The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2015: Give face

"In order to destroy the alliance between the God Medicine Pavilion and the Black Beast Mercenary Group, your nail has begun to work. You made hands and feet in that box, and you put a very corrosive liquid into it. Poison is added to the liquid. Then you choose to let Fuzhou Academy help to **** the box. On the one hand, Fuzhou Academy helps to **** the box. On the other hand, Fuzhou Academy students will not open the box. Why not do it?"

"I'm right? Shopkeeper Li!" Li Zedao looked condescendingly at Li Yuanbao, and said gloomily.

"I...I don't know what you are talking about." Li Yuanbao denied it, but he was astonished to the extreme in his heart. How did he know all this?

"Want to know how I knew these things?" Li Zedao said with a smile, "Because I am a ghost doctor."

"..." The big white fat on Li Yuanbao's face was pumping wildly. He couldn't believe what his ears heard. This Sun Long turned out to be a ghost doctor?

"So, I know all of your plans." Li Zedao said, "However, the sect master also assured me that at most it would hurt my brother, so that he could not join forces with Shenyao Pavilion for the time being. He killed him, and the result...hehe..."

Li Zedao was born with a gloomy smile, and his eyes showed viciousness: "After I got the news, I went to the sect master. Who would think that the sect master would kill me. If I hadn't escaped by feigning death, I'm afraid I would be right now. There is no way to come and find you, treasurer Li."

"What do you want?" Li Yuanbao took a deep breath and asked, he already believed what the other party said.

"It depends on whether you want to die or want to live." Li Zedao said, and the feet that stepped on Li Yuanbao's chest added gravity.

Li Yuanbao felt that the bones on his chest were about to be crushed, and he felt very uncomfortable.

"If you want to die, I can fulfill you now. If you want to live, just take out valuable things to buy your life." Li Zedao said lightly.

"I can give you a lot of gold coins." Li Yuanbao said very hard.

"Gold coins? Shopkeeper Li thinks gold coins can buy your life? In addition, shopkeeper Li thinks I am someone who is short of money?" Li Zedao thought for a while, and he was indeed short of money.

The prices here are too high. Just buy a flatbread on the side of the road. It starts with a gold coin.

If it weren't for the free board and lodging of Zhou Academy, Li Zedao felt that he would have to pack up and leave early.

"What do you want? As long as Li has something, you can take it." Li Yuanbao gasped.

"Give me all the elixir prescriptions that you have collected over the years, as well as those elixir that are higher than the sixth product." Li Zedao said.

For medicinal pills, the sixth grade is a watershed, and there is an inherent difference between the sixth grade and the sixth grade.

Pills and prescriptions below the sixth rank are sold on the street, but those above the sixth rank are very rare.

As a sixth-rank alchemy master, Li Yuanbao means that he is capable of refining a sixth-rank pill. Although the success rate may not be too high, and the pill may contain many impurities, it is already very powerful. , This is why he is so valued in Shenyao Pavilion.

"Yes." Li Yuanbao promised without thinking, "Those things are in the longevity."

"Eternal Residence..." Li Zedao sneered, and the sword was out of its sheath!

In the gloom, a ray of light flashed by, and then, a powerful warm current simply sprayed out from Li Yuanbao's right hand.

Li Ze said that the speed of the sword was too fast, and the cold light sword presented by Nangong Wan'er in his hand was also too sharp, so it was not until a few breaths that Li Yuanbao felt strange.

Looking at it from the corner of his eye, the eyes were simply rounded, and the fat face was suddenly twisted into a ball.

Half of his palm was actually cut off!

pain! It's like a general pain from the depths of the soul!

Ever since he was a child, he has rarely been injured. When has Li Yuanbao, who has always been pampered, encountered such pain?

Therefore, he could not bear it decisively.

His fat body was trembling, and Dou big sweat kept coming out of his pale face.

"I... I have already promised to give you things, why do you want to do this?" Li Yuanbao's voice kept trembling.

Nangong Wan'er, who was on the side, also felt that Li Zedao was a bit too much, and she had no integrity at all... But why did she feel so happy when she saw Li Yuanbao so painful?

"This is a small punishment for you." Li Zedao said gloomily, "I have reminded you that I don't like being treated as a stupid, but your shopkeeper Li wants to lie to me."

"I... I don't..."

"This was originally the residence of Shopkeeper Li. Just two days ago, Shopkeeper Li spent a lot of money for the beauty and gave this courtyard to the brothel girl... How do I think you, Shopkeeper Li, are trying to hide something?"

The muscles on Li Yuanbao's face twitched violently.

Li Zedao said, "Let me think about it... Oh, I seem to understand. Somewhere in this courtyard, there are those medicines and all kinds of precious medicines in your hand, treasurer Li... That's right? Shopkeeper Li."

Li Yuanbao's expression changed wildly, and the look in Li Zedao's eyes was as if he had seen a ghost.

Why, he knows something that only he knows?

Nangong Wan'er's eyes were round, and she looked at Li Zedao in amazement. Does he even know this kind of thing? Where did he get so much news?

"Treasurer Li, I am not a person who is too patient." Li Zedao said.

"I...I know." Li Yuanbao's voice was extremely weak, and his face was dull, which was considered fate.

Li Zedao took away his feet from shopkeeper Li’s chest. Shopkeeper Li got up from the ground with great difficulty. He glanced at Li Zedao in horror, then pointed to the cabinet in front of him and said: "What you want is in that cabinet. under."

Li Zedao sneered, walked to the front, stretched out his hand, and simply pushed aside the heavy cabinet, but there was nothing special about the walls and the floor.

Li Ze reached out and stomped his feet on the ground slightly, listening to the sound, there really is a mystery hidden under the floor.

"Is it here?" Li Zedao looked back at Li Yuanbao and said gloomily, "Isn't there any mechanism? For example, the very corrosive liquid and poison that kills my brother."

"No." Li Yuanbao said, shaking his head. Poison is okay, but that rot liquid is extremely difficult to obtain, and it is not easy to preserve.

"There is a box hidden under the floor. There are two sixth-grade pill prescriptions and one seventh-grade pill prescription. As for the pill, there is only one seventh-grade pill for soul-consolidation.

The soul pill was originally intended to be a gift to shopkeeper Sun, but he didn't expect it to be cheap for Sun Long now.

Li Yuanbao regretted it a little bit. He had known the means and was gentle, such as not adding deadly poison pills to the rot. In this way, if the rescue was in time, the shopkeeper Sun would be blind and disfigured at best, so he would not want him. Of fate.

"Hun Soul Pill?" Nangong Waner's expression moved slightly.

Li Zedao didn't think that Li Yuanbao was lying, but he was quite disappointed. It took a long time for only three prescriptions and one seven-pin pill.

Do you want to ask him for gold ingots?

No, no, I will definitely be despised by Nangong Wan'er.

Li Zedao drew out the long sword and pried the floor above it. Sure enough, he saw a small hole with a palm-sized box in the hole.

Li Zedao took the box out of the hole, opened it and took a look at the contents inside, then closed the box again, put the box in his arms, and said, "Lie down."

"Wh...what?" Li Yuanbao didn't understand for a while.

"My friend...Oh, he said that you are so ugly and even embarrassed to sleep with such a woman, so I feel very upset that I want to beat you up. Of course, at most I will break a few bones. I won't want you. It's fateful, but I hope the shopkeeper Li will give me some face." Li Zedao said.

"..." Li Yuanbao felt that his throat was a little sweet, and liquid was about to squirt out anytime. She has so much money, so many identities, so status, this Yao Rou is just a woman in the brothel, what happened to her when she slept by herself?

She glanced at the gearing Nangong Wan'er, but she had to lie on the ground according to Yan, closing her eyes quite humiliatingly.

Nangong Wan'er stepped forward, raised her foot rudely, and stepped on Li Yuanbao's arm fiercely.

"Kacha!" The sound of cracking bones sounded, followed by Li Yuanbao's sound like killing a pig.

After a stick of incense, the two dropped Li Yuanbao, who had fallen into a coma, and quietly left the courtyard.

As soon as she walked out, Nangong Wan'er couldn't help asking: "Where did you know so many things?"

"Also, would you imitate other people's voices?" Nangong Wan'er asked again.

In the gloom, her gleaming eyes stared at Li Zedao closely.

"Yes." Li Zedao did not hide.

"Anyone's voice?"

"Anyone." Li Zedao said, this time imitating Nangong Wan'er's voice.

Therefore, Nangong Wan'er was dumbfounded and couldn't believe what her ears heard.

After a while, she muttered with difficulty: "Abnormal...who taught you?"

"No one taught me, I was born to know it." Li Zedao said, the master's rather narcissistic face appeared in his mind.

"As for knowing those things..." Li Zedao said, shrugging his shoulders, "It's very simple, I guess."

"Guess?" Nangong Wan'er was almost choked to death by Li Zedao's words.

"Guess." Li Zedao said, "Of course it's not a guess, but a well-founded guess."

"What do you mean?" Nangong Wan'er still didn't understand. She has always thought that she is ice and smart, but now she has a feeling of being hit.

"You know, when I was in Qingmu Town, I spent gold coins to inquire about some news, so I can clearly know that the Magic Medicine Pavilion is not dealing with the ghost doctors, or I can find out that the Black Panther Mercenary Group has a magical medicine. The Ge meant to deal with the ghost doctor. But at this time, the box that Li Yuanbao, the elder of the Shenyaoge pavilion, asked us to send to treasurer Sun had an accident, and it was going to kill treasurer Sun!"

"When shopkeeper Sun is dead, who has made the most profit? It is undoubtedly the ghost doctor! Why did Li Yuanbao make the ghost doctor profit? There is only one reason, that is, he is a ghost doctor at all.

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