The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1979: Streaking

Li Zedao was awakened by the cold!

He felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and his whole body was shaking and his teeth were fighting.

When he opened his eyes, he was pierced by the dazzling light and closed his eyes again.

"It's dawn?" Li Zedao muttered in his heart, "Is he successfully arrived in God's Domain? Or...I'm already dead, and my soul is now in a state of wandering? Even because of that **** ghost pill, that my soul will soon disappear?"

Li Zedao vaguely remembered, of course, when his whole body was completely inside the colorful beam of light, the wind blew strong in an instant, and then his body was blown away uncontrollably, and then he completely lost consciousness. I don't know anything anymore.

Li Zedao opened his eyes again, he couldn't wait to find the most accurate answer.

It's sunlight, dazzling but not warm sunlight.

The feeling is that it is the sun that rises at minus 20 or 30 degrees. You can't look directly at him with your naked eyes, but you can't feel too much temperature from it.

The body was so cold that he sat up and stood up, only then did Li Zedao realize that he was covered with a thick layer of white snow next to him, and there was no end in sight.

What makes Li Zedao want to cry even more is that the clothes on his body have disappeared without knowing when, in other words, he is naked now, not even a pair of underwear to cover his shame!

Just now he was lying naked on this snowdrift like this, no wonder he was awake from freezing.

The sky is very blue, with a few white clouds drifting. In Li Zedao's view, this should be a rare good weather after the snowstorm.

A breeze blew, and a few light snowflakes danced with the wind, and lightly fell on Li Zedao's body.

Li Zedao's body trembled abruptly, and he stretched out his hand quickly to block his brother firmly. He doesn't have a preference for streaking, and it would be bad if he freezes his brother.

"So, I successfully arrived in God's Domain? This is God's Domain? It seems to be something special." Li Zedao trembled and looked around.

Everywhere in the eye, there is white snow and no flowers or trees.

In addition, the naked eye can see that there is a towering mountain in the distance. The mountain is also white. It is conceivable that the entire mountain should also be covered with a thick layer of snow.

If this is God's Domain, then Li Zedao would be very disappointed.

He thought that God's Domain was just like the heavenly court described in the mythology, filled with auspicious clouds and scents everywhere, and Qionglou Yuyu could be seen everywhere, and immortals were flying around in the sky. But now it seems that it doesn't seem to be much different from the plane where he was before.

At the same time, Li Zedao did not catch the slightest movement, and the surroundings seemed so quiet, as if there were no living things.

"Madan, where's my clothes? What about the famous sword Qiushui that can be used as a belt?" Because of the cold and shame, Li Zedao's eyes were a little red.

At this moment, an extremely faint voice came from behind.

The sound was very soft, as if a snow fluttered on the ground.

But Li Zedao heard it very clearly.

Of course, it wasn't that some snowflakes landed, but someone stepped on the snow, and more than one person came.

Stepping on the thick snow and making such a subtle noise, it is conceivable that all the masters are masters, otherwise the footsteps cannot be so light.

Li Zedao's body suddenly tightened, and his heartbeat started to speed up. It was obviously cold, but cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

The feeling is as if the thief who sneaked into the house was surrounded by the owner. What is even more exaggerated is that the thief is still naked...Li Zedao's subconscious left hand quickly stretched out behind him, trying to cover his exposure to the sun. Ass.

Of course this can't be covered, so Li Zedao can only start to carry forward the spirit of Ah Q, just as covering himself.

At the same time, his legs tightened and he was ready to be a naked man.

Li Zedao didn't know who came, and even he didn't know if it was a human being, but he is an undercover agent. Can an undercover agent not be guilty?

The most important thing is that he has no habit of naked in front of others... of course, except in front of his women.

Therefore, Li Zedao is so ashamed now, so he wants to dig a hole in the snow and bury his own, even killing people seems to be considered.

But turning around and killing people is not realistic at all, and burying oneself in pits is equally unrealistic, so let's run away.

"By the way, we didn't go to the wrong place, right?" A surprised voice sounded, the voice slightly rough.

Li Zedao's body tightened slightly, his eyes widened slightly.

He was 100% sure that what he heard was not Chinese, not English, not French, or any country's language he was familiar with, or a local dialect.

In other words, he has never been exposed to this language.

However, Li Zedao was surprised to find that he could understand what he was talking about.

This strange voice continued to sound: "I have never heard of such a strange thing happening at the foot of Buzhou Mountain. This is what my father said before going to the mountain to accept the test of Buzhou Mountain College... Is it a test? Lust? How come you have to have a peerless beauty? What does it mean to have a man?"

"Buzhoushan? Buzhoushan Academy? Luke?" Li Zedao listened with his ears erected, and his mind surged violently.

He knew Bu Zhoushan, this mountain appeared in the myth of Nuwa patching the sky.

In the past, the gods of water rebelled together and fought against Zhurong, the **** of fire.

Gong Gong was defeated by Zhu Rong. He was so angry that he hit the western pillar of the world with his head, causing the sky to collapse and the water of Tianhe to pour into the world. Nüwa couldn't bear the human disaster, so he made five-color stones to make up the sky, folded the feet of the **** turtle to support the four poles, calmed the flood and killed the beasts, and humans could live in peace.

Of course, now Li Zedao already knew the truth about Nuwa patching up the sky, and what she really repaired was the conveyor belt.

But, what the **** is Zhoushan College? What's the matter with Sejy? Is this God's Domain on earth?

At the same time as his thoughts were surging, Li Zedao clearly felt that several hot gazes fell on his back, but he did not capture the slightest murderous aura. In other words, his life should be safe now. .

Therefore, Li Zedao temporarily gave up on his original intention of running away.

The questions lingering in my heart may be answered by these people.

"Haha, the students enrolled by Zhoushan College are not only boys, but also girls, so this pretty good figure must be prepared for girls. I guess there will be naked girls with **** and big butts soon. ..." Another voice filled with ridicule sounded.

"Yurou, are you attracted? You see, you are drooling, hold on to it, this is sex..." The teasing voice continued.

"Go to hell... this person is really ashamed." This was a girl's voice.

"I think it's not that he doesn't know he is embarrassed, but that he is mentally ill, and he is also very sick. Otherwise, how could anyone strip naked in the snow? It's so pitiful, let's give him a piece of clothing." Another one The voice of the weak girl sounded, and there was a hint of pity in this voice.

Li Zedao was very wronged. It doesn't matter if he has a bare **** in front of the male, there is still a female?

This time the exercises are completely gone, and I have no face to continue living.

Li Zedao felt that he should say something. He swallowed and said, " seems impolite to always stare at other people's ass?"

When he said it, Li Zedao's head froze. He swears that he never mastered this language with such a strange pronunciation, but he just blurted it out, which really surprised him.

At the same time, Li Zedao gritted his teeth and simply squatted down, burying his **** **** in the snowdrift.

"Hi..." Li Ze said, gasping, the egg is so cold.

Then he just curled up in the snowdrift and turned around.

After seeing seven or eight men and women appearing in front of him, Li Zedao's pupils shrank suddenly, unable to believe what he saw.

It's not because these men and women look strange, they are also human, with two legs, two hands, two eyes, one nose and one mouth. There is nothing special about them.

It must be said that there is something special, it is naturally their dress.

It gives people the feeling that they are now on a set of a fairy show, and these people are actors who have already made up.

Of course, the reason why Li Zedao was surprised was not because of the costumes of these people, or the handsomeness of men and the beauty of women, but because these people were all riding horses.

Riding a horse is of course nothing, but the point is that these horses actually have wings!

"Tianma?" These two enlarged and bold characters suddenly appeared in Li Zedao's mind. So, is this really the domain of God? It's not God's Domain, how could there be such a horse with wings?

So, this is really the realm of God?

However, looking at them like this, it seems that they didn't realize that they were running from that lower position.

Li Zedao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, that's good.

"Hehe, this kid stripped off his clothes and ran naked in broad daylight, but blames us for staring at his ass?" The handsome black-clothed boy pointed at Li Ze with a smile.

"Yes, what's so good about his ass? I think my eyes are dirty." A round-faced **** the side said with disgust.

"It's you..." said the beautiful child in the middle who was riding on a snowy white horse without a trace of hairy.

Her voice was so cold, like the expression on her face, she couldn't see any emotion.

"Mei Li, do you know this kid?" The black-clothed boy was surprised.

When the others heard the words, the expressions in their eyes looking at Li Zedao became surprised.

Li Zedao was simply frightened and almost ran away without holding back.

Could it be that this fairy-like girl, she knows her true origins?

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