into a hungry wolf and rushed towards her and pressed it under her body, she suddenly kicked you away and said that it was impossible. The aunt of the old lady who was really not allowed came here. Continue for two days...

For Li Zedao, Master and Taoist Qiankun are that kind of hateful women.

Of course, what is referred to here is the emotional aspect, not the physical desire.

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