The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1981: Future brother-in-law

It's just that Li Zedao didn't understand very much, everyone else had already left, why did this girl stay.

Could it be that she likes herself? Well, this possibility is very big, after all, my own charm is so great, especially now that I am naked, that charm is undoubtedly even greater.

A breeze that seemed so cold came out, and Li Zedao's body couldn't help but tremble a few times.

If it wasn't for his current strength to reach the Quasi-God level, he could withstand a certain degree of severe cold, and he would have been frozen into a popsicle now.

Li Zedao had noticed that this kind of cold was completely different from the kind of cold he had experienced before.

This kind of cold is from the inside to the outside, first the soul feels severe cold, then the heart, the bone marrow, and finally the surface skin. Most people really can't resist it.

Otherwise, with his cultivation base, it would be impossible to tremble with the cold.

God's Realm, indeed, not everyone can come, even the cold can be so terrible.

"You can put on your clothes first, it won't be good if it freezes." The girl said empathetically, with a bit of shyness in her eyes.

It was the first time she had seen a man's body when she grew up so much, especially since she had even seen the ass, which made her feel embarrassed.

Then I closed my eyes, and the long eyelashes trembled, which was very attractive.

Li Zedao didn't care whether the girl would take the opportunity to take a peek, but he still curled up and turned around, letting his **** face the girl, and then quickly put the clothes on himself in twos or twos.

I don’t know what animal fur this robe is made of. It’s soft, light, and warm.

Then he picked up the fur boots and put them on his feet, which were already freezing so fast that they didn't feel anymore. Only then did he feel that the biting chill on his body was driven away a lot.

"It's ready." Li Zedao looked at the girl and said.

"I will open my eyes once I'm dressed." The girl said softly. Then he opened his eyes and looked at Li Zedao who was already dressed with a smile.

"My name is Nangong Wan'er, and you seem to be called... Li Zedao, right?" Nangong Wan'er said, thinking that this guy still looks stylish after putting on clothes, at least better than that who always likes to pester Meili cousin. However, cousin Mei Li was too lazy to take a look at him.

Li Zedao?

Li Zedao's expression couldn't help but change. If he hadn't felt any hostility or murderousness from this girl, he would have turned around and ran away.

This is how the same thing?

Could it be that he not only came to God's Domain, but also occupied the body of a person also named "Li Zedao"?

Li Zedao increasingly felt that this possibility was very high. Otherwise, what should be the explanation for the scene that happened before him? It can't be because these people have known their identity a long time ago, knew that they came from that lower plane, and knew that this was an undercover and sabotaged him, so I deliberately opened him up?

"I'm... Li Zedao." Li Zedao nodded hard.

He hesitated and asked cautiously: "That Miss Nangong..."

"You are my future brother-in-law, so you can call Wan'er." Nangong Wan'er said with a smile.

Li Zedao was not polite, calling his name directly: "Wan'er, I want to ask, what is this place on earth?"

"Ah? Future brother-in-law, you won't be really sick, are you?" Nangong Wan'er's eyes widened and her face was astonished. "You have a fever? Is your head burnt?"

"I... that, very good, I just don't know who was attacked and fainted, so I forgot a lot of things." Li Zedao casually lied.

"Ah? That's the way it is, presumably your clothes were taken away by the person who attacked you? I thought you had the habit of running naked." Nangong Wan'er said with a shy smile.

"This is really not." Li Zedao was embarrassed and helpless. Even if he had a streak streak, he wouldn't be naked in such a ghost place, right?

"So... you have amnesia? You don't even remember Meili cousin?" Nangong Wan'er nodded thoughtfully, "No wonder, when you just saw Meili sister, your expression was wrong. There is confusion in your eyes, and you were shocked when you heard Sister Mei Li's words..."

"I'm afraid I am really amnesia, and I can't remember anything." Li Zedao already understood that the girl was carefully observing the changes on her face.

At the moment, Li Zedao began to act wildly, with confusion and pain in his eyes, reaching out and scratching his head, as if his head really hurts and he can't remember anything.

Going out depends on acting!

Li Zedao realized that his hair was actually long, and his hairstyle was the same as those of the people he had just met, so he affirmed his previous guess again and his soul really attached to the body of this fellow named Li Zedao. Up.

"Are you all right?" Nangong Wan'er asked concerned.

"It's okay, it's just a headache." Li Zedao clutched his head and continued to slap his acting skills, looking like a splitting headache.

I don't know if there is an Oscar for Best Actor Award, otherwise this award must be my own.

"My future brother-in-law, do you know who the attacker is?" Seeing Li Zedao's expression so painful, it was obvious that his head hurt so badly, Nangong Wan'er's little face showed a trace of evil spirit.

Although she 100% thought that Li Zedao would definitely not become her brother-in-law in the end, her cousin Nangong Meili would definitely destroy the marriage contract by herself.

But isn't it still ruined now? So in name, this person is still her brother-in-law, the fiance of Nangong Meili, and a member of the Nangong family!

A member of the Nangong family was attacked, which is tantamount to provoking the authority of the entire Nangong family! Provoked the pride of the Nangong family, so she couldn't help but be angry.

"I don't know." Li Zedao glanced at Nangong Wan'er and shook his head. He can show that he was attacked, but he can't figure out who he was attacked by.

Of course, Li Zedao actually didn't mind splashing dirty water on the boy in black who was obviously uncomfortable, but it would be bad if he was unfamiliar with the place.

Li Zedao knows very clearly that what he needs to do now is to survive first, and then quickly integrate into this place, so that he can do damage or something.

Of course, if the people of this gods didn’t even know the so-called conveyor belt leading to the lower planes, they didn’t even think about going through that conveyor belt to reach another plane. After all, their ancestors Xuanhuang and Tianbao led the tribe to invade. An extremely long period of time has passed for the lower planes, and this matter may have been swallowed by time long ago and no longer exists.

If this is the case, there is no need for sabotage, so hurry up and think about how to get back.

Nangong Wan'er nodded, did not continue to struggle with this matter, but said: "Get on the horse."

The most important reason for her staying was to take Li Zedao away from this imperial plain.

After all, if he were to be thrown here, he would never see the sun tomorrow.

With the pride of her cousin Nangong Meili and her rejection of the patriarch’s arrangement, she naturally would not take the initiative to take Li Zedao away from here. In addition, cousin Fang Cai gave herself a glance before leaving, which was obvious.

Therefore, this kind of thing has to be done by myself.

In addition, Nangong Wan'er also knew that the reason her cousin had just said that Li Zedao was his fiancé was actually trying to protect Li Zedao.

In this way, those who have been secretly engaged in the dark will naturally get the news soon, and they should not have the guts to attack Li Zedao afterwards, which is regarded as protecting him in disguise.

Of course, Nangong Wan'er also knew that the cousin did this not because he was his fiancé, but because of the Nangong family.

Guarding the honor of the Nangong family is what every member of the Nangong family should do.

"Get on... get on the horse? Me?" Li Zedao pointed at himself with a look of surprise. He said nothing that this girl would invite himself to sit under her butt, who looked so handsome and had wings. Pegasus.

"Is there anyone else here?" Nangong Wan'er blinked with big eyes.

"Will it be... bad?" Li Zedao hesitated.

Even if the other party is a ghost or a human, she gets on someone’s horse, which is equivalent to a beautiful girl getting on a stranger’s car, or even a bed...Who will cry if she is violated?

"It's really not good." Nangong Wan'er said, stroking the white and soft horsehair. "After all, my snowball has never been ridden by others. If you come up, she will have a lot of opinions."

"..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched, only to feel that the whole person is not good.

"Okay, my future brother-in-law, I was joking with you. My snowball is very obedient. As long as I agree, she won't mind you riding her. Come up quickly. If you don't come up yet, I'll leave. "Nangong Wan'er blinked.

"Then I will trouble you." Li Zedao said gratefully. It is not a problem to continue to stay in this ghost place after all, and he doesn't know where to go with his eyes darkened.

In addition, it's good to get more stuff from this girl's mouth.

After thinking about it, Li Zedao's feet exerted a slight force, and his body rose into the air, sitting firmly on the horseback.

This is God's Domain. If the people of God's Domain have no skills at all, it would be too fake.

He just clearly felt that when the black-clothed boy looked at him, there was a murderous look in his eyes, and a terrible breath was released from his body. That breath is definitely a master who has entered the realm of returning to nature!

As for the rest of the people, they should also be strong people who have entered this level.

It seems that in this realm of God, there are so many masters who return to nature like dogs.

Li Zedao didn't know how tough the owner of this flesh was, but it must be easy to get on the horse, so Li Zedao got on the horse with ease and didn't dare to pretend to be a calf.

Then, he moved his **** back as far as possible so as not to stick to the girl's back.

He is not a casual man, although he is not a human being at all when he gets up casually.

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