Stretching, Li Zedao stood up.

In addition to unnamed trees, there are all kinds of unknown weeds, and there are all kinds of unnamed insects in the weeds.

At the same time, various sounds came from time to time, apparently sounds made by certain animals or birds.

"What is the test this time?" Li Zedao whispered secretly.

Of course, no matter what the test is, it doesn't matter, anyway, my life will be fine for the time being.

At this moment, messy footsteps came from far and near.

Li Zedao glanced at the direction of the sound, his figure flashed, and he hid behind a big tree, quietly paying attention to the movement from the front.

Soon, a dozen figures appeared in Li Zedao's sight.

This is a group of people who look quite sturdy and brutal, with a strong smell of blood exuding all over their bodies. It is conceivable that these people are often stained with blood.

However, judging from the breath released from the body, these people are not too strong. According to Li Zedao's estimation, the strongest is at most the level of Director Yang. Others are of the Ming group of the Shenlong organization. almost.

Experts of Director Yang's level are already considered first-class masters in the lower planes, but in this God's Realm, they are just ordinary little people.

Li Zedao knows that in God's Domain, the strength has not broken through the realm of returning to the basics, and basically they are weak.

It is conceivable that in the process of cultivation, the gap between that low-level plane and God's Domain is so huge.

Li Zedao remembered what Nangong Wan'er had said before, and Nangong Wan'er said that the strength of the Snow Python is not inferior to the ninth rank powerhouse of Lingyun Realm.

It seems that the so-called Lingyun Realm is naturally the division of the power of the strong in God's Domain. As for the specific division and what standard, Li Zedao is not clear. After all, his head was hit and his memory was amnesia... Really amnesia.

Of course, in Li Zedao's opinion, if he didn't hide his strength and used the quasi-god-level strength to fight against that snow python, even if he was defeated, he shouldn't be killed by a spike.

From this point of view, the strength of the Quasi-God level should be close to the 9th Rank of Lingyun Realm.

Thinking of this, Li Zedao couldn't help but rubbed his face that seemed so stiff. With his own strength, he couldn't beat a snake in this God's Realm. How could he do damage?

The enemy is so powerful, it really makes Li Zedao feel extremely powerless.

Glancing at this group of people, Li Zedao found that there were still three girls in this group.

These three girls are not pretty, at least when compared with beauties like Nangong Meili and Nangong Wan'er, they are naturally much inferior.

Of course, the main reason is that Li Zedao's vision is too high. If the full score is 10, Nangong Meili and the others are naturally above 9.5 points. How can these three girls get eight points? Even the front one can reach nine points.

At this moment, the small faces of the three girls were all pale, their bodies were trembling, and their eyes showed extreme horror. It is conceivable that they were being held hostage by men who did not know the origin.

Li Zedao frowned, do you want to help?

Under normal circumstances, he can't take action naturally. After all, he is an undercover agent, so he is naturally low-key and can't be publicized, and can't help himself build too many enemies at once.

But now it is clear that this is a test arranged by the Academy, and even, it may be an illusion here, these people are all imaginary.

So, it comes out naturally!

Of course, let's look at the situation first.

"Brothers, let's take a rest right there," the strong man in the lead shouted loudly.

As a result, the group of people sat down one by one at the place where Li Zedao was hiding from the big tree and the rice. As for the three women, they were standing there with fearful expressions, their bodies trembling.

"Tsk tusk, it's really heartbreaking for you to be like this...haha..." The strong man laughed, and his eyes showed a light that men could understand.

"Come on, do a striptease for the uncles. Whoever dances well will have the opportunity to help uncle warm my bed. This is a great honor." The strong man said with an evil face.

There were wolf-like smiles under his hands, staring at the three women with squinting squints, wishing to take them off.

But they are not the boss, so they can only wait for the boss to get bored before it's their turn.

"Big... Uncle, please, let... let us go..." One of the women said in a shivering tone, her face pale as paper, she was frightened.

"Let you go? I really have a big chest, why would I say such stupid words?" The strong man stared at the girl's full chest, and said with a squint, "Stop the ink, come on. Take off your clothes and dance a striptease, otherwise don’t blame Lao Tzu for letting the brothers under my hand help you.”

"Haha, boss, or let us do it for you. We are the best at helping women undress."

"Yes, boss..."


The group of his subordinates all grinned in response, and the three women were even more frightened. One of them even had a weak leg and collapsed directly to the ground, tears falling uncontrollably.

Deep down in their hearts, they have already admitted their fate. What if they don't? In front of absolute beasts, your begging for mercy will only make them more excited.

"Shut up to Lao Tzu, each one looks like a wolf, but it frightens my beauty, but..." The strong man waved his hand and said generously, "Since the brothers have spoken, the one fell down. Don't touch the women on the ground, leave them to Lao Tzu. As for the remaining two, you can discuss who will go first."

"Thank you, boss..."

"Boss, you are too brave and invincible, you are too handsome..."

"I'll come first."

"Why do you come first? I'm older than you, don't you know how to respect the old and love the young?"

"Fuck you, seniority is a shit? Who is the big one?"



"Shut up to Lao Tzu!" Seeing that his brothers woke up about this question first, and even rolled up their sleeves to start, the burly man laughed and cursed, "Give it to Lao Tzu, rock paper scissors."

All these ten men laughed like a wolf, and soon a group of people gathered together and started rock-paper-scissors. Whoever wins will go first.

Li Zedao looked at this scene with amazement, the people of God's Domain also know how to play such a sophisticated game of rock, paper, scissors.

As for the brawny man, with a grinning face, he strode to the three girls who were like lambs to be slaughtered, stretched out his hand, and dragged the weak girl up, his hands were quite rude. Put it on her obviously full chest.


The clothing on the girl's chest was torn off at once, revealing the pink belly pocket inside.

Li Zedao glanced at the apron, and once again felt that the living standards of God's Domain were too primitive. Now in addition to having fun on the bed, are there other girls wearing this apron when they go out?

Li Zedao thought for a while, if he designs underwear by himself, it can't be sold, and then he becomes the underwear king of God's Domain?

Li Zedao quickly threw out the messy thoughts in his mind. He came to be an undercover agent, not to be the richest man.

Seeing that the brawny man was about to tear off the girl's apron, Li Zedao knew that he had to make a move. Heroes all showed up at this critical time.

So, he strode out from behind the big tree. At this moment, his sacred aura was added to his body, and his voice was full of justice. He pointed to the group of people and said loudly: "Stop! "

Including the brawny man, everyone was simply taken aback!

The most unbearable thing for men is that they are disturbed when they are about to do good deeds, not to mention that these people are not good stubborns, they are robbers entrenched in this area, their usual job is to enter the small tribes and small villages, or It is threatening, or burning, killing and plundering.

So, after they saw that this was a little white face that looked a little embarrassed, their face suddenly became gloomy.

As for the three women, there was a hint of color in their dark and desperate eyes.

"Wolf, aren't you killing men and women? This little white face will be given to you." The strong man looked at Li Zedao with a grinning smile.

This looks like a little white face who likes to pretend to be bloody, so the brawny doesn't put it in his eyes at all.

"Thank you, boss."

A wretched-looking man immediately stepped forward, licked his lips and looked at Li Zedao, and said with a smile: "Boy, I will let you know soon, I like..."

Before he could finish a sentence, the man felt his eyes sway, and a fist suddenly appeared in his pupils, and then began to enlarge infinitely.

"Bang!" A sound.

The wretched man's nose was cracked, and the blood rushed out. At the same time, the whole body flew upside down, and finally hit a big tree heavily before landing in embarrassment.

The brawny man and his dozen or so men saw this scene, and none of their pupils shrank violently.

They thought it was a little white face with a **** and justice, but they didn't expect his strength to be so terrifying that he would knock the wolf away with one punch.

What's more terrifying is that no one, including the strong man, saw how he shot!

"I hate men who bully women the most. In my opinion, they are beasts that are not even worthy of human beings. For such beasts, my usual method is to smash his stuff...So you lie down by yourself Let me step on obediently, or do I beat you down and then I step on?" Li Zedao said blankly, looking at the sturdy man with uncertain expression.

"What are you still doing? Kill him!" the strong man roared in a low voice.

As a result, the dozen or so people under his hand took out their weapons one after another, and roared at Li Zedao.

For a time, the screams continued in the dense forest.

In less than a minute, these robbers who were still majestic and majestic all fell to the ground without exception. Without exception, their hands and feet were all interrupted, and even blood was bleeding from the crotch. Obviously that thing was completely scrapped.

There were puddles of blood stains on the ground full of dead branches and rotten leaves, and for a while, the smell of blood filled the entire space.

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