"Know." Meili responded in a cold voice.

But she didn't even look at the boy in black. Her cold but undoubtedly beautiful eyes still stared at Li Zedao.

There was no shyness, no mockery in her eyes, as if what appeared to her was not a beautiful naked man, but a Chinese cabbage.

"Pervert." Li Zedao was stared uncomfortably, and he cursed in a very wrong manner in his heart.

"Mei Li, who is he?" The black-clothed boy frowned and glanced at Li Zedao, there was already a trace of hostility in his eyes.

Yin Lingqi had never seen Meili stare at a person so earnestly and persistently with her eyes like those stars in the sky, let alone a man.

After all, a very proud, indifferent and noble girl, she usually doesn't bother to look at you more, even if you are her friend, even if you are hanging around with her all day.

Therefore, Dongfang Lingqi is not jealous and nervous, and he is not hostile to Li Zedao.

Meili's extremely **** red lips lightly opened, and her voice was indifferent, as if it did not contain any emotion: "He is..."

Li Zedao's nerves tightened involuntarily, and he couldn't help taking a sip of water. He only felt that his heart was about to jump out of his chest.

His body is even tighter, and he is ready to jump out of the snowdrift and then take a person as a hostage.

Of course, it is best to hold the woman who is guarded by everyone as a hostage. After all, you can see that this woman is undoubtedly the most noble among these few people.

"My fiance."


This sound was like a bolt from a blue sky, making everyone including Li Zedao stunned, and couldn't believe what they heard.

fiancé? He turned out to be Meili's fiance? When did Meili have a fiance? Why have you never heard of such a big thing?

Li Zedao felt horrified. He almost choked to death with the three words "fiance". He never expected to say that the cold and noble temperament on his body, his figure, face, or body is similar to that of Sister Bei. The woman who fights can say such a thing.

Is she her fiance? Her own fiancée? What an international joke!

Although she thinks she is handsome and superb, she is a deadly poison for a girl, but it is not that the girl is so fascinated by herself as soon as she meets. Everyone said that she was her fiancé...

So... is this actually not God's Domain? Is this actually in a dream? This is very possible!

So Li Zedao's hand secretly pinched his thigh, which was buried in the snowdrift, which was now purple with freezing, and then took a few breaths of pain.

So, not dreaming?

Li Zedao wanted to cry, what is going on? Where is this place? Who are these people, especially this girl? Why did he become his fiancée?

I'm not a casual person at all, OK?

"Mei Li, I don't think you like to joke too." Dongfang Lingqi reluctantly squeezed a smile on his face, trying very hard to make his tone easier, but there is no doubt that he failed.

He seemed to be stuck with a bone in his throat, and he almost couldn't make a sound.

"I'm never kidding." Mei Li responded faintly.

As a result, the smile that was hard to squeeze out on Dongfang Lingqi's face simply solidified, and the look in Li Zedao's eyes became gloomy.

This kid...why?

In terms of appearance, is he handsome? In terms of strength, I am a well-known leader among the younger generation of the Chinese tribe. Among the younger generation, only Nangong Meili's strength surpasses me!

In terms of background, he is the young master of the Eastern family, and Dongfang Aoki, the patriarch of the Eastern family, is his father.

This kid looks like a servant slave. What does he compare to himself?

Or is it just because he has the courage to run naked in the snow? If it is so, so can you!

The eyes of others looking at Li Zedao were all weird.

It is really hard for them to imagine that such a man who likes to run naked and has no reputation would turn out to be Meili's fiancé, which is really incredible.

"Of course, this is the family's decision, my father's decision, and it has nothing to do with me." Mei Li looked at Li Zedao calmly and said.

She has a cold temper, never cared about others' eyes, and never bothered to explain something.

However, she still said this, mainly to let the so-called fiancé know that this decision is the decision of the family behind her, the decision of his father, and it has nothing to do with her, so... don't think too much.

Of course, she was also curious in her heart, how could this guy be naked?

But according to the current situation, I am afraid it was attacked, right?

Dongfang Lingqi's bad mood was slightly eased.

He knows Mei Li's character, once she decides something, no matter who it is, there is no way to change her mind, including her father, including the family behind her.

Just who is this guy? Is Meili's father crazy? Otherwise, why are you planning to betroth your jewel in your palm to this kid?

In addition, why does this kid appear here?

This is the Buzhou Plain at the foot of the Buzhou Mountain. This plain is covered with heavy snow all year round, and living creatures are hard to find. It is fine during the day. At night, it is even more terrifying. Not to mention the heavy snowfall, there are all kinds of cruel things. The wild beasts are one of the ten most fierce land in God's Domain.

Crossing this plain is Buzhou Mountain. The world-famous Buzhou Academy was built on the top of the mountain.

So, just like them, this kid is also a student who went to Fuzhou College to sign up?

If this is the case, the black-clothed boy will be disappointed at this imperial academy. Why is the most famous academy in God's Domain regressing more and more? Why do you even accept this kind of goods?

However, if this kid is standing behind the Nangong family, who is not weaker than the Eastern family, then it is another matter.

You know, the big clans of the major tribes all have a few places offered by the colleges, and these places are naturally used by the best young people in the family.

Now think about it, did the Nangong family give one of the places to this kid?

Why didn't you ride a Pegasus? If you don't have this Tianma, which is as fast as lightning and walks on the snow without a trace, you can't cross this plain before sunset to reach the foot of the mountain.

And when the sun sets, you continue to stay on this plain, then death is waiting for you! One of the ten most fierce lands in God's Domain is not casual.

Besides, why is he naked? Is there really a habit of running naked?

After thinking about it, Dongfang Lingqi also felt that this guy might have attacked him, otherwise he wouldn't be so unrestrained.

The **** attacker, you have already done something like an attack, why didn't you get slaughtered by him? Too unprofessional, right?

Li Zedao's head was naturally confused, and he didn't even know what was going on, but it was certain that his current situation was safe, and these people did not know that they came from that lower plane.

"Well... can you give me a set of clothes?" Li Zedao looked at Nangong Meili and tried to squeeze a shy and embarrassing smile on his stiff face.

It was really cold when he squatted naked in the snowdrift like this, and his **** was about to crack.

"Give him a set of clothes." Mei Li glanced at the Dongfang Lingqi boy, just one glance, and without stopping for a short time.

Dongfang Lingqi was naturally quite unwilling. This young master couldn't wait to kill him. How could he give him the clothes?

However, he couldn't or didn't want to violate Nangong Meili's meaning. Of course, he didn't want to give him his clothes. This kid is not qualified to wear his own clothes!

"Xiao Chu, give him a set of your clothes, your body shape is close to him." Dongfang Lingqi looked back at the young man riding on the maroon sky horse.

The man named Xiao Chu grinned and nodded, then took out a white robe from the luggage on the horseback and threw it at Li Zedao: "Here."

Li Zedao hurriedly reached out to catch this extremely soft gown sewn with animal fur, and said gratefully, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Xiao Chu nodded, took out a pair of fur boots, and threw them to Li Zedao.

"That... can you turn around? I put on my clothes." Li Zedao was embarrassed. It doesn't matter if the **** is seen. Brothers can't be exposed anyway, otherwise, what if it arouses the jealousy of these people?

Nangong Meili glanced at Li Zedao calmly, without responding, she stretched out her hand that was as white as snowflakes and lightly patted the horse on the back.

As a result, the wings of the winged Tianma opened silently, and the horse's hoof quietly stepped on the snowy ground with the bridge, and swished past Li Zedao at a speed as fast as lightning.

What's more terrifying is that the horseshoe has clearly stepped on the snow, but there are no horseshoe prints on the snow!

The remaining few people also rode the pegasus that looked so handsome and chased Meili away.

Before Dongfang Lingqi left, he glanced arrogantly at Li Zedao and snorted before riding away.

So Xiao Chu, who gave Li Zedao clothes and shoes, smiled friendly at Li Zedao, and then drove away.

A beautiful girl with a melon-faced face immediately followed and left. She rode on the horse that day, and those bright eyes looked at Li Zedao with interest and smiled and said, "So you are the fiance of cousin Meili's finger belly. "

The voice is soft and very nice.

"Uh..." Li Zedao smiled awkwardly and didn't know what to say. He didn't know how to admit or deny such inexplicable things.

But listening to the voice, this girl is the one who just said that she was sick and pityed herself, and planned to dress herself.

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