"Gudong!" The strong man looked at Li Zeda with a dull face, choking his saliva.

His mind roared abnormally, and a huge wave was set off in his heart, and he couldn't believe what his eyes saw.

The eyes of the three women and the three women who were snuggling together also stared round. Obviously, they didn't expect that this handsome young man would be so powerful, and they immediately knocked all these fierce spirits to the ground.

Seeing the killing god's gaze on him, the brawny man's knees softened and he simply fell to his knees: "Ying...hero, forgive... forgive..."

You should be like a chicken, if you should be hard or soft, then you can live long!

The strong man keeps his teachings in mind, so he is now decisively subdued!

Li Zedao was expressionless, his figure flashed before he appeared in front of the brawny man, and then passed like lightning and kicked his crotch fiercely.


The brawny man let out a terrible scream, his body rose into the air because of the terrifying force, and then he fell heavily to the ground, and fainted.

Li Zedao didn't spare him, but raised his feet, and stomped his hands and feet neatly into a pile of mud before turning around to look at the three girls.

The girl's eyes were grateful and frightened. Obviously, Li Zedao's such brutal means scared them.

"Hurry up and leave here," Li Zedao said.

The girl with the torn clothes on her chest lightly nodded and said, "Thank you...thank you for your life-saving grace, little girl..."

"You're welcome, go back quickly." Li Zedao interrupted the woman. He was really careful that the girl said something like "The little girl can't repay, but she can only promise her."

The other girl's eyes reddened and she was in tears, and her voice tremblingly said: "Gong, there are many beasts in this forest, we...can't go out."

In addition, the two of her girls looked at Li Zedao pitifully, the meaning was not obvious, and they hoped that Li Zedao could **** them out of this dense forest.

Li Zedao is a famous person who can't see girls' tears, so his heart suddenly softens, and the sacred aura is added again: "Don't worry, I will send you back."

Cursed in my heart, Ma Dan, why didn't you faint?

Fainting means that this test is over, not fainting means that this test continues... At least, Li Zedao thinks so.

Do you want to knock yourself out? No, this kind of behavior is too naive. The teachers of the academy who are hiding in the dark and paying attention to their movements will definitely think that they are stupid.

Li Zedao originally wanted to go to school in a low-key manner, but now it is obviously impossible. He is simply a little high-key and portrays himself as a man of absolute justice.

Of course, high-profile also has the benefits of high-profile. If you can become the best-performing student in this group of freshmen, you will naturally receive the attention of Fuzhou College, and the attention of Fuzhou College means you can get more resources.

If it is said that Bu Zhou Mountain has no connection with the Bu Zhou Mountain that appeared in the myth of Nuwa Patching the Sky, Li Zedao would not believe it. In that Bu Zhou Academy, there may be unexpected gains.

"Thank you Grace." The three girls were overjoyed and thanked again and again.

"Don't call En Gong, just call my name, I'm Li Zedao." Li Zedao said.

"Well, then I'll call you... Brother Zedao?" The girl with the torn clothes on her chest looked at Li Zedao with a slightly shy look in her eyes and said softly. Of course, at this time, she had already exposed her apron. Covered with clothes.

In God's Domain, if a girl is interested in a boy, she will call her "brother". Therefore, this girl is very moved by Li Zedao, and is now showing her love.

"It's better to call it your name." Li Ze said, his mouth twitched, thinking that you are older than me, and you are embarrassed to call me brother?

While climbing Nabu Zhou Mountain, Li Zedao used ice cubes to take a picture of his current face, not to mention, it is indeed full of the breath of small meat, and it is not inferior to his previous face. .

So Li Zedao came to the conclusion that no matter where it was located, whether it was a lower plane or a god's realm, people with the name "Li Zedao" were all handsome guys.

Is this rejected? The girl's eyes fell suddenly, somewhat resentful.

The other two girls also feel sorry for this girl.

"Wait for me." Li Zedao said, then squatted down and touched the robbers who were wailing, and finally took out a few money bags and fire folds from them.

The top of the bag was filled with shiny gold coins, which seemed to be the currency of God's Domain.

Unceremoniously, Li Zedao took these things as his own.

After picking up another knife, Li Zedao looked back at the girl who was looking at him inexplicably and said, "Let's go."

Along the way, Li Zedao also learned some information about these three girls.

The girl with a pink belly is called Cabbage, and she is also the most beautiful of these three women, which is why the boss just chose to leave her to enjoy herself.

It seems that men in God's Domain and men in lower planes have similar eyes to women.

The other two girls, one named Shanju and the other named Chunhua, both came from a small village called Xiangcun nearby.

Xiangcun is not too big, with hundreds of households and a population of more than 300.

The residents of Xiangcun have lived there for generations. Men farming and women weaving, although their lives are not too rich, they are simple and happy.

But about half a year ago, a group of murderous robbers appeared, completely breaking the tranquility of the village.

This group of bandits asked the village to hand in a certain amount of gold coins and food every month, otherwise the village would be blood washed.

Unarmed villagers are naturally helpless when facing this group of robbers. In order to survive, so that the village where they have lived for generations is not bloodbathed, they can only compromise.

This month, the village really couldn't produce that much food, so the three girls were treated as food and given to the bandits who went to the village to collect money and food.

As Li Zedao listened, he didn't know what words to use to describe his mood at this moment.

This kind of arrogant arrogance and robbing of the legal society in which he lives is almost cut off, and it will only appear in those turbulent countries.

But in this god's realm where the standard of living is backward and the mind is quite closed, it is quite normal.

There is no law and no people's police to protect these weak and innocent villagers.

Therefore, they could only compromise, and even willingly gave the three prettiest girls in the village to be married as food to the robbers in exchange for a mere month of peace.

Poor? Pathetic! Hateful? hateful!

Along the way, I also encountered a few animals that were not small and of course Li Zedao could not name them.

The strength of these unknown animals was too weak compared to the Snow Python, who might be stronger than Wang Zi, so Li Zedao easily managed it.

After walking for more than an hour, the three of them walked out of the dense forest. At the same time, a mountain that was not too high appeared in front of him. At the foot of the mountain, there was a fairly primitive village. The houses in that village were basically all It is made of piled stones, and the roof is covered with weeds.

At this time, the smoke is curling up, and many families are cooking.

"Benefactor, there is Xiangcun." Cabbage turned around and said to Li Ze.

"Then you guys go back quickly." Li Zedao nodded.

"Benefactor..." Cabbage wanted to say but stopped.

Li Zedao waved his hand. He didn't have any intention of continuing to contact this woman, and he had no intention of going to her house for a cup of tea for a meal, and said, "Go back."

"Thank you for your life-saving grace," Mo Xiang said, feeling that his heart was inexplicably empty.

Chunhua and Shan Ju thanked Li Zedao again, and the three of them walked towards the village spoken.

Looking back from the back of the three girls, Li Zedao turned around and left, and walked into the woods again.

He didn't know what kind of test he would face next, but he was hungry, so he planned to find something to eat first.

He just left the carcasses of a few unknown animals in this woods. Presumably their meat should be delicious when grilled?

As for the ten or so robbers lying on the ground who have not died yet, surely the animals living in this dense forest will not let go of such a delicious meal, right?

Ten minutes later, Li Zedao found the unknown animal whose head was chopped off with a knife. It was about the same size as a bear, and it looked like a bear, but its hair turned out to be blue. Yes, it looks a little weird.

Li Zedao went over with a knife, took off one of the legs, and pulled out the blue skin. The meat inside was nothing special, normal color, otherwise Li Zedao might not have the courage to swallow it in his stomach. .

At the moment, Li Zedao found dry firewood again, and soon a fire started.

While roasting this leg, Li Zedao found a clear stream nearby, drank some water, and washed his face.

Seeing his handsome face reflected on the water, Li Zedao felt again that the person named "Li Zedao" was really handsome.

It's completely different from the time when the five-color chicken is grilled. It took a full hour and a half for this leg to be cooked.

Li Zedao first took a bite cautiously and couldn't help but praise again and again, not to mention, although the taste cannot be compared with the five-color chicken, it is considered very good.

Just as Li Zedao was eating a lot, the sound of messy footsteps and crying came.

"Is it possible that there are robbers?" Li Zedao muttered in his heart.

However, Li Zedao didn't bother to be the same as before, temporarily avoiding, instead sitting there, continuing to eat the meat in his hands with relish.

Anyway, some weak chickens will be slaughtered once.

The noisy voices got closer and closer, and finally, more than twenty people appeared in Li Zedao's sight one after another.

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