Looking at the handsome face in front of him with a little green face, Lao Jian is really hard to imagine. He actually became the first sword of Lei Qi Sword Art in just a few days. This is really the old sword. Self-confidence and pride are so decent that they have no face to see people.

You know, he had practiced for three years at that time!

Is the difference between people really so big?

"Yang Canghai gave you something good?" After Lao Jian had a big bowl of wine, he looked at Li Zedao and smiled.

Li Zedao was taken aback, and already understood that the old sword that Yang Canghai had found himself already knew, and even more so, that he had found his purpose.

"Blood silk armor." Li Zedao said truthfully.

"But I didn't want to hide anything from Brother Old Jian. I just wanted to mention it to Brother Old Jian. I didn't expect Brother Old Jian to know about it. Sure enough, there is nothing I can hide from Brother Old Jian." Li Zedao immediately followed. Said again.

"Well, with your current cultivation base, the blood silk armor is indeed of great use to you, and the surname Yang is not stingy." Old Jian smiled, "Forget it, because of your face, I will open it. The furnace helped him build an overlord gun."

"Huh?" Li Zedao was shocked again. He really didn't expect this thing to go so smoothly. Before he had any flattery, Lao Jian offered to help Yang Canghai build a Overlord Spear.

"As the swordsmith of the Fuzhou Academy, it is my duty to help the teachers and students of the Academy to build weapons." Lao Jian smiled, "So it is my duty to build the Overlord Spear for Yang, but his surname is Yang. The thief couldn't take his face down and came to me on the initiative, so I didn't bother to pay attention, I didn't know what to do."

"Brother Old Jian, what are your conflicts with Big Brother Yang?" Li Zedao asked curiously.

"That, there is no contradiction, it's just that he is jealous that I look handsome than him." Lao Jian made an expression that I was so good and jealous.

Li Zedao also coughed lightly, as if choked by the strong smell of alcohol.

It is really hard for him to think how thick his face is to say such unrealistic words? It was so unrealistic that even Li Zedao's already thick-skinned people didn't feel embarrassed to follow his words and slap him.

Lao Jian said that it takes about ten days to build an Overlord Gun. After the building is completed, it will naturally be sent to Li Canghai.

He also looked at Li Zedao with a meaningful smile and said that Yang had other good things on his body...

After leaving the Swordsmithing Department, Li Zedao went to the Mission Pavilion and received the 30 credits. After adding those credits earned before, he already had 240 credits right now.

Of course, Li Zedao didn't have 240 credits, he only had 150 credits now.

I went to the library before and borrowed the remaining three volumes of "Compendium of Plants and Trees", which cost him 90 credits!

Therefore, in this college, credits are not resistant to spending at all. Just like the housing price, you have worked so hard to make money. In retrospect, the money you earned in a month is just buying a flat house, and it is still in a third-tier city. Suburban room.

After a few glances at the task flashing on the stone tablet, Li Zedao did not find a suitable task.

Those with high credits have to go out, which is dangerous.

Li Zedao heard about it. A few days ago, four students from the Buzhou Academy took on a task together and went to the Buzhou Plain to capture a beast called Mysterious Fox. However, something unexpected happened. There were two female students. After being buried in the plain, the other two boys also suffered serious injuries, but in the end, the Mystery Fox was not caught.

Of course, it’s not impossible to go out. The key is that the screening test at Shenyao Pavilion will begin in a few days, so it’s really not suitable to go out at this time.

As for those with low credits, they seemed so insulting. After the battle with Dongfang Xingchen, his reputation increased so much that he even received a love letter, so he was really not suitable for such a task.

Simply, Li Zedao didn't accept any quests and planned to leave the Mission Pavilion.

In the past few days, stay in the courtyard to practice the Leiqi Sword Art and learn the knowledge about the ten thousand plants in the "Compendium of Plants and Trees".

At this moment, Li Zedao's shoulder was hit.

"I'm really sorry." An apologetic voice sounded.

Li Zedao raised his head and looked at the apologetic man in front of him. He nodded slightly and said, "It's okay." Then he turned and left the Mission Pavilion.

The man took his eyes from the back of Li Zedao who had already walked out of the mission pavilion, his eyes narrowed slightly, and then he walked to the corner to the side.

"Is it him?" Zhao Tianqi, who was waiting there, said quickly, and asked in a low voice.

Li Mubai frowned and shook his head and said: "From the expression on his face, he really doesn't seem to know who I am."

"So, he is not the Li Zedao? But... how is this possible?" Zhao Tianqi asked incomprehensibly, "Could it be that although he is not dead, he has amnesia? After all, you have pierced his head with a sword, he It’s understandable to forget everything that happened before..."

"Shut up!" Li Mubai glanced sharply at Zhao Tianqi, "When I heard something similar from your mouth, I will kill you!"

Zhao Tianqi was taken aback, and quickly closed his mouth.

"It's up to now, there is only this kind of explanation." Li Mubai said in a low voice with awe-inspiring murderous intention, "Although we are sure that he is dead, but in fact there is still a breath, and then I don't know who saved it by what kind of panacea. Not to mention the healing, the cultivation base has greatly increased, but the memory is lost."

"Yes, yes, I think so too." Zhao Tianqi nodded quickly, feeling that what Li Mubai had said was too reasonable.

He breathed a sigh of relief. The amnesia is good, so that they don’t need to hang around all day, and finally they can sleep well.

"Do you think we can sit back and relax?" Li Mubai asked coldly.

"This...didn't he have lost his memory?"

"If his head is pierced, he can be alive and kicking. Can you guarantee that he will not recover his memory?" Li Mubai sneered.

Zhao Tianqi's slightly fallen heart suddenly lifted up again, and his face became extremely hasty: "Then...what should I do?"

"Find a chance and kill him as soon as possible!" Li Mubai gently licked his lips, his eyes fell on the gate of the mission pavilion, and his eyes were vicious and vicious.

At the same time, Li Zedao, who walked out of the mission pavilion, was a little confused. The guy who deliberately bumped his shoulder seemed to have a big problem.

In fact, in the dining hall a few days ago, Li Zedao noticed that this guy and his accomplice were staring at themselves with inexplicable eyes.

After that, on the martial arts stage, Li Zedao didn't pay attention to Dongfang Xingchen, so some of his attention was on the students who despised him.

Li Zedao intends to remember their faces, and one day when they are in a bad mood or eat too much, he will challenge them to go!

Then Li Zedao noticed that the guy and his accomplice also stared at himself with inexplicable eyes.

And now, in this mission pavilion, he even hit him by himself, and his accomplice was waiting in the corner.

What are they going to do? Verify? What to verify? See if you recognize him or not? Why require a certificate?

Li Zedao narrowed his eyes, and an inexplicable range appeared at the corner of his mouth.

If their guess is correct, they must be quite frightened now?

In the next few days, Li Zedao stayed simple. In addition to eating in the dining hall and cooking for her in the courtyard of Nangong Wan'er, he was nesting in his courtyard or meditating little by little. For, or to practice that Leiqi Sword Art.

Although it took only a few days to complete the first sword, the difficulty of the second sword has undoubtedly increased. Li Zedao estimated that it would take at least twenty days before he could truly master this sword.

If Lao Jian learned that Li Zedao could master the second sword in twenty days, I was afraid that he would have the idea to wipe his neck with the sword. You must know that when he mastered the second sword back then, It took seven or eight years, and it took fifteen years to master the third sword!

However, Li Zedao had already mastered the two swords within a month, and his talents and perceptions could only be described by the words "against the sky". The so-called Tianjiao seemed so overshadowed in front of him.

For the rest of the time, Li Zedao held the "Compendium of Plants and Trees" and studied it carefully.

With such a meticulous reading, coupled with his heavenly memory is there, it can be said that in the end he has understood every herb in the book to the extreme.

It was as if the herb had been completely unraveled. Whether it was the roots, stems, leaves, fruits, or the various properties of the herb, Li Zedao had the most detailed understanding of what kind of herb it would react with.

In the end, Li Zedao felt that he was a botanist...No, botanists did not have such thorough research.

In his spare time, Li Zedao also started to make a simple microscope, and then casually tore off the leaves from the trees outside and observed it with the microscope.

Of course, because of the limitation of materials, the effect is not very good.

In the past few days, another thing that made Li Zedao sad, that is, every time he opened the door of the courtyard, he could see one or several love letters caught in the seam of the door falling to the ground.

"Oh, too good, what should I do?" Li Ze was so sad that I came to be an undercover agent, a national hero, not an idol.

Li Zedao feels that this approach of the girl in God's Domain is really outdated. When are they still writing love letters? Can you just knock on the door to show love? I'm not a stingy person, so naturally I wouldn't pretend that I didn't let you into the house if I didn't see it... Therefore, Li Zedao would be lazy to open these love letters.

Have the ability to violate me!

From time to time, the freshmen living around saw girls stuffing love letters into the door of the courtyard where Li Zedao lived. They were so jealous that they all wanted to open the door of Li Zedao's courtyard to challenge him.

"Oh my god, a girl came here to stuff a love letter..."

"Are these girls blind? How can they like such a shameless guy?"


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