Dongfang Xiao Chu sat down in the empty seat in front of Li Zedao, and said, "Listen to my Dongfang Xingchen brother, you and him are going to have a discussion in Yanwu Pavilion today?"

Li Zedao smiled bitterly and said: "This is true. He sees that I am handsomer than him, so he has to trouble me, and I am helpless."

Nangong Wan'er almost squirted the rice out of her mouth. This guy is really narcissistic. He is always talking about the commander. He looks so good-looking, and he is not as sullen as he is.

"Although I am also a member of the Eastern family, you and I are both students of Master Liu, so I still hope you can win." Dongfang Xiao Chu said sincerely.

"Thank you." Li Zedao said.

"Dongfang Xingchen's cultivation realm is the top grade of Lingyun realm. Is Brother Li confident of winning?" Dongfang Xiao Chu asked.

"This...try your best." Li Zedao smiled bitterly again, "Actually, it's the best not to fight. It's not good to fight and kill. Or Brother Xiao Chu, go talk to the Eastern Star and cancel this challenge. ?"

According to the rules of Fuzhou Academy, the person who initiated the challenge can cancel the challenge at any time.

"This, I'm afraid I will disappoint Brother Li." Dongfang Xiao Chu said apologetically, "Although I am also a member of the Dongfang family, in the family, I speak lightly, and Dongfang Xingchen will not listen to me. ."

I was sneer in my heart, I still want to see you be beaten into a dead dog, how can I help you? Even after Big Brother Dongfang Xingchen beat you into a dead dog, I don't mind continuing to challenge you.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly: "It seems that I can only go all out."

"I will also go to Yanwu Pavilion in a while to help Brother Li," Dongfang Xiao Chu said.

"Thank you." Li Zedao said, naturally sneered in his heart, how could he not know that this guy wanted to go over and watch his jokes?

With her head down, Nangong Wan'er, who sipped the porridge, raised her head and glanced at the worried Li Zedao, and curled her lips. This **** was pretending to be pitiful again.

"Oh, yes, thank you Xiao Chu for his robes and boots. I have washed them and dried them. I will send them to you another day." Li Zedao said gratefully.

"Brother Li is polite, you can dispose of the clothes yourself." Dongfang Xiao Chu said, the clothes that this **** wears are naturally dirtier than trash, how could he even have it?

"How embarrassing is this? How about I give you some gold coins? The clothes are just like I bought... Is one gold coin enough?"

"... Brother Li, don't be too polite." Dongfang Xiao Chu twitched, feeling insulted. Who is he? Is he missing that gold coin?

Having said that, the robes and boots are made of expensive snow fox fur, which is worth more than a thousand gold coins, but this guy intends to give a gold coin... Can you not insult people like that?

"One gold coin is not enough? How about two?"

I really don’t want to continue to listen to the bastard’s creaking over there, Dongfang Xiao Chu decisively stood up and interrupted Li Zedao’s words and said, "Brother Li, please take your time, I see a familiar person, go and say hello..."

Then picked up the dinner plate, got up decisively and left.

"You are really shameless." Nangong Wan'er looked at Li Ze and said contemptuously, "You also know the value of that robe in the turtle? You only want to give a gold coin? Isn't this an insult?"

Li Zedao sneered, "Isn't I out of money?"

"But, did you really wash it?"

"This... didn't wash." Li Zedao said embarrassedly, "I wiped my feet with the clothes after soaking my feet last night. But my mother said that I can't take advantage of others, so I will find time to send the clothes back. ."

"You are disgusting." Nangong Wan'er gave Li Zedao a dumbfounded cry, put down the chopsticks in her hand, and lost her appetite. "Because of what you said, I can't eat now, so how do you compensate me?"

"I will cook for you at noon." Seeing Nangong Wan'er grabbing the sword again, Li Zedao said helplessly.

"It's almost the same!" Nangong Wan'er smiled triumphantly.

"Student Wan'er, can I have a little suggestion?" Li Zedao said cautiously.

"You can say it, but I won't accept it." Nangong Wan'er glanced proudly at Li Zedao.

"That's not to mention it." Li Zedao buried his head to eat.

Yanwu Pavilion is located in the northwest corner. This is a huge building, and it is still cylindrical.

Seeing this magnificent Yanwu Pavilion in front of him, the ancient Roman Colosseum appeared in Li Zedao's mind inexplicably. This architectural style seemed a bit similar.

The Yanwu Pavilion is divided into eight fan-shaped areas, just like the round cake is neatly cut into eight pieces, and each area is divided into twelve compartments. Half of these twelve compartments are privacy areas. , And half is the public area.

The privacy zone means that only one staff member responsible for deciding the victory or defeat is present during the contest between the two sides of the battle, and other people are not allowed to watch, so that the losing party can retain some face.

The natural thing in the public area is that other people can watch the battle between the two opponents.

When Li Zedao came to this Yanwu Pavilion and took out his jade card to register, he was told to go to compartment A in the east area, where he and Dongfang Xingchen would have a discussion there.

Compartment A in the east area is a public area. In other words, when he discusses with Dongfang Xingchen, someone will be watching.

Only then did Li Zedao know that there are public areas and privacy areas in the Yanwu Pavilion, and Dongfang Xingchen chose the location in the public area, and its purpose is self-evident.

"It seems that there should be a lot of people going to see you get beaten." Nangong Wan'er glanced at Li Zedao with a smile, "However, I am afraid that many people will be disappointed."

"You have so much confidence in me?" Li Zedao grinned, showing his white teeth.

"Of course I have confidence in you." Nangong Wan'er said of course, "After all, you are a master at drugging. Maybe, that Dongfang Star has been dying for a day, even..."

Thinking of the scene she had seen before, Nangong Wan'er frowned and became disgusting again.

Li Zedao's face was joking: "Even what...Hello? I said why did you draw your sword again? Who dares to marry you after you draw your sword at every turn..."

When I came to the partition A in the Eastern District, as Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er had expected, a lot of people gathered around the martial arts platform. Many of them were familiar faces. They were freshmen who had just entered school!

Li Zedao's classmates, including Dongfang Xiao Chu, Passionate Young Master, Ruthless, Xueyindao and Chaifengjian are all there.

When they saw Li Zedao coming over, the expressions on their faces were not all the same, or they appeared a little hypocritically kind, or disdainful, or gloating, waiting to see Li Zedao make a fool of.

Li Zedao turned out to be the first among freshmen. Zhuge Zhuyun and Wo Longshuang, the two teachers, almost fought for Li Zedao. The other three teachers also showed great interest in Li Zedao. The eyes watching him were so hot. , After all, this severely stimulated other new students, so they can't help but misfortune now.

Dongfang Lingqi was naturally there. He and Li Zedao looked at each other, and after a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, he looked away.

At this time, Dongfang Star had already arrived. After seeing Li Zedao coming over, he strode forward, grinned, and said proudly: "I thought you were afraid to come."

Li Zedao said with a slight intent, and said sincerely: "Well, the friendship between classmates is the first, and the outcome of the competition is second."

Dongfang Xingchen froze, and immediately pointed at Li Zedao and laughed.

The eyes of other students looking at Li Zedao were a bit contemptuous. In their opinion, Li Zedao was showing weakness! This is the first among freshmen?

The old student expressed his disdain. The strength of this group of freshmen is really low. Otherwise, why can this kind of stuff become the first?

The freshmen have a feeling of being seriously insulted. It is really a shame that this kind of stuff can be pressed on top of their heads and become the number one!

At this moment, a middle-aged man with extraordinary bearing in the poorly dressed college teacher’s costume walked over. With a flash of his figure, he appeared on the competition stage, glanced at everyone, and said faintly: "I am The referee in this competition was Yang Canghai. Both sides of the competition, Dongfang Xingchen and Li Zedao came to the stage, and the other students stepped back a little."

"Come on." Nangong Wan'er patted Li Zedao's shoulder with her little hand, staring at him with big eyes.

"Thank you." Li Zedao said with a smile. He knew that among so many people watching the excitement, only this girl was cheering for him, and everyone else wanted to see his jokes.

Li Zedao felt very sad. When he was in the world, he was the absolute core. Whether it was a man or a woman, he liked him sincerely.

How come to this realm of God, he is so disgusting?

Sure enough, the people of God's Domain are very careful, and you can't see that others are good!

At the moment, Dongfang Xingchen's figure flashed and appeared on the competition stage, followed by Li Zedao. As for the other students, in accordance with the requirements of the middle-aged man, they stepped back a few steps. After all, they have no eyes, and it is not good to be affected.

Right now Yang Canghai looked at Li Zedao, then at Dongfang Xingchen, and briefly said some rules.

The so-called rules are actually very simple.

During the game, you can admit defeat, but after the opponent admits defeat, you can't do it!

In the absence of both parties voluntarily conceding defeat, whoever blasts the opponent off the competition stage first wins!

Under the premise that no one concedes defeat and no one is bombed off the competition stage, Yang Canghai, as the referee, also has the right to terminate the game according to the situation on the spot to determine the winner. The purpose of this is naturally to avoid death.

"Are there any questions?" Yang Canghai asked.

"No." Dongfang Xingchen said. In the three years since he came to Bu Zhou Academy, he has challenged others no less than ten times and has been challenged, so he naturally understands these rules.

"No." Li Zedao said.

"Both weapons are swords?" Yang Canghai asked again.

"Yes." The two said at the same time.

"In that case, let's start." Yang Canghai said, his figure flashed and he stepped aside.

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