You know, in the event that they failed to escape from the Blackwind City, the Black Beast Mercenary Group would definitely launch a carpet search for the entire Blackwind City.

But who could have thought that the two of them were so courageous that they did not escape at all and stayed in an inn?

"Furthermore, the smell in this stove room is extremely mixed, enough to conceal our smell. The ghost dog's nose is sensitive. Don't even want to ask about our smell in such a place. More importantly, the black beast mercenary. Those masters in the regiment naturally disdain to come to this stove room." Li Zedao said again.

Nangong Wan'er suddenly realized that Li Zedao didn't choose the Huo Stove Room as a hiding place like a headless fly, but with this consideration.

"What happens next?" Nangong Wan'er asked. She didn't even notice it herself, she seemed to regard Li Zedao as the backbone, and asked him what he meant.

You know, Nangong Wan'er made the decision to walk or stop, eat or sleep before, and Li Zedao was just an inconspicuous follower.

Thinking of her situation at this time, Nangong Wan'er's small face has become very ugly, she feels like a beautiful bird trapped in a cage, even if she has wings, don't want to escape. Get out.

Can't hide in this tank forever? Besides, when the Black Beast Mercenary Group cannot find anyone, it will conduct a more careful search. I am afraid that it will be three feet away, so this big water tank may not be very safe.

Kill it?

This seemingly absurd idea was immediately rejected by Nangong Wan'er. She and Li Zedao are very powerful, but the Black Beast Mercenary Group is not muddled. It is said that there are high-ranking experts in the Lingyun Realm. many.

It must be a dead end for them to go out.

"How about crushing the Yuka?" Nangong Wan'er said again.

This is the only reliable idea she can think of at the moment.

"Not to that point." Li Zedao gently shook his head. The jade card can only be used once, so naturally it cannot be used if it is not available.

"Do you have a good way?" Nangong Wan'er was surprised.

"This seems to have, and it doesn't seem to be."

"..." If possible, Nangong Wan'er wanted to violently beat Li Ze.

"Shh, someone is coming." Li Zedao said in a low voice.

Nangong Wan'er stunned, someone is coming? Why can't I hear any movement? But he also concentrated his breath, condensing all the breath in his body.

Not long after, the messy footsteps came into Nangong Wan'er's ears.

"Someone really came here?" Nangong Wan'er's expression was slightly shocked. This guy, even if he masters an extremely powerful spiritual skill, but his cultivation is only a mere low-grade strength of the Lingyun realm, how could he be so powerful Of perception?

So, he has been hiding his cultivation base? In fact, he is not the lower grade in the Lingyun realm, but the upper grade in the Lingyun realm, or even the pinnacle of the upper grade in the Lingyun realm?

"Hey!" With a muffled sound, the wooden door of the stove room was pushed open.

Nangong Wan'er hurriedly held her breath, and prepared herself to kill once she was discovered.

A few men in black walked in, and the burning torches in their hands illuminated the entire fire room, like daylight.

"Dabang Zhang, you need to give Laozi a little bit of action. Several hall masters and those brothers have been busy most of the night, and they haven't eaten yet." One of the men shouted loudly.

"Don't worry, Manager Yang, at most half an hour, we can make enough food for several hall masters and the hundreds of brothers to enjoy." The man named Zhang Dafat quickly said, but his eyes were Sorrow came out.

Zhang Dapang is the chef of this inn. The chefs were sent out to find the whereabouts of the murderer. They were only called back to help the hall masters and the brothers make some food.

Zhang Dapang is usually highly valued by the leader Sun Hu. Sun Hu's favorite food is the fried human liver and human brain tofu made by Zhang Dapang. Zhang Dapang has also received many rewards from Sun Hu.

Therefore, now that Sun Hu is tragically dying, Zhang Dafang is not sad.

Zhang Dapang sighed heavily in his heart, alas, this time, I am afraid that my income will be cut sharply by more than half, and maybe even I will lose my job.

With the death of Head Sun, the Black Beast Mercenary Group must not be torn apart? There will naturally be no inn here.

"That's great, then you guys are busy." Manager Yang nodded and turned to leave.

Zhang Dapang gave a few words, and these people began to scatter and live. The kitchen chopping, the cooking, the cooking, and the pot, all of a sudden, the whole stove room became very lively.

Soon, there was a scent of rice in the air.

Smelling the aroma of the food in the air, Nangong Wan'er couldn't help but swallowed secretly.

From noon to now, she has eaten a little bit, so she has long been hungry. Now that she smells the scent of the rice, the feeling of hunger is magnified several times.

In the next second, Nangong Wan'er's stomach involuntarily sounded a strange noise.


Nangong Wan'er's tiger torso was fragile, and her handsome little face suddenly became extremely hot. She was so ashamed that she wanted to dig a hole and bury herself.

Nangong Wan'er has no tears when she wants to cry, now she has no face to meet people! How about... kills?

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched wildly, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Fortunately, the sound of pots and pans outside is constantly ringing. In addition, these chefs are at most the spiritual mountain level cultivation base, and their perception ability is not so sensitive. In addition, no one can think of it, that was abandoned for a long time. There are still two people hidden in the tank, even if someone hears the sound, they don't think much.

Otherwise, this abnormal noise will definitely expose their position directly.

Less than half an hour later, Guan Shi Yang came to the stove room again and urged.

"Manager Yang, it's the last dish, and it can be done in half a stick of incense." Zhang Dapang said.

"Very well, let's send the finished ones first." Guanshi Yang said.

Soon, buckets of rice and vegetables were carried out, and finally the fire in the stove was covered with wood ash to avoid accidents and fire.

Soon, the huge fire stove room was empty, and fell into the same silence again.

Nangong Wan'er breathed a sigh of relief. During this period, she groaned uncontrollably in her stomach several times, each time she made her feel ashamed, and she was so ashamed that she wanted to kill Li Zedao and scared her. Sweat after another.

Fortunately, the sound in the stove room was so messy that it was not found.

"Um... I didn't eat much at noon, and I didn't eat dinner, you know." Nangong Wan'er felt that she should say something, her face was hot, very embarrassed.

"Uh... I know, I know." Li Zedao expressed his understanding, "I am also hungry, and my stomach is screaming, but the voice is not so obvious."

The muscles on Nangong Wan'er's face twitched, and she wanted to hit someone. What does it mean to have a less obvious voice?

She wanted to leave this big water tank to find something to eat. The chefs just made so many delicious foods, maybe there is still a little bit left in the pot or on the stove, right?

But too embarrassing? I am the second lady of the Nangong family, how can I eat those leftovers?

That... it's not impossible, but you can't eat anything in front of Li Zedao.

"Gu Gu..." Nangong Wan'er started to cry again.

Nangong Wan'er covered her face, God, how can you bear to treat such a lively, lovely and kind girl like this?

"In Ninyiren, I think at most one hour, right? We can go out from here, and then we can eat." Li Zedao smiled.

"Are you sure?" Nangong Wan'er was stunned, her face full of surprise immediately.

"Yes." Li Zedao said, "Wait, those **** hall masters and those members who are drinking and eating now will soon make some amazing moves. Then the entire Black Beast Mercenary Corps will In a state of extreme chaos, we can no longer care about the two of us."

Nangong Wan'er was full of incomprehension: "What do you mean?"

"Before I hid in this big water tank, I sprinkled something on those ingredients and the water tank in that big iron pot." Li Ze said that the corners of his mouth were already curled up inexplicably.

Nangong Wan'er's eyes widened, and her face was incredible: "Did you spill something? What? Poison?"

She suddenly remembered that when sneaking into the fire stove room, Li Zedao let himself enter the big water tank first, while he himself stayed outside for a while.

At that time, Nangong Wan'er thought he was paying attention to the movement outside, but he did not expect that he was poisoning.

"Uh... almost." The innocent Li Zedao was not ashamed to say that what he sprinkled was actually a mixture of laxatives and some extremely powerful aphrodisiac.

If this was eaten, it would be tantamount to springing up and diarrhea again, that scene...Just imagine, Li Zedao would get goose bumps all over his body.

As for the laxatives and aphrodisiacs, Li Zedao spent 20 gold coins in Qingmu Town to find the shop Xiaoer to buy.

Li Zedao always felt that Li Yuanbao seemed to be engaged in a conspiracy, so after buying these two drugs, he would prepare one more hole card for himself, isn't it?

Unexpectedly, it was really used.

"So, the reason why you went to hide in this fire stove room is not only because there are few people here, but also because the scent here can cover up our smell from being smelled by the ghost dog, and even more because you want to administer medicine? "Nangong Wan'er was stunned.

Li Zedao's practice has once again refreshed her perception of him. This guy has such a meticulous mind? Can you think so far?

"That's it."

"But, how did you know that they would eat?" Nangong Wan'er asked incomprehensibly.

"When Sun Hu was killed, it was not time to eat dinner. After that, they were bound to search the whole city immediately. Naturally, there was no time to eat. Up to now, four or five hours have passed. It is fake to say that you are not hungry, especially Those of the hall master level, they will definitely stop searching for a while and talk about eating first." Li Zedao briefly explained.

Nangong Wan'er bit her lip lightly, her eyes showed a look of astonishment: "You...really Li Zedao?"

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