The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1986: This son is stupid

Li Zedao's face changed drastically, and his heart trembled. The feeling of death that seemed to come from the depths of his soul made his body tremble constantly.

Nangong Wan'er's body also trembled and she felt that she might die here this time.

In fact, with their strength, if they struggle to escape, they will not be covered by the leaning snow!

However, Xue Anaconda still made bursts of muffled roars over there, and the blood-red eyes that showed extremely brutal blood still stared at them firmly. Once they did everything, it would immediately rush at them!

To put it bluntly, if you don't move, you will be crushed to death by the heavy snow.

If it moves, it will be torn to pieces by the blood python, and then it will be covered by ice and snow...

This is an extremely difficult multiple choice question, but at that moment Shangguan Wan'er still made a choice.

She didn't want to be torn into pieces, so she remained motionless!

"Hurry up!" Li Zedao suddenly roared in Nangong Wan'er's ear.

Before Nangong Wan'er could react, she saw a white figure who suddenly appeared in front of the snow python.

"Go to hell!" Li Zedao roared, his body leaped high, and hit the snow python's head with a fierce punch!

Nangong Wan'er paused, and she was just there!

She could not find any words to describe her mood at this moment.

Moved, excited, surprised, guilty, the joy of escaping from death... everything!

Then, her figure flashed, turned into an afterimage, and swept backward...

Shangguan Wan'er is a very rational person, so she immediately made the most correct choice... and said first.

If you don't leave, you will be smashed to death by the rushing snow!

If I don't leave, I am too sorry for Li Zedao's generosity to die!

"Li Zedao, I will always remember you!" Shangguan Wan'er's eyes were filled with moving tears.

At the same time, Snow Python obviously did not expect that someone would attack him so recklessly, and there was a hint of surprise in that fierce eyes. It is conceivable that this kind of snake is human.

"too slow!"

If Li Zedao had exchanged languages ​​with Xue Mang, he would have heard Xue Mang say such words in a rather contemptuous tone.

Naturally, Li Zedao could not understand what the snow python was talking about. He could hear a muffled sound of "Roar...", and then he felt his ears humming, and he even clearly felt that there was liquid from his ears. It flows out.

In the next second, the snow python's paw suddenly lifted up, and patted Li Zedao like a rapid lightning, the action was like patting a fly.

"Pop!" Its big claws as big as a basketball patted Li Zedao's chest heavily.

Li Zedao's chest sank suddenly, and his body flew upside down. Looking at this posture, I am afraid that all his ribs would be broken.

In the process of flying backwards, the mouth was even more open, and a mouthful of blood spurted out gorgeously!

"Madan, this handsome guy is pretending too much! This handsome guy saved a white-eyed wolf..." Li Zedao muttered to himself.

In the next second, the sky full of snow and waves hit Li Zedao who was still "flying" heavily, swallowing his figure all at once and disappearing.

"Li Zedao, I will always remember you..." Shangguan Wan'er, who had already escaped far away, muttered to herself sadly looking at the snow that was still sloping crazily downward.


In front of the soul mirror, several teachers from the academy looked at the scene of Li Zedao being slapped flying by the snow python, and then completely covered by the pouring snow.

"Is this... a stupid?" the white robe man said aloud, "sacrificing his life in order to save a woman whom he never knew, stupid, really stupid!"

"Brother Zhuyun, these words are not correct. When you count them, how can you say that these two people are the relationship between the prospective brother-in-law and the prospective sister-in-law?" The man in the black robe retorted, "Besides, this son is obviously serious. Love is righteous, and you have the courage to sacrifice yourself and save others. This is the heart of a child. How can you say that?"

"Wolongshuang, I said he is a stupid, do you have an opinion?" Zhuge glanced at Wolongshuang and curled his lips. "I not only scold him as a stupid, but I also plan to take him to my door. Teach him how to become a peerless powerhouse. It's really hard to die for a woman like him!"

"Zuge Zhuyun, with your teaching level, you must not ruin such a good piece of jade into rotten wood?" Wo Longshuang retorted, "Such students should be taught by a famous teacher like me, and they will be able to do so in the future. Become a strong man in God's Domain."

"Wolongshuang, are you too shameless? Don't worry about your shameless boasting, and even dare to criticize my teaching level? Even if you criticize my teaching level, you still dare to grab students with me?" Zhuge Zhuyun The handsome face flushed simply, and his saliva flew wildly.

"Who robbed you of the student? Is that yours? Why are you so overbearing?" Wo Longshuang took a step back to avoid being hurt by Zhuge Zhuyun's spit.

"You can be shameless but I can't be domineering?"

"What? Do you want to fight?"

"Come on, am I still afraid you won't make it?"

Seeing the two men blushing and having thick necks, Liu Qingfeng rolled up their sleeves and was about to start doing it. He was anxious to persuade him: "Brother Zhuge, Brother Wolong, can't make it, can't make it..."

If these two fight here, who can stop them? Can't they be demolished here?

"Furthermore, in accordance with the regulations of the Fuzhou College, freshmen have the right to choose their own teachers, and teachers cannot interfere..."

"Fatty man, do you think you know the rules?" Zhuge Zhuyun glanced at the short fat man extremely badly.

"Fatty, you don't want to grab students from me?" Wo Longshuang looked at Liu Qingfeng with sharp eyes, "Who didn't know that you, fatty, are the most treacherous and cunning among the many teachers in our college. People, are you afraid that you are going to start secretly?"

"No, no, I know my teaching level is not as good as the two, naturally..." Liu Qingfeng quickly waved his hand to deny.

"You don't need to emphasize this kind of thing that everyone knows." Wo Longshuang said.


"Just ask you, do you want this student to give you?" Zhuge Zhuyun simply interrupted Liu Qingfeng's words.

"Yes!" Liu Qingfeng said directly without even thinking about it.


Zhuge Zhuyun and Wo Longshuang looked at each other, and rolled up their sleeves in a tacit understanding.


Dongfang Lingqi has become the tail of Nangong Meili, wherever Nangong Meili goes, he will follow.

Dongfang Lingqi knew very well that Nangong Meili actually didn't like to follow her, but she didn't say her dislike, did she?

Of course, even if she said it, Dongfang Lingqi would still follow it cheeky.

Good girls are afraid of sorrows, so Dongfang Lingqi believes that one day, his infatuation will surely touch Nangong Meili's heart as cold as a refrigerator.

As for that Li Zedao, Dongfang Lingqi had long been thrown aside.

He has rivals in love, and there are many, but that Li Zedao is definitely not included.

Dongfang Lingqi smoothly exchanged a precious Soul Extraction Pill from the teacher's hands for two deliciously roasted five-color chickens.

After the two used up the five-color chicken, they continued to climb up.

Then, they also met Snow Python.

"This is... Snow Python..." Dongfang Lingqi swallowed, his pretty face turned pale.

In the list of fierce beasts, Snow Python was among the top ten.

The adult Snow Python is no weaker than the ninth-level Lingyun Mirror powerhouse!

And the snow python in front of him is an adult snow python, even if he and Nangong Meili are the leaders of the younger generation of the entire Zhongzhou tribe, even if they join forces, they are definitely not the snow python's opponent.

Nangong Meili's brows also frowned. Of course, her performance was much calmer than Dongfang Lingqi.

"Mei Li, what should I do?" Dongfang Lingqi asked in a low voice.

"It's very simple, if you turn it away, I will be safe." Nangong Meili said lightly.

"Huh?" The muscles on Dongfang Lingqi's face twitched wildly, almost choking to death by Nangong Meili's such shameless words!

Nangong Meili didn't say anything, she was too lazy to even look at Dongfang Lingqi.

"Hey!" The long sword in Nangong Meili's hand was unsheathed.

In the next second, countless sword shadows slashed towards the snow python.

Dongfang Ling was stunned, and then was so touched. He really didn't expect that Nangong Meili could actually sacrifice his life for him.

"Mei Li, I will remember you forever." Dongfang Lingqi's eyes were wet, and then his figure flashed, and he swiftly ran backwards, escaping far.

Seeing from a distance, Nangong Meili was slapped flying by the snow python, her delicate body plunged heavily into the snowdrift, Dongfang Lingqi trembled a few times and escaped faster.


Li Zedao opened his eyes and saw the thick and dense leaves. Of course, this kind of thick and tall tree Li Zedao had never seen before, and it must be a tree only in God's Domain.

Then, the corner of his mouth was slightly curled up with an extremely obscure range.

He knew that he could not die.

Even if he was slapped flying by the snow snake, and then covered heavily by the pouring snow, he would not die!

That's the test of Fuzhou Academy for you, and naturally it won't let you die.

Of course, even though most people know that it is a test, when their lives are threatened, they still make some of the most instinctive reactions.

After all, what if it’s not a test? Then it's really dead.

Fortunately, the bet is right! In this way, those teachers in the college would definitely praise themselves for their self-sacrificing and saving others, right?

Besides, Nangong Wan'er must be moved and guilty again? It might even be secretly promised.

Of course, even if that Nangong Wan'er had secretly promised, Li Zedao would not accept it. After all, he is not a person of this plane, and he might stand on the opposite side of God's Realm completely, so don't put too much emotion into it. Better.

Sitting up, I found myself in a dense forest.

So, this is still a test?

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