The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2012: The mercenary group is destroyed

Li Ze Dao's heart tightened slightly, but he said very annoyed: "Ah, I Li Ze Dao's finger, the Black Beast Mercenary Group, one of the biggest forces in Black Wind City, was destroyed by me. I am so good... Classmate Nangong, do you understand my troubles?"

"...Get out of here!" Nangong Wan'er couldn't help but was amused. That smile is like the rose blooming in the dark, quiet and beautiful.


At the same time, in the lobby on the first floor of an inn, the hundreds of people from the Black Beast Mercenary Group, including the hall master and the sub-rudder master, gathered there, eating meat and grilling rice.

The lower-status members randomly found a place outside the inn, or stood, or sat down, or squatted. Everyone held a large bowl and mouthful of grilled rice.

No one drank, after all, after eating, they had to hurry to find the whereabouts of the two murderers who deserved to be killed. If the murderer could not be found before dawn, it would undoubtedly be hitting their black beast mercenary group in the face. , I am afraid I will have no face to mix in this Black Wind City afterwards.

No one dared to yell loudly. After all, the leader's body was still there. You did not respect the leader and wanted to anger other brothers.

At this moment, a hall master surnamed Su frowned and muttered to himself: "Why do I suddenly feel very hot and dry in my mouth?"

Then he filled a large bowl of soup and poured it down.

However, the feeling of dry mouth and tongue is not alleviated, it is even stronger.

Then, Hall Master Su's eyes became scarlet little by little.

In the next second, Hall Master Su stood up abruptly, no matter whether Hall Master Zhao beside him was male or female, he threw him at him with a hula, and threw him to the ground, taking his face. Desperately began to mess around.

"Fuck, Lao Su, you are **** sick..." Hall Master Zhao was simply taken aback.

The surrounding members of the Black Beast Mercenary Group were all stunned by Hall Master Su who suddenly made such an astonishing move, and didn't know what happened.

Then, they suddenly felt thirsty and excited, and felt that the brethren around them looked so pleasing to the eye like the naked beauty.

Some felt that their stomachs suddenly hurt so badly that they hurried to run outside, clutching their stomachs.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere of murderous intent and grief suddenly changed, becoming so ambiguous.

Hall Master Su himself is a high-grade powerhouse in the Spirit Cloud Realm. With the addition of the medicinal effects, the strength is so great that Hall Master Zhao couldn’t break free for a while, and Hall Master Su’s face was licked with his tongue. Hall Master Zhao's black face turned white, and his eyes showed an extremely strong murderous intent.

"Damn, Hall Master Su, do you think I dare not kill you?" Hall Master Zhao roared, and wanted to kick him away.

At this moment, an unprecedented violent pain struck from the abdomen, making Hall Master Zhao's face even more pale.

"Oh..." Hall Master Zhao screamed for birth.

"Puff..." Hall Master Zhao's crotch was hot.


"Report! Chief, something has happened, something has happened to an inn!"

"Is there an inn? Say!"

"The leader, it's like this, the hundred or so figures above the rudder master of the Black Beast Mercenary Group are... crazy..."


Half an hour later, all the big and small forces in Blackwind City got the best news that made them stunned!

The hundred or so characters above the rudder master of the Black Panther Mercenary Corps, wrapped the hall master, the deputy hall master, and even the deputy head of the Black San, who is known as the blood hand, are all... crazy!

They all stripped themselves naked, and they all had a crazy gang together! They messed up with each other, and everyone's expressions were so lustful.

Forget it, they had crazy diarrhea while having sex, so that an inn was simply turned into a **** on earth.

Soon, several heads of forces who usually did not deal with the Black Beast Mercenary Group gathered together, and quickly reached a consensus, immediately mobilized manpower and killed an inn!

You know, these hundred and ten people are the backbone of the Black Beast Mercenary Group, that is to say, if they die, the Black Beast Mercenary Group will also be crossed!

So now is undoubtedly the best time to destroy the Black Beast Mercenary Group.

This night, the killing sound shook the sky! The Black Beast Mercenary Group, one of the greatest forces in Black Wind City, was easily destroyed. More than 80% of the members of the group died, and no important figures above the rudder master were spared.

As for the rest, hide to hide, escape to escape, and return to surrender.

In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight came out, the heavy gate of Blackwind City was slowly opened.

Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er, who were riding on the sky horse, followed the crowd of people who planned to leave the city, and left the Black Wind City that was a prison for them before.

At this time, the Black Beast Mercenary Group had been destroyed by the group, so naturally no one was going to check these people who planned to leave the city one by one.

Besides, Sun Hu was killed first, and then the leaders of the entire Black Panther mercenary group went crazy... Of course he was not really crazy, they just took some kind of extremely powerful laxative at the same time. This is an extremely powerful aphrodisiac, which caused the scene to be so shocking.

Who gave them the medicine?

I want to know that it was the man and woman who killed Sun Hu!

These two people not only escaped the search by the Black Beast Mercenary Corps, but also have the ability to put drugs in the food of so many people. Is this method scary?

very horrifying!

In addition, thanks to the blessings of these two murderers, they destroyed the Black Beast Mercenary Group, and then they shared a lot of benefits.

So under this circumstance, naturally no one would be so stupid to provoke those two murderers who obviously couldn't provoke.

Black Wind City is still that Black Wind City, nothing happened!

Nangong Wan'er's face was pale, and her expression looked so wilted. The weaker body she was riding on was still trembling gently, as if she was about to roll down from that day at any time.

"Are you okay?" Li Zedao asked concerned.

"Despicable... despicable, nasty, shameless, disgusting... I didn't expect you to be this... such a person." Nangong Wan'er gave Li Zedao a fierce look, and said weakly.

Li Zedao, this grievance, I am such a handsome and outstanding young man, how can I be mean, shameless and disgusting?

If it weren't for me to be witty and brave, and keep a hand, you might be helping that shopkeeper Sun warm up the bed now.

Yesterday in the middle of the night, when the entire inn was in chaos, the two of them quietly got out of the big water tank.

After that, Nangong Wan'er glanced at the lobby of the inn. Then, she was stupid for a few seconds. After that, she bent down and threw up wildly. In addition, she didn't have any appetite to eat something, so Nangong Wan'er looked like this now. The malaise.

Li Zedao took out a piece of something like a flatbread and bought something on the side of the road, took a bite, and couldn't help but admire it again. If those foodies were lucky enough to come to this realm of God, they would really die of happiness.

Nangong Wan'er glanced at Li Zedao and saw that he was eating with relish, then her face suddenly changed.

Her stomach began to twist again.

"Li Zedao, if you are eating, I will kill you!" Nangong Wan'er said murderously.

Li Zedao quickly put away the pie in his hand and swallowed it in his mouth.

At this time, it's better not to provoke this woman, she will really draw the sword to kill.

Nangong Wan'er's extreme nausea was relieved a lot when she arrived in Qingmu Town. After that, she went to an inn and drank some hot soup and ate something, then lay in bed and rested for a while, she was extremely depressed. His body gradually recovered.

"According to the time regulation, the Goshawk will be waiting for us at the edge of the Buzhou Plain tomorrow morning. So, stay in this Qingmu Town tonight and set off tomorrow morning?" Li Zedao asked.

Judging from the timeline of this mission, the academy knows that if there is no accident, Li Ze said that they can complete the mission today, so they arranged the Goshawk to wait for them on the edge of the Buzhou Plain tomorrow morning, and then the Goshawk will send them back to Buzhou Mountain. .

Of course, if something unexpected happens that prevents you from reaching the edge of the Buzhou Plain tomorrow morning, then you can only ride your Pegasus through the Buzhou Plain to reach the foot of the Buzhou Mountain, and then return to the college.

Nangong Wan'er's face was sullen, and she said murderously: "Do you think I am the kind of person who never happens to do anything after taking a loss?"

Inexplicably carrying the black pot on his back, he was almost trapped in Blackwind City and saw such a disgusting scene afterwards...Nangong Wan'er's stomach began to twist again.

In short, the second lady of Nangong, who has hardly suffered any loss since childhood, can't swallow this breath!

It is not unreasonable to put this breath on Li Zedao, but he is too unconscionable. Although this guy is disgusting and shameless, he is his own savior anyway?

Therefore, Nangong Wan'er decided to put this tone on Li Yuanbao, the culprit!

", are you trying to find Li Yuanbao's trouble in Pan Longcheng?" Li Zedao asked cautiously, "Is this... OK?"

However, the college has regulations in this regard. After receiving a task, any student shall not trouble the person who entrusted the task in the process of performing the task.

Li Zedao understands why the academy should add this rule. That's because the academy knows very clearly that when those people can’t find the academy’s entrusted tasks, many of them are unkind. For example, this time, Li The reason why Yuanbao went to Fuzhou Academy was naturally because she wanted the students of Fuzhou Academy to bear the black pot.

If such a rule is not added, those clients will probably be killed later.

But even so, the college is still willing to accept these tasks. After all, the more dangerous the situation is, the more it can sharpen these students and make them strong.

If the student died during the task, you can only blame you for not being good at learning.

From this point of view, Bu Zhou Academy is actually quite barbarous and inhuman, without any human touch. But even so, the super powers of the major tribes are quite willing to send the family's Tianjiao to this Fuzhou Academy, because Fuzhou Academy has extremely large training resources.

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