What's even more amazing is that Nangong Meili's talent in cultivation base is inferior to her talent in medicine pill, and she is already a powerhouse at the pinnacle of Lingyun Realm at a young age!

In addition, she is so good-looking, her face that is all over the country, and the superior temperament on her body are enough to drive those men crazy!

This is why, she is the most eye-catching existence among the young arrogances of the middle tribe, and the arrogances of the middle tribe all regard her as the goddess.

"But you have a soul body, how could the Pill Medicine Pavilion ignore your existence?" Nangong Wan'er glanced at Li Zedao and said. Why is this guy's life so good? He even possesses an extremely rare astral body. In this way, he can't become a piece of sweet pastry?

Moreover, like his cousin, he is already a powerhouse at the pinnacle of the Spirit Cloud Realm, only one step away from the Spirit God Realm, and he has mastered an extremely powerful spiritual skill.

Suddenly, Nangong Wan'er felt that her cousin's excellence was in front of him, and she felt a lot more sad.

"That's true." Li Zedao quite agreed, "Wan'er, what should you do if I am so good?"

"Why do I want to beat you so much?" Nangong Wan'er gave Li Ze a grimace.

"Sometimes when I see myself so good, I want to beat myself." Li Zedao expressed his understanding.

"Go to hell!" Nangong Wan'er stretched out her hand and pinched Li Zedao's waist fiercely.

After looking for a servant in the dining hall to buy some ingredients, the two returned to the freshman's check-in area and came to the No. 41 courtyard where Nangong Wan'er lived.

This was the first time Li Zedao came to the courtyard where Nangong Wan'er lived. This made him feel abrupt and a little nervous... This could be someone's turf. What if Nangong Wan'er intends to use it against him?

The size of the courtyard is naturally exactly the same as the one where Li Zedao lives. The difference is that there is a faint fragrance in the air. Li Zedao knows that it is the body fragrance of Nangong Wan'er.

Carrying the purchased ingredients into the small kitchen, Li Zedao began to clean up the various ingredients that he had naturally never seen before.

Of course, although Fanyu does not have such a thing, it is not much different. The most is that the color, shape and size are different. In addition, Li Zedao is also a top chef at any rate, so the handling of ingredients is not too much for him. Difficulty.

As the second young lady of the Nangong family, Nangong Wan'er has never been a cook, so she can't help much.

With her curious eyes, she stared wide at Li Zedao's skillful handling of the ingredients, saw Li Zedao picking up a knife and chucking vegetables, seeing Li Zedao skillfully making a fire, and seeing At a certain moment, Li Zedao's eyes showed distressing sadness.

"This guy has very serious concerns hidden in his heart." Nangong Wan'er muttered in her heart.

Soon, there was a smell of rice in the air.

Smelling the smell, Nangong Wan'er couldn't help swallowing her saliva. In other words, it seemed pretty decent.

Nangong Wan'er actually didn't report much expectation. She felt that the meal made by this guy was similar to the meal in the dining hall, and she just had to swallow it. However, Li Zedao's performance seemed much better than she had imagined.

"Try it, see if it suits your appetite." Li Zedao passed the chopsticks after the meal was served.

Nangong Wan'er took the chopsticks and couldn't wait to pick up a piece of the most common black pork and put it in her mouth, her eyes widening.

She really did not expect that the most common black pork could be so delicious that it was much better than the family's famous chef in the Central Tribe.

"How is it?" Li Zedao asked.

"That... so-so, it's just normal." Nangong Wan'er, who almost bit her tongue, swallowed the black pork belly, saying quite contrary to her conscience.

Li Zedao smiled: "I think so too."

"Are you... okay?" Nangong Wan'er looked at Li Zedao's face hesitatingly and asked. According to her understanding of Li Zedao, when she belittled him, he would definitely refute, and then she would brag about it shamelessly, what should I do if I am so good.

But now, he didn't even refute it.

Moreover, there was sadness in his eyes.

"It's okay, I just miss home." Li Zedao shook his head. He also knew that his emotions were not right at this time, but he couldn't control the kind of misses he felt. Control your emotions.

For the people of God's Domain, he subconsciously held vigilance and hostility, but when facing Nangong Wan'er, this vigilance and hostility were undoubtedly weakened a lot, or even not at all.

When cooking, Li Zedao's mind is all about helping those women cooking in the villa, simple, warm and ambiguous.

Don't know how long I have to stay here? Even, can't you go back? Or maybe, one day by luck, they will be able to return. I am afraid that grass will grow on their graves, and they will not even be able to find their graves?

"Homesick? It seems you have a deep relationship with your father." Nangong Wan'er nodded, her small face was a little melancholy, and she suddenly missed her mother a little.

Li Zedao nodded, without further explanation, and said, "Let’s eat, you wash the dishes after eating... What kind of sword do you use when you eat? I mean, how can you wash the dishes with such delicate hands? I can wash it."


early morning.

When the jade card in his arms heard the news that Li Zedao had arrived at Yanwu Pavilion to accept the challenge from Dongfang Xingchen, Li Zedao remembered that he was going to duel with that Dongfang Xingchen today.

In the past few days, in addition to going to the sword casting department to earn credits and talking to Lao Jian about his life and ideals and drinking a few cups with Lao Jian, he just stayed in his own small courtyard. Practicing that Leiqi Sword Art, or learning the knowledge of various plants and trees recorded in the "Compendium of Plants and Trees", and occasionally help her make a meal under the threat of Nangong Waner...

The days are very peaceful but very fulfilling, so fulfilling that this little thing has been forgotten.

Yes, in Li Zedao's view, this is a trivial matter, too small.

"Boom..." There was a knock on the door.

Li Zedao took the Yuka into his arms, walked over to open the door, and Nangong Wan'er stood there alive.

With her black and supple hair, a little pink on her delicate face, and her **** and white eyes, she is alive and pure as a girl next door.

But who would have thought that such a pure little girl would always like to draw swords and kill people?

"Morning." Nangong Wan'er greeted her, her eyes full of jokes, "Today is the tenth day, I think you are ready to be violently beaten by that Eastern Star? "

Li Zedao rolled his eyes, helplessly: "You have so little confidence in me?"

"It's not without confidence." Nangong Wan'er lowered her head slightly, with a shy face, and said in a low voice, "The main reason is that I really want to see you being beaten into a pig's face."

"...Nangong Wan'er, I didn't expect your heart to be so vicious! From this moment on, I will never cook for you again." Li Zedao said sadly, clutching his chest, decisively feeling that this kind of harm to friends is not worth it.

Nangong Wan'er wanted to draw the sword again.

At this moment, the wooden door of Courtyard No. 49 was opened, and Nangong Meili, who was wearing the auspicious cloud uniform of the imperfect college, walked out.

"Sister." Upon seeing this, Nangong Wan'er hurriedly said hello.

It can be seen that in front of Nangong Meili, Nangong Wan'er is somewhat restrained.

In Nangong Wan'er's view, after seeing such a perfect woman in this world, she feels that her life is too tragic, and she will have an inexplicable sense of inferiority. What is more tragic is that such a woman is still far away. She is so close.

Of course, Nangong Wan'er only had a sense of inferiority, she didn't have the slightest envy or hostility in her heart, and she still respected this cousin in her heart.

"Yeah." Nangong Meili nodded gently. His eyes met Li Zedao, and he nodded lightly as a greeting, then turned and closed the courtyard door and walked forward.

"I don't know what kind of man is able to conquer a girl like my cousin." Nangong Wan'er said with her eyes from Nangong Meili's figure and looked at Li Zedao.

"I think I am that man." Li Zedao was shy.

"You think too much." Nangong Wan'er rolled her eyes cutely. Although Li Zedao had a marriage contract with Nangong Meili, Nangong Wan'er really didn't think that Li Zedao could conquer such a woman.

"I also think so."

"You know yourself."

"It's just that if even I can't conquer her, other men will be even more impossible." Li Zedao nodded in approval.

"It's really shameless." Nangong Wan'er gave Li Ze a blank look. "Let's go, go to the dining hall to eat, and be beaten after eating."

When the two were eating in the dining hall, they didn't know whether it was a coincidence, or Dongfang Xiao Chu had been waiting there long ago, and he came over with the dinner plate.

"Can I sit here?" Dongfang Xiao Chu smiled.

He was smiling when he looked at Li Zedao, but there was a trace of undisguised coldness in his eyes.

When Nangong Wan'er admitted that she had such a good feeling for Li Zedao, Dongfang Xiao Chu regarded Li Zedao as a life and death enemy.

If he could, he wanted to kill him with a single sword!

But when the eyes fell on Nangong Wan'er, the palpitating cold immediately turned into scorching heat, and my heart groaned and groaned: "I don't see you today, my Wan'er looks better again."

Although there were too many nails in Nangong Wan'er, Dongfang Xiao Chu was still trying to get close to Nangong Wan'er.

Rejection is your right, but pursuit is my right! This is the mentality of Dongfang Xiao Chu at this moment.

Li Zedao smiled and nodded. As for the murderous intent of this guy towards him, Li Zedao didn't take it to heart. He has many enemies, but his enemy is definitely not such a rookie.

If Dongfang Xiao Chu knew that he was a rookie in Li Zedao's mind, he would specify that he would draw a sword on the spot to kill.

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