"Caught a sneaky person, it seems to be from a ghost doctor." Li Zedao imitated the man's tone with ventriloquism, said in a low voice, then floated into the courtyard and threw the man on the ground.

The remaining three people in the yard heard that someone who seemed to be a ghost doctor was caught, and their attention was naturally drawn to him. In addition to the dim surroundings, Li Zedao deliberately blocked his face and what he imitated. The sound that comes out can't tell the truth from the fake.

Therefore, the three people did not expect to say that the enemy had already swaggered in at this time.

At the moment, all three people gathered around, planning to find out.

It's just that a few can't breathe, and the three of them secretly heard a bad cry, and they all went black in front of them, and they just lost consciousness.

"Damn, this kind of * is simply not too domineering." Li Zedao cursed secretly, and then quickly covered the mouth of a jade bottle he was holding.

Although I have taken the antidote, if the antidote doesn't work, then fuck.

The bottle contains a strong liquid*, which will evaporate and mix with the air, and is colorless and tasteless. Anything is enough to fascinate a strong person at the top of the spiritual cloud realm, but for a strong spiritual **** realm It has no effect at all.

According to the vendor's introduction, this kind of * is really a must-have medicine for walking the rivers and lakes, the price is not expensive, and it also comes with an antidote! One bottle only needs two gold ingots, buy more and get more...

Li Zedao almost beat the dealer who sold this kind of **** to death. Is a bottle of two gold ingots expensive?

Two gold ingots are two thousand gold coins, and two thousand gold coins are one hundred thousand Chinese coins!

A bottle of *100,000 yuan is not expensive?

But when I remembered that the money didn't seem to be his own, Li Zedao's meat didn't hurt so much, and he bought a bottle of it very much.


Li Yuanbao felt that one of the things he had done the most right in his life was that he became a nail placed in the magic medicine pavilion by the ghost doctor, and even became the elder of the magic medicine pavilion.

Not to mention gaining the trust of the master of the magic medicine pavilion, it is more to give him the care of the longevity house.

In this way, most people in Shenyao Pavilion treat him respectfully, and the ghost doctors will naturally not find someone to kill him secretly, so his safety is quite guaranteed.

However, today, Li Yuanbao's position in the Shenyao Pavilion has been challenged.

The Soul Condensation Pill that was supposed to be delivered to Shopkeeper Sun was unexpectedly dropped by the students of Fuzhou Academy. As a result, even if Shopkeeper Sun was killed, the entire Black Beast Mercenary Group was destroyed overnight.

The other elders of Shenyao Pavilion accused Li Yuanbao of being unfavorable and should not entrust Fuzhou Academy to **** that soul condensing pill.

Of course, they had the courage to go to Fuzhou Academy and accuse Fuzhou Academy of not being honest. It shouldn't be too much, so it is natural that all the faults are on Li Yuanbao.

Of course, there are also a few people who have better minds, and think things are unusual. After all, with the strength and reputation of the college, the students of the college shouldn't do such things.

So, this thing is unusual!

And this matter was prepared by Li Yuanbao, so will Li Yuanbao have any problems?

For such accusations and suspicions, Li Yuanbao did not excuse him, saying that he should be fully responsible for such things, and he took the initiative to hand over the Changshengju.

After that, he immediately came to Yao Rou and enjoyed the life like a god.

"Bang bang..." A soft knock on the door sounded, and Li Yuanbao's woke up all at once.

Li Yuanbao was quite upset, but he had to gently push away the demon soft who was sleeping soundly like an octopus around him.

"This chest, this waist, this leg, this feel..." Li Yuanbao groaned in his heart, and the dantian area became hot again, thinking about calling her up for three hundred rounds of battle!

He got up and took the robe to cover his body like a ball of flesh, then walked over and opened the door.

"What happened?" Li Yuanbao frowned and asked, looking at this low-headed subordinate. He knew very clearly that if something important hadn't happened, his subordinate would definitely not come and knock on the door and disturb his dreams.

"It's okay, I just want to settle the account with the shopkeeper Li." Li Yuanbao's subordinate raised his head and smiled at Li Yuanbao and said.

Li Yuanbao's face suddenly changed: "You...not a black fox..."

Although the voice is the voice of his confidant black fox, the black fox does not cover his face and his eyes are not right.

A hand suddenly appeared at Li Yuanbao's throat, grabbing his neck tightly, and lifting his fat body even more.

Li Yuanbao's breathing was difficult, and the fat-faced pie face was simply flushed red.

"Forgiveness... Forgiveness..." He squeezed out these words extremely hard, he only felt that he was about to be strangled to death.

Another black shadow appeared quietly, and the black shadow walked around Li Yuanbao, who had been pinched and raised, and quietly entered the room.

Nangong Wan'er's big eyes, which appeared bright in the dark, scanned the bed sleeping soundly, but there was a naked demon-soft look all over her body, she curled her lips, quite disdainful.

Is this one of the most beautiful women in Panlong City? But that's it!

While Nangong Wan'er was quite disdainful, her hand passed as fast as lightning, and she pinched Yao Rou's neck, and stunned her faintly without sleeping for a few hours. Don't want to wake up.

Then he pulled the quilt and covered her body.

Although not as good as myself, this body is still very beautiful, but it can't be cheaper than that Li Zedao that bastard.

At the same time, Li Zedao, who was pinching Li Yuanbao's neck, strode in and threw Li Yuanbao on the ground as if throwing garbage.

Li Yuanbao was holding his chest, breathing heavily, and he really felt a sense of escape.

Just now, he really thought that his neck was about to be severed.

"Tell your eyes." Li Yuanbao stood up from the ground with difficulty, looking at Li Zedao with an ugly expression. The other party didn't chop his own neck, so it was a plan.

As for who are they? Does this matter? This is of course very important, but you can't ask, asking yourself will only die faster!

Li Yuanbao can travel between the two forces of Ghost Doctor and Shenyao Pavilion. He is a sixth-rank alchemist himself, so he is naturally not stupid.

Li Zedao sat down on the chair, staring at Li Yuanbao with his eyes like a knife, and made a very wicked voice: "Our purpose? Of course it is to make you pay for it."

Nangong Wan'er on the side sighed that this Li Zedao was too pretentious, and that voice and eyes seemed to have a deep hatred with Li Yuanbao.

"Paying for life?" Li Yuanbao's thoughts were surging, so which enemy is his?

"I'm not afraid you know, my name is Sun Long, Sun Hu of the Black Beast Mercenary Group is my younger brother." Li Zedao said gloomily.

Li Yuanbao's face changed altogether, but shopkeeper Sun actually has an older brother? And he has found himself now... So, what does he know?

Nangong Wan'er twitched at the corner of her mouth. Isn't this guy too capable of breaking?

In fact, Nangong Wan'er didn't know what Li Zedao had planned. Li Zedao only asked her to watch her gestures and stop talking.

"It turned out to be Brother Sun, Li was disrespectful." Li Yuanbao hurriedly clasped his fists and said very politely.

"Although our two brothers once had a quarrel over a precious pill, they were brothers after all, so he died. I am still very sad and angry... Shopkeeper Li, do you understand my grief?" Li Zedao continued to break blindly.

"Li and Treasurer Sun have also been friends for many years. Upon hearing of his death, Li was really distressed..."


Li Zedao made a sudden shot and slammed a fist on Li Yuanbao's stomach.

Li Yuanbao's fat body was crisp to the end, the body was bent into the shape of a shrimp, and the pie face was full of pain.

With a mouth open, a mouthful of blood was spit out.

Li Zedao raised his feet, stepped on Li Yuanbao’s chest, and said coldly: "The thing I hate most, Sun Long, is that someone regards me as an idiot! If your shopkeeper Li is really sad, you will have such a good appetite. Been lingering with that woman on the bed for most of the day?"

Li Yuanbao didn't know how to pick it up. I couldn't say that I was venting my sad emotions on a woman's belly, right?

"Also, don't think that I don't know that my brother Sun Hu died in the hands of your grandson!" Li Ze said viciously.

Li Yuanbao's heart trembled suddenly, and he quickly said: "Brother Sun, is there...any misunderstanding? Everyone knows that shopkeeper Sun died in the hands of the two students from the Buzhou Academy."

Nangong Wan'er almost drew out the sword without holding back and cut Li Yuanbao's tongue.

Li Zedao sneered: "Really? Shopkeeper Li, you thought I didn't know that you were the elder of the Shenyao Pavilion, but in reality it was a nail inserted in the Shenyao Pavilion."

Li Yuanbao's face was instantly pale, his brain roared abnormally, and a huge wave was directly set off in his heart, and he couldn't believe his ears!

How did he learn about such a secret thing?

Nangong Wan'er also opened her mouth wide, and her face was full of surprise.

It is true? If it is true... how does he even know such things? How did he know? Inquired?

Are you kidding me? If this kind of news can be inquired, this Li Yuanbao would have been chopped into mash.

"I... don't know what you are talking about." Li Yuanbao tried to calm himself down. But he failed, his breath became obviously thicker, and his voice was full of unsteadiness.

Li Zedao said to himself: "The companions are enemies, so the Shenyaoge and the ghost doctors are naturally extremely at odds with each other. Normally, various frictions are constant. The Shenyaoge plans to unite with the black beast mercenary group led by my brother to kill the ghost in one fell swoop. The medical school was destroyed, because my brother owed Shenyaoge a favor, so he agreed. Of course, with his character, even if he returned the favor, he had to ask for some benefits.

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